
Zero’s Path: AoE specialist.

Your average weeb and novel enthusiast gets reincarnated and makes his personal ideologies about the supremacy of AoE spells everybody else’s problem. After all what AoE mage hasn’t harmed a few innocent bystanders? This is going to be about a semi-crazy mc going around the multiverse. The first world will definitely be self made then I’ll decide if I wanna do that again or turn it into a fan-fic multiverse. There is a system but it’s essentially just to make my life easier. And no harem instead we’re gonna get a f*ckboy mindset till he finds his one true love or something equally corny. English is my first language I’m just super new to writing and hence something like grammar flow in conversations may suck. But I will hopefully improve given time. I have literally no plan for this and my update schedule will be completely random at the beginning till I get comfortable writing.

FallenVoid · Militar
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Assignment Ch.11

{Detected Host waking up}

{Please choose from your available classes, if you don't choose one the top one will be selected automatically after 30 minutes}

[Class List]

•Special Forces

•Soul Mage


•Divine Apostle

•Speaker of the Void

•Hexa-Mage apprentice

•Elemental Mage

•Glaive user

•Staff user

•Grimoire user

•Soul Weapon user


•Soul Illusionist

•Spell Researcher

•Torturer apprentice

•Assassin apprentice


•Rune Mage apprentice

•Soul Sensor

•Eye-Skill user


•Multi-Thought User

'Ugh…. Dismiss temporarily please.' I dismiss the system panel and look around with soul sense.

'God my head hurts, it feels like a knife was driven through my skull. What happened?'

{Answering…. Hosts class completion reward was a [Soul Cleanse], the cleanse detected a fragment and purged it.}


{The souls host had fractured creating a soul fragment. The cleanse purged the fragment and healed the fracture.}

'Can you pull up the system logs of this?'

{Acknowledged…. Logs retrieved.}

[ {Class completion reward [Soul Cleanse] received}

{Beginning soul cleanse}

{Fracture detected…. Purging….. Purged}

{Repairing….. Repaired….}

{Title [High-Functioning Madman] removed}

{Title [Healed Soul] gained} ]

'High-Functioning Madman? I don't remember having a title like that?'

{Hosts soul fragment was concealing itself from the host as best it could. Host would subconsciously ignore things related to the fragment.}

'What the fuck? You trying to tell me I had a semi-independent fragment that lived in my soul?!'


'But I don't remember being crazy?'

{Hosts memories of the fragments effects were purged.}

'Wait what? You can just purge my mind?'

{Correct. Would host like to have those memories restored? Warning this may cause significant psychological repercussions.}

'Well with that kind of warning obviously not!'

So, I was crazy. But I don't remember being crazy at all? Looking back with perfect recall some pieces of my life seem relatively blank, the places the fragment affected I guess. My time at the house seems crystal clear however…

'System would the fragment be affected by spirit suppression arrays?'


So that's why. The whole property has a suppression array around it. Apparently one of Novem and Tribus's parents was a spirit summoner and had it installed. But wow, I was actually crazy….

'Well no time to dwell on the past! I'm healed now and that's all really matters…'

'System pull up the class selection page'

{Please choose from your available classes, if you don't choose one the top one will be selected automatically after 28 minutes}

[Class List]

•Special Forces

•Soul Mage


•Divine Apostle

•Speaker of the Void

•Hexa-Mage apprentice

•Elemental Mage

•Glaive user

•Staff user

•Grimoire user

•Soul Weapon user


•Soul Illusionist

•Spell Researcher

•Torturer apprentice

•Assassin apprentice


•Rune Mage apprentice

•Soul Sensor

•Eye-Skill user


•Multi-Thought User

Let's see. Librarian is probably because of my little private library I made. The two race change classes are gone, maybe because I was born? Special Forces, Torturer apprentice, Survivalist and Assassin apprentice are likely from my training and classes at the academy. Glaive user, Staff user, and Grimoire user are from weapons training. Soul weapon user is self explanatory. The rest are just related to miscellaneous training I did by myself, like runes, soul illusions, damaging minds, using soul sense, my eye skill, researching spells and all the math it requires, even my multiple thought processes are mentioned.

