
Celebration Part 1

As Shadow and I rode into the stables, I noticed all the servants scurrying around in preparations.

I completely forgot!! today is my birthday. Climbing off shadow, I shook my head. I can't believe I am so forgetful. Dressing back into my coat before heading inside, I fixed my windblown hair and straightened out my outfit.

As I entered the kitchen I could smell that the cooks had already started preparing for my celebratory dinner, the aroma of freshly baked tarts and loaves of bread filling my nostrils.

The delicious smells made my mouth water.

Walking over to the table where all the assorted baked goods had been set out to cool. I eyed them out, spotting some delicious mini blueberry tarts, I picked one up and bringing it to my mouth I savored the sweet scent before taking a bite. "hm fit for the gods."

I could hear my mother Sophia in the ballroom instructing some of the servant girls on how to hang the decorations. Knowing my mother she was going overboard with the extravagant details.

Walking into the ballroom I watched my mother, She is a beautiful woman, tall with a slim figure, her long dark hair always kept in an elegant updo and always well dressed in the latest fashion. Although she was already 40 years old her face was still untouched by age. With only the slightest bit of wrinkles forming at the side of her eyes. And they were only really prominent when she smiled.

Spotting me standing in the doorway she came up to hug me. "Darling you're finally home, Happy birthday my dear," she said, placing a kiss on my cheek. "19 already, gosh where has the time gone."

"Thank you, mama. But it wasn't necessary to do all this." my mother waved her hands in protest, " Nonsense darling, now I took the liberty of picking out a gown for you to wear tonight. So hurry on upstairs and let Ella help you get ready."

Ella is my handmaid and the closest thing I have to a friend, growing up I never really got along with other people my age and having Ella around made me feel less awkward in society.

As I entered my chambers I spotted the beautiful gown laid out on my bed. Ella was in the bathroom preparing the bath for me. She was much shorter than me and her dainty figure looked even smaller as she struggled to bend over my large tub to run the water. Her curly red hair falling over her face, blocking her view. Looking up at me she smiled, her freckled face and large green eyes excited to see me. "happy birthday milady. I was just running you a bath."

"Thank you, Ella." wiping her hands on her apron she came closer to help me out of my clothes. Placing my hair into a long plat, she helped me step into the deep tub. "how was your ride milady?"

"Lovely thank you." I was reluctant to tell her about my visit to the lake. As much as I liked Ella I knew how the servants loved to gossip and if word got back to my father about me being on the Mistwood Estate I would be scolded for sure. In the past, my father had expressed his dislike of me trespassing on the property, even though it was vacant. So I now kept my visits to myself.

As I lay in the tub, I traced back to the events at the lake. I wonder who that man was, although I never got a good look at him I could see that he was a handsome man. He couldn't have been more than 25 years old. Judging by how well he dressed he was definitely a nobleman. But what was he doing on Mistwood Estate?

Snapping out of my thoughts, I saw that Ella had come back into the room. Holding out a towel for me she averted her eyes as I climbed out of the tub.

It was late afternoon now and the guests would start arriving soon. "I take it that my mother has invited all of Allyrion tonight?" I asked in a sarcastic tone, Ella smiling nervously as she answered, "yes milady, your mother wanted it to be a surprise but she has invited most of the nobles." I sighed at the thought of having to socialize with everyone.

I sat down at my dresser as Ella combed out my hair before pinning it up at the back of my head, pulling out strands so they fell in long wavy curls down my back then standing up so she could help me into my gown, I observed myself in the mirror.

Unlike my mother, I had been born with golden hair the color of honeycomb, And my figure was not slim like hers, I had a very curvaceous body, with a voluptuous bosom, a small waist, and large hips. My eyes a crystal blue and my complexion pale, making my full lips stand out in a vibrant rosy color.

I had never been a petite girl and now standing in this gown I was more aware of it than ever, the soft material hugged at my curves and as Ella placed the corset around my waist I was forced to correct my posture, which accentuated my chest.

The gown was a deep shade of lilac that complimented my pale skin and I had to admit that I looked beautiful, but I never enjoyed wearing fancy gowns. The corsets were always uncomfortable and made me too aware of my body. I wanted to hide my figure and dresses such as these only showed it off.

Applying a dark shadow to my eyes and a light rouge to my lips, I took one last look at myself. Mentally preparing for the night to come before heading downstairs to join the festivities.