
Zero’s Path: AoE specialist.

Your average weeb and novel enthusiast gets reincarnated and makes his personal ideologies about the supremacy of AoE spells everybody else’s problem. After all what AoE mage hasn’t harmed a few innocent bystanders? This is going to be about a semi-crazy mc going around the multiverse. The first world will definitely be self made then I’ll decide if I wanna do that again or turn it into a fan-fic multiverse. There is a system but it’s essentially just to make my life easier. And no harem instead we’re gonna get a f*ckboy mindset till he finds his one true love or something equally corny. English is my first language I’m just super new to writing and hence something like grammar flow in conversations may suck. But I will hopefully improve given time. I have literally no plan for this and my update schedule will be completely random at the beginning till I get comfortable writing.

FallenVoid · Militar
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14 Chs


I have decide to temporarily drop this novel. To put it bluntly I wasn't happy with the quality of it. This is a idea that I really like and I feel like I can't match up to my own expectations for this.

Which is why I have decide to put this on hold indefinitely till I feel my writing has improved to the level I want it to. To this end I will be writing a fanfic to try and improve my writing skill. It's a MHA fic, feel free to check it out.