First off all the magic classes are out. I have immense talent in that field and I'd rather rely on myself in the beginning. A lot of the others are also out for various reasons. The ones I really could use are Eye-Skill user, Soul Sensor, and Glaive user. All of them are related to things I've hit a wall with. Out of those three the eye skill one isn't super important, my Glaive skills and my Soul Sense capabilities on the other hand could severely use an upgrade.

I should take these early while the level requirements are low. The class and leveling system in this world works on a level+ system. Your first class will take 15 levels, your second will take 20, your third 25 and so on. This means by your third class you'll be level 35 by your fourth you'll be level 60 etc. I should save the magic classes for the higher level ones while getting these out of the way.

Between the two I'd prefer an upgrade to soul sense. It's become my key skill that I use constantly. I use it so much I'd taken to wearing a blind fold. It's currently level 27 allowing me to see a 40.5 meter radius around myself. However with its only sub skill fusing into [Voids Judgment] it had become far weaker than it should be.

As I was debating what to choose the door to my room opened. Novem walked in with a worried look upon her face, one that quickly changed to joy seeing me awake.

"Ah! Zero your finally awake! I was so worried, what happened? Your overseer said you just passed out!" She rushed over and hugged me before the questions began. Jeez she really is like a mother with how many questions she asks.

"I'm fine. It was just the reward for my class completion knocked me out." Well at least I know she only asks so much because she cares.

"So it wasn't because of the test?" Oh that's why she was worried, she thought I couldn't handle my first human kill.

"No, I got past that rather quickly. It was just the reward." Fuck! Why did I say that?! I should have acted more affected by it! Oh god what if she gets worried by that.

"Good! I was worried ya know. Some kids really let it get to them. Luckily most realize the type of world they live in requires this and get over it." She seemed relieved that I didn't let it get to me. Seriously after 9 years you'd think I'd have learned to stop judging these people by my past life's standards. Of course killing isn't a big thing here, it's actually rather common. So it makes sense that being okay with it is accepted.

"Zero….? Zero are you listening to me?!" Snapping from my thoughts I saw Novem staring directly into my eye.

"Ah, sorry I zoned out for a second."

"No it's fine, I was just wondering if you picked your next class yet?" Why would she want to know that?

"No, I haven't yet why?"

"You were given an assignment, one you can't refuse." What! An assignment you can't refuse means it comes directly from the top with your name on it! Why would they want me?! I mean I'm a genius but compared to the real professionals I'm still very weak.

"It's a long term protection assignment so if any of your classes would help in that you should pick it." Long term? That's not great, especially if she's telling me to pick a related class that means she thinks I will be there long enough for the class to matter.

"How long, what's the environment, who's the target?" Important details first.

"You're protecting the seventh prince, he's enrolling into the Myriad Races Magic Academy in the central continent, as for the mission time…. Indefinitely until ordered otherwise." Ok, so I'm playing bodyguard for a royal in one of the most chaotic cities in the world. Fuck! Why me? I'm really not that strong, if you had to protect a prince why not get a 5th class professional or something.

Also indefinitely, so what I'm there till he graduates? Ok…. breathe, focus on the pros. It's the best magic academy in the world. They have the second biggest library in the world. The defensive wards and arrays at the academy will protect the prince basically by themselves.

Still indefinitely! Years away from my family, my library, and my experiments. Well at least this makes the class choice easy, after all being able to see in a huge sphere makes detecting threats way easier. If it was just going to the academy I'd actually take spell researcher or a mage class but the mission has to take priority. If I fail to protect him I'd likely be killed as an example. I have to learn spatial magic while I'm there. No way am I sacrificing my life for some prince and if he dies I need to be able to escape.

