
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · Ciudad
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19 Chs

Getting lost in the Zombie uprising.


DAY 6.






Tyler awoke the next morning and yawned after another dreamless and restful night. He left the camper for another patrol of the dew drenched area and nodded at the silent isolation and lack of tracks. Breakfast consisted of an instant meal and some coffee before he got to work breaking camp down. In the real world, Yuki was yawning around her own coffee as she and an equally drowsy Hannah watched the teenager dismantle his campsite.

"Well, here we go again."

Yuki nodded as her brain started working again.

"Yup. The blacksmith will be here for noon. Odds are Tyler will have found something big and ugly to kill by then. IF his patern holds."

THe teenager climbed into the driver's seat with his various sidearms in easy reach...and the addition of the Marlin 45-70 lever action rifle in the passengar's seat. Behind him the onlyt thing that remained of his stay, was a small hole and the cold forge. The teenager smiled as he turned the radio on and some of his favorite music started playing as he headed down the valley for the highway. Tyler made the highway without issue and was cruising along at a modest 25 miles an hour and his head on a swivel in the event of something worth looking into. Around him the world was silent with not a soul or unsoul to be seen. A swath of forest extended on either side of the highway with an unerring straightness leading into the distance. Tyler had a one handed feel on the wheel as he kept the other reaching for the grips of the various guns for the event of emergency. An hour passed like this. At which point Tyler came upon a fork in the highway. Or more accurately an offramp leading to the west. A sign hung over the offramp,

"Wesbury MA 250. Hey Yuki,"

The delta soldier appeared with a smirk and a map.

"It exists. And is a real town in Massechuesetts."

"Well, I'm in America. SO that's a plus. I'll head there since I need a town more then I need a highway."

"Be careful."

He nodded and pulled down the offramp and smirked at the next discovery. A solid wooden barricade covered the underpass of the highway as he pulled up to it.

"And in any postapocolyptic world, the highway underpasses serve as incredibly robust settlements. Yuki,"

She was quick to reappear.

"There are no player settlements OR structures THAT complex as of yet, Tyler."

A glint had Tyler floor the gas pedal and yank on the wheel just before a whizzing sound passed his head, punching a hole in his windsheld.


The survivor zigzagged away from the dangerous underpass while more gunshots rang out from more snipers trying to hit his tires or gas tank. But they kept missing due to the erratic driving of the teenager...and he ducked behind a tipped over semi trailer. The 45-70 was taken out and the amop box before he flipped the lever.

"Let's dance asshole."

A shard of broken glass was flung onto the street with a glint....and Tyler smirked at the number of bullets hitting it.

"5. A volley of five shells so five shooters."

HE droped to the ground and found a hole had been torn into the steel paneling of the semi's trailer....and he crawled inside. Inside the trailer, it became clear the cargo had long been looted as the survivor found another hole near the top of the trailer with a perfect angle on the wooden barricade. Within seconds, Tyler's razor sharp eyes spotted the five shilouettes contrasted against the edge of the underpass and he set the 45-70 on a small rail with the barrel INSIDE a shadow. He set his eye to the small neon blue dot that served as the reflex sight's reticle...and he smiled.

"I don't miss."

He pulled thre trigger and a loud bang echoed around the trailer. A flash gave his position away and the round flew with unerring accuracy to take one of the shadows in the head with a splash of red the indicator of a perfect headshot. Four bangs were heard from the return fire...as Tyler flipped the lever and took aim at the second head. He pulled the trigger as the four rounds sparked around him, their aim thrown off by the fact the hole he was using was a mere 3 inches wide. The second shooter dropped and the three leftovers dropped down behind their wooden barricade. Tyler took this opportunity to slot two fresh rounds into the tube and plan his next move....when he smirked. He took aim at the wooden barricade where the shooters had been seen....and he fired. His efforts bore fruit as another splash of red signified another hit. One of the shooters panicked and leapt up with his gun waving wildly seeking the shooter...only for Tyler's calmer round to blow his mind for the last time. That left one shooter still active inside the barricade so the sniper returned to the jeep and kicked the windshield out. He then proceeded to drive the vehicle towards the barricade....and the noise from the engine inspired the scared lone survivor to take another shot....only for the M1911 to be in Tyler's hand as he poped up. The last sniper was head in the face and he dropped behind the barricade as the jeep rolled up. There was a large hole for cleared vehicles to pass through and Tyler did so slowly....until he found the main entrance to the hideout. He swapped the 45-70 for the M1014 shotgun with a full tube of 7 shells. Tyler hopped out with a smirk before walking into the supposedly secured settlement. In layout it resembled you're average campground of 5 tents near the cement roof while thick wooden planks surrounded the area. He found a way onto the shooter's platforms and climbed up to find one of the men bleeding from a hole the size of a hackeysack in his torso. The man was dressed in several makeshift pieces of football padding he'd mistakenly thought would protect him as Tyler walked up. The man glared at him as the teenager reached him.

