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Should remember this is translated. She would have said her Chinese name in the original including her surname as the Chinese do when introducing themselves
Then why are those CP9 agents still alive
Isn’t copper the lowest tier he can pull though? So if he doesn’t hit the 85% chance to pull copper, he gets nothing?
Don’t get me wrong, the story has a great premise and I am enjoy reading it. But while I appreciate the character development, I feel like you’re going a bit overboard. Almost half the novel so far is about him discovering himself and forming his mentality, this is supposed to be done gradually as he grows up. But you’re trying to turn an 8 year old (as of writing this at chapter 69) into someone with the maturity of a 30 year old all in the timespan of a year or two He is also stupidly OP for someone who has yet to even being his Hogwarts 1st year that he could most probably defeat and Hogwarts student Sorry for the criticism but I just had to voice my opinion Cheers
They spent 10 days together already, could have come up during that time
Wasn’t it because he ate the mythical Bai-ze fruit giving him 3 souls / personas
I wouldn’t trust such a promise from a rival clan, the risk of being subjugated and or turned into a vassal is too high. In fact, that would be a very likely outcome
Offering to buy at market price means the pawn shop likely won’t make any profit from the deal, actually it’s more likely they will lose money, no?
This is a stolen fan fic. I remember reading this a long while ago on fanfiction.net. It’s called Harry Potter - Three to Backstep by Sinyk. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10766595/1/Harry-Potter-Three-to-Backstep Its 50 chapters but this guy cut each chapter into like 6 - 7 parts and gradually releasing them like he is writing it. Do not support this fraud Btw I definitely recommend reading this, i remember enjoying this all the way to the end. Obviously go read the fan fic written by the real author
100% not with Foundation. So the question is Shield or Hydra