
Zombie murderer

The dead will always rise again, before or after your here, we've all wondered what would happen if you let a super strong, psychotic main character into a zombie apocalypse, or atleast I've thought of it, let's follow our very scary main character as he tries to survive in the zombie apocalypse

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 10 Someone new

Fluffy bottom eats alot, to much if you ask me, every night he gets into the storage and eats a year worth of food, he's lucky that Hunter likes him more than anything or I'd get rid of him in a sec.

(Ethan's thoughts) I have to go look for supplies, I think i'm going to go explore near the hospital today

when I got there it looked destroyed, it didn't even look Like a hospital any more, the first floor had around 10 zombies but nothing I can't handle💪. I filled my back pack with a bunch of medical and decided to head home since it takes a while to get here, it was becoming night.

I stepped outside and I was being held at gun point, this give back some memories, but this person was definitely not a cop, so I personally don't have anything against him. he asked me what I'm doing, I told him I was just here to get supplies for my area, he seen scared, so I asked him what he was doing here. he said that he didn't need to answer because he has the gun, what a simple answer.

(Ethan's thoughts) Skill activate murderer

(System) Skill activated

I span in a circle grabbing the gun out his hand and pointing it at him.

(Ethan) Now who has the gun, Now where did you come here for.

he said he came here for medical supplies for his sister because she said she had this board pop up and it said that her skill was to still have her consciousness even after turning into zombie so she decided to become one and now she zombie but they decided to do experiments on her to see what happens.

it's now his decision but his sisters case she was scientist working on cure for it, but so far they haven't found any thing.

I ask if I could come with he said sure I brought my medical supplies with me and that's when I seen her she look 14 but her brother definitely said she was 24, either way she was sitting at a table reading a book, I said hello and she got up in flash and tried to hit me I caught the attack and told her to calm down.

she seemed stronger than a normal zombie but not stronger that the crying zombie. be fore I became night I told them where my base was and head home, I learned their names, Christian and Clara.

I got home and put all the medical where they had to be and played with hunter a little because we found a ps5 in one of the apartments, so I decided to bring it home it was crazy how it felt playing video games in the apocalypse.

2 days later

it's been two days, nothing big has happened except for my Rank getting higher I also go more exp from the system for killing those zombie but that's really it. I also got a new skill called hole, because I was making pit falls.

This is my board right now

Rank 120


intelligents 4

Strength 10

Stamina 10

agility 10

magic 15

age: 21

no skill points

NEW Level 5

Gold: 85


Murderer, Glutton, tinkered, bird eye view, Zombie hunter, fire ball, water drop, wind push, earth wall, New Hole🕳

New exp 450/1000

New Zombies killed (67)

i was in the yard training and I heard the bell at the front gate. So I went check, it was those two people I met. I let them in and Fluffy bottom was very mad but didn't care, I told them they could stay as long as they want, they were happy because before they were just living in cabin that were surrounded by zombies at night, but now they could live in a building completely safe.

I gave Christian and Clara a room down stairs so they could work on their experiments down there, I also told them If they ever needed anything just to come and ask me. their first experiment was to see if she could survive under water. and it was a success, which means that zombies can walk under water with caring about drowning. their is a few things that they didn't want to try which were mostly things that could kill her.