
Car Ride

Auo woke up feeling like crap, once again, and realized that he was in a vehicle of some sort.

Everything was black in this car, the carpet, the leather seats, the cup holders, the handles, and even the windows. Auo assumed that he was riding in a small SUV and tried to look out of the tinted window, which was black as well.It took him a moment to process what was going on, but then he remembered that he had asked Irin to let him go home. The panic that had welled inside of him had diminished and his breath slowed.

He sighed and sat back in his seat. He was sitting in the middle seat so he sprawled his legs out comfortably.

'Well, at least that snotty-nosed woman and her co-worker arranged for someone to take me home. I honestly thought that wouldn't happen due to Satsu Ri's -I Am A Bi*ch And You Do As I Say-attitude...'

Auo clicked his tongue and squinted his eyes.

'The problem is, I don't even know where I live, so where are we going…'

Auo had a deafening feeling come over him and he inhaled sharply.

Were they actually planning on sending him to a mental hospital?

He quickly shoved that thought away and began to focus on something more solid.

'We're in a war huh? Even though I seem to have a serious case of amnesia you would think I would remember something as crucial as being in a war…'

After a few minutes of eerie silence, Auo looked towards the driver seat. He couldn't tell if the driver was a male or a female, all he could see was a silhouette of a figure.

He leaned forward and rested a hand on the passenger seat.

"Can you tell me where we're headed?" Auo asked politely.

No response.

"Pardon me," Auo repeated, " can you please tell me where we're headed?"

A whirring sound started to come from the chairs and Auo instinctively sat back. A mini-wall, like that used to buffer a passenger and a driver in a taxi, began to block Auo's vision.

"Whoa there, hey!" he shouted.

" What're you doing! Hey!"

Auo began to bang on the driver seat, desperately calling for the driver to stop the car and let him go. After a minute of begging, he gave up and slumped in his seat.

'These people are really trying to kidnap me!'

Auo began to fiddle with his fingers and bit his tongue.

'Damn it, I shouldn't have been so hopeful. That lady agreed too quickly once I asked to leave too. That's probably why Irin apologized. This is illegal, you can't just kidnap somebody like this and drug them in the process.'

Auo tried to calm himself down for the fiddling of his fingers had turned into complete trembling. He started to think about how hungry he was and tried to remember the last time he ate.

Auo stopped thinking about the rumbling of his stomach and instead focused on more pressing matters: how was he going to escape.

'I need to figure out where I am and how to get out of here. This person, if it even is a person, clearly won't help me. It seems that they're in cahoots with Satsu Ri and Irin.'

Auo looked up at the car's black ceiling, he studied the texture of it, letting his mind clear for a moment.

'Irin seemed like a nice person. What is he doing with such a group of shady people? Come to think of it, they never told me what their occupation was and where they work and what their purpose was, they just gave me general information… Not only that, but I've assumed that they were doctors, what if they are con- artists?'

Auo strained to remember a certain piece of information Satsu Ri told him earlier and he finally was able to recover the information after a few silent minutes of a bumpy ride.

"Right now, we are located in a subsection of one of the smallest military bases in this country. We are located in a very secluded area and civilization isn't around as far as three hundred miles-"

Auo sighed.

'I need to remember this information, it could save my life...'

Auo closed his eyes to try and calm himself.

'This whole ordeal is shrouded with mystery. I should've realized it earlier. The thing I don't understand is; why do they want to keep me trapped in their corrupted hands.'

'Are they running out of people who are willing to join join the military? Is their solution forcing people to join by taking their memories and coming up with stupid excuses to keep one in their grasp?'

'Did they forget that the government can willingly draft people without their consent? Unless... these people are stunting and are a group of rebels or something?'

Auo felt a headache coming and subconsciously grabbed his forehead. He then began coughing and he held onto his throat, tears coming out of his eyes.

' I can't breathe!' he panicked.

'I didn't even notice when-'

Auo fell into a deep deep sleep.


" Urgh-",

Auo's eyes slowly fluttered open and his eyes widened in shock and horror.

Auo had woken up on an inflatable mattress. He was in a room devoid of all objects, the walls were padded with white cushions as well as the floors, and he was wearing a set of hospital clothes. On his hands were foam like gloves and his feet were the same.

Auo's head felt light but his body felt heavy like a large animal was suppressing him.

'They really put me in a mental institution.'

Auo's initial shock slowly turned into utter rage.

He got himself up, stumbling due to the numbness in his legs and feet, and walked towards the outline of a door. He kneed the door with anger and a string of curses left his mouth.

"Get me the f*ck out of here!"


"You're making a mistake!"


"Get me out of here this instant-!"


Auo collapsed to the floor and began to sob out of frustration.

The salty tears ran down his cheek and some even managed to seep into his mouth. His eyes were red, his nose was runny, and he felt a headache coming.

'Stop crying you fool, men don't cry!'

After a few moments of, what sounded like, a dying animal war cry, he calmed himself down by taking deep breaths and sitting upright.

Auo attempted to get back up but he fell. His body was to its max and, for some reason, all he could see was the color blue.

'Why… why did they put me in this prison!'

He cried silently save for the few sniffles that came here and there.

'I would honestly rather go to war, at least then I'll be able to control my own life and not get drugged every. single.hour...'

Auo spent the next thirty-minutes calming himself down, now was the time for him to think rationally not sob his life away.

'I can never understand this type of method. Putting someone in a mental hospital is like putting them in prison, there's no difference to it. Doctors say it's for the person's good but in reality, they're just making that person worse. Leaving a person alone who is mentally ill is dangerous. You're leaving the person alone with their own thoughts and their own perception of life will become the law to them.'

Auo sighed.

'If I'm going to be stuck in here for a long period of time, the chances of me escaping is slim to none. I wouldn't be able to gather enough intel and I'll be stuck trying to solve a puzzle without a solution.'

Auo tried to pick himself back up, but all he managed to do was flop.

He sat there for a long time. He needed to figure out what his plan was going to be, he needed to sort out his thoughts.

'I can't be the only one in this facility. There are others... Perhaps I could form an alliance with them and we can get out of this place.'

He began to feel tired and questioned if he was either getting drugged or his body truly was tired and in need of rest.

'I will forever be plagued with the question; "am I being drugged" every time I feel sleepy or receive a headache.'

Auo chuckled softly despite the sad atmosphere.