
Zayn The Handsome Genius

Zayn is a child prodigy, and he comes from a special family. Since he was a child, he has separated from his parents to complete his education. At the age of sixteen, Zayn has been promoted to a young professor, and he falls in love with his own student. Meanwhile, Arunika also has the same feelings. Both of them don't express their feelings even though they feel the love between them. When Zayn had to return to Indonesia and Arunika had to go to America, they separated. Will they meet again, and will they be able to make love together? Follow his story in Zayn The Handsome Genius.

Sholikhatin_Nikmah · Fantasía
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155 Chs

First Night

"Father, Mother, Papa, how come you two came together? Why didn't you call us! Did you know that I was worried about you all?" Arunika burst into her father's arms, Haedar also hugged his daughter back. They both miss each other.

"Zayn, Arunika, we're sorry.! We didn't contact you on purpose because we wanted to surprise you two. So forgive us if we made you both anxious." Ayya ​​hugs Zayn and Arunika hugs her papa. While Rafi, he did not get a hug from anyone. Everyone laughed at Rafi's pitiful face, then Ziyad and Pak Bashori hugged Rafi, they felt sorry for their son and daughter-in-law. Everyone ended up laughing happily.

Dinner started, everyone had fun and also congratulated Zayn and Arunika. They also pray that they both live happily and soon be given a baby.