"You're a coward. Hiding in the TRAILER behind a WALL? Where's your honor?"

"Right here."

Tyler stomped on his head with a vicious force, killing him. He looked around at the interior of the walls...and nodded.


Yuki appeared with an impressed light in her eyes.

"Nicely DONE, Tyler. Your aim was spot on, your choice in cover impeckable, and even your tactics were infallible. My ONE suggestion was a little further inside the shadow next time as the third round grazed you, but overall good kills."

TYler chuckled as he set to looting the dead men.

"THanks, Yuki, I work at it. Sniping is one of my older skills and I'm rather feared in some circles. I only blew five light loads on these guys and the graze was more from a richochet then anything. Alright what these guys packin...."

The five shoters' weapons were collected and Tyler tilted his head at the spread.

"Ooookay. That one there is A model 1887 Springfield trapdoor rifle. 6.5mm I believe. This guy was using a Lee Enfield bolt action rifle from world war too. THAT'S a classic. This guy had a ROBAR single shot rifle chambered for .338 LAPUA, that one had a trench carbine sniper rifle from world war 1. 9mm. And the last guy was using a carcano bolt actionm chambered in 6.9mm. Weird spread."

Yuki nodded with a mild whistle.

"VERY weird spread. So what are you keeping?"

"The Enfield for sure. Thing is STILL viable even 80 years later."

"Agreed. Any ammo?"

"About 15 shots left for the springfield. I can use that for a hunting rifle. 20 left for the enfield. 4 for the ROBAR, 19 for the trench carbine, and two full clips of 6 shells for the carcano. Only one I DON'T want is the trench carbine. I'll take the ammo since I can repurpose it all but yeah."

The bullets were pocketed and Tyler left the trench carbine while taking the remaining four. Then he went to the first tent with the shotgun and opened the zipper. Inside the thing was a moldy sleeping bag, a cooler, and several porn magazines. Tyler shivered as he saw the centerfold of the porno mag was in a full wolf furry costume taking it in the ass from a bull.

"Jesus CHRIST."

The cooler was opened....and he gagged a little at the stench of rotted cum and the rotted cum encrusted pocket pussies and fleshlights inside. TYler sighed as he dumped everything out and took the cooler.

"I will be SURE to sanitize this in a fire or something. Yeeck."

He walked out and an also disgusted Yuki appeared.

"A river will help.....and my god."

"Yeah. Survivin's nasty at times."

THe second tent merely contained a sleeping bag and a small collection of rusting steel knives. Tyler left these as the rust had set in. The third tent was opened...and inside was a full folding cot that was surprisingly clean while another cooler was found. Tyler opened this....and chuckled.

"Okay, much better."

Inside was a full box of chocolate fudge granola bars, a six pack of beer in cans, and a book of matches. Tyler took the entire thing and tossed the contaminated cum cooler aside. And into the fourth tent he went....only to be completely surprised by a naked female zombie chained by her arms to the underpass roof...and there were signs of frequent sexual abuse around her groin and breasts. The thing moaned at the disgusted intruder as he fought to NOT throw up at the discovery and the stains around her.

"Jesus FUCKING christ. That is over the line man!"

He stabbed the sex toy in the head with a knife and it went limp as the scarred teenager looked around the tent now...and found nothing but several bottles of sexual lubrecant, a whip, a videocamera, and a sex enhancing cream that was empty. HE walked out and shivered as he went to the fifth tent.

"If there is a KID in here....then I am getting hammered tonight."

In the real world that sentiment was very much mutual with the watching ladies. Hannah shuddered as the memory of the sex toy zombie replayed in her mind.

"I AM getting hammered tonight. Jesus that is nasty."

The fifth tent was opened....and Tyler was faced by an empty tent with a paded mattress on the ground by where the underpass would be. That was when the keen eyed teenager noted a set of shackles embedded in the wall minus an occupant. He sighed at that proof and headed out.

"A slaver band. Ugh."

He looked around at the barricade now...and spotted a small structure with a curtain covering it...and he lifted the shotgun as he approached. The curtain was pushed aside to reveal...a small number of trunks laid against the wall. A table sat by them with a paper sitting underneath a leather pouch. The survivor walked over and found the pouch to contain quarters.

"Huh. I wonder if quarters are the new currency of the Zombieworld? An here I been using them as ammo. Ha."

The paper was looked at now,

"This is your last chance, Max. Either deliver the payment as we agreed on, or we will feed that lovely daughter of yours to our lust...until she dies. Meet us at the usual spot...and it had BETTER be with the payment. Bear."

Tyler smirked as he put the paper down.

"So NOW I need to figure out where this usual spot is. Oh how I LOVE radiant quests."

The now alert teenager looked around at the room before opening the various chests. Most were empty...aside from the last. Inside was a folded sheet of paper that made him smirk as he took it.

"The map of the area...and the usual spot is marked on here too. Looks like it's the next pass heading to Wesbury. Two birds one stone."

He loaded the meager loot into the jeep and got rolling as Yuki appeared with a smirk.

