
~•The beauty behind the mask•~

kyotten_ · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Recall of the past (More like an explanation then a chapter)

Editor's Note: The Bold text is the author's thoughts or explanation.

(A/n: Hyung-seok is currently 6 years old)

Park Hyung-seok a very intelligent and beautiful boy.

Most people that have seen his face would for example say:

(Girl: He looks like a beautiful angel!)

(Boy: He is very kind and I think I might be gay for him.)

But his family and friends would think differently for example:

(Cuisine: Oh Hyung-seok, he's definitely the hottest guy I know. If he wasn't my cousin I would already have asked him out a couple of times.)

(Uncle: That brat he could make me loads of money if we sold him of to some girl (homopobik vibes) with loads of money or we should let people sleep with him and make them pay us for it, with that pretty face of his he could probably be a famous model and make loads of ,money for us.)

(Aunt:Oh that bot if i got to chose I would want him as my son instead of that wh*re of a sisters son, oh well you don't always get what you want "I would want him as my husband instead of ***** that I have now.)

(A/n: I might just rip off their heads but this is the storyline of Hyung-Seok's past, we'll if you haven't already understood am I going to explain here so basically as a child Seok was as beautiful as an angel but that only brought him unfortunate, when he was 5 his parents died in a car crash and he was forced to live with his uncle and aunt that didn't think to good of him for exampel they treated him like absolut trash and forced him to cook food (this is also why he is a master chef.) and clean the house for them while they were gone.)

(A/n: This only explains his past bc i'm too lazy to make a story time or something like that so I made this short explanation on him when he was 5 to like 8 and then later other stuff happens that is coming in the next chapter.)

Editor's Note: Sorry for any wrong spelling or grammar problems as said in the description English is not my first language! Bye my beautiful birds! <3 Cringe I know but I just really wanted to say that kk. I think we all know what i'm going to do to the aunt and uncle until the next chapter.