


professional lurker trying to become an amateur author, I also post in scribblehub and spacebattles if anyone is interested.

2018-03-06 Se unióBrazil



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  • CaptaoCav
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    Yeah... the story starts great, it's a fanfic where the MC is a Mary Sue, so of course she's gonna be gifted at pretty much everything, from archery to martial arts, to business management and engineering, but at least they have a reason for it, it's not the greatest reason, but it can work. Also, she does take 6 months of training at the beginning and only becomes a match for catwoman, Batman can still beat her, which is more time than many such fanfics can say about their MC's. So, all in all, about 40 or 50 enjoyable chapters, not the greatest thing in the world, but good. Then we get to the Gotham arc and things change. EVERY, SINGLE. CHARACTER, seems to be fighting to hold the idiot ball. The author wanted the MC to solve problems so, every time there's a problem, no mater what, the MC is the one that will solve it, no matter where she, how long it takes, or how stupid the other characters have to be for her to solve. THe story tries to use humor to mask everyone's incompetency around the MC, but it doesn't land very well with me. People being stupid once or twice so the MC can look good I can stand, doing it every single chapter for more than 50 chapters is a little too much. In short, the MC is the greatest, she's a prodigy in anithing she tries and, to make her look good, whenever people are around her, their skills and IQ go down by 50% or more... it's almost like she has a debuff aura or something.

    DC: The Queen Anomaly
    Cómic · Hopeless_Reader
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Maximus_Duke

    In two or three days, sorry, RL got in the way.

    Ch 27 Chapter 23
    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)
    Película · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Quake_Midaro

    Honestly, that's the problem with fanfic, the reason I even went for the mad scientist route was because, at the time I started, fanfics were absolutely filled with Superman/Omniman copies where the MC could outpunch everyone. The focus at the time was on strength of body, not genius intellect. Or stories where the MC starts gaining power everywhere, from all sources. Now, Kara kinda has various different sources of power, but her core ability will always be in engineering. I too have come to realize a lot of the latest fanfics are about generic Iron man geniuses, which kinda annoys me, but won't change the direction of my fic.

    Ch 65 Chapter 60
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a peyote_chips

    Also, it doesn't close on the middle, but in a diagonal line along the crest of the El house.

    The fifth one was completely different. It didn't have a cape but a dark blue coat with gold detailing, the El house symbol covered her chest. It also had red boots that ended just below her knees and matching gloves.
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
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  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a

    That's actually fairly accurate to what I picture... only Kara looks more feminine wearing it, and there are clear signs of technology, not just cloth or leather.

    The fifth one was completely different. It didn't have a cape but a dark blue coat with gold detailing, the El house symbol covered her chest. It also had red boots that ended just below her knees and matching gloves.
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Heroic_Spirit23

    Yeah, she has one like that too, it's just not as effective as a single plate of armor forged especifically for defense.

    Ugh, she'd have to reforge the entire thing later, at least it would be faster than the first time.
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Pestilence8612

    Cheshire is artemis sister, Ravager is Deathstroke's daughter

    "I mean, don't be mistaken, we are angry they got hurt," Flash said, scratching at his exposed face with a finger. "But we're also really proud. Their coordination was something else and they achieved every objective despite the surprises. I didn't even know Deathstroke had a psychotic daughter."
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Quake_Midaro

    Well, honestly, Kara is a kryptonian, Superman is the strange one. Kara was raised by a scientific family to be a scientist and engineer, that's what she likes to do, what she was born to do and what she's good at, Kryptonian yellow sun powers are actually the strange thing. Sorry to hear you don't like it, but I do enjoy writing her that way, and I started the story because I wanted a Mad scientist kind of Kriptonian so...

    Ch 65 Chapter 60
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Unknown_Person_5428

    Yeah... but the legal document says 18, it's even approved by the government!

    "What? We're in Greece and I'm already 18 anyway, it says right there in my documents." Kara answered back smugly and traded amused smiles with the Amazon.
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Jerry_Magnuson

    Well, she used it several times, and I did a few scenes of her practicing replicating the lights, even managing a brief burst of Orange light, but I never showed her manifesting the red light in training. I didn`t think readers wanted several scenes of her practicing until she managed to replicate the red light, and I thought it was stablished she was practicing. It wouldn`t come out of nowhere if I mentioned her replicating the red light here

    "Alright, how do we do this?" Kara said. She had been eager to learn how to manipulate the Light Spectrum, even if her attempts hadn't been very successful. "I haven't been able to use the Green Light of Will at all. I did replicate the Red Light of Rage, briefly, and managed a few slivers of Orange or Violet too."
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a ErozothDraeor

    Fair enough, chapter coming tomorrow. I just wrote this while coming and going from college and wanted to share.

