
Yumegen: The Best World

Yumegen is the story of one universe. A story about human malice and hatred, about the bitterness of war. These are the adventures of kaito, warriors who own the magic of the elements, in battles with mythical creatures. This is a story about non-humans who are fighting for the right to live. And about the creatures that raise human children for food. There is now a new king in Sunlight, and he will not rest until humanity has exterminated the other races. And this story will begin with a guy named Hikaro Takigami, who got into Yumegen through a lucid dream and got stuck in it after losing his girlfriend. In this world, she was alive, but does not know the guy at all. They are sent to investigate a village where powerful witches may be hiding, sending creatures into the Sunlight. Author from Ukraine. This text is a translation through Google translate with minor adjustments. Donate to the author: PayPal: genkito13@gmail.com You can specify what to use your donations for. It can be advertising, character concept art, book cover, professional translation and more. My Instagram: www.instagram.com/alen13_writer/

ALeN13 · Fantasía
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8 Chs


– Oops, here come the kids! – cried Dik, approaching the old oak. – Rejoice, boys, that your mentor was lucky to land next to me, otherwise he would have fed these same swindlers.

– Who did you fight with?

– Goddesses, – Mido explained. – Only with a revived womb. Never seen these before. I had to tinker.

Kantake approached Hikaro, putting his hand on his shoulder, and in a low voice, unexpectedly asked:

– Everything is fine?

– Y–yes, – the guy raised his eyebrows questioningly, looking at the hand that the mentor held, as it seemed, longer than expected.

– Oh, there you are! Segir Yukhlins appeared out of nowhere, dusting off his shirt. – Huh, well, I wandered through the thickets. I also had to cut a couple of kriols.

– And you don't need any kaito, do you? – Dik Embirsky chuckled.

Segir smiled ambiguously.

– Okay, shut up, bitch! Look! Dik pointed behind Segiru, causing everyone to turn around .

The old oak raised its roots and turned to the others, revealing its eerie, ax–cut face, which was the size of Sudoshi's full height. Approximately at the level of the kaito's belt, there was the widest mouth with long sharp teeth in three rows, between which it was easy to see the half–eaten bone of an unknown creature.

Dik, Sudoshi, Hikaro, Mido and Emily quickly distanced themselves a couple of steps from the potential enemy and grabbed their weapons, waiting for the attack.

«I should have guessed that this was not the end yet, – Takigami mused, standing behind the others. – I think we can easily defeat him with such a company. Damn, but this tree, of course, looks intimidating. In reality, I have already met such people in video games, but I did not expect to see them live. What will it do? Will he start waving branches or will he start swallowing us one by one in a jump? In this case, it will be necessary to immediately plunge the damned blade into his snout».

– Grm! Khrm! the oak cleared his throat with a terrible wheeze, then looked at the others and opened his eyes in surprise. – Lord? Are you at a feast? – not receiving an answer, he spat out the bone that prevented him from speaking, after which he visibly flinched. «Oh, madam, please forgive my manners.

Oak fell silent. The others also stood motionless, not taking any action. Nobody expected the tree to behave in this way.

– You're starting to get on my nerves. Put away your weapons, please, and go to the tavern, – he moved away from the path and kindly indicated with branches where to go. – Mr. Raitsugi is waiting for you.

Sudoshi was the first to go forward. Segir also moved and pushed the rest of the people in a little shock, after which he picked up the previously spit out bone and returned it to its owner.

– Here, please. We're already leaving.

I dare not delay.

The midnight atmosphere immediately changed to something much more picturesque. Around the winding path grew thick silky grass, swaying easily under the force of the warm wind. The time was approaching sunset, because the clouds, as always, parted to the sides, allowing the sun to brightly illuminate the surroundings. And, despite this, in the distance behind the tavern itself, thunderclouds could be seen above the stone cliffs, from where the thunder that planted everyone constantly reached.

The yard near the two–story tavern made of light wood looked very well maintained. Different types of flowers grew in the flowerbeds, a decorated arch flaunted at the entrance, and a wicker fence was placed around it, on which several earthenware jugs hung. Small outbuildings of unknown use could be seen in the backyard. However, the most shocking thing was behind the tavern itself, but due to the tall grass it was still impossible to see.

– Isn't it a doher of honor? – Dik Embirsky was indignant. – They almost killed us in the forest, and now «Come in, I don't dare to delay,» you see. Why would?

– Look, the house is very solid, – Yukhlins ignored Dik Segir. – You can't even say that a kind of demon lives here, which also does all sorts of dirty tricks. More like the possessions of some respectable level man, for example, Futhor's. Or better.

– And what? Can you hear me at all? Can you all hear me? he threw up his hands. «Maybe we can at least draw up some kind of plan of attack, huh ?! Let's sneak up somehow, burst through the windows, in the end?

– That doesn't make any sense, – Sudoshi sighed. – You heard that a certain Mr. Raitsugi is already waiting for us.

– So we just go to him? Do you think he will meet us with bread and salt?

– Hope.

– Ha, cool plan. Reliable, bitch, like Danasaves sickles.

– Hide! – quickly commanded Kantake in a low voice.

Kaito and the Khortoviks were lucky that they passed just near the signpost at the crossroads, behind which they could hide without any problems. The reason for this action was the arrival of very colorful personalities to the tavern. The first was a tall, deathly pale, thin man with a terrible red scar on half of his face. He had only one eye, red and protruding, which made for an eerie combination. He wore a long purple robe, covering his head with a hood. In one hand he held a skull, and with the other he led a small, hunched–over old man in a holey night pajama by the hand. crown of the head bald to a shine, but around him exactly right up to the very heels hung white hair, like milk, but they were like that not only on his head, his whitening eyebrows went down in a shock, because of which his face was almost invisible. Behind them, a small, thin girl with a large head, long arms and short legs hobbled along slowly. Of the features: bulging eyes, hairy paws, small horns, tail, and the body is covered with unkempt hard hair.

And above all of them, in the very sky, the grandmother flew in a wooden mortar, and waved a broom.

– Look, you jumped right into the smoker, – Dik admired.

Segir got up.

– Stop sitting on your ass. We need to save Ramailo.

– I agree.

– Let's get in line. Since they are waiting for us, they will not touch us.

Segir knocked loudly on the door three times.

– Come in! answered the velvety voice.

The door swung open.

– Just don't be afraid, – he turned to the rest of the guests. – But we got some demon hunters here.

A pleasantly built man of about thirty–five, taller than average, dressed in a light brown kuntush tied with leather straps, with a dark cloak on his back, helped a thin, gray–haired woman with a hooked nose to sit down. The same voice said:

– Sit down, Lady Yaga.

He returned to his place at the end of the table. Carefully straightening the dishes, he again turned his attention to the arrivals:

– Hello, dear guests! Please to the table!