"So off to play rescue to a princess."

TYler chuckled as he drove.

"Girl's already dead. The letter seems to be at least two weeks old. I'm looking into an aftermath."

"And if she IS alive?"

"Well. I'mma have some fun."

"Ha. NOW I think you're an antihero!"

"Nah. Just an opportunist."

She chuckled at that one as Tyler dodged wrecked cars and damaged sections of road all the while keeping an eye out for the next underpass in question....which did not take long to find. This pass was a full four leaf clover intersection with the ground level thoroughfare blocked by another barricade of semi trailers. Tyler slowed to a stop as he looked at the meeting place...and smirked.

"I count fifteen men guarding the entrance. This'll be fun. And the loot will be EXTREME."

The jeep was parked between two semi trailers and Tyler took an empty backpack, the 45-70, M1014, and the silenced M1911. The rest he left in the secure and hidden hideout. The first thing the hunter did was get off the exposed highway to trot along the gully of the highway. His sharp eyes noting the men guarding the second hideout were wearing football pads reinforced with scrap iron plates...and spiked football helmets. Their weapons were more guns...and the teenager smirked thinly as he noted scopes, grips, and other attachments on the guns. This'll be a stealth romp until I find the girl. I do THAT I can go guns out. Tyler reached the cement onramp of the cloverleaf without issue. From here he crept along the thing towards the wooden barricade itself. His boots made not a sound as he reached the wooden thing soaring to 15 feet tall. Tyler then pulled one of the gunpowder cans from his pocket with a strip of duct tape. Then he used a knife to pry a single 2x8 beam from the wall and sneak inside. The plank was replaced...and the boobytrapped can was duct taped to the wood for a quick getaway. A sound of bootsteps was heard approaching along with a grumble.

"Why the fuck are we still here? Max never showed and the girl behaves...so why the hell are we still here-"

TYler appeared from behind the armored man with a kick to the knee and the knife to the throat.

"Where's the girl?"

The man smirked as he was bent over on his knees.

"FUCK you-


TYler smirked...and placed the barrel of his shotgun against the rectum of the now nervous goon.

"If you want me to!"

"She's with the boss! In the back! By the gap between the leaves!"

"IS she alive?"


"Ya been a big help."

THe knife was stabbed into his chest and sliced across his throat. TYler stowed the dead body behind a raised section of cement ande looted the man of his equipment before moving on. Tyler moved through the camp and noted close to 5 more patrols moving about while the gap between roads was defended by a palisade of wooden logs. This made the teenager smirk as he reached the nearly 2 foot thick things.

"Cowards hide behind walls."

The hunter moved along the wall towards the onramp and was rewarded for his effort with a small gap between the logs and the cement he crawled through. Inside the semicircle of logs Tyler was faced with the back of a halfassed leanto made from wood and scrap iron. The leanto even had a set of spikes defending it from intruders from the rear and front...but these were easily avoided since the spikes were 5 feet tall. Tyler crawled under them and reached the back wall of the leanto...and heard a deep man's voice as he chuckled to an unseen person.

"Such a shame your beloved father abandoned you, Sori. I always thought he had more balls then that! To just GIVE you to me without even TRYING to save you? Such a shame."

A girl's whimpering voice was heard then, thick with the sound of despair.

"I know you killed my father, Bear. I'm not stupid. All you wanted was my ass all to yourself. Well. You have it. Now what? And how many times am I getting raped tonight?"

The man's chuckle was full of a vile sadisticness now.

"Well THAT depends on how good you FEEL my beloved WIFE-"

"Mind if I crash this occasion?"

TYler apeared from behind the naked and nearly 7 foot tall man with the knife plunging into his spine. The man grunted and went to howl in agony...only for a braid of cloth to be slung into his mouth while he dropped to the ground without feeling his legs. The knife was ripped from his back and stabbed into the man's heart twice with a cruel twist. Bear died without a sound and Tyler smirked as he got his knife back.

"Anyone that leaves his backdoor unlocked in a war is just asking for it."

The teenager looked around now...and was faced by the stunned image of a naked girl hanging by her wrists from the roof of the leanto. In age she was similar to him and was only half a head shorter. Her frame was slender and her skin was sunkissed from long hours in the sun. Her hair was long and hung to her knees...and was a striking shade of sapphire blue. Even her eyes were of the same sapphire blue. Her bust was her more eyecatching feature, as they were MASSIVE on her narrow frame. Now, her current predicerment reflected itself on her once smooth skin. Cuts, bruises, dirt, and grime covered her while her beautiful hair was marred by dried mud and dirt from her rough treatment at the hands of the bandits. Tyler smiled as he walked over to the stunned speechless girl.

"Hi, how ya doin? I'm Gore."

The girl regained her power of speech....and her voice was full iof a new tenseness and emotion. Overal she had a very sultry, purrlike voice.

"Did my father send you?"

"Nah he tried to kill me. I found the note and map leading here...and yeah."

The girl nodded and was seen to slump.

