
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · Ciudad
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19 Chs

Soooo I got a clan now. Greeeeat.


DAY 12.






Tyler woke with a yawn. He sat up rubbing sleep from his eyes and went to get out of his sleeping bag....only to be faced by a group of people all using his sleeping bags. Both guys and girls all in his bags laying around the basement of his safehouse! He blinked at this surprise.....Who the FUCK are they? And WHY....OH. Oh yeah. Oh fuck. Memory returned with a sigh and the teenager looked to the bed checking on Bird....and found the black haired girl peacefully sleeping on her side beside the edge of the bed nearest him. He smiled as he felt her forehead and noted her fever had gone down immensely from the night prior.

"Least that's a step in the right direction."

Tyler stepped around the sleepers to head to the halftrack that was still present in the secure garage. Here he retrieved means for their breakfast and headed back down. And within a few minutes the scent of warm bacon, eggs, and some hot coffee was wafting through the room thanks to a battery operated grill. Within SECONDS after the scents hit their noses the bodies were sitting bolt upright with drooling mouths, and Tyler chuckled.

"Mornin ladies and whatever. Breakfast'll be ready in five....so pretend to be civilized. Kay?"

Yuna laughed as she stretched.

"Nice flex jackass! And my GOD are YOU my new favorite person."

"Still ain't seen SHIT."

Bird stirred on the bed and opened her bright green eyes with a groan.

"Ooooh I want FOOD."

The Wastelanders all gathered around their friend and she smiled weakly.

"I still have a migraine....but thanks guys."

Tyler passed her a cold water laced with her medicine.

"Here, Bird. Drink this and we'll bathe your wound in the water."

She blushed a DEEP crimson as it sank in that he'd seen and he smiled.

"I saw nothing."


"Sure thing, Little Bird."

"hey! NOT cool!"

Yuna laughed at her sudden embarrassment as she drank her water.

"Oh my GOD is that cute! And WE have him under oath, Bird."

"Thanks Yuni! So what now?"

TYler passed out loaded plates of bacon and eggs with bagels and hot cofee to the group.

"Today we're heading to the buildsite. I've looted the town kinda hard the last few days and everything useful I grabbed."

Benni blinked.


TYler chuckled as he sipped his coffee.

"You'll see."

They GULPED! Dirkmen sighed as he fed on the good food.

"Thanks, Tyler....is it TYLER or GORELEECH?"

"Goreleech is my tag. Tyler is my name."


Bird smiled as she was given a little of the lifegiving food.

"I'm stil weak, but I'm alive. I think."

"No. You died. This is just the other side."

"Ha. Nice one, Tyler."

"I like giving people anxiety."

THey chuckled at that truth. Once breakfast was eaten Tyler loaded the used paper plates back into his backpack...and the group blinked. Yuna saying it.

"TYler? Do....they still have a use?"

"Yeah. Fire fuel. Or a makeshift firestarter with a magnifying glass."

That made them slump and Tyler chuckled as he slung the backpack on his shoulders.

"I'm a fan of Magyver."

Dirk chuckled at that one.

"NOW it makes sense. And we're set."

TYler nodded as he retrieved the dragonov from the window...and noted the outside was devoid of life.

"Alright. I'mma introduce you to my crown jewels."

THat one made them blink as he led the gropup through the house.

"Yeah it was a real bitch setting them out the way I wanted and even then I'm not entirely done. There's room enough for all of us in there so no fighting over space."

The teenager opened the garage door and all ten people just gaped at the heavily modded halftrack, jeep, and camper connected into one train waiting to roll out of the door. Tyler smiled as he leaned on the armored plated sides of the halftrack.

"Oh by the way....I'M DRIVING."

All ten slumped at this new evidence....and Benni sighed.

"Dirk mah man? WE. SUCK."

"Yeah....yeah. Wait are those ROCKETS?"

TYler smirked as he pointed out the rocket cluster pods on the top of the halftrack.

"50mm unguided rocket pods with four full reloads. I stripped the choppers of EVERYTHING and yeah. Ha. Climb in through here."

Bird had stars in her eyes as she beheld the two vehicles and their mods.

"You're AWESOME, Tyler!"

"Thanks Birdy, come on."

The group all climbed into the remaining space in the troop compartment with Bird, Yuna, Benni, and Dirk in the main cab with Tyler in the driver's seat. Benni whistled as he saw the welds in the steel plating covering the windows and portions of the windshield.

"You have skill, Tyler. But the towalongs?"

TYler turned the key and the halftrack rumbled to live and a set of lights fired up on a panel beside him....and he nodded.

"All settled and the jeep's brakes and the camper's are ready. Alright. Hang on ladies and you."

He hit the gas before driving out of the door onto the street. Yuna had awe on her face as she sat on the surprisingly comfortable seats.

"Okay. YOU are AWESOME, Tyler."

HE chuckled at this as he pushed their speed to 25 miles and hour.

"Thanks. I try."

The teenager hung the map from a peg and Bird smirked.

"Nice minimap workaround."

"Ha. Wait'll you see what ELSE I can do for workarounds."

Dirk had a minor look of jealousy on his face as he looked around the hanging map at TYler.

"So why are you going so slow, Tyler?"

"IN case I get ambushed or the road's blocked."


Benni was looking the panel for the rocket pods over and tilted his head.

"Hm. What are these extra hookups for Tyler?"

"Added weapons later on, Benni. The top here has room for a few more pods that do stuff. Aside from that 50 cal at the rear hatch."


A panel behind them slid open and one of the other guys poked his head through. He was a slender kid with freckled skin and bright red hair and bluen eyes. He smiled as he spoke in a happy chirp.

"Yo Gore this thing is AWESOME! And scary. What's with the pile of junk takin uop half the thing?"

"Ha. The rest of my raw materials."

"Oh.....oh SHIT. Eh. Okay. And the 50 handles?"



TYler chuckled at that grumble.

"Relax Gingersnap, you'll get your chance to shoot something soon enough."

A whirring sound was heard before a fully loaded Little Bird A-6 Attack chopper swung into a hover before the group....and Tyl;er reacted on reflex and hit the switch for the rocket cluster. 10 unguided rockets surged from their pod as the chopper's guns spun up....only for the 50mm rockets to slam into it. ONE hit it RIGHT in the main rotor and Tyler had the halftrack rattle oput of the way of the crashing chopper. He slowed the halftrack to a stop beside the downed chopper and smirked.

"Alright we got more stuff."

Everyone looked at him in awe at the easy kill as he grabbed his 45-70 and climbed out. The door was shut and Dirk's eyes went RIGHT to the steering wheel as Tyler had not even turned the engine off.

"Don't do it."

Benni saw his idea and cut him off.

"We wouldn't be able to get away in time."

"Benni, we have to try. Think about it. We'd be RICH with this guy's stuff! We'd be able to ride the game out in frigin LUXURY! All he have to do...is gun it and open fire on him with the machien gun."

