
Zivon-The Hero Of Another World

One Unfortunate day, The strongest man on Earth died and got reincarnated to another world to be a Servant of a Princess The Name of that Man was Zivon, He lost his memories from the previous world but still had the powers He hated the princess as because of her His parents were killed But One Day his powers from his previous life awakens and he became too powerful He was then taken away from the castle and that was when the journey began of the Hero of the Another World-Zivon

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480 Chs

Chapter 273 Explosion Of Light Vs Shine of Light Part 3

Activate Golden Hands!

Golden hands come out of Zivon's back

"You know that doesn't work against me"

Trent tells Zivon

Golden Hands go back and take out Cleivier and Kailabar

"I know that's why I am using it differently"

Zivon replies to Trent

"You are using your Golden Hands to wield your swords, what is that going to do?"

Trent asks Zivon

"It's better if I show you"

Zivon tells Trent

Both of Zivon starts shining brightly

Trent looks away for a minute

"What is he doing now?"

Trent asks himself

Golden Hands wield the sword and it was full of power

"Get ready, Golden Hands!"

Zivon heads towards Trent


Trent barely blocks Zivon's attack when he attacked

Zivon attacked with Cleivier and follows with Kailabar Flames

Trent blocks the attack

"What are these swords made of?"

Trent asks Zivon

"Something, The Shine of Light can't brake"

Zivon replies to Trent

Zivon punches Trent with the remaining two hands

Trent was blown away

and crashes on the ground

He stands up

"You suddenly got a bit strong after you took out those swords"

Trent tells Zivon

"I already now that"

Zivon replies to Trent

Sword Skill, Infinite Slash

Multiple slashes go towards Trent

Trent goes into Blood light and dodges them all

Zivon keeps the sword back and activates Blood light for himself

He goes behind Trent and kicks him

He crashes on the ground on his face

He stands up with dirt on his face

Trent removes the dirt and was angry

"That's it, I am on my limit!!"

Trent activates 5th Form and turns into a giant

Zivon also activates 5th Form

Zivon heads towards Trent with high speed but still, Trent notices him and kicks him with an explosion

He crashes on the ground with a blast on the ground making a huge hole in the ground

Zivon stands up

"How am I supposed to battle him in this form, this form can only do physical attacks"

Zivon thinks to himself as he heads towards Trent

"It's useless, you can't defeat me anymore"

Trent tells Zivon

"It won't happen just because you say it"

Zivon tells Trent

Zivon runs towards and jumps over him, grabs his neck with his legs and bends to shoot Trent towards the way Zivon is facing

He was thrown towards the ground and made huge destruction there

Trent stands up looking towards Zivon

"Now you have done it"

Trent heads towards Zivon with a punch

Zivon tries to dodge his punch but Trent spins around and kicks him in the face making his face explode, then Trent quickly punches the chest blowing him away and crashing him on the mountain nearby

He returned to his original form

Zivon tries to stand up but was out of power

"It's of no use now, you are already defeated Zivon!"

Trent was about to punch Zivon when suddenly another Giant came on the battlefield and punches Trent

It was Riana who activated her 5th Form

"Riana, are you betraying your big brother?"

Trent asks Riana

"Say whatever you want, Brother, I am doing it for my friend, Violet"

Riana replies to Trent

End of Chapter