"And what do you want in return for my rescue? MY body?"

"We'll talk about that one once we get outta here. Can you walk?"

She nodded.

"I can. And I can fight too."

"Oh good. Hold still."

"That's not funny."

"Eh it's a little funny."

Tyler used his knife to pick the lock on her handcuffs...and as soon as the girl was free she went to kick her rescuer in the balls. Sadly, Tyler was too quick for such a trick. He caught her soft leg in his hand, twisted and pulled. The girl was flipped onto her belly with a thud and Tyler was quick to pin her in place with the point of the knife on her spine.

"Are you done?"

The blue haired girlt went limp at this foiling....and sighed in a new despair.


"My name is Gore. What's yours?"

"....Sori. Sori Cobaltine."

TYler picked her off the ground and set her on her bare feet.

"Look if I WANTED to rape you...I'dda done it while you were still danglin."

Sori sighed at this point.

"Okay. We'll escape..and then negotiate my freedom."

"Think fast."

He tossed her a double barreled shotgun he'd taken from the dead guard and a baggie of shells.

"My count there's stil about 13 left. Stay low and follow me. Oh. put these on."

HE passed her a pair of looted sandles....and she smirked at the lack of clothes.

"I see your intentions."

"I didn't see any ladies wear sooo yeah. I got a bikini in your size back at the jeep you can have once we're done here."

"Way to make it worth my while."

"I try."

She sighed and loaded the shells in to the gun as a voice was heard,

"Hey boss, when we gonna get a turn?! We caught the bitch!"

TYler smirked as he went to where the door to the main camp was...and placed the barrel of the silenced M1911 against the wood. The trigger was pulled and a sound of something dropping to the ground was heard before he pushed the door open. Three men were seen looking at their dead companion in shock as the teenager took aim. The first two shots took two in the teeth while a smirking Sori fired the first barrel of the shotgun with a roar of thunder, blowing the head off the man entirely. The alarm was raised and the surviving goons came racing to kill the intruders. Only for TYler and Sori to already be behind cover as the ten men raced down an alley. Tyler took aim and fired his 45-70. The beefy round perced clean through 5 men at the throat level and Sori smirked as her next blast tore through five of her own due to the armor piercing quarters in the shells.

"I like shotguns."

TYler chuckled as he slotted a fresh bullet into the tube.

"Me too. Alright, Sori, we'll loot em an get the F outta here."

The blue haired and still naked beauty smirked.

"Aight, Gore."

The pair split to loot the place. Tyler wen tover the bodies and retreived the tin can landmine while Sori scrounged up some clothes and looted containers. An hour later the duo regrouped at the front of the camp and Sori had found some clothes she liked. Her attire being a open front denim vest with no bra and a pair of tight booty shorts. She had replaced the sandles with proper boots and some spiked kneepads and elbow guards. Tyler smiled as he laid the weapons and his own loot out.

"Alright. Anything good, Sori?"

THe blue haired beauty smirked as she laid out her own offerings.

"A LOT. So. What'll you want from me for the rescue?"

TYler looked at her with a smile.

"Wanna come roaming?"

Sori lifted an eyebrow.

"If I refuse?"

"I'd ask you don't shoot me if you see me first."

"Ha. So you DON'T want to fuck me."

"Oh I do. I just won't force you."

That made her smile in visible relief.

"You're not lying. I can tell...and I kinda like that warmth in your eyes. Time being I have some business to deal with on my own."

"Want help?"

"Appreciated but I'll do this with my own two hands."

TYler nodded and looked at the weapons.

"Then I'll take this dragonuv sniper rifle, that 6X variable zoom scope, 200 of the 7.62 Russian rounds for the drag, and four handgrenades. You can use the rest more then I need it."

Sori smiled warmly at the gifted pile.

"Thank you for saving me, Gore. And I know that's not your real name. The next we meet...YES I'll help you out."

TYler fistbumped her with a smirk.

"And don't worry. I'll be sure to SAVE YOU AGAIN the next time we meet, Sori."

"Cocky idiot....later."

Sori colected her equipment and literally wallran up the side of the overpass freeway and was gone. Tyler chuckled at this movie exit and noted a small bag was left on the pavement.

"Classic NPC rescue mission."

He took the bag and returned to the still safe jeep. Yuki appeared with a smirk as he pulled out of the gap between trailers.

"Classic quest alright. Is Sori a love interest?"

"Oh absolutely. No way is she NOT with THAT interaction. If the game HADN'T been trying to kill people I'd bet money she'd be one of the more fetishized characters like what the internet did to Sonic."

The delta sniper nodded as he weaved around the now abandoned hideout to continue on his way to Wesbury.

"Did you get anything good for rewards?"

"Probably. I'll take a look when next I stop. Any word from that blacksmith?"

Hannah chuckled.

"He's on his way up. Seems he's kinda well known for some reason."

TYler nodded as he looked ahead out of the destroyed windshield.

"When next I stop I'll replace the windshield. Kinda have to."

Yuki looked up from her supplyt list.