    Ch 22 Non-Canon Omake 2
    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)
    Película · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Shadow_Fan_9247

    Don't know if it's true, but one of my readers said he's not because he can't let go of his parent's murder. Yes, his willpower is trememdous, but a big part of his mostivation comes from that moment and everything he felt back them, particularly the fear effects his ability to wield the Green Light.

    "Could be and, as I said, I'm not an expert on the Guardians, but it would be just like them to choose people whose other emotions are already much weaker than their willpower and simply... teach them to suppress them. Suppressing the feelings could even work as a way of tempering themselves."
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Shadow_Fan_9247

    Because she had a perfectly valid way of disposing of the thing right there in the ship? why go outside, fly close to the sun, throw the stone and then hope her aim was true even from millions of kilometers away? Or fly all the way close to the sun, when her cells are yet to be fully healed?

    Kara hurried inside her workshop, with a quick command, she had one of her bots take the stone out of the box and put it on a metal platform before activating the machine. With a loud 'thump' that seemed to shake the entire moon base, the hammer pulverized the stone and then dropped the remains into a chemical bath, slowly dissolving the remaining dust.
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Mimi729

    Dangers that cause psychological damage.

    Taking a breath, she looked again. This time she braced herself and what she saw seemed to lose a lot of its power, the tentacles and spots of light no longer mesmerizing to her. Stupid cognitohazards.
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a The_All_in_One

    Well, the operation itself was painless, but the problem is that I was very young at the time... and my family was in a really bad financial situation, we got out of it, but going to the doctor was a huge burden. When it became clear it wasn't a stomach pain, we went to the docter and she... didn't believe me, the pain had given me a small break and I had the more uncomom kind of apendix problem. So, I actually went home and didn't get the surgery for a week. Thankfully, my appendix didn't burst like the guy in a bed beside mine (That almost killed him) but I stayed a little over 10 days unable to get out of bed from pain... or eat, or do anything.

    Really, it's not THE most painful thing I ever experienced, not by a long shot, that would be when I had my appendix operation, but it's probably second place slightly above when I broke my arm.
    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)
    Película · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a paz_reisi

    Have you tried reading my other fanfic "Will of the Force"? It's a Worm/SW crossover where Darth Vader ends up in the Bay and I quite enjoy writing it!

    Floating away from the creature/robot, Kara looked around herself, seeing several flyers coming towards her as fast as they could… Well, time to meet the locals.
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a Xenozip

    Have you tried reading my other fanfic "Will of the Force"? It's a Worm/SW crossover where Darth Vader ends up in the Bay and I quite enjoy writing it!

    Ch 61 Supergirl - Non-canon multiverse omake. 1 (WORM)
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a The_All_in_One

    he can... if he's somehow aware of it. he also needs to concentrate.A force user can sense things from the other side of the Galaxy, but that generally requires a personal connection to what's happening or that it is a very powerful moment.Anakin will probably be able to sense an ENDBRINGER attacking a city, but not any random murder.On the other hand, if someone is causing Dinah pain, even on the other side of the world, he'll be able to sense that too.

    Susanoo's reach has not been fully measured, but it can reach at least 500 meters around his body. In addition, he seems to have some awareness of what happens within his area of effect, being able to put out fires beyond his vision.
    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)
    Película · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a RedShiniKaze

    Perfectly fine and after years of receiving sunlight, they don't. After only receiving sunlight a few times and being subjected to kryptonite for most of that time, Kara has yet to develop the full width of Kryptonian powers.

    Grabbing a bag filled with gold and platinum she had found while passing through the asteroid belt, Kara put the ship under camouflage and took a small tank of oxygen. Ordinarily, she thought she could hold her breath long enough to make the travel between Earth and the Moon but, while her lung had healed from being harvested by Psions, it wasn't working at full capacity and she didn't want to risk it. Kori herself didn't even need to breathe.
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Cómic · CaptaoCav
  • CaptaoCav
    respondió a AvipBr

    Obrigado, infelizmente, updates pra essa historia vão demorar, o pessoal simplesmente gosta mais da minha YJ / Supergirl fanfic e da SW / WORM fanfic. Ja q eu gosto de escrever todas mas não tenho tanto tempo, foco nas que tem mais leitores.

    Dungeon Delving is damn HARD! (Danmachi/Naruto)
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