Despite the fact that only one person could fit in front, near the front door the table was wide enough for everyone to sit comfortably. At the edges along it sat ten people on either side, if you could call them that. If someone was not covered with a hood, then he always had either a pig's snout, or horns, or even hands with a mouth instead of a head. But on the other hand, everyone found an interlocutor over a glass of cold vodka.

Segir's hand slammed the door shut, banishing the last ray of sunlight. The guests sat down at the table in silence. Among the food, it was possible to find both dishes quite familiar to an ordinary person, such as various cereals and stews, and slippery hashes of scraps of something like rotten flesh, wool and nails, almost indeterminate in their exact composition. Some of them were still quite alive.

The man wore long dark brown hair, the top part of which was tied into a ponytail. Dark skin, small stubble. Thick eyebrows. On the temple there is a bright red scar in the form of several intertwining lightning bolts. But the most impressive were his bright green eyes, inside of which, as it seemed, their own insane flame was burning. The left one served as the center for a cross tattoo.

He glanced quickly at each guest.

– Won't the Storyteller please us with his presence?

«Looks like it,» replied the young blond girl sitting beside him.

His fingers tapped nervously on the table one after the other.

«Most unfortunate,» after feeling hoarseness in his voice, he cleared his throat and pointed to the other end of the table. – Bring, please, to that gentleman over there, with a scar on his cheek, some salt and a bigger loaf of bread.

– Good.

After receiving the treat, Sudoshi involuntarily met Dik's gaze and, unable to contain his emotions, smiled slightly.

– Fucking, – he nodded, furrowing his eyebrows.

– Wouldn't you do that if you were as strong as me?

«How is he?!»

The owner involuntarily extended a treacherous smile from the left corner of his lips. His broken taunts had the desired effect.

– After all, everyone wants to have a little fun sometimes.

– Stop brainwashing! Tell me where Ramailo is! – Dik jumped up abruptly and slammed his fist on the table with all his fury, causing one pig–nosed gentleman to spill a drink from the kitchen on his feet.

– Oink! Well, this is mine ... S–sysh, bring your oinky oink here, but lick it now!

Embirsky went into a slight stupor, twisting his muzzle of maximum bewilderment.

– Go fuck yourself, – he waved his hand away to return to the main topic of conversation, but the pig stretched its hoof across the floor of the table and stamped Embirsky's brush. – Ah! The pig is fat!

The dissatisfied monster intended to drag Dik all over the table, and he could very well succeed, because even the forces of Segir and Sudoshi were not enough to keep him. But the owner of the tavern was tired of it. He lowered his head in disappointment and barely noticeably waved two fingers, after which all the guests fell into laughter.

Pig was lying on the floor, frantically trying to pull two wooden spoons out of his nostrils.

– The hooves are long, but they can't reach the muzzle, ha!

– Enough…

The cold tone of the owner quickly reduced the noise in the tavern. The eyes of each monster, as if on command, lowered down.

«Try to keep your cool, my friends. It's not time for a fight yet.

– What are they doing here? whimpered the offended pig. «There are kaito among them. On the hands of the sun. The sun is bad. Let them grunt from here.

– Thank you for trying to take the lead on such a fine evening, but please bear in mind that these gentlemen and, of course, the charming madam, have come here for their friend.

A characteristic exclamation of tenderness echoed through the tavern.

– Yes. It was the feeling of friendship that brought them here... right? However, you completely confused my head. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Raitsugi Diatain Shikitso. And to answer your question...

– Honey, let's go to the second floor. I really want to have some fun with you, – the young satyr sitting on the right hand of Raitsugi was tucking his hooves towards Yaga, allowing himself to stick them where they should not. He so impudently persuaded her and loudly whispered all sorts of vulgarities that it was simply impossible not to notice.

– None! Obscenities! In my! Institution! In a fraction of a second, Raitsugi flew up behind him, grabbed the horns and smashed his snout against a wooden bowl of blood and orchis several times. With each blow, the snout crunched more and more, and more and more blood flowed on its fur, which it was impossible to understand whether it was from a dish or his own.

Having calmed down, the owner slowly returned to his seat.

«Good coolness».

– Forgive me, Sudoshi–Second…

«How is he?!»

– Sometimes I get angry. Basically, I try to throw it out in the heat of a heated battle or during a funeral ceremony. Unfortunately, emotions are too complex and quite important, please note, a component of living essence. Whether you are smart or stupid, you will always feel ...

– Stop carrying this crap! Dik Embirsky got nervous. – Now tell me where Ramailo is, or I'll gut your guts out!

– And why not say? He is at the cemetery.

– Oh, you fucking bitch!

– I don't advise, – with this phrase and an unusually strange calm tone, he managed to stop the raging Hortovik. – Try to understand me ... instead of the promised sacrifice, I get a brave man who imagines himself capable of beating me. Me. In my own world. By my own rules. He challenged me to a game and lost, for which he was buried alive in my cemetery... Stop!

Dik was about to run out of the tavern to start looking for his friend, but a dark cloud of smoke formed in front of him, and bright green eyes suddenly burst out of it, around which the rest of the Raitsugi formed.

– You don't think I'll just let you in there, do you? – He chuckled in his face. – I offer you all a game: this bag contains a powder with which you can remove the earth from the grave all the way to the coffin. Don't be sorry, pour as much as you want, it will never end. Your task is to find your friend among the graves before the sun sets. If you find it, you can return immediately. I won't disturb Danasava even for half a year. When the last ray of the sun goes beyond the horizon, and you still remain in the cemetery, my guests will immediately fly into fresh meat. Of course, you can save your life if you leave early without having time to find what you want. But you don't do that, do you? However, keep in mind that in my cemetery you can find anything ... And if you find me among the dead, blame yourself.

Sudoshi and the others intended to think about this proposal for a while, but Embirsky managed to get ahead of them, stretching out a trembling hand.

– Deal…

– Wonderful! Let the game begin!

All the creatures, one after another, briskly jumped, as it turned out, onto a fairly strong roof of the tavern. Each brought along a mountain of goodies and drink to enjoy the bloody sunset show.

Sudoshi, Dik and the others entered the cemetery in silence. There were no repeated graves. Each of them was different in some way: the material of the monument is different, its shape, the presence of a gate, and so on. Somewhere the grass grew tall and green, somewhere small and dry, and in some places there were plots of clean land.

– From the same bitch, he wanted to play games, well, I'll arrange games for him! Come on, give me the powder! We'll fall asleep here!

« Wait, we won't need it,» Kantake replied. «In a few seconds, Mido will be able to tell which grave still has life in it.

– Of course.

Betsay sat down on his knees. His breathing quickened and became heavy. Ten seconds was not enough. Gradually he lost concentration, his hands clenched into a fist, and his head trembled involuntarily.

– Well, what is there? – Embirsky could not stand it. – Thunderclouds are rolling in. Should have been dealt with sooner.

Mido twitched more and more. Her facial muscles tensed, and tears flowed from her eyes.

– What?