"Do you know how?"

"Well enough. I just need to find a suitable car and yeah. I got plenty of duct tape to secure it so that'll not be a problem. And I THINK I got a perk from the rescue, but wil double check later."

Yuki smirked as he rolled along at the usual 25 miles an hour.

"I'm curious to see what happens with Sori later."

TYler chuckled.

"So am I."

The screen went out as the lone survivor traveled along the highway seeking the sure to be approaching town with some of his music playing. Two hours later he was rewarded with the shapes of houses in the distance and a few taller structures. Tyler slowed to a measly 5 miles and hour and took the 6X times magnification scope from the backseat for a improv spyglass. In the distance sat the numerous houses of the town and Tyler found close to 15 zombies all stumbling around in the street while also noting most of the houses stil had all their glass. So he sat back and took the silenced M1911 out.

"I have about 500 .45 ACP rounds for the thing so I'll do some silent sniping."

He rolled the jeep forward at a crawl until he was in range of the first zombie...and it didn't react to the softly rumbling engine. The shooter took aim and fired; scoring a perfect headshot on the zombie. It dropped and the shooter flicked to the next head. Only a VERY soft PFFT sound was heard before the lethal lead pierced the head of his target. Within seconds the fifteen zombies were laying dead in the street and Tyler was rolling along checking their drops out. This in turn yielded more duct tape, a large bottle of gorilla glue, a steel pipe, and a ship's anchor. That made him tilt his head but shrugged while the heavy steel item was placed in the jeep.

"Weird and yet I can use it."

He then looked at the surrounding houses curiously...and spotted one with a large attached garage and the steel door open. Tyler smiled and backed the camper trailer into the garage and parked. From outside there was no sign of a loaded jeep and camper inside so the door was shut with a rattle...and Tyler locked it in place. I'll use the house for my town raider base and go from there. I'll need more gas and I can reinforce the jeep too. The survivor took his woodmaul and went inside the single story home. The first thing that struck him was the silence of the dwelling. Not a squeak could be heard as he moved through the various rooms and the fully finished basement. The first thing he did was to close all the blinds and curtains around the house before returning to the kitchen. Tyler flicked the dial on the stove and got nothing.

"Always worth looking into."

Next he opened the various cupboards and came away with some more boxes of chocolate granola bars, a box of cereal, and some ceramic plates. These were left behind as the scavenger moved to the master bedroom now. It had clearly belonged to a woman, given the amount of panties and bras in the dressers....and Tyler chuckled as he opened one drawer to find a collection of dildos and sex creams.

"SOMEONE was lonely."

He then went to the vanity dresser and opened the first drawer....and tilted his head.

"Wow. THAT is a LOT of jewelry."

A diamond ring was taken out....and Tyler smirked as he looked at the gem.

"This is a real diamond....I wonder."

He sat on the pristine master bed and looked the glittering gem over with a sadistically thoughtful expression and a VERY concerned Yuki appeared.


THe teenager chuckled./

"I replace some of the shot in my shotgun shells with small diamonds."

The ladies blinked at the idea and Yuki breathed a sigh of utter relief.

"Okay that is much more like it. And honestly? I don't know. Try it and we'll see what happens."

TYler nodded as he produced a knife to start popping gems from the former homeowner's quite expanise collection. Each gem was then placed into a plastic baggie for later repurposing. Tyler then took the leftover gold pieces and added them to his supplies.

"Gold has a low melting point and is easily repurposed."

The teenager then lifted the mattress and smirked at the hidden briefcase under it.

"Makes sense."

The steel thing was placed on the bed and Tyler noted the heavy keyhole and looked around at the room....and smirked. Tyler returned to the panty drawer and chuckled as the key was discovered under the piles of lacy and skimpy underwear.


The briefcase was unlocked with a click. Inside the velvet lined thing was several wads of hundred dollar bills, a collection of pornographic dvds, a photo of a beautiful blonde haired woman with a modest bust, and more dvds without titles. Tyler took the unnamed dvds to a player and popped one in....only to be treated to an image of the same blonde woman in the picture snuggling a naked teenage girl with larger boobs in a shower. The survivor blinked at this....and smirked.

"Okay...THAT'S kinda hot not gonna lie."

A go through of the unnamed disks revealed more videos of the blonde woman and various teenage girls doing various things to each other. TYler smiled as he added the new material to his collections...and Yuki appeared with a smirk on the floating screen.


"Yup. Enjoy the shows."

"God dammit."

TYler chuckled...

"And you had BETTER clean the toy after you use it! I don't wanna wake up sore!"

Hannah snorted as Yuki burst out laughing at the raunchy demand before the call ended. The blonde doctor shook her head with a smirk as she looked at the also amused Yuki.

"I guess we got found out."

"Which means we'll HAVE to show off too."

"It IS only fair."

Tyler chuckled as the feed went out.

"Those two are dirty fucks and I freakin LOVE it. Alright next bit."

