
Zombie Apocalypse: The Fallen

Groomed from a young age into a killer. Used only as a weapon. Having the world system as his only companion as he treks a path of death. Zombies and humans alike killed by him. All fear his name as all rejoice for his death once heard. Yet what if death was only the beginning into a similar world for our protagonist?

PurpleLove · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Waking up

I wake up to a sharp pain in my head as I glance around. The smell of disinfect and the white room gives a hint on where I am along with the sight of a woman laying on the side of my bed sleeping. The familiar sight of her brings memories rushing into me as I gasp silently. A minute passes as I finally am able to breathe easily. So I'm in the hospital huh I thought to myself.

Deciding to assimilate my memories, I learn that my name is Alexis Woods and I'm 7 years old. My personality and reactions throughout my life have been nothing but robotic. Yet my new mother and father have loved me unconditionally without care.

I was brought into the hospital as I collapsed suddenly and wouldn't wake up until now. Deciding there and then that I should be the best son I can be to my new and only parents, I call out in my mind to see if this world has a world system too.

Name: Alexis Woods

Age: 7

Strength: 6. Agility: 8. Vitality: 7

I hum quietly to myself out of habit when in thought. The same world system from my other world is here. And as simple and plain it looks, I can't help but thank its existence as it allowed humans to surpass our limitations during the apocalypse.

Thinking over my memories, I can recall that seeming no one has any knowledge of the system existing...yet.

Shrugging it off but reminding myself to train to the extreme to have an added advantage over others when shit hits the fan, I decide it's time to wake up my dear mother. Reaching over with my short arms, I affectionately rub her head as she stirs awake.

We lock eyes. My previous dull green eyes have turned into loving emeralds as I softly call out the unfamiliar word..."Mama". As I finish calling out to her, she seems to freeze in shock not believing what I just said and called her. Guilt floods me although I know I had no control over this body's actions in the past.

"Mama?" I question with a tilt of my head as I change the rubbing on her head to her cheek. As I finally get to look at her closely, I can't help but think of how beautiful my new mother is. Seeming dark black hair with the same emerald green eyes as me, she has beautiful flawless skin. Glad I get to have such a beautiful parent, I recall the fact that my father is equally as handsome and that they're rich.

I ignore the fact of my parents being filthy rich as I'm happy with parents in the first place. As I continue to rub my mother and her cheek, she slowly raises her hand as she grabs my hand rubbing her. Taking it with both hands, she feels my hand seeming to confirm this is all real.

Tears well up in her eyes as they slowly fall down her face. Understanding what she must be feeling, I can't help but remind myself to be the best son I can be from now on. As I finish that thought, mother lets go of my hand as she grabs me by the face seeming to still not believing it although she just confirmed it. A soft chuckle escapes my lips as I reassure her

"Mama... I'm real."

No words needed to be exchanged as she brings me into her warm embrace crying loudly. So loudly a nurse comes in to see the sight of a beautiful boy being hugged tightly seeming by his mother. A look of understanding comes across the nurse as she goes in search for a doctor leaving me helpless to attend to my now very emotional mother.

Feeling the warm motherly embrace that I've never got to feel before, I can't help but become emotional too as tears well up in my eyes as I hold her tightly too. Neither one of us willing to talk to the other as we're too busy crying. A doctor and the same nurse appear as they allow this emotional scene to continue on before the doctor clears his throat and steps in after we're done crying.

Wiping the tears off my face, I'm asked many questions to which I answer to the best that I can with humor and seriousness mixed in together. Making the nurse on the side laugh every now and then as my mother sits back shocked I'm even making jokes now.

As I'm told nothing seems to be wrong and that I'll be able to leave today, the doctor and nurse take their leave as my mother goes back to holding me. As peaceful silence comes upon us, my mother hesitantly asks "S- son?" as I hold her tighter in response. "Why have you been so...robotic before now?"

Letting go of her as she does the same, I look up at her as I seem to pause in thought before confusion shows in my eyes. "It...it was like I had no control over how i felt or acted. I'm sorry mama I can't really describe it in any other way"

Guilt floods me again for having to make up a lie and to even be lying to my mother but I can't just be telling everyone right off the bat that I'm from another world. Seeing a sad smile on my face, my mother reassures me it's all okay and that she's loved me this entire time and still will no matter what.

Being held in her embrace and taking in her scent, I listen to her words of reassurance happily. So this is what a mother is like I thought to myself. My thoughts of happiness turning into pure loyalty to protect my parents no matter what.

As she finally stops reassuring me, it hits her that she needs to tell my father that I'm awake and well...acting human. A quick call later and the door opening quickly to see a handsome and tall man who happens to be my father.

Brown messy hair with tears coming out of his face at the sight of me, I can't help but marvel at how beautiful my parents are even when crying and exhausted from running. "Dad" I open up my arms childishly wanting him in my embrace quickly. Hearing me call out to him, he seems to smile so widely with tears coming down his face still as he rushes towards me embracing me.

Enjoying the embrace of my new father and mother, I can't help but drift off to the violent thought of how I'd kill anyone protect them. Loyalty and love for them increasing by the second as I nod to myself. I'll protect family no matter what.

so sleepy...

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