The rear hatch of the halftrack opened up and Tyler was seen retreiving the blowtorch and fuel tanks whistling a merry tune. Benni watched as the Survivor began cutting large portions of the bulet proof glass from the mostly intact chopper's remains.

"I am NOT committing suicide because of you, Dirk. Gore would hunt us down if we robbed him like that."

Yuna nodded as she glared at her former leader.

"And besides. He has done nothing but try to HELP us, Dirk. Fuck's sake he SAVED Bird's LIFE! I am NOT stabbing him in the back like that. NO."

Bird nodded weakly from her seat she was more or less laying down in.

"Tyler is the best player in the game and the single highest level too. If WE make him mad at us, we're screwed. YOU know what he's capable of!"

Dirk sighed and looked back at the steering wheel.

"Gore is JUST a player! He's NOT some kinda boogyman! And HE'S out THERE. WE'RE in here! We CAN get away with this if-"

"Get away with what?"

EVERYONE jumped at Tyler's sudden cheery callout....coming from RIGHT BESIDE THEM! They looked and saw him sitting inside the driver's seat with a mildly perplexed expression on his face.

"Come on. Don't leave a guy hangin. Whaddya gonna get away with?"

Dirk gulped under Tyler's cheery....and coldly smiling eyes.

"Um, nothing. Just....planning a joke is all."

"Oh. Cool. Hey Dirk?"


Tyler's smile turned sweeter....and could have frozen hell itself over with it's bonechilling coldness.

"I didn't HAVE to help you ya know...so DON'T make me regret that. Kay?"

Dirk shuddered.


"Alllllrighty then."

Benni looked at the Little Bird...and blinked as he saw the chopper had been gutted in nearly fifteen minutes.


"Yeah them things come apart easily. I was more after the bulletproof glass, miniguns, rockets and ammo."

THe halftrack rolled away from the ambush point as Dirk sat very7 shaken in his seat. In the real world, Yuki chuckled as she watched.

"TYler's playing a VERY pshycological game with Dirk and is WINNING."

Hannah nodded with her own smirk as the two girls in the front seat chatted with their newfound hero about different aspects of the halftrack.

"More importantly, Tyler knows Dirk can't be trusted. That little stunt was an open DARE to do SOMETHING...and Dirk tried to rally what remaining hold he had over his followers. Ha. This is gonna be fun to watch as Tyler UNDOES him."

Yuki nodded.

"I'm curious what Dirk will do now. There's a new big badass on the block...and this one is the real deal."

Bird tilted her head as she looked at the gauges on the dashboard by the steering wheel.

"Hey Tyler? What kinda fuel does this thing take?"

"Oh normal gas, Birdy. It DOES take Diesel too though. I think they set it up to be interchangable since splitting the two would be an unneeded strain on the server."

THat just made her frown harder.

"But....that doesn't make any sense. We ALL have seen how detailed this game is on even the TINIEST of dust specks in a firefight...yet seperate gas types is too much?"

TYler sighed at that solid point as he negotiated a series of burnt out cars all mashed together with a semi.

"You got a point, Birdy. I don't understand EVERYTHING about this game. Most a the time I just go with it."

Yuna shrugged as the sexy blonde ran a looted comb through her lucious lockes.

"What I usually end up doing. Sides, we got bigger problems to worry about."

The Survivor nodded at that one as he looked in a rearview mirror checking the following jeep and camper. The halftrack proving to be a rather stiff beast to muscle around from the heavy steering and tank tread on the back. Benni looked at Tyler now after a few dozen miles had gone by.

"So where EXACTLY are you looking to build your base, Gore?"

"Preferably somewhere with a natrual formation I can incorporate. Like say fresh water, a wall, cave, large grove of trees, you get the idea. If we can get lucky with a ravine or bowl shaped crater with a freshwater lake at the rear, that'd be the ideal place for me."

THe marine smirked.

"HAve as many natrual resources inside the perimeter as possible. Smart. Soooo.....how long we going for?"

TYler shrugged as he looked at the map beside him, using curves and familiar landmarks to gauage his position.

"Till I see somethin worth lookin into, I get bored, something big shows up, we get there, or somethin else I'm not really interested in listing."

".....I hate roadtrips."

Benni's mildly irritated slump made the group chuckle while Dirk just tired to escape notice after his attempted betrayal of the Survivor.

"Oh hey Dirk,"

The blonde boy jumped at Tyler's sudden calout,

"Er! Uh, yeah?"

"Oh you ARE still here. Makin sure. That door was worrying me when I added the paneling. I thought I'd loosened the latch, so ya know. Careful."

Dirk nodded with a sigh....while internally he RANTED at the CLEAR powerplay. In the real world, Yuki was laughing HARD at the scene.

"Tyler is going to keep him on pins and fucking NEEDLES! He IS watching you, Dirk. And he DOES NOT trust you. Ha. Classic psychological warfare! Best part is everyone just thinks he's fuckin with him....and he IS!"

Dirk settled in an unhappy silence while looking out the window while Bird looked at Tyler curiously.

"So how DID you kill that T-rex thing, Tyler?"

HE smiled as he patted the dark haired and very pretty girl.

"I got it recorded. I'll shopw ya later, Birdy."

She blushed a VERY cute blush at the pat and smiled shyly.

"I'm excited."

"Should I poor some water on you?"

"Hey! Don't be WEIRD!"

"Yes Birdy."

"Eep! HEY!"

The girls busted up laughing at the setup humilation while Bird dropped into a cute pout....which only got her another pat from the Survivor.

"You're gonna be fun to fuck with, Birdy."

"I have a GUN."

"And some DAMN good ones too! Oh you meant the one you SHOOT....eh same thing."

".....Uh-oh ladies. Loooks like we got a REAL man now!"

Tyler chuckled at that cheer as he looked at a shaking his head in exasperation Benni.

"Wow, man."

"I'm gay sooooo, go figure."

"HA! Okay there's a dirty Marine joke in there somewhere but I'll leave it alone."

The mountain of a man smirked at that chuckle.

"Oh come on, don't be like that-"

"Stay AWAY from my ass. I do NOT swing that way."


"I opened this door.....goddammit."

The girls and some of the boys in the back were laughing uproariously at the scene while Dirk had a new glower hidden in his blue eyes at TYler's flirting with the pretty Bird. Yuna smirked as she leaned over the front seat, and putting her own impressive guns on display as she did so.

"We're gonna have a LOTTA fun, yo an us, Tyler. I SWEAR to god."

"Before or AFTER I work ya to death, Yuna?"

"Oh shit.....ha. We'll see tough guy."

He chuckled at that one as he looked ahead....and blinked.

"Oh HELLLLLLO. What have we here?"

Laying in the middle of the road was a flipped over semi trailer. Nothing special really. But what had Tyler's intrigue was the TYPE of trailer it was.

"THat's a medical supply rig. Used for hospitals and clinics. Had a friend a the fam that drove for them. ALright, we're goin lootin ladies and that."

The group nodded as Tyler brought the rattling halftrack to a stop beside the flipped rig,



The redheaded slender guy poked his head into the hatch and Tyler nodded.