– He–no…he–no…everywhere. All alive!

– Enough! – Sudoshi charged him with a hard slap in the face, so that he would come to his senses, after which he lifted his hand.

– There is still life in every grave, – he breathed with relief. – I do not understand…

– Necromancy, – Kantake decided firmly.

– So this demon is also a necromancer? – Hikaro suddenly spoke up.

The instructor cleared his throat suspiciously.

– I didn't want to ruin the residents' fantasies, but the truth is, demons don't exist.

– How so? Embirsky was surprised. – Who is he then?

– And the devil knows. By the way, here they just exist, but he does not apply to them. Demons... I don't know. I haven't seen them, and Ehrenrise's bestiary doesn't have them either. Most of all, he looks like a witcher, but his abilities, to be honest, make me feel a sense of fear of the unknown. Well, we'll have to choose the graves in a different way.

– Yes, just take and rash on each! What's the problem then?

Do you see how many there are? To the very rocks on the horizon. By the time you check everything, the sun will set. We have twenty minutes at the most.

– Yeah. Well, what do you propose to do?

– He was buried just a few hours ago. Look for loose earth without grass and, probably, human, and not only, traces.

Everyone immediately set to work. Trying not to be too far apart, they hastily checked each grave.

– Ramalo! Respond! It's us, Dik and Segir! Ramailo!

– Hush, you, – Yukhlins cut off. – You can't hear him from the earth, but he will only spend all the air.

– And that's true, – Embirsky cleared his throat sadly. – That's a bitch, okay.

Several minutes were still fruitless, until Segir finally found a suitable place.

– All come here! Look, it seems loose, and here are some traces.

– Boring! Let's already! shouted the crowd from the roof of the tavern. – Pour the powder, fool! Sip–sip! Ahaha!

– I don't like this, – Kantake hesitantly tossed a handful of powder. – Move away.

– That's magic!

The grave ground, like fog, dissipated in the air more and more until it reached a wooden coffin, which could be safely approached.

– Ramailo, you?! – Embirsky seemed to be out of his mind and quickly ran to open the lid of the coffin. «There you are, right? Alive?»

«What are you doing? Get away!» – Sudoshi abruptly teleported and snatched Dik from the hands of the revived dead.

– Finally! Let the fun begin! shouted the joyful crowd on the roof.

The corpse was all gray, only in some places covered with rotten rags. A thick black liquid flowed down it. In places, bones were visible behind rotting flesh. Eyes without pupils. In a second, he found a new victim for himself and immediately knocked Betsai to the ground, who barely managed to get one blade, which became the only obstacle for him from that piece of meat hanging from the corpse's neck that wanted to devour his face.

– Fuck you bastard!

Segir built the shablya into his back and turned to the side, and Mido drew his legs to his chest and with all his strength threw the dead man a couple of meters away from him.

– Move away! – Emily wanted to use her water elemental skill at a distance, but Segir was blocking the way as he rushed to chop him apart. – Physical attacks don't work on him!

At that moment, when the dead man's hand beat off the sword and grabbed Yukhlins's throat, Sudoshi's sword, completely saturated with the element of lightning, pierced right into the back of the first.

– Ah–ah–ah!

Realizing his mistake, Kantake stopped using lightning, as it hit Segira as well.

Emily, right!

– Good!

The girl in a hurry cut her hand with a dagger and directed it to the right, where the dead man was already. Moving, the first thing he saw was Emily herself, so he immediately rushed at her. But a jet of water knocked off his head and threw him back several tens of meters, after which the rotten body fell to the ground.

– That's a bitch! Embirsky breathed a sigh of relief. – Are the rest of the coffins like this, too? Girl, can you handle everything?

– I could try...

– It takes too many dreams to do elemental magic, – Kantake interrupted. – If we spend them on this trifle, the rest will easily defeat us. Surely this is his plan.

– And why am I here with Segir? Well, in my example, you saw what the Hortoviks are capable of. We will cut those reptiles, and you and the corpses deal with it for now.

– Forgive me, but in the forest I saved my strength on purpose to fight this demon. You can't handle him.

Dik already wanted to prove the opposite, but Segir got into the conversation:

– So, you still want to kill him?

– Well, how? They talked about it in the village, didn't they?

– C'mon! he waved his hand. You said yourself that you don't know what you're dealing with. How are you going to fight him? We'd better find Ramail as soon as possible, hands to feet and go to hell!

– Dude, what's wrong with you? Dik screwed up his face. «I don't recognize you again. Yes, to be honest, I also crap myself, but we can't leave the people of Danasava. Then again you have to sacrifice someone ...

«I don't care about them!» – involuntarily sounded in the head of Yukhlins when he came close to Embirsky, squeezing his cheekbones. – You're right ... drove.

– I have a trump card, – Kantake continued, pointing at Hikaro. – Remember how we dealt with the midnight owl? His sword can do anything.

– But she was only exiled, not killed. It is so?

– True, but that's only because she's a ghost. Raitsugi, apparently, is still quite alive and material. In addition, this blade has its own very large supply of dreams, so you can safely cut down any undead with it.

– So the fuck did you pull? Boy, are you okay?

– Yes…

– Then they drove off to look for the next grave.

– Try not to stand like a pillar, – Sudoshi turned to Hikaro. – As soon as a dead man jumps out of the coffin, do not hesitate, immediately pierce it, understand?

– Good, – he replied in a low voice. «Really, why couldn't I do anything this time? I just watched without even thinking that this is where I can really be useful? What's wrong with me?!»

– Master, please forgive me, – Mido said, stopping the others. – But such undead pose no particular threat. If we walk in a bunch and hesitate before each option, then we definitely won't have time. I propose to divide the powder among all and split up. If you make a mistake, you can cut off the creature's head and ignore it until it grows back together. You need to act quickly.

– I didn't think I'd say that, – Embirsky chuckled. But the redhead is right. Praise!

Sudoshi looked questioningly at Emily.

– I think so too, – she nodded.

– Then hold on, – he poured handfuls of the powder into each pocket. – For business. If so, call.

The sun was already halfway below the horizon. The surroundings took on a bloody hue. More and more birds flew overhead. They hummed a ringing and slightly eerie tune, which was interrupted from time to time by thunder from behind the rocks.

«This one doesn't fit. And this one seems to be too, – Takigami checked the ground near the monuments, peering into every detail, but could not find anything suitable. – Is the mentor sure that it must be loose? Since this Raitsugi is capable of so much, he must have foreseen our actions. Then absolutely any grave can come up».

On the way, he came across a huge poplar growing on a small hill, which slightly contrasted with the rest of the environment.

«How did it get here? I would definitely have noticed him from afar, but no ... There is also a small grave here. Why does she have three stone monuments at once? Just too small. This looks like a trap. As something that will definitely pay attention. Hmm. Well, let. Let's check what's here».

