

Bai Pu's face turned pale, and she was surprised. "How did you know?"

Lu Zhaohe frowned and took out a wad of something from his pocket and directly stuffed it into her coat pocket. He ordered impatiently, "Go in and put it on."

Could it be?

She reached into her pocket and took out a little piece to look at. Her eyes widened immediately. "How did it end up with you?"

"How would it end up with me? Don't you know?" Lu Zhaohe had no intention of entertaining her. Seeing her standing still, he had to add, "It got stuck in my clothes. I left in a hurry last night and didn't pay attention."

"..." Just because he said that doesn't mean she would dismiss the thought of him having a special fetish.

She responded with an "Oh" and quickly walked back.

Once she changed her clothes, she instantly felt a sense of security. Only then did she realize that Lu Zhaohe had said "left in a hurry last night." So he left after he was done with her, even before dawn.

He really was a heartless scumbag who passed by the flowers without staining his clothes.

She could imagine how cheap she must be in his eyes.


It didn't matter. She wasn't a proud person to begin with.

When she returned to the table, Jiang Lin happened to be on a phone call. From the conversation, she could tell it was Shen Liu calling to check on him.

Jiang Lin ended the call with a final sentence, "I'll call you back once I'm done here, sweetheart."

Song Li pointed at him with a sigh and said, "There's something off about you. Something's up."

Jiang Lin calmly raised his phone's call log to show Song Li. "It's my mom!"

Shen Liu was his mother, the woman who was only ten years older than him, the woman he had been sharing a bed with, the woman they caught in the act a few days ago.

She had a position even more powerful than Bai Pu's intrusive checking.

No one would say anything.

Just like Song Li, once he saw it was Jiang Lin's mother, the gossipy glimmer in his eyes instantly disappeared.

Who would gossip about the intimate terms between a mother and son?

At first, Bai Pu really thought they were biological mother and son. She thought they were having an incestuous relationship, so she didn't dare to speak up or ask Jiang Lin directly. She held it in for two days before finally unable to resist and told Xu Xiaoran, who helped her investigate and discovered that the "mom" Jiang Lin mentioned was not his biological mother at all.

Jiang Lin's biological mother died after giving birth to him.

His father didn't care about him, and he lived as an orphan for a long time.

When he was twelve or thirteen, he ran away from school and came to this city with nowhere to go. He was taken in by Shen Liu, who was ten years older than him.

Then they started living together and called each other mother and son.

When they were in university, Bai Pu got together with Jiang Lin, and that's when she found out that Jiang Lin came from a single-parent family. She rarely brought up the topic of parents, and naturally, she didn't know the actual relationship between him and his mother.

It wasn't until last year, the sixth year they were together, when they reached the age of discussing marriage, that she accidentally discovered that his mother's name was Shen Liu.

At first, she didn't react, but when Xu Xiaoran asked about it, she felt that something was wrong.

She always knew that Jiang Lin had a formidable younger uncle named Lu Zhaohe, who was the heir of the Lu family.

Logically speaking, her mother should also share the same surname.

Realizing this issue, she asked Jiang Lin about it immediately. But Jiang Lin diverted the topic, and she thought there might be some conflicts between him and Lu Zhaohe's family. After all, it was their family matter, and it wouldn't be appropriate for her to ask too much, so she let it go.

It wasn't until a few days ago when she was using Jiang Lin's pad to watch a TV drama that she accidentally opened his photo album and curiously flipped through it. She unexpectedly saw intimate photos of him and Shen Liu, not only pictures of them sleeping on the same bed but also photos of them hugging and kissing.

The timeline spanned their entire relationship.

She couldn't believe that those were poses that a normal mother and son would capture.

So in the middle of the night, she went out in the rain to find Jiang Lin.

As a result, she stumbled upon his affair with Shen Liu.

She quietly left without making a scene, pretending she hadn't seen anything. But only she knew how broken she felt at that moment.

It wasn't the pain of being deceived and betrayed but rather the unwillingness to face her own foolishness.

After two days of depression, she sent Jiang Lin a message saying, "I never expected you and your mom to have such a 'good' relationship!" She packed her bags and boarded a plane to Beisa.

She wasn't a saint and couldn't accept that her seven years would go up in smoke like this. She wanted revenge, and having sex with Lu Zhaohe was the best plan they came up with after discussing with Xu Xiaoran.

And so, last night happened.

Bai Pu sat nonchalantly next to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin naturally put his arm around her shoulder and smiled tenderly. "With our Bai Pu here, what other situation do I need?"

"Exactly, sweetheart!" He leaned in as if to kiss Bai Pu's face but was playfully dodged by Bai Pu.

One of the guys across the table took the opportunity to tease, "Little Bai Pu is shy."

Someone immediately chimed in, "If it weren't for how reserved Little Bai Pu is, I would have thought the woman in Brother Lu's room last night was Bai Pu. The voice was so similar."