"I don't know your tag yet. YOU get on the fifty and keep watch. One of the others get on the rear facing 50. Do NOT fire unless I say so. We clear?"

THe freckled guy smiled widely.

"Yes sir! And my tag's Weasleysnipes444."

".....I'mma just call you Ronny."

"GOOD enough."

Yuna chuckled as she climbed into the hatch.

"I got the rear 50."

"Coolio. Rest a you on me. I'll get the doors open. BEnni check the rig. If it's in good shape I'll mark it."


"Survivors ready? GO!"

The group chuckled outside Dirk as they vaulted and climbed out of the halftrack. Tyler had his 45-70 and the rest all their own bolt actions,

"Hey Benni think fast."

TYler passed the big marine the M249 SAW and the bald man smirked.

"Oh that is MUCH more like it."

"MAke em count. Only got 3 boxes."


Dirk had a hidden glare in his eyes as the two 50 caliber M2HB brownings were manned and panned. TYler went to the rear doors of the tiped over semi and sighed as he saw something.

"Great. I'll need to cut em. The crash bent the locking bars and rods. Hey Bird, there's a set of boltcutters by the hatch,"

"Got em."

"THanks Birdy."

Tyler set the boltcutters on the metal pipes as the rest all took up a semicircle behind him...

"Half watch the doors, the others everywhere else. We're out in the open here and let's not forget how I got the drop on ya."

Benni chuckled from the main rig.

"Rig's in good shape, Gore. Body needs some work and the glass is shattered, but you knew that."

"Alright. GAs?"

"Full tank. Other's crushed."

"I got a syphon in the jeep and a spare barrel."

Tyler cut the rods locking the truck before sliding the nearly 7 foot long steel rods out of their beddings and passing them to Dirk.

"Load em into the halftrack. I can make some nasty traps with those."

The blonde boy walked away and Tyler grabbed the bottom door before throwing it open with a dull boom. A snarl was heard from within the trailer and a 7 foot tall and RAIL THIN thing came bolting out to pounce on the Survivor.....only for a single gunshot to ring out and it dropped screaming with a hole in it's knee. Tyler smirked as he flipped the lever on the 45-70 and placed the barrel on the gaunt creature's pure white face,

"Ya missed."

He pulled the trigger and the thing's head exploded before it went limp. TYler flipped the lever with a chuckle and slotted two more bullets into the tube.

"I figured. Clear!"

Bird's long, awed whistle was heard and Tyler chuckled as he looked at her.

"Oh come on these aren't THAT impressive."

"To YOU."

HE chuckled again before puling a flashlight from his pocket and flashing it into the trailer....and nodding as he saw the contents.

"We got a resupply here ladies and you. I got da room so take it all."

THe survivors nodded and got to work with Tyler leading the operation. Benni and three others oversaw the syphoning ofm the rig's immense gas tank into a spare 100 gallon drum Tyler had on hand while TYler and four more emptied the trailer of everything he deemed potentially useful. Right down to 5 wooden pallets. Once the trailer was HIS level approved empty they got back in the halftrack and rolled away. Tyler smiled as the wreck faded into the background.

"Alright. Now it's straight on til we reach the turnoff. We'll be camping tonight ladies and germs, so be prepared to get your hands dirty."

Yuna smirked as she looked at the survivor.

"Oh you think they've been CLEAN this entire time, Tyler?"

"Well depends what ya been doin with yo finger, Yuna."

"Ha. In your dreams."

"....What the hell did you do to me when I was sleeping?"

She snorted along with the rest at his sudden concern and Bird merely chuckled from her own spot beside the Survivor. Tyler looked at the map haning beside him after another hour and nodded as he saw a familar bend ahead.

"Alright. We're goin offroad."

THe section Tyler had chosen to abandon the road sat in the midst of a smal cluster of hills and some dense forest. He turned the wheel and the halftrack's engine rumbled as it left asphalt for good ole dirt.

"Yuna, once we're far enough into the treeline we'll use some rakes to erase our trail."

Benni looked at the mass of treadmarks leading to the road.

"Don't bother, Gore. Grooves'll be buried first good windstorm. Ground's bone dry."


"On it."

Tthe Survivor smirked as he pulled the convoy into a narow pass between the hills and trees before the cleanup crew hopped out with scavanges rakes to erase their tracks. Dirk was among them while Tyler had the halftrack moving at a crawl until he was happy with the gap between the trail and camoflauge.

"Call it!"

Dirk had a dark look of frustration as he climbed into the back of the halftrack as the girls beat him to the front. Tyler smiled as Bird took a spot beside him to look at the map.

"Soooo how far, boss?"

"Bout another mile into the bush."

"Ha. And if there's NO bush?"

"Rugburn SUCKS. TRUST ME."

"Oh it does. BELIEVE ME."

"Sexy and I am hard as steel right now."

Yuna and the girls chuckled at that shiver and Benni smirked.

"They're really good at that, Gore. Sooooo fair warning."

"Thank god I found enough condoms."

That made the girls smirk at the cockiness....and Bird smirked more pointedly.

"Remember. We're watching."

"Yes Birdy."

"HEY! STOP doing that! I feel REALLY old when you do!"

"And yet you still look like that."

Her embarassment turned to smugness REAL quick.

"Oh yeah. I am ONE sexy badass bitch. So you had BETTER be nice. GOT IT?"

"Yes Bird."


Tyler chuckled at her return to redfaced humilation and Yuna chuckled.

"Okay, Tyler. Enough fucking with her emotions and head."

"Sure thing, Yuni."

"And don't you DARE start or I will neuter you with a hammer."

"....Yes Yuna."




Now it was HER turn to be humilated as the rest chuckled and Benni smirked.

"Thism is going to be fun to watch."

Tyler chuckled as he focused ahead at the path through the trees just before a wide clearing opened up to reveal a decrepid log cabin sitting in the exact center. Everyone inside the halftrack went quiet at this ominous apparition as Tyler smirked.

"I knew it."

Bird blinked and looked at the map....and gasped.

"There's a TINY open area on the map! THAT cabin does NOT appear!"

TYler nodded as he drove the thing right up to the porch of the log cabin.

"Which MEANS, this is a SECRET AREA. Yet, to the inexperienced, this is merely a gap between trees."

And Yuna whistled.

"Which means they're new at openworld games. It's the VETERANS we need to worry about. Okay, you're scary."

"Thanks I work at it. Alright. I'mma go have a look inside. Kinda reminds me of Ash's cabin from Evil Dead. Benni, you and the rest look after the gear."

"On it boss."

TYler and the group dismounted the vehicles beofre the survivor went to the rear hatch. There he started gearing up for a serious fight in close quarters. The M1014 was loaded, 125 shells were pocketed, the sawed off loaded and stored, the Glock18, several frag grenades and tin can landmines, three molotov cocktails, two adrenaline syringes, and the SAW was taken up by the survivor before he walked up to the cabin door. In appearance the place was a simple two floor dewlling with a wraparound porch and brickwork chimmny. ALL the windows were boarded up while there was a large chain on the front door denying access. Tyler smirked as he kicked the door in, snapping the chain.