He went to the walkin closet and found it to be packed with dresses, gowns, bikinis in different sizes, street attire, and more aside. The sheer num,ber of different shoes hanging from a peg made the guy shakje his head while he searched.

"Seems THAT stereotype is still alive. Some a these just look painful to stand in."

The mastger bedroom yielded nothing of further interest and the looter went to the next room...and found it to be a full photo studio with different lightings, costumes, cameras and even a bed in the middle. Tyler chuckled as he looked the room over and found nothing worth taking. Even the cameras were empty. That left the last room on the right and this turned out to just be an office with more dvds and movies of the pornstar's portfolio. The teenager then returned to the Jeep as the entire house had been searched and he brought his collection of supplies down to the basement for another go over. The first thing he did was take the various bullets he had for a count. Yuki appeared as he finished the count and she sat back.

"So what's the plan for the rest of the day, Tyler?"

He frowned.

"Well. I need to replace the windshield on the jeep, ad some platings to the wheels and doorpanels, and see about more stuff to make stuff with."

The delta soldier smirked.

"You'll need some welding tools."

"I know. There'll be a mechanic garage in town. Same with a hardware store. Long as it's empty I should be able to find what I need. Otherwise I got plenty of gorilla glue."

"Ha. How long will you be in town?"

TYler shrugged as he ran a cloth over his 45-70.

"I'll slap three days loot and upgrade on it. From there I'll follow the road through Wesbury until I find something cool."

"Alright. Hannah's talking with the blacksmith now. Seems he's not happy he can't smoke in here."

The teenager chuckled at that one and the screen went out. Tyler then loaded the lever action rifle and smirked.

"Let's go have some fun."

THe industrious survivor slung his nearly empty backpack on and hung the M1014 shotgun on it. He had 100 shells for the shotgun and about 125 of the 45-70 shells, a large first aide kit, a crowbar, and four M86 handgrenades with the silenced M1911 and four full magazines. Happy with hios loadout the teenager locked the front door behind him before walking down the street heading for the town center. He had the M1911 out to drop various zombies as he encountered them. Most only dropped candy or a screwdriver in one's instance. The nighborhood was mostly silent with only the sound of the wind rasping through allys between homes. Tyler noted this silence and smirked as he came to the business sector of the town. His gaze was instantly drawn to where a large gas station sat with a pavilion and four sets of pumps. He walked over and found the pumps to be dead with no pressure. MAkes sense. I bet the underground tanks are full though....annnd I know how to syphon. A large convience store was atached to the pavilion and Tyler walked over to the pull door. Onlyt it was locked with a steel chain from the inside.

"Of course."

So he walked around the building to where the rear door was sure to be...and was faced by a bizarre creature standing to attention beside the door. It was 7 feet tall with a rail thin frame. It's skin was slate grey while the tips of it's hands ended in nearly 5 foot long razor sharp claws stained red. The head of the creature was like that of a normal person but with glowing bug eyes of ruby color....and was bald. Tyler blinked at this unsettling apparition and nearly instantly his analysis began of the unmoving creature. In the real world Yuki had hit record as yet another bizarre aberation from the norm was discovered.

"And NOW we're dealing with slenderman. Perfect."

TYler produced the shotgun and noted the thing hadn't moved from it's oddly sentinal like posture. So, he took one of the tin cans loaded with gunpowder and set it on the ground beside his foot. From here he dropped into a crouch to move around the creature...and that was when it moved. The thing turned it's head like an owl watching the still nonaggressively acting teenager as he moved into it's field of view. Tyler set another tin can on the ground and the thing was heard to click like marrachas as if considering what to do about this bizarrely acting human. Tyler, however, merely continued setting the battlefield up with another can in a semicircle pattern with the rest. Then he hefted the last can and threw it at the creature with a light force like one would use when playing ball. The creature watched the slowly flying can without moving it's body and with an unsettling precision caught the can with an elongated bite...only for Tyler to smirk as he aimed the silenced M1911.

"You forgot to pay your waiter."

The trigger was pulled and the round impacted the tin can. It exploded inside the beast's mouth with a dull boom and blew most of the creature's head off. It dropped to the ground with a soft thwack of rotted meat and Tyler swaped to the shotgun as he approached the unknown creature. The creature remained unmoving as Tyler reached it....and he jabbed the thing's torso with the barrel of the shotgun. No reaction and he spotted a long slender object laying beside it. He looked at the object...and blinked.

"Oh sick. It dropped a long barrel attachment for somet-"

A soft scuff of skin on cement was all the warning he had before a wooshing sound was heard. Tyler's lightning reflexes served him well as he dove to the side, avoiding a freakin SCYTHE BLADE as it passed harmlessly overhead. The dodging teenager landed hard and bounced into another stance...only to be faced by a nearly 15 foot tall creature wielding a FREAKIN scythe! This new apparition was a mirror of the gorilla like beast that had attacked Tyler in the ambulance, but this one was fully armored in steel scrap plates and wielding a nearly 10 fot long scythe like a reaper. It's head was completely encased in a cement block and Tyler sighed as he saw this.

