
Zack Fair on Remnant

An ignorant guy dies by accident, as he wasn't supposed the one to die by Truck-kun but the random teenager should've been the one. Now the wrong soul got reincarnated in a world were Grimms, bandits, and bad-ass women that kick ass and take names are roaming freely. _______________________________________________________ This is my first ever fan-fic, if you don't like it, don't read it :D I may update once a week/3 days I do not own RWBY nor this cover picture, so peace. I also don't own any characters that I might mention from any known series

NoirZero11 · Cómic
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44 Chs

Father and son?

After many procedures...

"We already told you, if you want to know, tomorrow is the earliest we can give you the results of the tests, in the meantime, you two should stay in town for a while, good day," The police officer said.

"Ugh... guess we'll know if you have any relatives nearby tomorrow Zack, come on, while we're here might as well visit my nieces," Qrow said motioning Zack to follow him.

"Hmm all right, lead the way Qrow" Zack replied as he followed Qrow.

After that the two of them head to Patch while commuting, Zack again begins to annoy Qrow all over again while chopping Zack in the head now and then, Qrow used his hands to block his ears while contemplating just taping Zack's mouth.

The people near them just smiled at scenes that look like a father with his excited son on a trip.

While some smiled, others that recognized Qrow, couldn't believe what they were seeing, 'Qrow have a son!' is what they were thinking, they immediately took a picture of them and sent it to their friends that also recognizes Qrow and so on and so on.

Qrow suddenly shivered, 'why do am I have a feeling that something is going to happen that I will very not much happy to see, must be the lack of booze, after dropping this brat first at Taiyang's, I'm going for a drink' Qrow thought of while chopping Zack's head again for an "old man" comment.

While the two were oblivious to what's happening around them, all around Vale, a certain drunk scythe-wielding huntsman is the talk of any professional huntsman.

Qrow didn't know it yet but he still felt like his life was gonna change very soon.




After an hour, they finally made it to Patch.

Qrow took the lead while Zack was following, while those two were busy with Zack annoying Qrow and Qrow threw chops then and there while sometimes smirking.

The people on Patch that could recognize Qrow was bewildered, confused and surprised, Qrow was a guy who always looks drunk and sometimes even in his classes he looked drunk but now, he looked somber and was enjoying chopping the kid's head while smirking and sometimes both Qrow and the kid would yell at each other and then continuing with their walk but both of them haven't noticed that a good portion of the people they passed by were wide-eyed staring at them.

'Qrow has a son!!' were the thoughts of almost all the people staring at them.

After a few stops because of a certain kid moving on his own, both Qrow and Zack finally made it to their destination.

It was a humble two-story wooden cabin house, as Qrow knocked and waited for someone to answer, Zack was oddly doing squats while waiting for Qrow.

"Hey kid, why are you doing squats all of a sudden?" Qrow looked at Zack curiously.

"I don't know, but doing this makes me feel right somehow like it feels natural" Zack replied while still doing squats.

"Strange kid" Qrow commented.

"Drunkard," Zack said, not missing his rhythm.

"Wet behind the ears," Qrow said, not backing down.

"Caped old man" Zack fired back.

"Spiky-haired midget" Qrow is now looking and smirking at Zack.

"At least I have a style unlike you, old-timer" Zack stopped and looked back at Qrow with a smirk.

Qrow developed an irritated face with a vein-popping at his head "Wow, some style by some smelly munchkin" Qrow said with a comeback.

Zack developed a twitch in his right eye with a very similar vein-popping like Qrow's "At least my face is clean, when is the last time you shaved properly you old goat!" Zack is now stepping closer to Qrow.

Qrow became irritated immediately and took a step closer too.

"Oh yeah, why don't we just settle things here and now you little snot-nosed brat," Qrow said while his right eye was also twitching.

"Took my exact words out of my mouth, you old bat!" Zack said, not backing down.

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" Qrow and Zack were three feet from each other glaring at one another.



Someone finally broke them apart and looked at a blonde middle-aged guy standing in front of them, the guy was buff and his skin was a bit tanned.

"Finally, I've been here for a while, so tell me Qrow, what's with the kid?" the guy asked.

"Ah my bad Tai, this brat right here is a just real piece of work" Qrow sarcastically replied.

"The name's Zack Fair sir, please excuse this delusional old man and by the way, this coming from you being such a rainbow of delight" Zack still not backing down while first introducing himself then went back to Qrow.

"Alright, I get it! You don't like one another, can we move on? The name's Taiyang, nice to meet you kid, and can you make this quick, I still have a batch of cookies needed to bake" Taiyang said while getting in between the two.

"Alright, the point is I found the kid alone in the forest infested with Grimm, might've hit his head or something because apart from his name, his memories are a blank, brought him to Vale authorities and said it will be till tomorrow if we can find his parents or relatives, and now we're here for a nice place to stay at and might as well see the kids" Qrow explained to Taiyang.

"And might I add, this kid is irritating, seriously this kid has genetics that was meant to annoy me" Qrow added.

"Well this coming from an old man drinking in the middle of the day in front of a 5-year old kid like myself, then I say I'll take that as a compliment" Zack commented at the side.

Then the two went around Taiyang and started glaring at each other again.

'Heh, they're like father and son hahaha now that would be... entertaining... wait didn't I get a spam of emails from earlier something about Qrow' Taiyang thought of while taking out his scroll and looking at the said mails.

