
Zenin's Last Plan:

An adult from Earth is reincarnated into JJk with no knowledge and is forced into Zenin's desperate plan to finally kill Gojo.

DaoistJIIvmp · Cómic
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151 Chs

Chapter 84: Failure

Mute's mangled body lies on a pile of rubble. Blood pours out of the wounds covering his body, as he breathes heavily. His pupils are almost completely gone. His hazy vision is watching a battle happening directly above him.

A thunderous bang could be heard as a powerful punch connected to Miguel's jaw contorting his face. Blood spews out of Miguel's mouth as his jaw shatters as a powerful shockwave ripples out. Miguel propels through the sky slamming through one of the massive pillars that Mute created in his final desperate attack. 

Miguel's eyes become blank while he's embedded in the pillar. Miguel's rope is completely gone. He's used it all in an earlier exchange with Gojo. In a final act of desperation and a sudden burst of energy. Miguel pulled him out of the crater in the side of the pillar and started to slide down the pillar with blood still pouring out of his mouth. 

Miguel leaps off the building and lands on a fallen skyscraper. He starts to run across cracked glass. Miguel's plan wasn't to stall for time or beat Gojo. It was now to escape. Miguel leaps off the fallen skyscraper rolling onto the ground.

Before he cuts to the left and runs into a dark alleyway. Miguel takes two steps into the alleyway before a punch slams through the red brick wall next to him punching him in the side. Miguel is launched through the other wall of the alleyway, rolling out into the street. 

Miguel lands on his back breathing heavily as he hears Gojo's ominous footsteps rippling out slowly getting closer to him, Miguel pushes off the road gingerly standing up, Miguel looks forward only to see a blurry object approaching the top of his skull.

Before Miguel could react a powerful axe kick slammed into his skull slamming his head face-first into the road creating a massive crater. Miguel lay in the crater his eyes blank while Gojo glared down at his unconscious body...

As Miguel lost to Gojo. Back in Kyoto, the final attack between Geto and Yuta was about to begin. Geto could be seen with his index finger pointing up into the sky. Yuta stared at Geto's finger breathing heavily with Rika right behind him. 

Geto let out a maniacal grin as he spoke. 

" Maximum: Uzumaki "

A black ball slowly spewed above Geto's finger. Inside the massive black ball the sound of thousands of curses could be heard. The ball floats above Geto's head. The ball morphs into showing the face of thousands of curses that he had combined into one final attack. The wind swirls wildly as Yuta stares at the attack with widened eyes. 

Yuta's legs start to shake as he stares at the attack. Geto smirks before speaking. 

" You know. I'm happy I came to kill you before you could fully wield Rika. I don't know if I could win if I didn't. "

Yuta stares at the ball of curses before he takes a deep breath and turns around before speaking to Rika. 

" Rika? " 

Rika quickly responded. 

" Yes? " 

Yuta takes a deep breath before speaking.

" I truly want to defeat him. So, please lend me your power one more time. I'll give you my heart, my body, and everything. So, let's die together."

Rika's eyes widen before her body begins to morph. Geto stares at the changing Rika before his eyes turn more deranged. The wind begins to blow wildly as he speaks waving his hands forward.

" So that's how you want to go. You damn womanizer. "

A ball of pure energy starts to form in front of Rika's mouth as Geto sends his final attack forward. Rika fires the ball of energy turning it into a colorful beam. The two attacks clash causing a massive explosion to erupt out of Kyoto. 

Two sides of the explosion could be seen. One was pitch black. The other side was full of color. The two forces struggled as the air crackled and gusts of wind blew out rapidly until finally, the bright colors overpowered the pitch black winning the struggle...

Three weeks ago. Inside the log cabin. The sound of shuffling joysticks could be heard. Miguel, Geto, and Mute could be seen playing a game. Geto and Miguel could be seen standing while playing a video game on a TV. Mute watched sitting on a leather couch. 

Miguel was tightly holding onto the controller as his character's health bar was rapidly depleting. Miguel let out a loud sigh as a sound rippled out of the TV. 

" Player One Has Won. "

Miguel gently laid the controller on the floor before turning around and sitting on the leather couch next to Mute clearly annoyed. Geto let out a scoff before he looked over at Mute and spoke. 

" You should play a round Mute. Since out of everyone in this log cabin. All three of us have the highest odds of dying. As you know, the strongest men always have the hardest task. " 

Mute stared at Geto before nodding his head. Mute stood up while Geto reached down to grab the controller on the floor. Doing so Mute and Geto bumped their heads together. Geto stumbles back while holding onto his head. Mute rubs his forehead with his thumb while gritting his teeth 

" Damn, you got a hard skull, Mute. "

Says Geto also rubbing his head in pain...

Back to the present. Snow has begun to fall in Shinjuku, and the sun is finally setting. Mute's body could be seen lying back first on a pile of rubble. The sound of footsteps could be heard. Yuki slowly approached Mute before stopping directly in front of the pile of rubble. 

She looks at Mute's snow-covered body with hundreds of thoughts running through her head... 

That's, that. He was pretty strong for being such a new special grade. If we had given him time to fully develop his powers. Then maybe we would have lost this battle. I start to walk away from his corpse.

Great, snow has started to fall. That'll make driving harder. I keep on walking, my footsteps echoing out. I wonder how the higher-ups are going to react to this battle. It'll be hard to cover up the destruction that happened in Shinjuku. 

It's not like they can do much with Gojo being here. I glance to my right and see battle-fatigued sorcerers joking with each other. It looks like the majority of Geto's curses have been exorcised. I walk past them while the snow falling becomes harsher turning into a blizzard. I really hate winter. It makes everything so unbearable. 

I keep walking through the harsh blizzard until I walk past a fallen shattered glass skyscraper. I walk past it barely seeing my reflection through the shattered glass frames. I take a deep breath seeing my breath in front of me until the thick falling snow suddenly halts. Freezing in the air. 

My eyes widen as I stop my footsteps and snap my head to the left. I stare through a dark alleyway and see a bloody figure staring at me with a maniacal grin on his face. He presses his thumb on his forehead before speaking in a deranged tone of voice. 

" Yo, Yuki "...