"*sigh* I actually do have a class that's helpful…"

"That's great! I've already packed your things, you leave with your handler tomorrow morning. And don't worry, I'll keep your library clean for you." Novem smiled at me, traces of sadness flickering through her expression and left the room.

'Select [Soul Sensor]'


'Turing off that ding noise was still my best decision yet..'

{Class [Soul Sensor] chosen}

{Skill [Soul Sense] evolves into [Superior Soul Sense]}

{Skill [Soul Detection] gained}

{Title [Sensor] gained}

{Stat gain per level: +15 MNA +10 AGI +5 Free SP)



Name: Zero Dawn

Titles: Reincarnated, Guest of the Void, Gods Witness, Healed Soul, Soul Bastion, Creator of Memes, Unique, Soul Killer, Mana Blessed, Mana Prodigy, Mana Well, Genius, Magic Prodigy, Book Keeper, Speed Reader, Mathematician, Creator of Physics Magic, Hunter, Stalker, Shadow Tower Operative, Sapient Killer, Psychopath, Parricide, Sensor.

Age: 10 years

Class: Soul Sensor

-Previous Classes- (Collapse)

•Soul Mage apprentice

Level: 15

Xp: 764/22500

Mana: 19000/19000

STR: 25

VIT: 25

AGI: 25

INT: 25

WIS: 85

WIL: 190

MNA: 95

Stat Points: 5

-Soul Bound Weapons-

•[Void Glaive]

•[Magia Aeterna]

-Elemental Affinities- (Collapse)

<Tier 1>

•All Affinities: 100%

<Tier 2>

•All Discovered Affinities: 100%

<Tier 3> (Locked)

<Tier 4> (Locked)

<Concepts> (Locked)

-Skills- (Collapse)

[Gamers Mind] <MAX> (E/C)

[Voids Blessing] <MAX> (E/C)

[Soul Projection] <lvl. 7> (E/C)

[Soul Manipulation] <lvl. 22> (E/C)

[Soul Resistance] <lvl. 23> (E/C)

[Warped Soul Illusions] <lvl. 18> (E/C)

[Superior Soul Sense] <lvl. 27> (E/C)

'All forms of sight are inferior to mine'

•Allows the host to 'see' everything in a :skill level times 2: meter radius around them.

•Except for soul specific barriers this skill can see through all forms of disguise and barriers.

•Skill activation takes 100 mana; skill is then passively turned on for a month. Can be deactivated at the users discretion.

•See minute fluctuations within a persons soul hinting at their emotional state.

•Sub-skill: [Soul Mark]

•Place down a tag using soul energy, the tag acts as a point to use soul sense.

•Tag is invisible to all forms of detection except soul based detection.

•Tag can be tracked by the host.

•Sub-skill: [Microscopic Zoom]

•Allows the host to see things at a microscopic level.

•Allows the host to see mana particles.

[Soul Defense Network] <MAX> (E/C)

[Memetic Runes] <lvl. 12>(E/C)

[Self Appraisal] <MAX> (E/C)

[Greater Appraisal] <lvl. 15> (E/C)

[Appraisal] <lvl. 2> (E/C)

[Voids Judgment] <lvl. 4> (E/C)

[Mana Body Forge] <lvl. 21> (E/C)

[Mages Mind] <lvl. 26> (E/C)

[Surgical Mana Control] <lvl. 23> (E/C)

[Tier One Elemental Magic] <lvl. 31> (E/C)

[Tier Two Elemental Magic] <lvl. 22> (E/C)

[Spell Creation] <lvl. 37> (E/C)

[Calculation] <lvl. 29> (E/C)

[Inventory] <Max> (E/C)

[Physics Magic] <lvl. 15> (E/C)

[Glaive Proficiency] <lvl. 22> (E/C)

[Staff Proficiency] <lvl. 16> (E/C)

[Grimoire Proficiency] <lvl. 7> (E/C)

[Wordless Casting] <lvl. 21> (E/C)

[Hand-Sign Casting] <lvl. 17> (E/C)