"Knock KNOCK."

He walked inside...and the door slammed shut behind as a little girl's giggle was heard from somewhere inside the house. The teenager sighed at this discovery as he looked around at the interior.

"Great. A little girl haunting miniboss. PERFECT."

Just inside the front door was the main living space of the dwelling with several rotted pieces of furniture facing the ice cold fireplace. To Tyler's immediate right was the coat closet and on his immediate left was the kitchen contained inside a bar-style counter. The once pure white fridge was now charred black along with the tile on the kitchen floor from years of neglect. Surprisingly the floorboards gave solid creaking sounds as Tyler walked to the fireplace. There he dropped to a knee seeking the first trope of horror movie log cabins: A secret hidden inside the chimmeny. Tyler looked into the dark confines of the rotted brickwork thing....and was faced with a pure white face of a little girl smiling at him in the dark.

"Hi! Let's play!"

She rushed at him screaming a terrifying two toned scream as if to BITE him....onlyt for the giggling horror to pass right through Tyler's body into the floor. The Survivor, however, merely sighed at this nightmare fuel.

"Jesus christ. Get a new jumpscare trope."

In the real world, Hannah and Yuki came down from their near heart attack from the ghost girl's bumrush in first person. Yuki sighed as she flicked the lid off an ice cold soda.

"THAT GUY has balls of steel. And he's right."

Hannah smirked.

"The ONLY reaction he had was a spike in heart rate. She got him, but only just."

Tyler was now rummaging around inside the soot and brickworks of the chimmeny, getting absolutely COVERED in old soot and grime....

"I knew it."

Just before one of the bricks gave way a little. So he grabbed the suspect stone and tore it free with a yank. Behind the thing he discovered a small steel box with a lock. With a sigh heavy with the disdain for the severe lack of originality, Tyler leaned on the counter of the kitchen with a knife to pick the lock. That epic task taking no longer then a grand total of 5 seconds. Inside the box was a rotting photo, a small roll of quarters, a golden cross, and some old, long decayed blood specks. Tyler pocketed the quarters, took the golden cross and looked at the photo....and sighed at the image of a little girl in a pretty red dress. A single word was written on the back.

"Forgive. Ugh. ANOTHER murdered daughter by her father or whoever trope. Whatever."

He took the cross now and found it was indeed made of pure gold with a sapphire in the exact center of the ornament...but nothing else significant. Tyler sighed and went down a nearby hallway with the shotgun in his hands....as a footstep was heard behind him. He looked and was faced with a rotted corpse missing ninety percent of it's flesh lunging at him mouth agape. Tyler sighed as he jerked the stock of the shotgun up, clapping the nealry-a-skeleton creature in it's jaw with enough force it shattered outright and sending it back a step. The immensely bored teenager pivoted on his foot to bring the muzzle to bear on the growling creature as it stumbled backwards...and tripped on a well placed footstool. It hit the ground heavily and Tyler smirked as he lowered his aim.

"Tell Jack Skellington I said BOO."

THe trigger was pulled and the entire skull of the thing was shattered to shards. It went limp and Tyler noted no drops.


So he returned to the once again empty hallway and walked away, slotting an extra shell as he did so. Now unopposed, Tyler was free to reach the first door. He pushed it open with the barrel of the shotgun to find a fully finished bathroom in extreme state of decay. The linololium was completely black from long rotted blood, the walls were cracked, a visible welt hung from the ceiling, the toliet was shattered into bits and the sink and mirror were also defaced. The odd thing was a surprisingly intact curtain was pulled across the bathtub..and Tyler sighed.

"Orginality has truly died. What'll it be? Flashback to murder? Dead body in terrifyingly good shape? That bitch from the Overlook? Some other thing? Get a new trope dammit."

TYler pulled a molotov from his pocket and lit the fuse as he approached the shower....and with an extremely bored expression yanked it back. Laying inside the shower in a pool of blood was a naked little girl with a deflated belly and signs of having given birth. Her eyes were closed and her hair was a striking blue in color. THAT ONE made him lift an eyebrow before he tossed the molotov into the tub with the seemingly dead girl.

"There. Your prye is lit."

The bottle shattered on the tile walls, showering the seemingly dead girl in flaming material and setting her hair aflame. Instantly she started screaming in a twisted wail and rose from the tub in a way that would have made the Exorcist girl blush....and Tyler merely looked at a make-believe watch on his wrist.

"Can you hurry this up? I got shit to do."

As he spoke the flames consumed the screaming in anger girl's body and left behind another photo Tyler snatched....and sighed as he saw another image of the same girl in her teenage years with a VERY pregnant look about her. And a proud father smiling beside her with a possessive hand on her shoulder.

"Called it."

TYler left the bathroom...after smashing the butt of the shotgun into the mirror as he passed. Shattering the MIRROR and the glaring image of the now badly burned girl as well. A VERY ANGRY gutteral growl was heard around the house now and Tyler ignored it as he made for the last door on the left in the hall. This he once again pushed open with the shotgun....to be faced with a badly charred corpse of a man on the badly burnt bed in the middle of the room. Only the bed had been burned. Nothing else in the room had been touched...and Tyler aimed the shotgun. THe unimpressed teenager shot the corpse on the bed and it roared in agonized fury,


The gun went off again and the head of the wailing thing was lost to more buckshot.

"I don't care. YOU are a MONSTER."

The corpse evaporated into nothing...leaving behind ANOTHER picture. This one inside a wooden frame and Tyler sighed at the small baby in the teenage girl's arms as her father still smiled proudly....and the teenage girl now wore a dark look of repressed anger in her sapphire eyes. TYler moved on with his hunt from the now pointless bedroom to the hallway on the OTHER side of the house where only a single room rested at the far end....and the sound of a baby crying was heard now as he approached. TYler reached the door and sighed as a sound of a man's voice was heard now.

"I'm sorry. You should never have been born."

The crying became muffled now as if something was placed over the baby's mouth and Tyler opened the dor to find the same man from the photo pressing a pillow over the quietly screaming infant's mouth in a burnt out crib. Tyler sighed at this horror, well aware he could do nothing to save the child before a shrill scream was heard,


THe apparition of the blue haired teenage mother came sprinting into the room and Tyler merely leaned on a wall cleaning the gunk from his nails as the girl rushed to the defense of her child...and the father hurried to kill his own child/grandchild in a supposed to be heartbreaking and horrifically tragic scene enacted by ghosts. Supposed to be horrifically tragic...but Tyler just sighed as the father threw his daughter/forced wife/mother of his child/grandhild away into a badly placed pointy coat hanger and it impaled her through the neck. The baby died from being dropped by rthe distraught father at his murder....and Tyler sighed as the man dropped to his knees as he saw the true horror of himself.

"Oooh GET a new storyline trope. Jesus this one is so damn tired it's putting ME to sleep."

The phantom scene vanished into smoke as the man looked at the teenager leaning on the wall...and their eyes met,

"Forgive me. Please."

