
One With Cold Eyes and One With Warm Eyes

'Oh my God, my head hurts like hell...'

A hand reached for his forehead, his fingers groping the parietal bone of his skull.

He sat in a small room, approximately a 10x10 room. The walls were a lead-gray and the trim of those walls was a cloud gray.

Sitting in front of him was a large wooden desk, large enough to fit two people, and two black office chairs sporting a fine leather. Despite the modern touch this room had, the walls were barren and it seemed stale and constrictive.

The boy scanned the room and scratched the back of his neck, clicking his tongue while doing so.

'This room's kind of small-' he thought.

He put his arm out and his middle and index finger touched the wall. He then took notice of the leather that covered his arm.

'The shit is this...?'

He was wearing a red leather jacket that looked like it had been worn for years, brown and yellow striped pants that hugged his legs, a tie-dyed t-shirt displaying the color of various orange tones, green rain boots that almost reached his knees, and a dirty white bandanna tied loosely around his neck.

The creak of a door broke him out of his thoughts and he directed his attention towards the only exit of the room.

A beautiful woman along with a disheveled looking man entered the room.

"Good evening, my name is Satsu Ri and this is Irin Redd. "

The boy simply nodded his head to show that he understood what they were saying and quickly examined the two.

Satsu Ri had mid-length hair the color of tree bark, her eyes were an odd mixture between gray and blue, she wore glasses that fit her face nicely, a small amount of make-up to accommodate her strong personality and a blue ear-piece.

Irin had light red hair that curled at its ends, bright orange eyes that seemed to change from different colors of orange,freckles spread across his face, and a blue ear-piece just like Satsu Ri had.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" The boy asked after thirty seconds of silence.

He didn't really need to use the bathroom, he just wanted to figure out where he was

Satsu Ri pursed her lips from such a question and was ready to give an intelligent answer in response, however, Irin sensed the oncoming drama and answered Auo's question before she could.

"You may- after we finish our session first. " Irin answered.


"Yes, we have a series of questions for you to answer, please answer to the best of your ability." Satsu Ri responded.

She opened a desk drawer nearest to her and Irin followed suit by opening a desk drawer nearest to him. Satsu Ri pulled out several files stuffed inside vanilla folders and Irin pulled out a small laptop along with two red pens.

"Er, how long will this session take, my bladder's kinda small and I don't know if I can- "

"Forty-five minutes at the least," Satsu Ri interrupted, organizing folders while she looked the boy square in the eye.

He averted his gaze from Satsu Ri and stared at the lead-colored wall.

He felt very uncomfortable in this situation. He began tapping his pointer finger on his right knee and his finger, along with his knee, bounced in sync.

Irin cleared his throat, leaned over his chair, and began to whisper in Satsu Ri's ear. This caught the boy's attention and his ears perked.

'The hell are they going on about…?'

After the hushed conversation between the two came to a close, Satsu Ri clapped her hands together. The sound echoed into the room, scaring both Irin and the boy.

Satsu Ri displayed a creepy smile meant to put someone at ease.

"I almost forgot!"Satsu Ri exclaimed, she giggled to herself and the boy felt shivers run down his back.

"Right now, we are located in a subsection of one of the smallest military bases in this country. This is a very secluded area and civilization isn't around as far as three hundred miles-" Satsu Ri adjusted in her seat and looked the boy in the eyes.

He felt as if she were staring into his soul and he automatically tensed up.

"As you know, we are at war with one of the most powerful countries and its allies. Once we are done with our session today, we will determine whether or not you are fit to go into war", Satsu Ri explained.

"I'm sorry, come again?"

"Irin-" Satsu Ri began, completely ignoring Auo's plea for clarification.

'What a b*tch'

"Here's the first question we have for you, what is your name?'


Satsu Ri sighed.

"Your name is Auo Ju. You're Asian- American. Natural hair color,blue. Natural eye color,blue. Blood type, B. Sexual transmitted diseases, none."

Auo memorized the information promptly.

'Auo Ju…'

"Second question. If you could, would you rather be rich and own everything you've possibly ever wanted or would you rather be poor and not own everything you've possibly ever wanted?"

" I would rather be poor,"

Satsu Ri raised an eyebrow, she expected him to say the first option.

"Explain this more please." Satsu Ri demanded.

"Well, being rich wouldn't satisfy me. To me, when I think of being rich I think of myself being controlled by money. I would let money decide who I hang out with, what I wear, where I live, and- think about the risks- with that type of money you'll forever be targeted by people, and, quite frankly, I hate dealing with people so..."

"Okay, so what you're saying is, you'd rather be poor so you could live your life stress-free?" Irin asked.

"Exactly!" Auo responded with a bright smile.

Irin couldn't help but laugh.

"I like the way you think young man. Next question. You're told that you're stuck in a room with a psychopath and a sociopath, each of you has the same weapon that is not a gun. Only two people are allowed to be in the room. Each of you gets to vote on who will die. Who would you vote for?"

"Um, the sociopath."

"Please explain, why?"

"A psychopath and a sociopath are two different things entirely although they share similarities. A sociopath is someone who can blend in well with society, is manipulative, and is known to lie all of the time. While a psychopath doesn't blend well in society, are manipulative and are known to lie. A psychopath is easier to handle due to their lack of societal knowledge. However, a sociopath isn't because they interact with society, better yet, they thrive in it due to them studying their prey."

"If a psychopath is easier to handle, why not kill the psychopath?" Satsu Ri wondered.

"Are you dumb? Did you not listen to a word that I just said," Auo asked the lady, an irritated expression visible on his face.

" If I'm stuck in a room with a psychopath, the psychopath wouldn't give a damn about voting they would just kill without hesitation, "Auo began, "A sociopath is more logical and they will use that democratic system in their favor to make it look as if they did nothing wrong. Do you not understand that a sociopath is more dangerous than a psychopath! A psychopath is predictable while a sociopath is unpredictable, so the sociopath has to die because I don't know what they're going to do! I thought you were a smart woman, aren't you like a doctor or something, shouldn't you know these things!?"

Irin snorted while Satsu Ri displayed a cold expression.


Irin cleared his throat and adjusted his laptop.

"We're almost done, we just have twenty-three questions to go."

'Almost done my ass.'

"Third question..."