He scooped some powder into the reaper and threw it in front of him, after which he stepped back a couple of steps, allowing the earth to calmly dissolve. There was only one coffin in the pit, but it was smaller than usual and wider. The boy tightly gripped the sword in his right hand and nevertheless opened the lid. At the same moment, he was ready to make a wide swing, but no sudden movements were expected.

Hikaro's eyes went to his forehead.

«What are they doing here?»

There were three babies in the coffin: two boys and a girl. All showed signs of life.

«Are they really kids? Children buried alive?! And what should I do with them? Time is too short, and the search must continue.

The guy peered into the already open eyes of still unformed faces. All of them were devoid of pupils.

– Sorry. I have to go. I will come back for you. Necessarily!

He had already managed to get up and take a step to the side, but the following words stopped him:

– Sa-a-a-ve u-us, sa-a-a-ve u-us, sa-a-a-ve u-us.

This phrase sounded from the mouth of each baby and was repeated, constantly increasing the pace and loudness. When Hikaro turned, there were already about one and a half year old children lying in front of him. The boy on the left had yellow hair on one side and dark hair on the other. The boy on the right has completely black hair, while the girl has gray hair. Their lips pouted in resentment and their eyebrows knitted together.

– Will you save us? the girl suddenly asked.

«Yes,» Hikaro replied in a low voice, then cleared his throat, looking away. – You just wait a bit.

Don't let her be killed! the boy on the left shouted in hysterics. Don't let her be killed! Don't let her be killed! Don't let her be killed! Don't let her be killed! Don't let her kill...

– Good good! Who is he talking about?

«You lie,» the boy on the right said coldly. – You don't have eyes. You don't see... You don't know...

– What don't I know?

«Yourself… you don't know yet.

«Then what should I do?» What do you want from me?!

«Die before you do something terrible,» the girl laughed. So you will save us from suffering! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!

The children rose to their feet and rushed at Hikaro like wild ones, baring their teeth.

– Don't come! Stop! – he ran back, not taking his eyes off them, until he ran into one of the monuments. They laughed and jumped at him. Takigami had no choice but to close his eyes, lower his head, and reflexively swing his sword in front of him. When the eyelids opened, there was no one in front of him.

He turned. I took a step, and then another. Then a few more. And further. He walked without looking around. Without any attention. Calmly wandered along the embankments directly.

«What are these children? Whose are they? Why were you here and what were they trying to tell me?»

These questions never left his mind. At one point, the ground beneath my feet vibrated. Something was trying to break through the soil.

«Is that a mole? Or a snake? Wait a minute... It's a hand! Damn it! Really Ramailo ?!»

He grabbed her and pulled with all his might.

«Not. Too small and ... a woman's hand. Who is it?»

«Help,» the girl groaned, freeing her head.

– Emily? How are you here, ah–ah–ah! Now I'll take you out!

– Stronger! Pull harder! Faster!

«Now wait, I'm trying!»

It was impossible to get the girl out. The earth seemed to take it by force.

«The head sinks into the ground. Yes, how is that?!»

– I'm going to suffocate now! Don't be sloppy! Save me!

«Damn, how did I not think of it right away ?!»

Takigami let go of one hand and poured out the powder. At that moment, the ground gave way from under his feet, and he fell into the hole with Emily.

– Thank you.

«Nothing,» the boy scratched the back of his head. «You would do exactly the same.

«That's right.» She abruptly approached Hikaro and hugged him.

«Emily... Finally... And she won't let go. Exactly the same as then ... on a swing. What? Is she kissing my neck? – Ah!

The girl's mouth parted and latched on to Takigami's neck, ripping through the meat and sucking in the blood.

– Let go! Ah–ah! «What the hell?! It's not Emily! Definitely not Emily! Doesn't let go! It hurts incredibly! Need… Need.»

The guy felt for the hilt of the sword from the scabbard and pulled it out. With a firm grip, he confidently stabbed it into her back.

– Ah–ah–ah–ah–ah!

In bright light, the girl fell apart into several dozen small snakes.

– Bitch! «Hurry up!»

Takigami jumped up to normal ground level in a couple of jumps, getting rid of the danger.

Mido Betsay ran all over the cemetery, tearing up the graves one by one. In all cases, the dead crawled out of the coffin like the first. About two dozen of these freaks were already chasing him, whom he simply did not have time to cut down. Therefore, he decided not to pay attention to them and extremely amusingly ran away from a huge crowd, which he himself replenished very briskly. During all this endless action, a voice suddenly began to speak to him:

«You're a kaito, aren't you?»

– Agas.

– And how did you manage to become one?

«You supposedly know everything. Why are you asking?

– Not everything… And even knowledge alone will not convey to me those emotions and that passion that you managed to feel. Don't want to tell? Good, then I will order my restless servants to fight harder. Use elemental magic, put on a show for my guests.

– Decided to sneer? Go talk to someone else. I'm busy here.

«I'm sorry, but you're the closest to the goal, and I can't let you win. You need to slightly talk your teeth.

– Do you think it's fair?

– Why not? We did not sign a contract. Everything is in words. My words, where I did not forbid myself to do as I please.

– Then ... I dare to assume that Ramailo can move between the graves. Even if we find the right one, you'll still send him to another coffin.

«I'm sorry, but who do you take me for?» I'm all for fair play, it's just that sometimes I'm hell–bent on having a little fun. Aren't you afraid that under the new government you will again be demoted to sein? Will be sent to the front in the general mass of drunkards and debtors as meat, m? You know what to do to avoid this. You just need to discover your potential and admit to everyone who you are.

«Then they will hang me.» Thanks for the advice. Will definitely use!

– What? Do you think they won't accept you? Even a friend and a mentor will not intercede? Looks like you chose the wrong side.

– I'm not one of them!

– Of them, of them. Read your laws, you fit most of the parameters. But I'm not asking you to move. I would advise you to leave. Maintain neutrality.

– How?

– Know death. Something whispers to me very loudly that in the next world you have much more potential. The devil himself will kneel before you.

«I've had enough of your nonsense. I don't even want to think about it.

The undead stopped following Betsay. He ran to the very edge of the cemetery, where a river appeared out of nowhere. On the shore I found another grave, to which waves were constantly nailed due to a strong wind.

Betsay took a few steps near the wooden cross and walked away. After the first wave, he noticed that the tracks were washed away on the wet ground.

«Interesting. Maybe it's still here?»

The guy spilled the powder. The earth dissolved in a small radius, and water rapidly flowed in its place.


The coffin left the place and gradually went into the river. Betsai briskly threw off his cloak and rushed into the water. Grasping the coffin, he walked with him farther and deeper. There was not enough strength, just like air.

«Awaken shizen? But the consequences can be terrible ... A little more and I ... «

Someone grabbed him by the leg and dragged him to the shore. Mido didn't let go of the coffin.

What are you doing, redhead? What if I wasn't around? Would you drown?

Yes, Dik.

– Okay. Let's see what's in this box.