"No. YOU did this to yourself. Now SUFFER like THEY did."

Only for the pitiless Survivor to utterly REFUSE the spector's tortured plea with a cold callousness. The man vanished with regret in his eyes and Tyler walked over to the stil present crin to find yet another photo inside it....and sighed at the image of two smal graves by a tree in rthe backyard.

"Yeah sure whatever."

Tyler took the pictures now and headed for the living room again as he felt there was ONE more place he needed to check. And he did so by sliding the rotted couch from it's resting place, exposing a trapdoor that made him chuckle.


THe door was wrenched open and he dropped down to a dirt floored basement with barely enough room for him to stand upright. The cellar was your usual dirt floored and musty affiar with several barrels and crates stored in the dankness....along with a second, far more robust wooden door fixed into the cement foundation. Tyler approached this with the shotgun up and noted a heavy duty padlock holding it shut....and he slammed the butt of the weapon on the outward opening thing. It shattered and he again wrenched the door open....and was faced with a full sexual torment chamber complete with chains hanging from the ceiling, tables with straps at set positions, a moldering bed with more straps and chains, numerous sharp objects, and no windows to speak of. Tyler sighed as he walked inside the hellish chamber and went over to the rotted out bed...where another ghostly scene played out of the screaming pre-pregnancy blue haired girl being forced to the bed by her father and subsequently raped for what Tyler felt was several hours until he was both spent and unable to continue. Tyler was stil unimpressed as the scene faded out with the man looking at him with the same tortured expression he'd worn prior

"Forgive me. Please. I regret this with-"

"YOU do not deserve redemption, peaceful rest, or forgiveness. YOU are a MONSTER. NOTHING more. Hell is too good for you. Now. BEGONE from my sight and reap what you have sown. MONSTER."

THe man screamed in agonized denial at this harsh condemnation before fading away yet again and another picture was found of the teenage girl...who was by all measurements a VERY beautiful girl, standing outside the far newer cabin with a happy smile in her eyes and on her face with her also smiling father. Tyler nodded as he took this one too.

"The entire reason he moved them here....was so he could fuck her as he saw fit as his own personal livein sexslave. Typical."

The teenager went to walk out of the basement....only to be faced by the blue haired girl's ghost as she stood there still badly burned from the molotov and naked...still displaying her birthing tramua from the tub. Tyler saw her wounds....and pulled a jar from his backpack that healed burns and tossed it to her.

"Sorry bout that."

She caught the jar with one hand....and her blue eyes filled with a wisp of warmth as her soft, two toned voice echoed around the teenager.

"This...is trhe first kindness I have been shown since HE moved us to these woods. I lost everything. My home. My friends. My happiness. My sleep. My innocence.....and my baby. My MArrisa. YOU took my beauty from me....and are now giving it back. Yet condemn my father for HIS mistakes?"

"Setting a seemingly undead girl on fire in a bloodfilled bath tub is a far sight different then RAPING your own DAUGHTER into HER FIRST PREGANCY. I made a mistake in judgement. HE planned your hell out from the start."

THe girl nodded at this as her burns healed and she was returned to her original beauty.

"Your words are true, and your soul even moreso. Long have I awaited the day HE would be condemned by HIS former man for his crimes....and the day has come at last."

TYler smiled.

"Sooo what now, Selena?"

The blue haired girl smiled warmly as her form started to fade away.

"YOU have one more task to complete, Tyler of the Unbreakable Conviction. Find our graves...and HIS."

"And the other blueberry roaming around?"

"OTHER blueberry?"

Selena froze now and Tyler smirked as he brought up a screenshot of Sori Cobaltine and the ghost gasped.

"It can't be. Sori? You're ALIVE? HE said...oh I was a FOOL to believe him! My older sister is alive and safe!"

TYler chuckled as the ghost was seen to deflate from an immense relief.

"She's a tough one too. I saved her life you see."

"AND killed her OWN monster. I see now. And I forgive you the fire. Complete your task...and I will appear."

"See ya in a bit."

Selena vanished into vapor and Tyler climbed out of the basement and walked out to be faced by the VERY much on edge group...and he held a hand up.


They nodded and the survivor climbed onto the roof with the photo of the graves up to compare the background trees to those present....and smirked.

"Got a match."

A smal dent in the treeline was found and the Survivor leapt to the ground and walked over to where a pair of small graves were sitting underneath a weeping willow tree. One was merely the size of a teddybear and the other was about the size of your average 16 year old. A little ways off was another grave with a solid slab for a marker...with the words engraved on it,

"Forgive me my mistakes, and allow me to rejoin my beautiful angels in heaven."

TYler smirked as he looked at the man sized plot.

"Like I said. Hell is too good for you."

The tenager produced a chisel and a hammer before he carved the words,

"I raped my own daughter into her first pregnancy, then killed her and our child."

Into the stone. Once the last word was in place the headstone glowed a deep red as a dark chuckle was heard,


THe now screaming regret, denial and for help ghost of the evil man appeared over the grave surrounded by twisted shapes. The shapes all danced and cackled with glee as the frantically trying to claw his way to a beam of light man was dragged into a crack in the ground with an AGONIZING slowness...as Tyler smirked. He walked over and kicked the man's hand as it got a grip and the man had horror in his eyes at this betrayal.

"Hurts, don't it? Having someone you depended on and turned to for help to STAB you in the back? GOOD> it hurt for SELENA a LOT more. I don't know your name and I DON'T WANT TO KNOW IT. PEOPLE, are remembered. PEOPLE are saved. PEOPLE, get to LIVE. DOGS get put down. HORRORS are sent to HELL. and MONSTERS, are FORGOTTEN. GO to hell. YOU did this to yourself."

And he walked away to the other graves as the condemned man's last pleading screams were cut off by a dark chuckle of an evil entity.

"I could NOT have said that better myself."

TYler smirked and looked at the still glowing red crack on the grave.

"Can I say? I learned from the best."

"Ha! GOOD runt! And don't worry. He will suffer MOST horrifically."

"I'll see ya sooner or later old man."

"YES you WILL. And I have YOU'RE OWWWWWWN little slice of hell ALLLLL ready to recieve you! So make it worth rthe hassel."

The crack to hell closed up and Tyler awalked away with a dark chuckle.

"Sure thing old man."

The Survivor returned to the girls' graves and was met by the much relieved apparition of Selena and a small infant girl in her arms. Selena was now garbed in a flowing gown of white while the baby was in her own swath of white. Selena smiled in relief as Tyler approached.

"You fulfilled your goal....and even went a step further to ensure IT'S torment. Sadly, this is where I leave you. But not permanently, as I will always be watching over you, my hero."

"Eh get up there and don't come back. Go do the angelflutter wtich yo girl and I'll handle the mud."

Selena chuckled at that nonchalant turndown.

"Amusing and you won't get rid of me THAT easily. So shut up and accept the bluebery supermodel guardian angel."

"YEs Selena."

"GOOD. And when you DO die....I get my own vacation home in hell. GOT IT?"

".....YES Selena."

