
Raiding the 1st floor boss (2/2)

After we nodded our head. We started walking towards the boss with Yui holding her rapier and I holding my Blade and dagger. We then started running towards the boss. I then started to hit the boss while Yui clearing the kobolds. We're fighting pretty well considering we never raided a place with a boss and it's minions at the same time. When Yui almost cleaned up the minions she got careless and got hit in the back. I saw her getting hit also got distracted and got sent to a pillar with the Kobold lord strike. Luckily my Cross Parry Counter saved me there.

Well, let's say the situation didn't look well for the both of us. Yui is at 50 % HP and I'm in low 30%. I gritted my teeth and began to think about the best course of action for beating the boss. The boss is still at 70% HP. Then I got an idea. I told Yui to buy me some time for me to activate my domain skill. She nodded and begun to charge towards the boss.

She uses her Moonlit guard and Windfall Rush so she can dodge and deal damage to the boss while taking less damage at the same time. Blade sparks could be seen from their clashes and even though they look as if they equally match. Yui is on the losing side. Well even though we're the strongest player right now doesn't mean we can solo a floor boss without risking our lives. Floor bosses have infinite stamina and We don't since I created this body based on players with stamina. Well even though we can revive the pain we go through is still real and we don't want to experience death, do we?

~Yui's POV~

We're fighting the boss right now, but if I don't get careless we should win this more easily now we're in a bad spot. I started to blame myself because of me Nii-chan also got dragged into this mess. I should've listened to Nii-chan words. We should have waited some more time. I regret my decision coming here this early. If I just listen. *sigh* well there's no if and now I must trust myself and my Nii-chan. I started to harden my resolve and I'm going to try harder and harder.

Then we I'm going to talk at Nii-chan. Nii-chan told me to buy him some time so I charged towards the boss. We started exchanging blows. Even though I thought we evenly match. I must admit floor bosses are really different they have self-learning A.I coupled with that they have infinite stamina just make the whole ordeal harder. Cut started to appear on my bodies and When I was distracted by my inner monologue, the boss suddenly changed the attack trajectory and it headed towards my brother. I was surprised but didn't have enough time to reacts. Then when it's going to hit my Nii-chan I screamed and almost fell to my knees. Despair engulfed me even though Nii-chan said we can revive still it took time and the pain we felt are still real.

Then time seemed to stop and I was being pulled towards my consciousness. When I opened my eyes I saw a weapon floating in front of me.

'Do You want power?' A beautiful sound resounded I looked around and found no one so it must be from the weapon.

'Yes.' I answered determined even if I sold my soul to the devils if it to protect my precious people then I will do it.

'Oho? why do you want power?' The voice asked. 'I needed the power to protect. Protect my closest people and to kill everyone who dares to harm them.' I answered while gripping my hand.

'I see let's see if you could realize your dream.' the suddenly the weapon shined brightly. Little by little the light started to fade away and what's left is a beautiful woman with black hair, black eyes, and a beautiful face. She got a cold and Death aura surrounding her making people tremble at her presence. She started to talk.

'Hello master I'm your SIW which would always accompany you till your soul perishes, I am a part of you and you're a part of me, we're part of a puzzle which would fit together. I'm the embodiment of your will & desire to protect and, the determination to kill & slay everyone who stands in front of your way even if it through unconventional or unholy means you will keep on protecting. The more your will battle, the more you feel, the more powerful I will become. So summon me forth master my name is Zenme Hogo Yuki.'

After that, I got sent back to reality. I started to mutter 'Bring forth Destruction for my enemies and protection for my allies, come forth Zenme Hogo Yuki'. Then a powerful aura started to spread out pushing the kobold lord flying. My rapier disappeared then my SIW appear. I looked at the SIW and admire its beauty. I started to grip my weapon and talk telepathically with Yuki. ' Let's do this Yuki.' {As you wish master but be quick you only could maintain my form for 5 minutes at max for now since your power isn't enough yet.} ' 5 minutes huh more than enough time for my Nii-chan.'

~Back to Hino's POV~

Well I'm readying myself to create my domain skill. Yui is in trouble so I started to hastened up the progress I'm forcing my body to it's utmost limits and when I'm going to finish the kobold attack changed it's trajectory and starting to head towards my way. My focus got broken and the process was interupted. When I was gonna dodge suddenly a black aura erupted from my sister I guess she already awoken her SIW. well, I guess she couldn't last too long since it's her first time using it and we're still weak. so I started to focus to create the domain again.

Yui started clashing with the boss again this time they're evenly matched. 3 minutes later I finished preparing and use my domain skill Stardust rush. I also started to charge towards the boss and the boss health falls to 30%. We needed to finish this as fast as possible and suddenly our head feels like it was connected we can know each other thought and we could talk telepathically now. I told her "let's try to use a combination skill." She nodded and we let our instincts take over.

We got together and started to rush towards the boss and we said together 'Combination skill: Dances of a thousand nights'. We gracefully strike the boss as if we're dancing it's almost flawless, we strike in a rhythm. if we're not interrupted we can go forever. After we reach the 250 hit combo. The boss finally died and we fell to the ground. Well, I'm still conscious but Yui isn't so I bring her out of the boss room and to our inn. I guess she overexerted the time she uses the SIW. 'Let's just lay low for now' he thought while carrying Yui in a princess carry. Little did he knows that He and Yui are already famous within the game.

[Annoucement congratulations for the player that successfully conquer the 1st boss. Your name will be recorded in the records in the wall of the town of beginnings library.]

As player heard the information they were really happy that there a step closer to leaving this game. Some started rushing towards the library and when they see the name they're surprised because the ones who clear the boss are only a two man party. Some recognized the name they're the infamous Star Twins. People now have both fear and respect towards them.

finally I finishes the chapter it took me hours to finally finish this. With a lot of scrapped draft.

RekiOScreators' thoughts