
~Turn Back Time~

"**Unspoken Love: A Tale of Mia and Marc**" is a poignant story of love, betrayal, and redemption. Marc and Mia, once deeply in love, found their relationship shattered when Mia cheated on Marc. The betrayal left Marc heartbroken, and Mia was equally devastated by the consequences of her actions. It took them a long time to finally say goodbye for good, their hearts heavy with regret and unspoken words. Despite the pain and the betrayal, Marc's love for Mia never wavered. He carried the torch for her, his heart still aching for the woman he had lost. Mia, despite her guilt and shame, also harbored feelings for Marc. She waited for him, hoping for forgiveness and a second chance. As time passed, Marc began to heal from the wounds of the past. He slowly picked up the pieces of his broken heart, trying to move on from the painful memories. Mia, too, was on a journey of healing, waiting for Marc while battling her own demons. However, their lives took a tragic turn when Marc received the news that Mia was involved in an accident. She was slowly dying, her life hanging by a thread. Marc rushed to the hospital, his heart filled with fear and regret. He saw Mia, the love of his life, lying unconscious, her life slowly slipping away. In her final moments, Mia left a goodbye video for Marc. As he watched the video, his heart ached with longing and regret. He wished he could turn back time, to see her again, to hold her, to tell her how much he loved her. But all he had were memories and a video, a painful reminder of their lost love. "Unspoken Love: A Tale of Mia and Marc" is a story of love and loss, of forgiveness and redemption. It's a tale that explores the complexities of relationships and the painful journey of healing. It's a reminder that love, once lost, leaves a scar that time can only heal but never erase.

mz_srqna · Ciudad
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The deafening crash echoed through the streets, swiftly followed by the piercing screech of tires skidding across the asphalt. The once bustling street fell into a stunned silence, only to be filled with the cacophony of horrified gasps and shouts. As she lay motionless on the cold, hard ground, a wave of panic swept through the crowd. "Call 911! Quickly!" someone yelled, their voice trembling with fear.

Her vision began to blur, the edges of her sight clouding over as a throbbing pain radiated from her head. Blood seeped from her wound, staining her hair a dark crimson. Her body was paralyzed, a chilling numbness spreading through her limbs. The crowd's clamor escalated, their voices merging into a single, indistinguishable roar as the wailing siren of the ambulance grew louder.

Minutes later, the ambulance arrived, its flashing lights casting an eerie glow on the scene. From her perspective, she spotted a familiar figure weaving through the crowd. A face she missed so dearly, gazing at her with his warm brown eyes and tender smile. She mouthed the words, "my love," and offered a final, weak smile as her eyes fluttered closed. She drifted into unconsciousness, the pain receding as her past flashed before her like a movie reel.

Meanwhile, Marc was slowly making his way back to his apartment after a long day at school. His mind was filled with thoughts of assignments and upcoming exams, his steps heavy with exhaustion. He was just about to unlock his door when his phone rang, the shrill sound cutting through the quiet evening.

He checked the caller ID and was taken aback by who was calling. His heart pounded in his chest as he answered the call, his mind racing with possible reasons for the unexpected call.

"Bro…" Marc responded, his voice barely above a whisper, "Why did you call?"

The caller hesitated, his voice breaking as he struggled to find the words. "My sister…"

Marc's heart skipped a beat, a sense of unease washing over him. "What about Mia?" he asked, his voice strained.

"She… She was in an accident. She's at SMC Hospital. They took her there an hour ago, but we only just found out. I called you as soon as I could," he explained, his voice choked with emotion.

Interrupting him, Marc asked anxiously, "How's her condition?" He started to head back towards the gate, his mind filled with worry.

"She's unconscious, and they say she's in a coma," he replied, his voice barely audible.

Marc's heart pounded in his chest as he hailed a cab and gave the driver the hospital's address. "I'm on my way…" Marc sighed, sinking back into his seat as the caller delivered another piece of news.

"The doctor said she only has three days to wake up, otherwise… she'll die." Marc's heart plummeted as he heard the grave tone in his voice. Tears welled up in his eyes and slowly trickled down his cheeks.

"What?" he asked, hoping he had misheard.