[Multi-Casting] <lvl. 16> (E/C)

[No-Movement Casting] <lvl. 3> (E/C)

[Speed Reading] <lvl. 47> (E/C)

[Runic Enchanting] <lvl. 9> (E/C)

[Runic Casting] <lvl. 7> (E/C)

[Enhancement Magic] <lvl. 14> (E/C)

[Shadow Tower Martial Arts] <lvl. 15> (E/C)

[Shadow Tower Assassination Arts] <lvl. 16> (E/C)

[Shadow Tower Torture & Interrogation Techniques] <lvl. 15> (E/C)

[Survivalist Techniques] <lvl. 18> (E/C)

[Meditation] <lvl. 28> (E/C)

[Soul Detection] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

'All living things have a soul, so all I have to do to find living things is find the soul.'

•Receive general estimation of a targets strength without alerting them.


Oh yeah! My free points I nearly forgot. Well guess I'll round out MNA to an even 100. Also that soul detection is pretty good, I used to be able to do that with soul appraisal before I fused it. I still regret doing that, well sometimes you just have to learn the hard way.

Besides greater appraisal is amazing, all the abilities of appraisal and soul appraisal, unfortunately it lost the ability of soul appraisal to be used secretly only keeping the ability to ignore level differences as long as soul defenses were absent.

Checking the time with my system I see it's already 7 pm. I hate when this happens, I just woke up and I already have to start heading back to sleep. I suppose I'll just do what I normally do when this happens, use soul projection to read while my body sleeps.

This was by far the best use of soul projection, for me anyway, another big use I could think of is keeping watch while resting. But I preferred using it to get reading in at night while my body rested. It became even better after learning the meditation skill, allowing me to regen mana while resting and keep the skill up all night. I did need to actually sleep around once a month to rest my mind, but I hypothesized that it would have to happened less as I got stronger and gained more thought processes.

And so pulling a book out of my inventory I went into a meditative sleep and activated soul projection. Floating over to my desk I opened the book using the telekinetic properties of soul mana and started to read.

Ahh, nothing like a good rest while reading 'Applications of seemingly useless mana types volume 7' this was personally one of my favorite book series. After all mana types in the second layer were near endless meaning not all of them were obvious in usage. For example the first chapter of this volume was on 17 applications for 'Injury mana' a pretty niche mana type involving the mix 'basic healing mana' and 'reversal' mana.

'Usage one, damage negation. Many damage type spells cast with injury mana as a supporting type will lower the damage from nearly lethal to relatively bad. Unfortunately no one had ever managed to created a shield with this incorporated otherwise the mana type would be far more useful. Cannot stop spells that would be absolutely lethal; strength differences between caster and target can also overpower the mana type.'

Well that's interesting, and considering where I'm going and the type of people I'll have to deal with this will be very helpful.


[Inventory] <Max>

'Logistics? I could solve that easily. All you need to do is give me is time.'

•Creates a subspace that is the users level in meters cubed large.

•Time within the sub space is paused.

•Cannot store living things within the subspace; essential bacteria and non sentient plants can be stored.


In 47 ASI during the warring periods a spacial mage named Ellirhin was tasked by his lord to develop a more mobile version of storage runes. In his research he discovered a way to tie a pocket dimension to a persons soul through a ritual. By 56 ASI the ritual had become public knowledge and a Soul mage named Hilsten found a way to turn the ritual into a simple spell that could be cast by someone already possessing the pocket dimension. This changed the skill to become far more practical and allowed it to become a corner stone of modern life.

I decided that instead of doing flashbacks to explain his new skills I wanted to do it in little segments at the end of the chapter. When I eventually finish them I’d move on to enemy skills that have been used. If you don’t like it let me know and if enough people care I’ll change it back to flashbacks. In other news I still have Covid this chapter took twice as long to make due to me feeling like crap so like mentioned earlier chapter quantity will be low till I’m better.

FallenVoidcreators' thoughts