"Oh great. Ugh. Miniboss."

The thing swung the scythe again and stepped on one of the gunpowder filled cans Tyler had placed...and a well placed bullet from the M1911 set the can off. This blast blew off a piece of the creature's foot and it dropped to a knee with a muffled roar, missing entirely with it's swing. Tyler was up with a frag grenade in his hand and he tossed the explosive into a small gap in the steel armor on the shoulder and was dropped as the thing regained it's footing. A large explosion rocked the creature and it's arm detached from the body with a spattering of green blood. Tyler rolled away from the again dropping creature and found the new hole in it's body to have completely exposed a single pulsating organ within it's bulk...and a single shotgun blast later the thing dropped to the ground. Tyler got to his feet with a smirk as he reloaded the shotgun.

"Surprise muthafucka."

The creature shivered again and went limp as Tyler retreived the dropped barrel from the slenderman thing. That was when he notcied the bigger beast hadn't dropped ANYTHING for loot...and he sighed.

"Anda fuck you too."

He went to the gas station back door and kicked it open with a bored expression. Inside the station was laid out like your usual small town gas station with a blood smeared floor and signs of an intense struggle from the tossed about food and shelving.

"There had better be something good in here after all that BULLSHIT it put me through."

He loaded his backpack with a mass of the tastier snacks and some of the higher tier liquor bottles that remained in the coolers. He even scored a few dozen energy drinks from the coolers beforfe he found his way to the back office of the store that was ALSO locked. Again the door was booted open and Tyler was faced by a single zombie man while behind it was a second man that had been torn apart and eaten. THe man zombie rasped at the teenager...only for the now extremely disinterested survivor to slam the crowbar into it's head with a cracking impact. It dropped to the ground with a dull thud and the teenager sighed.

"I am NOT amused."

Now that the undead threat had been dealt with, Tyler was left free to explore the back office. And it was in a shambles from the fight for life the station manager had lost so epicly. Blood, entrails, and even a bone fragment or do were strewn about the room while the steel desk that supported the ruined computer seemed intact along with the safe. Tyler noted the bloody fingerprints on the dial and smirked. He set his ear to the knob and started turning the dial....within seconds he had the sought after clicks. The safe opened with a minor rattle and Tyler tilted his head.

"Hm. Magnum .357 revolver with what looks like a fluted barrel and a compensator. Weird touch but okay. The cylinder is full and there's a box of 24 extra shells there. Typical gas station problem solver."

THe gun and bullets were looted before Tyler went into the mechanic section of the attached garage and nearly instantly smirked. A helmet sat on a peg used for welding and the survivor took it down.

"Perfect. I'mma need this for the harder projects."

The next discovery was another acetolyne torch and fuel tanks....only these turned out to be half empty. Tyler still shrugged and set them on a dolly for transport due to the refuel they were. That was when he noticed the vehicle raised by the lift for maintance...and tilted his head.

"Hm. Chevy Avalanche with enclosed bed and four person cab. Decent but my jeep is more versatile."

Now the teenager headed for the tool repository at the back of the garage...and was rewarded with a ful set of steel metric sockets and wrench, a collection of imperial wrenches, some good wire cuters and pliers, a tire iron, and numerous power tools he couldn't make use of without a generator. He packed the tools into his backpack and headed for the door....as a low rumble was heard overhead. Tyler looked up and blinked at the sight of a helicopter passing overhead.

"M-8U Russian transport helicopter. Room for 16 soldiers in the bay, mounted machinegun on the doors and dropramp, pilot and co-pilot. So theres FLIGHT MECHANICS in here."

He puled the 45-70 off his back and took aim with a smirk at the clear reconnasence bird...as a dart of light was seen rocketing from another street over from the survivor. Tyler blinked at this and plastered himself against the wall as a mass of anti-rocket flares were deployed from the hard pitching bird. The rocket missed and a door slid open on the chopper with a mounted machine gun being pushed through and a man handling it. Tyler smirked as he got a look at the weapon.

"Russian PKM light machinegun. Belt fed and spits 7.62s. Mount it to a chopper and it'll chop a tree down at 1,500 yards."

A second rocket was seen flying into the sky....and Tyler blinked at the near perfect vertical rise of the smoke trail.

"A JAVELIN launch? On a mere TRANSPORT bird? Idiots."

The top-down fire style rocket slammed into the rotors of the chopper as the machiengun JUST began to open up...and the helicoptor started to fall from the sky....RIGHT towards the gas station Tyler was taking cover at!


Tyler ran from the garage as the helicopter slammed into the cement and steel pavilion over the station. A gutwrenching crunch of steel and cement was heard while the engine inside the metal bird was heard to kill itself with a nearly deafening whiring sound. Amazingly the helicopter had landed clean on the pavilion with only the tail boom hanging off the edge. Even more amazing was the fact the pavilion merely groaned with some dust falling instead of it buckling entirely. Tyler had gotten clear of the crash in an alley...and smirked as he saw the slightly tittering helicopter as a pilar of smoke from the wreckage began to climb into the sky.