«Hey, is there anyone there?!» – I heard a muffled voice from the domino. – I'm suffocating! Help!

Embirsky briskly opened the lid.

– Ramailo, is that you?

A velvety voice replied:

– Guessed wrong…

Takigami no longer checked the graves. Feeling all the horror that could happen in this place, he just wanted to return to the others. It can be said that he planned to check how their searches were going, but no, he really became scared. Quickly enough, he managed to find Sudoshi and Segir.

«Oh, Hikaro, have you seen Emily?»

– Not…

« She seems to have gone right in your direction,» Yuhlins added.

«That's impossible. No. That girl wasn't Emily...»

Kantake noticed the wound on his neck.

«Did the undead bite you like that?» Here, eat, – he handed him a red pill.

«Not really… Did you only come across the undead?»

Yes, they are the same as the first one.

– Weird…

– Have you seen anything else?

«Does he think I'm crazy? But what am I carrying? I'm in a fucking different world. That demon himself said that anything could be here .

«First I found three babies. They started screaming for me to either save them or someone else, and then attacked me. But the cursed blade helped me. After that, I found Emily...

You said you didn't see her.

Listen: She was underground. I tried to pull her out, but I myself fell into the hole to her, where she bit me. If I hadn't pierced her, she would have eaten me.

Unlike Sudoshi, Yukhlins managed to draw hasty conclusions:

– Wait a minute. Did you kill Emily?!

«No, it wasn't her. I'm sure. She turned into a bunch of snakes.

«It's Raitsugi's tricks,» Kantake stated. «He decided to play on the feelings of some of us.

But then where did the girl go?

Suddenly, from the right side of the cemetery came a terrible cry:

– Get off, bitch! Ah–ah–ah!

Dik is in trouble. Hold on.

Kantake grabbed Hikaro with one hand, grabbed Segira with the other, and teleported to the source of the sound in a few walks.

Embirsky lay on the ground with a dropped sword. Betsai stood in a fighting stance at the ready, holding blades in his hands. Diatain Shikitso sat calmly on a wooden coffin in all the same clothes, but the rolled up sleeves and the presence of a scabbard directly hinted at his intentions.

– Here you are...

He didn't look up. He kept his hands unshakably near his face, ignoring the spray of waves that periodically flew onto his hair, which was developing from a strong wind.

Your friend claims that he is tired of my games. It's not good to do this… They came to my house. Ate, got drunk. Agreed to a game where you could expect a generous reward. Now tell me you don't like my games. Is it right?

Kantake coldly looked at his people, as if he was indicating not to rush, but to be ready at any moment ... After Diatain's words, he involuntarily looked around the surroundings, after which he turned towards the horizon.

– Right. It's already dusk. My guests will attack you in just three minutes. But you have already found your death, so forgive me ...

Raitsugi abruptly rushed from his place and in a jump flew into Segira's nose with his knee. The rest did not have time to react yet, but Sudoshi at the same second grabbed the offender by the leg and tried to knock him to the ground, but his strength turned out to be much greater, because of which even in the air it seemed that it was impossible to move him. Quickly realizing this, he teleported with Shikitso directly to the middle of the river in the area above the water, after which he released him and returned to the shore.

– Bitch, it hurts! – Segir grabbed the tip of his nose and jerked it sharply to the side to straighten it.

«I'll take it upon myself,» Kantake pointed out. «Look for Ramail and try not to die!» Hikaro, get ready. I'll come back for you, so you can strike the decisive blow.

– Good.

– Well, I do not!

Raitsugi appeared like a bolt from the blue and fell down at full speed. He put his palms on the ground, and it vibrated in waves. In the rain, the dead, like mushrooms, crawled out of the graves.

You won't find it that easy! He's mine! And you will be mine too! – in his eyes there was not a drop of composure and a clear mind. It seemed like a completely different person. Veins throbbed on his face, his eyes burned even brighter, and his smile betrayed a madman with a head. «Come on, Sudoshi–Second!» I'm ready to accept your challenge! Let's fight!

«He has proven that he can teleport. Is it worth it to wait behind him? Perhaps he reads minds. In the tavern, he controlled a spoon with the power of his mind. Telekinesis?»

– Don't worry! I can't read minds and can't predict your attacks. I just know a lot!


Kantake electrified his blade and moved behind Diatain.

– Dead paralysis!

As he shouted that out, Raitsugi abruptly ducked down and clenched his arms across his chest, and lightning bolts instantly sparked around his body like needles on the back of a hedgehog. Kantake tried to pierce through the enemy, but the electric armor did not let any attacks through. On the contrary, only for a second, but with incredible power, she was shocked. Sudoshi fell to the ground in pain, but made no sound.

– Forgive me! I really didn't get into your head. You're just so damn predictable! Hey! What did you loose?! He put his foot under his head and gradually began to raise it. – Too early to die! I have not had time to taste the taste of your death! And besides, don't you want to attend your own funeral, huh?! Your friends will lie down beside you and they too will be able to hear my wonderful, delightful, ingenious, inspiring ceremonial speech! Well, as friends… more like just partners, most of whom you have absolutely no feelings for. I know! I know your rotten, cowardly, cold essence! Just a big errand boy. A dog that executes commands one after another!

Kantake did not respond with words, but sharply hit the offender between the legs.

– Oh, you're a bitch!

He raised the dropped weapon and swung at Raitsugi, but he managed to draw his own black sword and blocked the attack. It looked the same size as Sudoshi's blade, but spikes of various sizes were scattered all over its area, twisted to the sides. If you drive such a victim, then on the way back it will tear all the insides.

Diatain pulled his left hand to the scabbard and pulled out a second exactly the same blade and knocked Kantake's sword out of his hands.

«I call them Ripping Blades.» Really beautiful?

– Damn it!

Kantake abruptly teleported over Raitsugi's head with the intention of kicking, but she was immediately caught, causing him to fall to the ground with a crash.

Diatain cleared his throat and pompously spat in Sudoshi's face.

– Nothingness! I follow your eyes! Every time you look where you are going to move. How disappointed I am in you! And there were so many rumors about you… Sudoshi needs only a second to deal with the enemy. At the front, he killed 60 enemies per minute. In his youth, as part of the witch slayers, he personally dealt with half of their kind. And what were the tortures ... Lady Yaga told me everything ...

Kantake looked to the left side of Raitsugi and forced him to block the attack, but this time, after one second, he was not there. Another one passed and Sudoshi slashed the offender in the legs, knocking him to the ground. He raised his sword again and plunged it straight into… the ground, for Diatain dodged and spun on his head like a whirlwind, kicking Sudoshi's torso several times, then jumped up and attacked with one blade, directing it from top to bottom. Kantake put his sword in a horizontal position, but then the next attack followed him, from which he could no longer dodge, so he teleported a couple of tens of meters away from him, sitting on one of the monuments.