"Good. Your afterlife is MINE. NO ONE elses."

".....THAT'S a twist. Getting married to a ghostgirl for my afterlife while STILL alive. Okay. I'll admit it. THAT'S a decent twist. See ya in hel, Selena. And run em ragged, MArrisa."

The baby cooed at that one before a pair of cobalt wings spread from Selena's back to carry the angelgirl into a beam of golden light...and it chuckled an oddly soothing chuckle as she passed through it.

"Well done, Tyler. You will have great luck in your endeavors."

Andf the glow faded away. Tyler smirked at that one as a last photo was found on the ground...this time depicting TYLER holding a FAR happier Selena in his arms and a happy Marrisa in her arms...and Selena's blue angel wings snuggly wrapped around him. On the back it read,

"THe heavenly hellish family to be. Selena Yatomo."

Tyler chuckled as he slid the photo into his pocket and walked away with his experience bar shooting right passed 11 and just over the line of twelve. Putting him with 10 points to place. The teenager returned to the anxious group and Bird was quick.

"What the HELL happened in there?"

HE chuckled.

"Okay get this."

He told the tale of the house of horrors...anf everyone, Dirk included, whistled at the finish. Yuna had a mildly impressed cleam in her blue eyes.

"SO you condemned a rapist father for his evil, freed the souls of his daughters, got married to the daughter in the AFTERLIFE and she is related to another NPC you rescued? THAt is some INTENSE worldbuilding lore right there."

TYler chuckled as he set the shotgun back into his backpack.

"Tell me about it. BBest part is we can keep the cabin and yeah. The monster's grave we can just bury. The girls we'll leave alone and do something with. Alright. We got aota work to do ladies and then so let;s get to it."

The Survivor looked at BIrd,

"We're keeping the house and refitting it into a PROPER homebase. All that burnt and rotted funriture's gotta go. Start at the living room and work outward. Most of the wood will need to be ripped out but yeah."

"On it boss."

Benni was next.

"YOU grab two and start unloading the raw mats from the halftrack. I'll drop the jeep and set the forge up. And watch some a the toys...they're sensitive."

"Yes sir. Let's MOVE Marines!"

Tyler chuckled at that one as he next looked to Dirk.

"YOU take two and grab the wodmaul from the jeep. I want two foot thick red oaks in the yard by sundown. You're not to touch any trees within thirty feet of the treeline rimming the clearing."

"On it BOSS."



THe lanky gingersnap hopped up and Tyler smirked.

"YOU and Yuna take cutters and start removing every bush and shrub from between the trees in the treeline. Anything collected will be added to our supplies so get a bucket chain going. 10 feet into the woodland from the rim is to be barren."

"Got it boss."

"Any questions?"

Dirk was heard,

"Can we get to work now?"

TYler chuckled at the snide comment.

"Survivors ready....GO!"

The 11 player party scattered. Bird took some of the girls and boys to start moving rotted furniture out of the cabin and to a pile Tyler would use for firefuel. Benni and the stronger of the guys unloaded the halftrack and jeep of the immense number of raw materials Tyler had amassed....and many a whistle were heard from the numerous aircraft machineguns and arms he'd taken from the downed choppers. Dirk had two with him and were working to chop down two good sized red oaks each 3 feet thick and close to 100 feet tall. Tyler? he had pegged a fourty foot circle close to 60 feet from the cabin and was digging another hole searching for rocks and clay. An activity that had the curious group looking over periodically as the hole deepened...and a pile of grey clay grew along with another pile of rocks. TYler smiled as he collected the last piece he needed and climbed out of the now 4 foot deep hole to begin construction on the smelter and forge. This one being a perfect mirror to the first he'd created and once Dirk returned dragging the first load of logs....TYler took them to fill the fuel chamber. Once it was ready he smiled.

"Alrighty then. NOW to reforge the iron an steel from the cabin."

Benni smirked as he saw the dome shaped construct and looked to Tyler as he approached.

"Okay, Tyler. Nicely done. An the metal's over there."

"Alright. We'll need a lota wood to completely restore the cabin to a liveable condition. Time being the camper has room for the crew."

Bird came over as Tyler collected an armful of iron pipes taken from bed frames.

"cabin's empty, Tyler. Now what?"

"The appliances?"

"Over there. Grudgia wants to rip all the tile out now since most of it's corroded."

"Good call. Next task is ripping out the finishings inside. Once we got the bones exposed we can see how bad the rot is."

"On it. We'll start in rthe basement and work up.....and yes the fucked up toys were added to the repurpose pile."

"What, Birdy? You don't want your own perch?"

She smacked him on reflex with a smirk.

"NOT THAT kinda perch ya idiot! I want it to be ALIVE!"

"Ha. Atta girl."

She smirked and headed off to the next task while Dirk glared at him.

"And US your majesty?"

TYler chuckled.

"YOU guys grab another set of trees. Long as you remember the border keep at it. The stumps we'll rip out with the halftrack later."

"Yes sir.....bossy friggin asshole."

THe Survivor chuckled at the snide parting remark as he loaded the iron pipes into the heating chamber....and threw the match.

"Alright, Yuki, that blacksmith handy?"

The Delta sniper appeared with a chuckle.

"JAck's coming...and my GOD is he still pissy. It's nearly 7 oclock at night here."

"We're headin for a midnighter since I got the floodlights....hey Ronny!"

"I heard! Where do ya want em?!"

TYler smiled.

"Think you can hook em on the roof?"

THe ginger haired kid looked at the cabin and crossed his arms.

"I don't trust that apex, Gore. I can se the rotted support beams and shingles from here."

"Damn. Okay, see if you can make a tripod or something Ronny. We need em up high."

"On it. One on the camper roof?"

"Good thinking. That'll hold till we get them setup properly."

"On it."

TYler used a steel poker for a fireplace to slide freshly forged iron ingots out of the outlet onto their cooling slabs....as a VERY irritated Jack came barging into the room on the screen.

"Jesus fucking christ. Makes me waste three fucking days with my thumb up my ass and when he DOES call it's after supper? WHAT KID?"

"Ha. I'm at the forging step. We need iron rods, barbed wire, RAZORWIRE, and some iron bars."

JAck sighed as he sat beside the glowering Yuki.

"You need a PROPER set of TOOLS for wire o any kind kid. Now thick for the rods?"

"3 inchs. They'll be used as spike traps. We'll also be making tank traps too, but those'll be good steel."

The blacksmith sighed in irritation as the latest batch of ingots was retrieved.

"You have an anvil?"

"Not yet. Giant ass rock."

"Ugh. Alright. HOw much metal ya got?"

"Bout 500 pounds ready to go."

The last of the iron was smelted into bars and Tyler set the frist into the forge as the sighing JAck gave instructions on heating and hammering out the 3 inch thick dowels that would be used for spikes. Each rod was nearly 5 feet long and made from solid iron caped off with a viciously sharp tip nearly 4 inches long. Oddly enough Tyler had four rods all sharing similar cut tips...and Yuki noted this.

"HEy Tyler? What's the different tips for?"

