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no, but did we forget that he also locked you up against your will? that you were miserable before you died?
Although it's a fact,this was not the way to answer this question.
I get she's got some psychological issues with this man that go beyond trauma -- I'm thinking some form of Stockholm, but I'm not a psychologist, I just read stuff -- but this isn't really clever. It's a big deal that she's ditched her party to eat with another man. Another powerful, rich man who is a rival to her own powerful, rich man. Who her man has explicitly asked her not to see and has expressed concern about the attachment she seems to have. I know Xia Ling grew up spoiled, but omg this is frustrating.
this is a bit much just to ask for someone's phone number, isn't it? and folks be wondering why women are afraid of men.
The last time you saw her, you were furious and towering over her. you shouted and you scared her. you threw your phone, not at her, but close. and now you come back several hours later, teasing? no, she's not in a joking mood.
Shi Mo has been way too insecure in this relationship, and Fang Mo'er has been way too careless, both with her image and communication. These two were never going to solve anything this night, between the aggression and anger he displayed -- justifiable, but decidedly unproductive for all parties in most cases -- and the way she was startled and afraid.The best case would have been for Mo'er to tell Mo what happened during the blackout so that it didn't look like she was keeping secrets. An even better case would be for these two to stop trying to use telepathy and instead use their words more frequently. Shi Mo should also be questioning why he's receiving these photos. I'm not under the impression he has friends full of so much goodwill.
did she plan for the two of them to kiss? i don't understand how this reasonably could have been planned. she literally cannot control what would have happened beyond shoving two people onto the ground.
I understand that for her this was an accident and is irrelevant, but keeping quiet about this incident, especially when there were witnesses, is just asking for misunderstandings.