"She only has three days left, she's dying…" As the words were repeated, Marc's heart shattered. He ended the call, his expression falling. He sat emotionless for the rest of the journey, lost for words. But one thought lingered in his mind…

"I should have held onto you, even if you hurt me badly. I should have let you hurt me." His regret was a bitter pill to swallow, a painful reminder of the love he had lost.

Marc arrived at the hospital, his heart heavy with dread. Each step he took towards the sliding doors felt like a monumental effort, as if he was wading through a sea of trepidation. He took a deep breath, swallowing down his fear as he stepped through the doors. The sterile smell of the hospital filled his nostrils, a stark reminder of the grim reality he was about to face. The once familiar surroundings now seemed alien and intimidating.

He saw a familiar figure approaching him, his steps slow and hesitant. It was Fray, his friend and the brother of the woman he loved. Fray's face was pale, his eyes red-rimmed from crying. "Bro…" the figure greeted him, his voice tinged with sadness. It was a simple greeting, but it carried the weight of the situation they were in.

"Fray…" Marc returned the greeting, his voice barely above a whisper. His throat felt dry, his words barely audible.

"Where is she?" Marc asked, his voice strained with worry. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing the fear that gripped him.

Fray shook his head, turning to lead Marc down the long, sterile hallway. Their footsteps echoed in the silent corridor, the only sound in the otherwise quiet hospital. Marc's thoughts were filled with the words he had spoken earlier, and her name, so sweet and dear to him, echoed in his mind. Fray stopped outside the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). They saw Rose, Mia's mother, standing by the window of the ICU, her face etched with worry.

"You're here…" Rose said, greeting Marc with a sad smile. Her voice was soft, barely a whisper, but it carried a world of pain. Marc didn't respond. He walked towards the window, his gaze falling on Mia's frail body, hooked up to numerous tubes and monitors. She lay there, unconscious, in a blue hospital gown, looking almost lifeless. The sight of her, so still and silent, was a stark contrast to the vibrant woman he knew. The silence in the room was broken only by the steady beep of the heart monitor, a grim reminder of her critical condition.

He fought back tears as he looked at her, so still and silent. "How could a woman so full of life be so silent now," Marc whispered to himself, his voice cracking with emotion. The words hung in the air, a painful reminder of the reality they were facing.

"You're here…" A deep, familiar voice broke the silence. They turned to see Rome, Mia's father. His face was stern, but his bloodshot eyes betrayed his grief. He walked towards Marc, a man he had always resented for being with Mia when they were together. But now, in the face of their shared pain, he felt a need for peace.

"I think it's your turn," Rome said, handing Marc a phone. His voice was gruff, but his eyes held a plea for understanding. Marc looked at him, confusion etched on his face, but he accepted the phone nonetheless.

"We don't know if she will wake up-" Rome started, his voice heavy with sorrow. But he was cut off by Rose.

"Rome!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of fear and anger. She was a mother, desperate to hold onto hope for her child.

"It's better to see it…" Rome said, his voice barely a whisper. He took his wife's hand and led her out of the hospital, leaving Marc alone with Mia.

"I guess we'll leave you with her… We'll be back," Fray said, offering a soft smile as he followed his parents. His voice was gentle, but it did little to ease the tension in the room.

Marc watched them leave, then turned his attention back to Mia. His eyes welled up with tears as he nervously unlocked her phone, typing in her old passwords. "It still was…" he murmured, referring to the fact that Mia had never changed her passwords. His heart clenched as he saw his picture set as her wallpaper. Gathering his courage, he clicked on a video titled, "Marc…"

The video started, and Mia's cheerful voice filled the room. "Oh, is this on?" she said, sitting down in front of the phone. She smiled, her eyes sparkling with joy. "I can't smile like this, but if it's for you, I'll always smile."

"How are you, my love? From this moment, we've been apart for six months, and I'm still waiting for your call… I miss you…" Marc looked at the screen, where Mia was smiling. He mouthed, "I miss you too."

"Well, before I say anything else, I want to reminisce about how we started… And… I want to start where everything began… On April 1, 2020." Her voice was filled with nostalgia, a bittersweet reminder of their shared past. As the video played, Marc could only watch, his heart aching with every word she spoke.