


A guy who loves fantasy novels

2017-12-15 Se unióIndia



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  • Lordfifth14372
    Lordfifth14372a year ago
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    Alex is used 80 times in this chapter.. this is not how a name should be used. it's inturrupts immersion and feels unnatural. I see many of the readers gave same feedback from chapter but author continues to use the alex in almost every sentence.

  • Lordfifth14372
    Lordfifth14372a year ago
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    This is probably good for new readers, but for those who have already read few books, this feels like as someone pointed out in an earlier comment " a Disney story for kids". Conversations feel amaturish, ex: mc's grand mother gives some resources, mc says thank you and grand ma be like you are welcome. Typically there should be nothing wrong with the above if it was done properly, but this feels too formal, dialogues come across as they are strangers rather than two people who have been living together few years. Also as far i have read, novel feels too light toned, everything feels too simple and easy, this might be good thing for some, but once u read the likes of reverand insanity, lotm, fate destroying emperor, pos etc, this is hard to get into. Writing quality and grammar is good. Power system looks interesting. Verdict: probably a good book for new readers. Experienced ones would find it difficult to get into.

  • Lordfifth14372
    Lordfifth14372a year ago
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    I read close to 200 chapters.. it was a good concept. I felt pacing was bit off, power levels at times doesn't make sense, too many abilities and skills which are rarely used. Also story itself kinda gives dull vibes..it's difficult to connect or immerse urself. ex when reading a novel usually everything, world, characters etc comes together in ur mind vividly as story progress. Here though the world scale is huge, i found it hard to get into. There was lot of anticipation developed but it never really paid off so far. Generally in every novel at the end of every arc/build up there comes a moment where u feel good/satisfied but here it doesn't happen.. it leaves you feeling empty.

  • Lordfifth14372
    Lordfifth143722 years ago
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    I remember giving a bad review for this after reading around 20 chapters.. after a year i got to reading this again. This is one of the best stories here on this app, on the level of reverand insanity and paragon of sins(initial chapters). Usually u will see lot of MCs described by authorw as intelligent and smart but only to see them making stupid decisions and even stupider villains. but this mc, you will feel he is actually smart, he has plans his actions and act accordingly. almost all the characters have their own depth.. current main villain who mc have to beat is one of the best villains i have come across, i found myself liking and hating him at the same time. Also, power levels are so well thought out, there is no sudden ass pulling of stronger realm or stage. i am not a fan of Romance, but Romance is well written. Mc partner is not a burded like most of the novels. overall a great story which set a benchmark for cultivation novels, after reading i couldn't get into any other novels for few months that's how good it is. if u have patience with first 50 or so chapter, this will be a wild ride. I tried modifying my old review but couldn't find the option.

  • Lordfifth14372
    Lordfifth143722 years ago
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    This is getting unhealthy.. mc hasn't gotten a clean victory not once since the first chapter.

  • Lordfifth14372
    Lordfifth143722 years ago
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    i was interested after reading the synopsis... but the grammer is all over the place and breaks the immersion..,..............................

  • Lordfifth14372
    Lordfifth143723 years ago
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    How does me not knowing how to capitalize have anything do with author's bad grammar. Are you saying if reader doesn't have perfect grammar he shouldn't question or criticize author's grammar? Let me remind you, i am not getting paid to read but author is getting paid to write. Two reviews i read pointed out lack of world building - which is true as of 70 chapter i have read and again grammar which is also true. Now please enlighten me what idiotic concerns i put up or argument i made which I should be embassed of?

  • Lordfifth14372
    Lordfifth143723 years ago
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    author constantly mixes up between present tenses and past tenses and this happens in every chapter, and not just that there are spelling mistakes as well. if that is not bad grammar I don't know what is. Don't take your incompetency and ignorance as the standard to call others stupid. About author paying you, if you had a half decent iq which I hardly doubt you have after reading you comment, you could have easily interpreted it as sarcastic remark. Atleast, i never went on any stories that I really liked, rated highly and bashed other users for giving bad review, well any one who is sane wouldn't do that. Sure, defending against one or two reviews that you come across randomly while reading.. ok. But like I said, i saw three of the negative reviews with mostly valid points and you were there trash talking against all of them, i am pretty sure i would have found more of your trash talk if I read more reviews. Now this really makes me question your existence, I hope you are able to comprehend what i am trying to say. Use that brain of yours a little, may be it will help and you can come up with something other than calling everyone who gives a bad review stupid.

  • Lordfifth14372
    Lordfifth143723 years ago
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    @quintom_01, did author paid u or something? because I read this story around 40 chapters, grammer is bad, what many other comments said about world building is true, I personally couldn't get into this story so I was checking the reviews to if there will be an improvement with grammar and world building. I saw 4 negative comments so far and I saw you replying to 3 of them, you seem be arguing with every person who posted a negative comment.

  • Lordfifth14372
    Lordfifth143723 years ago
    respondió a Fuhong_Ji

    read again dude, author changes from present tense to past tense back and forth so many times that it breaks immersion completely.