«He saw me, but why is he approaching with a slow step, and not teleporting? Dead paralysis was also not used in recent attacks. He probably can't use his skills as often as I can. Perhaps he is weakened, because he must certainly support the risen dead. Even so, he's dangerous as hell. Also uses lightning. But does he have other elements? And what else is in store in his arsenal?

– Not bad!

«Oh you!»

The hand of the risen dead man grabbed Sudoshi's leg, after which he tried to bite his ass, but Kantake reacted in time and quickly plunged a blade charged with lightning into him, from which he quickly crumbled.

– Shall we dance?

At the same time, Raitsugi flew headfirst into Kantaka's torso at full speed and fell into the grave with him, pinning him on his back into a wooden coffin.

«Paskuda! My back!»

The blades of both remained at the top, so Raitsugi grabbed Sudoshi's neck with his bare hands and began to peck his head against a tree.

– Ha–ha! You are just a few centimeters from the place where your soul will be transformed! I know! I feel! You will definitely join the ranks of my army!

Meanwhile, Segir Yukhlins, together with Dik Embirsky, continued to search for their friend at a fast pace. The dead came to life just like that, without external influences, because of which they even slightly facilitated the work, because there were less and less untouched graves. Mido Betsay and Hikaro Takigami covered their partners in every way, protecting them from the attacks of the undead.

«Those corpses… are so vile… One or two is fine, but there are several dozen of them here! They create too many problems. I don't even know how I would have dealt with them without the cursed blade. Mido uses ordinary swords, and only incredible dexterity and quickness save him. But… really, why wouldn't he use his elemental skills? He's already quite an experienced kaito, isn't he? Damn, I don't think so! Where did Emily go? Maybe you should go look for her? But then I'll let the others down... Hell, I don't even really know them, and Emily... I won't let anything happen to her!»

– The powder is gone! Embirsky shouted, turning his pockets inside out.

– How so?! Mido checked his own as well, jumping a couple of meters away from the undead. – And it's true...

«There is no sun at all,» Hikaro replied. «Maybe he took it from us as soon as time ran out?»

– That's a bitch!

So that means now...

– U–i–i–i–i–i! Yaga screamed.

– Well, hold on, red pig! The pig–nosed laughed.

– I want a girl! added the satyr. – Where is she?! I saw a girl here! Maybe she's in there somewhere?

«They are already coming. Horned, furry, toothy, unsociable creatures! They will attack when the last ray of light leaves us ... Then ... my sword ... I will imagine the sun ... «

The monsters flew closer and closer with wild sharp jumps. Takigami pointed his sword in their direction and concentrated, intending to shoot out a sunbeam with his mind.

«Come on! Share your power! Please! Please! Oh! If it comes to that…»

He took off his jacket and cut himself along the arm from elbow to palm, spilling more blood on the sword.

– I will not let it!

At the same moment, an endless stream of light rushed from the blade, illuminating everything around. A red flame burned around the beam, with which he hit all the monsters at once, knocking them to the ground.

– Oh, you little bastard!

– You bastard!

«Raitsugi didn't say there was a cursed one among them!»

How could I not have felt it!

All the freaks dragged themselves along the grass in convulsions, trying to get rid of the pain. A few of them were able to escape into the forest, but most burned to death.

Mido and the Hortoviks' eyes popped out of their foreheads. Especially Dik.

– Digging your radish ... Well done, little one! One problem less.

«Death will overtake you!» Will overtake! Ahaha! – Raitsugi was beating Sudoshi with all his fury, unable to oppose at least something. – What? – at one point, he abruptly stopped and went upstairs, after which he raised his blades and began to dissolve in the air. «Your cursed swordsman already knows something…»

– Watch out!

Mido stopped Raitsugi's attack towards Hikaro, after which he immediately blocked the second blade as well, but was kicked to the torso.

«Damn it! We need to attack him as well!»

Takigami pointed his sword at Shikitso, but he could no longer throw out the beam. He nevertheless dared to make a more direct attack, made several dashes forward and swung well, aiming at the neck, but he framed one of his blades to easily block ... and after a couple of seconds framed the second!

«My sword touches his blades. Does he even take damage like that?!»

Second. Sudoshi moved behind Diatain, then slashed his arm and made a sweeping attack, but he let go of one blade and turned around to block the attack from behind. Luckily, Kantake managed to make a small cut, drawing out his blood, which was exactly what he needed.

«Hikaro, get out!»

Takigami loosened his arms, fearing that Raitsugi's attack would strengthen, but that didn't happen. Sudoshi stood exactly five meters from the target, confidently looking into her eyes.

– Second, paralyzed me?! Feet like a magnet pulled to the ground!

– Sekaizo! With the help of the sword, he drew lightning in the air, after which he threw it back, crouched and flew through the Raitsugi another five meters at the speed of light, after which he sharply sheathed the blade and said coldly: «Thunder shock.»

– Argh! Shikitso fell to his knees, coughing up blood. His cloak was torn, blood was flowing in a stream. The abdomen on the right side was cut through.

Mido intended to finish him off, but Sudoshi stopped him:

Let Hikaro go. Quicker!

Takigami quickly ran up and swung, aiming at the man's neck. This time, the opponent was in an ideal position for a decapitation, but at one moment, Shikitso raised his head, madly staring straight into the guy's eyes. The green light stopped him. At the same moment, the demon crumbled, turning into ashes.

– Happened?!

– Dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee –dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee...

Raitsugi resurrected in one of the graves. His right leg lifted and began to spin backwards around the axis of the owner. He seemed to be trying to turn the «turntable» and at the same time spinning like a top. Picking up speed, he swirled through the cemetery at the speed of the wind. His foot became electrified and at one moment flew right into the head of Takigami, who did not have time to react.

– Diatain Mass!

– Bitch!

The guy flew off several meters and fell to the ground unconscious, dropping the sword from his hands. Only by a miracle did he not break his neck.

«Paskuda! Bad things. He probably wants to use Hikaro for his own purposes. Then you need to get away from him.»

Kantake grabbed Raitsugi's back and teleported fifty meters to the other side of the cemetery, after which he did not loosen his grip and in the next second moved another fifty meters.

– Let go! Dead paralysis!

Kantaké squirmed in shock and pain, but his muscles only held him tighter. Every second they moved farther and farther until they fell in the middle of a wheat field. Sudoshi rolled over and smacked him in the face several times with gusto, after which he briskly pulled his blade from its sheath and shouted furiously:

– Who are you?! What is this cemetery for? You sent monsters to Ehrenrise?! Working for Moonlight?!

The blade of the sword pressed harder and harder against Raitsugi's throat. Sudoshi was ready to end him at any second, but he did not forget about the true purpose of his mission, namely information.

«As he says everything ... I'll still cut off his head. She will pay well for it. It is dangerous, but not as mysterious as it seemed at first glance. I already know that he controls the mindless monsters in order to collect more of the dead, and then turn them over to the armies of moonlight. Come on, say it!»