"..." Taiyang suddenly widened his eyes then looked at the two, switching his gaze over at Qrow then at Zack, then back at Qrow, then at Zack again.

"Hm" Qrow and Zack finally noticed Taiyang acting weird, the two stopped their bickering and looked at Taiyang raised their eyebrows, and asked at the same time.

"What Tai/old man?"

Taiyang broke from his thoughts, and then looked at both of them one last time then suddenly.

"PFFTTT HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Congratulation Qrow! You officially have a kid yourself" Taiyang laughed with his left hand over his stomach while his right hand was pointing his finger at Qrow.

*Shivering* For a moment, both two looked at each other at the same time and nodded to each other, both of them quickly took Taiyang's scroll and quickly looked at it.

Qrow and Zack widened their eyes as they saw the contents of the mails, and then looked at Taiyang enjoying his laugh. Then Qrow and Zack looked at each other, their expression quickly changed to somewhat like a constipated look at their faces.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA THEY EVEN LOOK THE SAME HAHAHAHAHA!!" Taiyang was still not stopping only this time banging his fist at the ground while laughing.


Qrow and Zack looked at each other and nodded then they went to the door then looked back at Taiyang one more time and Qrow shut the door and Zack locked it for good measure.

Even though the door, they can still hear his laughter which brought a popping vein at their foreheads.

"Who was that? Dad? Oh, hey uncle Qrow, where's dad? And who's that beside you?" A long-haired blonde girl at the same age as Zack strolled inside.

"Oh, how you doing Yang, the brat beside me is Zack, we'll be staying for the night with you guys," Qrow said at Yang.

"Oh, ok, and dad?" Yang asked again.

Qrow and Zack pointed at the door at the same time.

Yang seeing them went for the door and opened it, looking at his father lying on the ground laughing his ass off, she said nothing and just looked for a moment then quickly shut the door and locked it again.

*sigh* "Want some cookies? Dad was about to finish his next batch when you guys arrived, Oh, the name's Yang, nice to meet you Zack" Yang smiled at Zack while walking to the kitchen.

"Nice to meet you too," Zack nodded as he and Qrow followed Yang.

When they arrived at the kitchen, they saw a younger girl than Yang with short black hair with red tips munching at the cookies like a chipmunk eating, it would've been a funny scene except for the young girl was eating like a cookie shredder.

*sighs* "Ruby, we got company" Yang sighed while going to the young girl.

"Ow, Yey Yang, *big gulps* Where's dad? Oh, hey uncle Qrow!" Ruby finished her cookies then exclaimed at seeing Qrow.

"Hey kid, he's Zack, by the way, we're staying here for the night, now how are you doing kid?" Qrow softens his expression while smirking walking up to Ruby.

"Oh, I learned how to go potty all by myself!" Ruby puffs off her chest proudly at Qrow.

"Good job kid" Qrow smirked while ruffling Ruby's head.

"Oh, hey Zack, I'm Ruby, want a cookie?" Ruby took notice of Zack and offered one of her prized cookies.

"Uh, thanks Ruby, I'm starving" Zack took the cookie with a smile.

The four of them ate cookies while Qrow was telling his stories to Ruby and Yang, but Zack stopped after finishing his cookie and kept looking at the rest of the cookies 'Hmm, why do I feel like I can make something better than this'.

"Hey guys, do you mind if I bake some cookies?" Zack said, interrupting Qrow's story.

"Do you even know how to cook? But knock yourself out, just make it edible, kid" Qrow commented while continuing his story.

"Sure/ Just make it tasty!" Yang and Ruby responded.

'I don't know, I feel like I know my way around the kitchen but I'll test it at Qrow first' thought Zack maniacally "Alright I got this" he exclaimed with an innocent smile.

While the four of them were relaxing inside the kitchen they completely forgot a certain someone still laughing outside. Taiyang finally finished laughing outside then stood up and walked to the door and grabbed the doorknob but found it locked 'Hmm must've been Qrow, Oh Well It's handy I always have a-'.

Taiyang quickly checked his pockets for the key but he suddenly remembered he left it at the kitchen top while he was putting the grocery earlier today 'No need to panic I'm sure my darling babies will open the door for me any minute now, especially with my pre-batch cookies on standby, Ruby will come to rescue her precious papa' Taiyang thought of smugly while waiting at the door.

*After 10 minutes*

Taiyang was still standing outside facing the door, growing impatient. He finally knocked loudly for someone to let him in 'They must've heard that right, I'm sure my babies are weeping by now without their papa right now'.

*After 30 minutes*

Taiyang resorted to banging loudly repeatedly for someone to open the door "Hey Qrow! I know you can hear you there, open up already!"

*After 45 minutes*

Taiyang had enough as he was preparing to knock down the door with brute strength 'Damn Qrow, maybe something happened to my girls, or maybe it was that Zack kid, the point is Daddy is coming girls!' thought of Taiyang as he took a few steps back then ran at full speed at the door.

As he was mere inches away from the door, he heard the lock being unlocked and the door was opening but the problem was he couldn't stop his charge in time.

As he was about to slam the door, it opened without anyone behind it thus Taiyang charged through and faced slam to a wooden post.




<,︻╦╤─ ҉ - -


NoirZero11creators' thoughts