
Zjjan Master

Including his guild master, many lives had lost to end a calamity. Jaino feels guilty. Still, the first prince of Jelfyr assigned him as a higher official. This has made him hiding to avoid conflicts. Wanting to find peace, he accidentally meets Criselia, forcing him to accept an agreement. Consuming many lives, her demonstration has left him no choice. Meanwhile, Jesifer, the queen of Jelfyr, she receives an urgent report from the JSA. Attempting to end the battle in the wide plain while avoiding casualty, she instead meets Dandia’s ruler, seeking for the strongest. The outside world now slowly unfolds. ------------------------------------- 1. Blurb is fulfilled on Chapter Three and Chapter Four 2. Story Arc One, The Savior is fulfilled on Story Arc Five 3. Yes, there is fighting scenes. Three Calamities have been Eliminated in Dandia -- The wide island. 4. The prologue is nearing to begin. 5. Too many conflicts. Past tense - When I just narrate a past without much actual actions. I mean like a news, or just telling or reporting the past. Present tense - Current event. And flashback with actions ------------------------------------- SaT for better text format: http://www.sparkatale.com/books/details/3350 RoyalRoad, my actual output: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/24594/zjjan-master Update only at SaT, Webnovel, and Royalroad - I be removing this on other sites. This work must not be available in any other sites and any publishing companies aside from those previously mentions. Because I don't have time to update ZM there and specially my story-telling breaks many rules of the standard. I be resting for a bit and look for a novel to read - preferred to my own taste. AN: Guys, help me locate the typos in Story Arc 5, as I be investing my time on these chapters. Story Arc 1-4 can be waited.

HearmJan · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
113 Chs

sp04 02 06, Analyze


Rewind back to the near midafternoon, to the outside of Jelfyr.


A cloaked person, donned with straw hat that he flips for his eyes can glimpse, walks deliberately distance away from the huge mountain of ice.

His curiosity warns him that the gathering of an unusual thin fog, hovering all over the wide space from the ice surface to nearby warning signposts, is threatening.

Wondering about the cause of its strange appearances due to inappropriate current climate; he accuses strong people as the prime suspects.

Finally, he has reached the wide gate of Jelfyr, where the guards interrogate him.

Later his intention reaches to the office of this young prince, named Raume Rosarak, sitting on his chair behind his table.

After the prince has untied the scroll, his heartbeat beats fast unusually, and his mind is skeptically thinking, this is bad.

His mind, that has been stormed with problems, deafens his ears, shutters his eyes, and suffers his head—

The door is screaking open.

—his thumbs' tips dig—

A female voice from far speaks the words, "Does this suited your taste?"

—as the tips of his fingers are flipping some scroll's section. The cold over cloaks his skin as his skin's hairs are gradually erecting. Every objects around tremble and hover agitatedly. Vases fall and shatter—

Footsteps are now rushing, and their echoing stomps raise.

—His forearms' skins are thinly cracking, and his face slowly loses its pigment...



A slap! claps! waking him! His hand he caresses to his left cheek as he finds a shaken hand from someone. His vision journeys from the wrist to the teres, and his feelings falls awkward to see the nearby face of Sai Mea—

She gulps, while her lips twiddling, eyes flustered, and face blenching, yet she's still attractive with her red-and-white strife knotted sleeveless whole dress.

—he can see her chest. The prince smiles.

The lady gazes down.

He grabs as he holds her hand tightly—

Her resistance is futile

—he drags and deliberately lands the first set of her knuckles to his lips.

Sai Mea has felt the jolt of warm pardon and thanks, yet the lovely feelings of her delusion overwhelms her heart. Embarrassed from an eye contact, she gazes away.

"Sai Mea... you're pretty—"

The lady's head emits smoke.

"—yet I'm afraid. I have some matters to settle."

"Please, don't be careless; okay?"

"I promise, for you and for everyone." When he glances at the scroll's content—

While the lady gathers the vases' shattered pieces.

—his thought cracks. Grasping his hair with both hands; his head is aching. Deducting every event from before to this latest report, his question reaches into still question. He thinks,

What is happening?

The list of lost is gripping his souls while tears are flowing from his eyes.

What should I do? Does everything must end like this? This is beyond my mind. Even the scholars have incompetent conclusion. Should I reconsider releasing the barrier for the migration? Ah, should I inform my sister about this?

What should I do? Please, guh...



No! I must not inform my sister about this. I don't want to see her suffer again. I'm hoping she's okay...

He requests a sudden meeting, forcefully summon the council of congress including the vacant generals, and giving task to each representative and officer; denial, complain, and alibi aren't accepted.

He orders some action for shelter for those survivors; giving them enough; foods, manpower for rebuilding houses and irrigation.

He even assigns some assistants for investigation about the case and assistants to search and rescue parties.

Even Altrass and his fellow men have a meeting, inside the tent of their camp, at around the wide table. They're discussing, deducting about the current situation.

Ramon appears from behind of Altrass, "Sire, six tribes have cogitated and accepted our request, and they will send the most omnipotent of their race.

"Other tribes are still pending for respond."

"How many tribes currently incline to serve the kingdom?" Altrass has asked; and the topic grabs his commanders' attention.

"Partially, around eleven."

"This won't do, are we briefly to extinction?"

And elderly aged man slides his elbows at the table; his thumbs prop to his chin. "Why not support those people, those nobles who promote: four children as bare minimum for each family. And also those who promote an early age of marriage."

"It's a good solution," Altrass has responded, for temporarily, yes. However, it's against my principles. Even the queen will sabotage any related proposal and endorsement from those parties.

"It's killing humanity's freedom.

"You all already know that a child must have a purpose in order for them to live and grow well.

"In our current situation, it can cripple to society, due to contradiction of each personal motive to others.

"We only have one solution, to migrate outside the huge fog. We'll give the queen thirteen days, she shall release the barrier."

"You're sure about that, she really would grant some foolish request?" has asked by one of Altrass' commanders, "Remember, her mother died for it."

Altrass sighs. "She's an idiot woman with words. A deal is deal ... The only thing we could do is work honestly with her. But, still, an idiot is an idiot, does anyone exist having strength exceeded of her?"

To the northern region, located miles away from the wide island, four neighboring isles are in terrible state. The third island has an elevated plain around twenty-seven feet from the ground.

The gathering of people above, gazing for hope at the now waste isles, are the inhabitants; yet, among the crowd are survivors from the disaster.

Among of the crowd is a group of elders. One person from the group heads near to a man subdued in curiosity—his head gazes at the sky, yet eyes close as the gentle breeze cuddles to his body.

"We've received a message from our spies," the elder has spoken, "seem like there is going to be a battle, between the ruler and our queen.

"Which side, are we?"

The man sighs and his head downs. He stares at the elder. "Our Karagana Tribe has never switch side, so don't ever think we can oppose monsters;

"But, we'll die for it."


The evening sky has filled by stars

Our arms stretch for our hands to reach

Is how we approach our problems