– Aha–ha–ha–ha! Aha–ha–ha–ha–ha–ha–ah! Now I'm dying of laughter! I have never heard more bullshit in my life! And in death, too.» The smirk on his face abruptly changed to a vicious, serious look.

«What's happening?!»

Diatain gradually began to seep directly into the ground, moving away from the capture, until it disappeared completely. Sudoshi knelt down and began to look around.

«Did he move to Hikaro? Can't be. If my calculations are correct, he wouldn't be able to do it for at least a couple of minutes.»

– Opa!

He just wanted to look behind him as Raitsugi jumped out of the ground. He grabbed him by the stomach and threw him over himself, standing in the «bridge» position, thereby hitting the ground with his neck well. He was about to get back on his feet and do it again, but Sudoshi cut him in the leg with his sword, forcing him to let go.

– Here's the bastard! yelled Shikitso. «And my blades are still there!» Not fair!

He looked into Kantaka's eyes and realized that at that moment it was worth turning around, because his gaze was directed directly behind him.

– Predictable!

Having done this, he immediately realized that he had made a mistake. There was no one behind him. He turned back and immediately got a knee in the nose, which caused him to fall to the ground.

– Not predictable.

Sudoshi kicked him in the stomach, then in the face, and then completely jumped about two meters up and fell with his knee on his face. Then he put his foot on it and bent slightly, putting the sword to his throat.

Will you tell me or should I play with you?

Shikitso seemed to be laughing again this time, but every muscle on his face showed that he was nervous. He was carried out.

«What is he doing?!»

Diatain grabbed the blade of the sword with his bare hands, snatching it away from Sudoshi and throwing it far away, after which he grabbed him by the throat and stood up.

«How is he… still capable of this?!»

A second later, with great force, he threw Sudoshi into the air for about ten meters, after which he fixed his eyes on the sky and spread his arms, shouting:

– Lightning Dance!


– Little boy! – Dik threw aside the dead man who had fallen on him and ran to Hikaro. The others rushed after him.

– How are we going to look for Ramail now? interrupted Segir. – The powder is gone. What to do?!

Don't panic like a girl! Let's think of something!

– Move away! I will help him. Better get on with it.

Emily came running out of nowhere, smeared all over with a thick black liquid. In her hands were two shovels, which she handed to Dik and Segir. The two began to dig up the graves while Mido covered them. The girl herself made an incision on her arm and applied it to the site of the blow on her forehead.

– Mizuheki! Focusing on Hikaro, a dome of water formed around them, protecting them from the approaching undead. «Hold on. You won't die! He also has a bite wound on his neck, but it has almost healed. Where is she from?»

– Gone away! – heard a wild squeal. «Raitsugi promised me humans, and I won't leave without mine!»

Literally in the blink of an eye, Yaga quickly flew by and snatched the Takigami from Emily's hands, breaking the water barrier. She threw it into her mortar and flew to the moon.

– Give it back!

«Go to hell, bitch!»

– How so? – the girl fell to her knees, upset by her mistake. She froze in a stupor.

– Wake up, Emily! Mido shouted. «We'll go after him later!» Help me better!

«But…but I…I…»

Gathering her will into a fist, she nevertheless joined the slicing of the dead.

«The old cunt took the boy?! – Embirsky was indignant. So we need to save him!

«Find Ramail first!» Betsai replied sternly. We are here for him! Nothing will happen to Hikaro, of that I assure you.

– Uh, okay. Then, dig harder, Segir, we need to cope hard!

– It's not dumb! Damn, did you take this grave? She is all overgrown with grass, she is years and years old, take hold of that one where the earth is loose.

«And it's true, I'm a little dumb,» he dug up the specified burial place and this time no one rushed out of there with terrible cries. – Look. Some guy.

In the coffin lay a seemingly twenty–five–year–old boy with long, almost waist–length brown hair. He is dressed in wet woolen rags. His eyes were narrow and almost went out on his forehead, and his skin was pale as that of a dead man.

«Let me see.» Emily put two fingers around his neck. – He's still alive. What to do with him, Mido?

– Leave it. Then we'll take it with us if we survive.

– Okay.

The cemetery was covered with darkness and only occasionally brightly illuminated by flashing lightning. The starry sky was completely covered with thunderclouds. The wind blew with such force that the stones flew into the face. Search and fight became more and more difficult. As soon as Sudoshi was at the top, lightning immediately took aim at him, but, it is not known why, either he managed to react, or just a sixth sense told him what was about to happen, but Kantake managed to move to another place in the air. For one second, he flew to the ground and at that moment the next lightning aimed at him, but he again moved a couple of tens of meters up and to the side. Lightning struck again. And he moved again, but this time to Raitsugi, so that she hit him. At the last moment, he managed to teleport , and the lightning really hit Diatain. But it did not bring any result. She seemed to be working for him and only hunting for the black–haired kaito.

– Ha–ha! And now, when you are gradually exhausting yourself with these jumps, I will still answer your questions. No matter how sure you are that I work for Moonlight, I have to disappoint you: I am for no one, and I will never take anyone's side. You, such purebred people, are fighting for your power over the rest. The moon is fighting for the right to exist, for equality, someone for dominance, but still for herself. I'm for all of you! For everything still alive and soon dead! I know something... And I'm preparing for it...

«What is he talking about?»

Raitsugi tried hard to shout over the wind.

You don't understand me! For now... Well, who am I... Consider me an ordinary undertaker, who from time to time organizes dances and parties in his own tavern, eating all sorts of goodies from the belly! And then, together with my almost always different friends, we organize the funeral of another victim, thanks to which many villages live in good health, continuing to provide human kingdoms with everything necessary for existence. Understand? I am not your enemy! Well, I need sacrifices, yes. And every time their number should be more and more!

– Why do you need them?

– Don't interrupt, please. You won't understand! It's not yet time! As soon as you join me, you will immediately know everything, but for now, be patient. And yes, don't worry. We observe all honors and traditions, therefore we see off the deceased properly according to all moral principles and laws. And now, Sudoshi–second! Try to hurt me every second! Try to kill me in one of them, come on, don't be shy! Do me a favor! It's not for nothing that they call you that, right? You can do a lot and always keep an ace up your sleeve. So are you going to attack or not? I'm already quite soaked in the rain. Do you understand why he is here?

«To prevent me from dealing with you?!

– No, stupid! Nature mourns you in advance! Damn, I already cried so much that I soiled my boots in kaluzhas! How… Ah–ah–ah–ah! R–r–a–a–a!

As soon as his foot was properly immersed in the Kaluga water, Sudoshi shouted «Torap», after which the water in the Kalyuzh sparkled with lightning.

«He didn't notice how my bloodied palm touches the ground every time I fell. This is his mistake. He could not even imagine that I could do something like that.

– You bastard! Ah–ah–ah! – Shikitso took a step back with great force, but with that foot he also stepped into the electrified kaluzha. – I still do not understand! But I didn't understand!


