
Bab 18

After changing into the necessary gear, we all head back up to the flight deck. The others have shifted into their 3rd Form with their gear hidden inside them. It's what'll make this trip possible since their guns and armour wouldn't actually be able to fit in my planes otherwise. 

Elizabeth: So which one is ours?

Me: You and I are going last so ours isn't here as yet.

Elizabeth: WHAAT?

Ignoring her, I help Hood into her aircraft as the others prepare to take off. Hood doesn't say it out loud but I can tell she's grateful for the help. She's putting on a strong face but I know she's not taking the idea of flying thousands of miles above the sea lightly. The fact that she'll be in the aircraft by herself and without someone who knows how to fly it only makes matters worse but we don't really have much of a choice. Elizabeth would be too much for anyone else to handle and I know if she goes in one of the planes by herself, she'll touch things she shouldn't.

 Me: Sorry about this. 

Hood: It's ok. Take care of her for me.

Me: You're talking as though you're going to die. You'll be fine. Plus, everyone will be right there beside you.

After making sure she's properly locked in, I teach her the basics such as how to communicate with us and what the most important parts in front of her are. In truth, she only needs to know how to contact us since the plane can handle the rest but I'm sure even knowing this little about "flying" will help calm her down. 

Once we're done, I explain how she'll take off and she nods. I don't quite think she understands just how fast she'll accelerate but at the very least, I can make the climb less overbearing for her by having the plane fly at a more relaxing angle rather than doing a straight 90-degree climb. 

Stepping back, we all wave them off as they are launched one by one. Enterprise and Dalian, perhaps far too eager to be flying again, immediately go for a vertical climb but quickly level out soon after. I can only imagine that the screams from their passengers were simply far too loud. 

Smiling to myself, I watch as the jet that will be carrying me arrives on the flight deck. With it are three Su-57s that will be taking on the role of our escorts. I don't expect any enemies to bother us at 60,000 feet but one can never be too careful. While this world doesn't seem to have anything capable of flying that high, I also can't ignore the fact that mine does and other ships from my world may have made it into this one. After all, all it took to bring me here was my death. 

Elizabeth: Your planes really are beautiful.

Her statement shocks me and for a moment I'm left simply staring at her as she looks at the planes moving into position, eyes filled with wonder. Was this the same girl that mere moments earlier was being so cruel to Hood? How can she possibly be so ignorant to the feelings of her subordinates yet at the same time be so childish! ...I think I just answered my own question, right there...still, the least I can do is get her to realize her folly. Perhaps we can have a chat about it while flying. If she doesn't listen, I can just rough her up a bit. I'm sure she'll come around.

As we both climb into the jet, the thought of punishing her fills me with glee. I'm not sure why but merely imagining her terrified screams as I send the plane plummeting to the ground...sweet sweet bliss. 

Elizabeth: Are you ok?

The look of concern on her face as I realize she's talking to me is priceless. I had totally gotten lost in my thoughts for a second there that I had even forgotten I was preparing her for the flight. I briefly wonder what kind of maniacal expression was displayed on my face to cause such concern from a rather ignorant female but I'm not gifted the chance to ponder it long as Wales steps up and clears her throat. 

Wales: Ahem! Sorry to interrupt but we've finished preparations. Please contact us to let us know you've arrived safely when you get to Eagle Union.

Looking at Wales, I find her cheeks red and it takes a moment to figure out why. Looking back at Elizabeth, I find her face as red as a cherry. Her breathing's increased and she looks absolutely flushed but even then, it still takes me a while longer to figure out what the heck is going on and it only occurs after her breathing cuts short. 

Finally noticing, I can't help but laugh. To think they'd both get so flustered over something like that. Still, it does also explain why Wales felt the need to clear her throat. If only she knew what was actually happening...

Me: We'll make sure to do that. Safe travels. 

Wales: L-likewise. 

Wales hurriedly takes her leave earning yet another burst of laughter from me. Turning back to the now embarrassed Elizabeth, I quickly finish locking her in place and begin making final preparations for take-off. 

Me: [You alright back there?]

Heavy Breathing Intensifies...

Elizabeth: [I-I-I'm f-fine.]

Me: [If you're this riled up and we're still on the ground, I wonder how you'll manage...]

Elizabeth: [I-I said I'm fine, ok?]

Me: [Haha, good. Because we have something to talk about.]

She doesn't reply, perhaps thinking that I want to talk about what happened mere minutes ago in front of Wales but I have something else in store for her. After allowing the other jets to take off, we blast off as well. The minute the wheels clear the carrier, I have my ship return to me. I was unsure how it'd work but it worked just fine. Perhaps this was because I was in my own aircraft and it was also made out of the same cubes? Regardless of how it worked, it did and before long we were climbing towards our goal of 60,000 feet. 

By now, the others are well ahead of us as I had told Enterprise and Dalian to continue ahead as I wanted to have some time alone with Elizabeth. As we cruise, she looks out at the Earth below us and keeps remarking about her perfect this moment is. I almost feel bad for doing this to her at a time like this but it must be done. Cutting our connection to the others, I mentally prepare myself before beginning.

Me: [So, Elizabeth.]

Elizabeth: [Hmm?]

Me: [About earlier...]

Elizabeth: [Oh...]

Me: [About how you treated Hood.] 

Elizabeth: [What do you mean?]


She really is oblivious, huh? I explain what I am speaking about in detail, using my own experiences with Dalian as an example as I'm sure she saw how even the smallest words or actions from me sent her into a downward spiral. To my surprise, she doesn't argue or complain, but listens rather attentively. Taking this as the perfect opportunity to push on, I expand to her subordinates and how she treats others as a whole. I also mention the maids she had and the role she should actually be taking towards them as fellow KANSEN. Finally, I end with being a Queen, a leader in general and what it truly means. 

Me: [Which is why I'll always say it. Being a Queen is about more than just being able to boss people around. You have to set an example for others. Be a beacon of hope. Help others instead of simply walking over them because your station is higher than theirs. As a Queen, you aren't just responsible for yourself anymore. No, you are responsible for every single man, woman and child within your nation. You are responsible for all the KANSEN that fight to protect that nation as such should act appropriately. After all, you aren't just representing yourself anymore. You are representing the Royal Navy and whatever you do will reflect good or poorly on your entire nation.]

When I finally end my speech, she's silent. I'm about to check to see if she's alright when I finally hear sobbing coming through. Giving her the time she needs, I refrain from saying anything else and instead begin focusing on making the flight as smooth as possible. We remain like this for a few minutes before she finally speaks up once more. When she does, however, her voice is hoarse and the words barely come out.

Elizabeth: [I'm sorry.]