
Bab 38

????'s POV:

I awaken, surrounded by darkness. I am at the bottom of the sea. The pressure of the water confirms it and as the memories return to me, I can't help but get angry. To think that girl would have been so bold as to attack our fleet let alone destroy our ships, destroy me. UGH! I want to kill her so bad.  1

????: [Is that so?]

The voice catches me by surprise. I'm pretty sure that all that's down here beneath the waves with me is the rest of my broken hull and various sea life. Still, as the voice continues speaking, it becomes undeniable that it is coming from all around me and inside my head, all at once. Perhaps this is what my crew had called hallucinating. 

????: [This is very much real. My question for you is, would you like a second chance?]

Me: wgrldps

????: [Now, now. You can't talk underwater you know.]

Me: [Who are you?]

????: [I'm the one who has given you your new body. Don't tell me you haven't realised you aren't a ship anymore.]

Looking around, I can't see my body due to the darkness but I can certainly feel the limbs moving around. It feels weird but also familiar. It feels like me. 

????: [So? Do you accept my offer?]

Me: [Will I get to have my revenge?]

????: [That's entirely up to you as you will be in the same world but-]

Me: [That's all I need to know. What do you get from this?]

????: [Don't worry about that. By the way, if you want to fight her, however, you will need to join your current country's enemies.]

Me: [I-]

She cuts me off as she begins explaining the world I am about to enter, including my newfound powers and how to use them. From her, I learn that the girl's name is Zhejiang and that she's the Empress of a country in this world called Dragon Empery. Even before she explains it, I'm fully aware that this is simply what China is called in this world. Still, when she arrives at my own country and the fact that they are allies, it takes a moment to register. How can things be so different here? 

????: [The answer is simple. This world is almost a perfect representation of your world's second world war. Needless to say, the ships here and the technological level also represent this with the exceptions being the SIRENS and the technology used to create new KANSEN, amongst other things. Enough about that though. You'll figure it out as you go. There's still one more thing you should know before I allow you to begin your new life.]

Me: [What do I need-]

????: [Zhejiang is the carrier you sunk in your world. Also, she is not the only one from your world that is here. Lastly, the ship you are named after is also in this world-]

Me: [You mean the first Enterprise?]

????: [Yes, and-]

Me: [And she's a part of this Eagle Union which is allied to my enemy.] 

????: [That's not-]

Me: [I am ready. If I meet her, I'll handle it from there. I have so much to talk to her about but that'll have to wait until I have my revenge!] 

????: [Very well. Go forth and conquer.]

The sound of rushing water fills my ears as my eyes are forced shut by the oncoming water. Still, it's not long before I feel my body leave the water. Opening my eyes, I look around to realise that I am in the air. Panicking, I flail aimlessly as I begin my descent, landing with a massive splash. When I finally recover, I look around and, for the first time, take in the beauty of the nature around me. This is my second chance but it is my first chance to truly live. I will not waste it. I will kill that wretched girl as she did to me. Perhaps, I'll even take her country too. Empress Enterprise does have a good ring to it. Hehe, yes. I can see it now.  1

Zhejiang...I am coming for you.