Miraculously, Diatain managed to free himself from the mortally painful bonds. He jumped over himself, landing on a rather dry piece of land, and decided to look under his feet more often.

– You pissed me off! It felt like steam was coming out of his nostrils. For a moment he took hold of the kuntush, intending to take it off, but immediately withdrew his hand.

The lightning didn't dance anymore. Sudoshi moved behind him. Bending down, he carried out a sweep in his legs, but the opponent jumped in time, after which he turned in the air and kicked in the head area with a swing, but Kantake immediately moved one meter up and kicked him in the face from his knee. Raitsugi grabbed the wounded part, but immediately received a second knee, and after another sweep, he rolled straight into a puddle.

«Are you admitting that the monsters in Ehrenrise were yours?»

«What the hell is Ehrenrisee?! I sent them to another village! They ran past, and you rebelled, they say, you are being attacked, you are being attacked. Yes, go to hell! You will all die soon!

He rolled over on his head, kicking Kantaka several times in the torso, then abruptly rose and slammed his forehead into the forehead. Sudoshi moved ten meters to the side, avoiding the next blows, but this only served to his advantage. Diatain spun around himself and with even greater speed pointed his foot at the man's head.

– Dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee –dee–dee–dee–dee–dee–dee...

– Enough! I don't believe that someone like you doesn't serve the moon. It's impossible!

Kantake understood what awaited him. He tried to activate several kalyuzh, but he skillfully passed through them, he seemed to soar above the ground, turning into a real tornado. In one second, the kaito was able to find his own blade, in another he could plunge it right into the undertaker's stomach.

Raitsugi immediately stopped. He grabbed the edge of the blade and slowly but surely pulled it out of him.

«Is it… I… I'm not allowed to dance already?! R–r–a!

Diatain began to dissolve in the air, after which a thundercloud formed around Sudoshi, right on the ground, inside which lightning flashed. Of course, he decided to move to another place, but wherever teleportation took him, the cloud always immediately followed him, clinging to him like a parasite.

«I can not see anything. Wherever you go, everything is electrified. Paskuda.

– Like me? What is this? Raitsugi's voice came from all directions, without revealing a specific source.

– Crazy, strong, with an army of the dead. And most importantly, not a person.

– Not a human? I'm sorry, but why? I look pretty decent. I don't even have horns. Of course, I had to know death, and my abilities are very frightening, but still ... How am I different from you? I have elemental magic and you have elemental magic. Even lightning binds us. Yes, besides the elements, I am capable of many other things, but do I stop being a person because of this?

– Exactly. Any power you don't pay for in dreams will strip you of that title!

«I knew you would say that. This is what you are taught from birth. And it doesn't matter that there are people who are not at all remarkable. Why don't they separate you from themselves? Didn't think? Kaito always occupy ruling positions, and the common people only serve you. Strength took over. And you are afraid that another force is able to overcome you. What can I say, if your well–known gates are supported by my brothers in the shop.

«That means he's still a witcher. But do they all have that kind of power? It can not be!»

– If the monsters serve you, then you will not hesitate to use them. Like that damned swordsman. He'll probably grow horns soon.

– Why are you telling me this? Are you trying to change my views? Do you want me to betray my king?

– No, you are. I don't even blame you. I just find the current way of things in the world a little funny, don't you think? Absurd, to be more precise. In general, I can't understand everything ... now or ...

At the same moment, several lightnings hit Sudoshi, after which the cloud suddenly disappeared. Just like the undertaker himself.

«Look,» Embirsky twitched. – Demon is here!

Raitsugi stood where the wounded Hikaro lay before. He slowly looked around the entire cemetery, trying to find something lost.

«Where's the damned swordsman?!»

– Ask the old Yaga, fool! Dik replied sharply. – She stole it, so bite it!

«What did you do with Sudoshi?! Mido tossed the undead aside and rushed at full speed towards Diatain.

– Wait, what are you doing? – Emily got excited, to which he transferred his part of the dead.

– Now I understand…

– What are you muttering there?! I wanted to do it as soon as you got into my head. And now I have such an opportunity!

Having accelerated as it should, Betsai jumped two meters up, straightened his left leg and flew into Diatain's head with his heel. It seemed that he should fall to the ground, but he only winced slightly and stared at one point. Mido's momentum flew past him and made several somersaults in an attempt to slow down. He turned, intending to engage in swordfight, but right in that moment, before his very eyes...

The games are over...

Sudoshi was behind Diatain's back and with a sweeping movement of the sword, he cut him in the neck with all his might.

In the first second, the left knee bent down, the incision became wider and wider. In the second second, the head separated from the body, and the right knee also bent down. In the third second, the whole carcass fell to the ground and instantly seeped through it, like all the undead. The head remained at the top. The eyes were still bright. And he was still looking thoughtfully.

– Mentor Sudoshi, did you find out what you wanted?

– Yes. He admitted.

– So that means everything?

– Not really. We need to search the tavern. Not understood. Where is Hikaro?

– Ramalo!

The grave of Khmelnis got rid of the earth by itself, and he calmly went upstairs. It turned out that he was in the same overgrown grave that Dik had been dissuaded from approaching.

Friends, you are here...

The man was powerless. It was impossible to say that he was falling off his feet, because he could not even stand on them. He just crawled on all fours, greedily swallowing air. Dik ran up to him.

– Brother, why did you come here alone ?! We could come up with something!

I'm stupid because ... Annushka, I suppose, was all agitated?

– What do you think? But she's fine. Don't be afraid. Kaito is already done with the bastard. We'll be heading home soon.

– Truth? Did he kill him? Impossible…

– How so?

There was no more time for talking. The storm didn't seem to stop. At one point, monsters ran out of the forest that could survive Hikaro's attack.

We will follow orders! We will enjoy your flesh!

«Master Sudoshi,» Emily said. «Looks like it's time to get out of here.»

Can you share your dreams with me?

– I think yes.

– What is it for? Yukhlins did not understand.

«If there are enough dreams, I can move all of you to the village!» Run to me!

The Hortovians, along with Emily, briskly ran up to him, grabbing the demon's head, and the girl combined her blood with the mentor's.

Betsai threw the body of the previously found guy near them.

– And take it. He is also a kaito, it will come in handy.

«Good,» the girl made an incision on his arm and also pulled the blood to Sudoshi in the air.

«Mido, I have a special assignment for you.

– I understand. I'll go after him now.

«I allow the use of shizen.

– Excellent.

Sudoshi was filled with energy, concentrated, and then for a second through force touched the lost blade of Hikaro, and at the same moment tried to teleport.

They are gone. Mido was the only victim in the cemetery. He knelt down and froze for a few seconds, inhaling full lungs of air. The monsters were getting closer. There was one moment left before the realization of their desires, but a bright orange flash slipped through the crowd and rushed into the forest thicket.