"Making a stronger spike....and one that SPREADS the deeper it penetrates."

She blinked and he pulled a paper from his pocket.

"Few years back I saw a video on medieval torture methods. There was this pear shaped metal tool used on adultrous women. The item would be inserted into their asses or vaginas until full....and a crank would be turned at the bottom. Opening the thing inside their bodies. Each side of the pear's leaves were razor sharp and yeah. I'm using this idea and applying to an impalement spear. Once the victim impales itself, the rod splits along the creases and does further cutting damage along it's length. Plus will trap whatever is impaled due to the same."

Everyone shuddered at the imagery and JAck crossed himself.

"May the Lord forgive me for aiding the son of Satan. And YOU are a TWISTED kid."

"Thanks I work at it. There."

TYler finished the first set of 9 rods and Hannah smirked.

"Spiked walls?"

"And ACTUAL wall. I'll be looking for cement and concrete mixing equipment and we'll erect coblestone walls...covered in barbed wire on one side to prevent something climbing. The surface of the stone will be razorsharp too since we got the time."

"Oh jesus."

"Hey Tyler."

Yuna came over now with a frown on her face.

"The halftrack's got a leak in the brakeline."



"Oh great. Alright. I'll take a look and let the next batch melt."

The newly forged rods were set aside before the Survivor followed his friend to their primary vehicle....as JAck sighed.

"Great. NOW I'mma not be able to sleep."

"Nah you can go. I'll be making rods-"

Jack was gone before Tyler finished speaking and the door slammed with a force.

"Okay then."

They reached the halftrack where BEnni was on the ground underneath it and Tyler dropped to join him.

"How bad, Benni?"

The man sighed as he pointed to a section of line.

"BAD. Someone cut this."

Tyler looked...and sure enough. The main brakeline of the halftrack had been neatly cut....and he smirked as he saw the clean line.

"Yeah and I know with what. A VERY freshly sharpened pair of wire cutters. Problem IS....all MY tools are KINDA worn since I got them from backalley bodyshops. If there's a clean pair of wirecutters ANYWHERE, we're looking at a plant."


"Eh it's fine. I got this. There's a backup line in the loot too."

"Ha. Well don't YOU think ahead. I got it. And I don't need to jack it up."

"You do I got a workaround."

Benni chuckled and Tyler crawled out from under it before heading to his toolbox. He opened it...and smirked at an oddly PRISTINE pair of wirecutters laying inside it.

"I figured."

He looked to where Dirk was talking with Ronny...and the Survivor walked over.

"Dirk, you're outa your mind if you think to get US to turn onm Gore like that. Guy is a higher level then us ALL put together...and is freakin awesome. NO."

"Snipes, we can't trust him! And the halftrack's useless now since someone cut the brakeline."

"Say WHAT now?"

Dirk nodded at Ronny's shock.

"Yeah. Someone cut the line with some wirecutters...and the thing's dead now."


Both guys jumped at Tyler's amused voice and Ronny chuckled as rthe Survivor approached.

"Damn dude you a ghost. So what happened?"

"Jackass cut the main line on the track. No biggee really. I got like four backups."

"Ha. Makes sense. Benni'll have it fixed in ten minutes."

TYler nodded at that fact as he looked at Dirk....who was sweating bullets.

"Hey Dirk,"

"Uhhh, yeah?"

"NExt time? Have the decency to clean your tools before just TOSSING them into the toolbox? I GET we're in the apocolypse, but come on MAN!"

Dirk nodded, clearly uncomfortable.

"Yeah....I'll remember that."

TYler nodded and smiled.

"Benni said the line was cut cleanly through. That's kinda impressive since all the cutters were nearly dull."

Dirk smirked at that one.

"I guess you need to take better care of your tools then, Gore. MY cutters are brand new."

"Ha. I looted mine from backalley bodyshops. MAkes sense. How easy was it cuttin with em?"

Dirk's own ego, led him RIGHT into the trap without him even noticing.

"Oh it was super easy. The line was only a quarter of an inch and the edges were freshly sharpened. Was EASY for ME!"

TYler chuckled at that confession and Ronny whistled.

"Dude how did you do that?"

"I watch a lotta crime shows. NCIS?"

"Ah. Ha. Dirk what the fuck?"


Tyler chuckled at the blonde haired boy's sudden confusion.


Dirk blinked at that...then went WHITE as he realized what he'd said.

"YOU hoodwinked me."

"Yup. It's a hobby. Ya got two choices. Pack your shit and leave. Or I stuff you into my forge. While it's LIT. Make a choice."

Dirk glared at the Survivor.

"YOU are NOT some badass superhero, Tyler. They were with ME. FIRST."

"So? Fuck's your point?"

Ronny blew a whistle on his lips and everyone gathered around curiously....and they blinked at the charges. Bird sighed as she looked at Tyler.

"Soo DIRK tried to sabotage the halftrack?"

"Guy was loving having you all to himself....in HIS words, as his own personal harem and henchmen. Seems he likes being in charge of a posse and HIM being in all command."

They blinked at that and Dirk went even whiter at this revelation...Tyler smirked.

"Unlike YOU, Dirk? MY darkside NEVER sleeps. And it is ALWAYS awake. I have a DEMON inside me....and it is ALWAYS on watch. YOU just PRETEND to have a split since it gives you an aliby if you got caught trying to be the dark hero you always LONGED to be-"


"GET. OUT. of MY camp. RUN little boy!"

Dirk had tears of hate and helpless rage on his face at Tyler's cocky smirk....and the blonde boy's hand went for his pocket. There was a click and the .357 Ruger revolver was in Tyler's hand aimed at the blonde boy....and the Survivor smirking.

"I don't know if I loaded this one or not. So. Ya feeling....LUCKY...punk?"

Benni nodded approvingly.

"Dirty Harry and MAgyver. As a member of the 80s, GOOD man."

Dirk had lost all color in his face at the magical appearance of the revolver...and Yuna sighed.

"Jesus Dirk. Explains why I never slept with you. YOU creeped me out."

The girls nodded sagely at this and Bird shrugged.

"I saw. He's tiny too."

TYler and the other boys smirked at this verdict while Dirk started twitching from the rage corsing through his veins....and the Survivor smirked as the hammer was pulled back.

"Last change, Dirkle. Turn around, and walk away and get to LIVE...or die here and be used as bait for animals. Your choice."

Dirk went RED at this ultimatum...and then smirked.

"YOU won't kill me."

"Oh yeah? Why not?"

Dirk's smirk turned mocking.

"YOU'VE never killed another player-"


TYler's OWN smirk had everyone looking at him now.

"I have. Luka444. I kiled him with this very gun, Dirk. And ya know what? THAT execution resembled this standoff....a HELLUVA lot. I saved his life too. I offered him a choice, just like you. I wonder if you will make the RIGHT choice this time?"

Bird gulped.


The delta sniper appeared and nodded.

"It's true. Tyler had killed another player before...and it was a near mirror of this instance. If you do not walk away, Dirk, he will NOT hesitate to kill you."