"It'll fal again....and then explode. I really want that machine gun. But I'll find another."

A sound of rowdy cheering was heard and a few car engines before a group of football padded people arrived on the scene in zombieworld kitted out pickup trucks all sporting steel plating, a few machineguns in the beds, and steel bars over the windshields. Tyler, however, was uninterested in the bandits and their new issue of REACHING the downed helicopter, and so snuck through the alley. Tyler escaped the alley with no issue and headed back to his hideout as a sound of something snapping behind him made him smirk. Just before another crashing of metal and steel anounced the roof of the pavilion collasping. He looked over his shoulder and noted no explosions were heard or seen and the yelling had died down.

"Most likely ran off since that station is KINDA valuable. I'll look it over in der mornin."

He returned to the house without further issues and set the new tools and torch inside the locked garage by the still present jeep. Then he went into the basement proper and Yuki appeared on the floating screen.

"Nicely done, Tyler. And your pings on the chopper were spot on."

THe teenager smiled as he set his loaded backpack down.

"I'm better at stealth then most other things. Those weren't players."

"Not a one. Seems that is a VERY alive world. You're planning to scavange the bird after them?"

He nodded as he cleaned his guns again.

"That and see if I can work any of the controls. I CAN...I am DEFINITELY going to need help since I have no idea how to fly a helicopter."

"HA. THAT'LL be fun to watch. You're done for the day?"

"Pretty much. That bandit crew out there will draw attention and I'm not interested in another shitfight today."

Hannah walked in then with a burly man in jeans and a t-shirt.

"Oh good. Tyler, the blacksmith arrived. This is Jack."

The teenager waved as the guy sat down.

"Hiya Jack."

Jack sighed as he looked at the kid. His voice a deeper bark.

"So you're the so-called legend of Zombieworld? Whatever. So what the hell do you need a blacksmith for kid?"

"THe smithing mechanics in here are a near one to one mirrior of IRL shit and I got no idea what I'm doing. Since repurposing materials is such a large part of the game, I needed an expert."

"Ugh thank god I'm getting paid for this. When are you going to be working the metal?"

TYler frowned now at the question.

"Hm. Right now I'm looking for a map of the immediate area. I'm not sure right now, Jack. I can't jusr fire up a forge of that scale without attracting attention. Sio for the time being I'm-"

"Are you going to be workin METLA in the enxt day or NOT?"

Tyler smirked at that badtempered callout.

"Oh okay. I dunno. We'll see how I feel in a few days."

Jack sighed.

"Jesus christ. of COURSE I get the smart ass. Whatever kid. Whenever you feel like being productive have your bimbos call me."

TYler's amused chuckle cut off the now VERY pissed ladies' retort.

"You DO know she's a delta ranger, right?"

"And she fucked her way into that unit. ME uncle's a squad leader. I know the real deals when I sees em-"

"Yeah yer lookin at em. I fight undead dinosaurs for FUN. What do YOU do with your life? Later JACKIE!"

Jack just flipped him off and walked out. Yuki whistled as the door clicked shut.

"Well HE'S a miserable bastard."

Tyler shrugged.

"Eh. You sleep in here, Yuki?"

THe Delta soldier frowned.

"Um. I do."



"I'd sleep lighter goin forward. Seems SOMEONE has a chip on his shoulder."

Hannah and Yuki blinked at the dark nudge and the asian nodded.

"Understood. I'll set a camera up too. He won't get the drop on me I promise you."

"Wasn't YOU he was eyein."

Hannah sighed at that mild chuckle.

"There'l be extra security in the halls. Great. First a bunch of controlling shrews and now a potential predator."

TYler chuckled and looked at his collection of supplies.

"Eh no biggee. Alright. I'm done roaming for the day. Tomorrow I'll be looking the remains of that chopper over and seeing what else I can find in town. I still need a replacement windshield."

Yuki nodded and the scrfeen went out. The ranger sighed as she cleaned her trusty gun beside her.

"Great. Tyler picked up on him the instant he saw Jack. That does NOT bode well for his past."

Hannah nodded sagely as she gave the order.

"JAck will have a shadow. I am not letting our own problems out here ruin his focus in there. Speaking of, has there been any movement from the t-rex video?"

YUki nodded with a smirk.

"There has and it's hilarious. The video was leaked to the public to allow them a glimpse into the threats their familes are facing and right now Tyler has become the public face of the Zombieworld incident. Now with the new video of him killing those two other creatures? I am certain an interview will be scheduled for the best player in the game...and the single best hope the familes have for getting out."

Hannah sighed as she looked at her now.

"And the TV shows about them that are SURE to be coming?"

Yuki sighed in exasperation now.

"We have a representative coming in the morning from Disney, Hulu, and Netflicks. Three of them....and they want to use Tyler for a new program about the survivors' experiences inside the game."

Hannah smirked then.

"TYler is going to take them for one HELL of a ride."