

2018-07-13 Se unióUnited States



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  • VanishingDust
    VanishingDust3 years ago
    respondió a Haunted_Choco

    Yeah. But I've been working on the webtoon mostly. Fixing some problems with the novel.

  • VanishingDust
    VanishingDust3 years ago
    respondió a Keyweilder

    Woah, can't believe you're still reading this.

  • VanishingDust
    VanishingDust3 years ago
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    There is no set date for the webtoons release, but I'm planning on releasing the first episode later this month. There will be differences between the two versions mostly for my own benefit as there are some events I want to change. I'm unsure if I'm just going to have it cover the first part of this volume, or if it'll cover the entire volume. Again, thanks for your much continued support. Enjoy the chapter!

  • VanishingDust
    VanishingDust4 years ago
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    I've tried writing a new novel, but just was not feeling it. There is something about this novel that just says, there is something here. And when I read it, I can see the history. I may rewrite this, I may just keep going from where I currently am. Maybe I'll finish this arc out and then rewrite everything. I have read a lot, and tried writing various books. I feel I can tell this story in a different way, but I do not know if it would be better. This novel itself came from another novel idea I tossed out then came back to and reformed it until this came about. I don't want to ditch this, but I took a long break. Cleared my head, saw new paths I could take the story in or start it in. Now I'm motivated to write again, but I'll take my time. I did not realize the world I created, the bits of history I hinted at would be interesting to me. Makes me want to build upon the world and show off more. But I'm limited in what I can show from the perspective of 1 character. Just my thoughts. Thanks for reading.

  • VanishingDust
    VanishingDust4 years ago
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    Mirrored Agony: Bind the life of another to your own. Any damage you take will be reflected onto them.

  • VanishingDust
    VanishingDust4 years ago
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    Hour of Dawn: All allies within your aura gain a barrier equal to your light attribute. All allies weapons will be imbued with the ‘holy’ attribute.

  • VanishingDust
    VanishingDust4 years ago
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    Twilight: Conquer a 6 meter barrier around the user, dealing holy damage to all enemies trapped inside and healing all allies.