Dirk's eyes were full of a new smirk as he besiged the group around him.

"So is THIS who you want to put your faith in? A murderer that would hapilyt KILL YOU if you disobey his commands? COme on guys, you're better then that-"

"Ya done?"

A yawn from Tyler cut him off.

"Go PREACH your bullshit to somebody somewhere else, Dirk. NO one here wants to here it. If I WANTED YOU DEAD, ALL a you would be already."

Bird smiled at that.

"He has a point. Tyler had the drop on us and LET us go. I trust him."

The dark haired girl's statement helped the friends make a choice and they all nodded. Dirk just watched this with a stunned look on his face as Tyler smirked.

"I'll count to three, Dirkle. Three will just be a gunshot. 1...2....oh."

Dirk grabbed his bagpack and turned to walk away. TYler smiled as he took his thumb off the hammer and his finger off the trigger.

"Good choice."

A gunshot rang out now and a bullet took Tyler in the side as a smoking hole appeared in Dirk's jacket. The guy turned around as Tyler dropped to the ground bleeding and pointed a Taurus 24/7 Compact at the horrified group.

"Se? He's NOT some big badass-"

A BIGGER gunshot rang out and Dirk's head flew back from a .357 round exploding out of the back his skull. The dead boy dropped to the ground with a thud as Tyler got off the ground with a smirk and bleedign side.

"Idiot. A 24/7 compact is next to useless at 30 yards. At THAT range, all you did was jab me with a more powerful thimble."

Dirk never heard the condesation as the teenager dusted himself off and lifted his shirt to show the damage the nearly spent bullet had done....and the group all sighed in relief at the fact the bullet itself was sticking halfway OUT of his skin! Tyler used a pair of pliers to rip the bullet out before applying a bandage as Benni nodded.

"Alright. That's one problem dealt with."

Yuna nodded with a slightly strained smile.

"Heeey, Tyler?"

"YES we'll break out the booze tonight.'

"Oh thank god. We're gonna need something for tonight."

He nodded and the body was looted before being dropped in the forest. Tyler and the friends regrouped at the halftrack where Benni tapped the thing.

"Line's fixed and ready to go."

THe Survivor nodded.

"Good. Alright. We'll get back to what we were doing. Regroup at the camper once the sun is below the treeline."

The heads nodded and he smiled.

"Survivors Ready? Go!"

They chuckled at the running gaga and broke to their tasks. Tyler returned to the forge where he got to work forging more rods as Yuki appeared with Hannah. The soldier asian smiled.

"You're dead on with the 24/7. I'm more impressed he HIT YOU at ALL."

"So was I. Whi I hit the dirt at all."

Hannah chuckled as she added her own input.

"I got a clean look at the wound and all it turned out to be was some broken skin and a minor jab. Just keep an eye on it."

"Will do. So I've killed two people in here."

Yuki nopdded as he sharped the latest impalement spear.

"You have. You feel anything?"

"Nothin yet. Like I just killed another zombie or something."

He shrugged as he set the tenth spear on the pile and Yuki smiled.

"You're not there yet. Good. You'll know it when you are. And how many a those spears are you going to make?"

"Enough to fill the gaps between trees save for four ways in or out."

"Oh....OH. Okay. You'll need a LOT more iron."

"I am WELL aware. TRUST me."

The ladies chuckled at that one as Tyler focused on the task at hand...and within an hour and a half had churned out close to 150 more of the nearly 5 foot long spears. Happy with the amount he doused the forge and smelter before moving around the treeline burying the spears facing outward and the tips aimed directly at the waist. There was about 3 feet between each spear and they were placed between every single tree in a circle of the perimeter until Tyler had ran out of the metal spears. In total....he hadn't even covered a quarter of the clearing's circumferance and nodded.

"We'll need a LOT more metal."

The sun had dropped below the treeline now and so the friends gathered around the armored camper. There Tyler brought the grill out and they smiled as he lit it. Bird smiled warmly as she lit the actual campfire.

"Now THIS is kinda nice. A campfire in the middle of absolutely NOWHERE and no school in the morning."

That one made them all chuckle and Tyler smirked as he passed some ice cold beers around.

"Let's not forget the beers ladies and others."

They nodded and clinked the bottles over the flames as the scent of roasting burgers wafted over them.

"To the Survivors!"

They chuckled at that one and Yuna smirked as they all took deep swigs.

"So what's tomorrow's plan, boss?"

TYler smiled.

"Tomorrow we're ripping the roted chimniy out and replacing it with a new one. Once that's done we'll take a good look at the support beams in the roof, walls, and studs. If they're in good shape we'l go from there. The goal here is to convert the cabin into a ten room tower for us and reinforce it too"

They nodded and Ronny frowned as he looked at the building.

"We might be better off just replacing the frame entirely, Tyler. I got a look at some of the exposed studs and most are totted all the way through and others were utterly water damaged. Same with the floorboards."

"Makes sense. We'll stip it to the bones and go from there then."

"Smart. My dad owns his own construction company and I was the chief apprentice. Business' been in the family since the first world war."

"Nice. We'll have to completely rewire the place and repipe it too so that'll be a blast."

THe group chuckled at that truth as the burgers were passed around. Benni became thoughtful as he munched.

"HEy Gore, what IS your ultimate goal here? Aside from the base?"

Tyler smiled.

"I'll be heading for the coast and seeing about securing a vessel to sail south for the winter. I want to claim either an aircraft carrier or something else big like that."

Everyone was looking at him in shock at the pipedream and he smirked.

"I go big."

YUna smirked now.

"I'm in...so LONG as we get a BATTLESHIP too."

"Ha. We'll see what we can scrounge up."

The group all smiled at the idea and fed well on the juicy meal. Once fed the friends put the flames out and Tyler set out the mass of snares and wooden spike traps around the camper while the rest all climbed into the camper. Once the doorbell was set he joined them only to find the girls on the beds and the guys on the floor.


Bird giggled from her spot beside a smirking Yuna.

"Maaaybe we got room for one more?"

TYler smirked at THAT tintillating offer!

"No way am I passin THAT snugglefest up."

THat got chuckles from the group as he tossed his shirt aside and settled down between the smirking...and naked under the blankets ladies. Yuna was quick to rest her head on his chest and Bird snuggle into his arm....when they blinked.

"Wow. He's like REALLY warm."

TYler smirked as he wrapped the sexy girls in his arms with a hand on their back.

"Get cozy."

The blonde Yuna smirked...and a hand was felt to grab him by the balls.


Bird blinked and grabbed her own feel of the jewels....

"We need lube."

Tyler chuckled at their gulp as they settled down.

"We'll have fun. Night, Birdy, Night Yuna."

"Night you arrogant prick."

Yuki smirked as the videofeed went out as Tyler fell asleep snuggling to two girls.

"Oh he;s gonna enjoy their attention alright."

Hannah nodded with her own smirk.

"Oh yeah. And they're gonna enjoy HIS attention too! Guy gets around."

"Is it wrong I'm jealous?"

"I am too. Of both parties!"