
Yume: Adventures Inside A Man's Dream

In an occurrence in which he was sent randomly into an unknown world, the Gods have taken a liking to him to give such a request. In a village called Branch, a guy named Marco was on a mission with his Senior, Vlera, to save the world from mass extinction againts Dragons. Considering that this is only in a Dream, his life depends on his actions. — Release of new Chapters: Sundays Original Birth/Publish Date: September 11, 2022

Reimarcl · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 8: As The New Beginning Started Pt.2

After I went to my bed and end my day here on Earth, there were gonna be a new day waiting for me, not on Earth, but to Chime...



Central Division of Branch, Borderline

As of now, we've already departed early in the morning to avoid the dangers outside the borderlines, we wanted to make it as early as possible but Kallen can't just let her Child leave her.

An hour ago, 6AM.


Kallen cannot take the fact that Vlera's finally leaving and decided to guilt trip by crying.

"Teacher Kallen... We've already talked about this a countless time already, you should accept the fact that sooner or later, I wont be by your side anymore..."

"B-but, what should I do without you around?"

"Didn't you said you were more than a hundred years old? I'm pretty sure you can do it alone!"

"(Wait, what the fuck? She's a hundred years old in that 7 years old body?!)"

"I'll promise, we'll visit you here once in a month, so don't worry alright?"

"*sniff* Are you sure?"

"Yes we are, right Marco?"


"Sure, but... Here, take this."

Upon lending her small hand and opening it, we found a small keychain that almost looked like her.

"I made it yesterday, please, whenever when life goes rough, just look at that keychain and it'll help make things better even when I'm not around."

"It so cute! Thanks, Teacher Kallen!"

Not so long after Kallen gradually accepted our departure, we made our leave and can still hear her cry even after reaching a hundred meter.


Central Division of Branch, Borderline

After her rare cheerful attitude just earlier, Vlera's face returned to it's serious state as we keep heading deeply into the forest, to ease the pressure around, I attempted a communication.

"Hey, Vlera, now that we are traveling, do you have something in mind when it goes to sleeping?"

"What kind of question is that? You don't want to sleep in the ground?"

"Ah- not that I hate it, but-"

"We're going to your place, the Western Division, there's alot of hotels to stay in."


After the conversation went off, a small scratch whispered in the air that made Vlera on her guard.


"Marco, on your feet."

"Huh? What's the problem?"



After waiting for several seconds, a huge boar charged us.


"A boar?"

"It's so huge!"

"I hate to use this so early, but goodnight."

After Vlera leaped behind its back, the huge boar suddenly fell in its feet, dead.

"Wow, you got to kill that boar in seconds?"

"Nothing special, really. Here, take these bag and get a fair parts of that boar."

"For what?"

"Didn't your teachers on Earth taught you about this? That'll be our food tonight!"


Our adventure continued forward and luckily, it was our first and last encounter upon passing the Outside between Central and Western Division, before I knew it, we're finally in a town here on Western Division where I came from.

As expected from my months of absence here, a lot of things also changed here, what concerned me, is that the barn I used to sleep has dissapeared.

"Vlera, here."


"Exactly here, was my house on Earth was built."

"An abandoned barn huh, how can you make sure that this is where your house was built?"

"This is where things suddenly changed, it was also when you returned me here after that dragon-incident."

"Hmm, I see, we're trespassing here, so maybe it's good for us to leave now."


To spend each's time, we find a suitable place for training, and ironically, it was the cliff where I once committed suicide.

"It's your choice, not mine, Marco."

We came back to the town to find a hotel to stay in the night and finally, Vlera took out the boar parts that we took and cooked it outside.

"Wow, I didn't know you could cook such a food in this conditions."

"A good traveller is always ready no matter what nature gives us."

"Haha, but isn't questionable? The boar's skin have marks of that, sort of tattoo?"

"Now that you mentioned it, I just noticed it just now."

"Do you know something about this?"

"Unfortunately, it's a no, but here, take this."

After Vlera threw me something, I noticed that it was a yellow-colored medicine.

"Curse Repelling Capsule, made by Teacher of course."

"Wow, now she sounds more like a doctor to me, but why is it named a Curse Repelling Capsule?"

"The boar came from the Outside and the Outside contains the strangest of things, it's better to be safe."

We finished our dinner and after a short break, I went inside the hotel and fixed up the bed that I and Vlera will use. As i looked at the window, I can see Vlera also taking up the same Capsule that she gave me earlier, I don't know if it's just my vision, but is that capsule a little bit darker-yellow?


Western Division of Branch, The Hotel

"Something's wrong... I can't sleep."

Even after going to bed much earlier than Vlera, I still cannot get myself to sleep. I tried everything but I just can't get myself to even yawn, I tried to wake up Vlera and I noticed that her temperature was high.

"Vlera, wake up! Your temperature was rising!"

Upon screaming her name, she replied in a grindy voice.

"Marco... Wake... Up..."

"What do you mean?"

After hearing those words, sounds of swordfight gradually came to my ears, I thinked carefully what does she mean for me to Wake Up, but when I Opened My Eyes...

I noticed myself sleeping tight in our bed without Vlera beside me.

I stood out quickly to find Vlera and as soon as I came to the window, I finally found Vlera, she was fighting someone and I quickly grabbed my sword and decided to join the fight.



"What happened?"

"These pesky Witch Doctors suddenly assaulted us in our sleep."

"What? I thought they only exist in the Outside?"

"Yeah you're correct, but I think I'm the one that messed up."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, these Doctors won't show up if they're not attracted into someone that have some Curse..."


"Remember that Capsule I gave you?"


"Sorry, it has a much brighter yellow, it wasn't a Curse Repelling Capsule, it was a Diarrhea Medicine!"

"To think that you can also make mistakes."

"Save that for later, but for now, let's face this hundreds of Witch Doctors."

After I scratched my eyes to understand what she just said, I noticed that she's not fighting a single enemy, she already defeated fifties of it and a hundred more was waiting in the background, I took my sword ready and supported Vlera.

"If you'd already progressed this far, I should also say sorry for my late approach."



"Hey, why am I falling?"


Her voice... I heard this voice in the past. Those... fading scream of her, fuck, why would this happen to for the 2nd time? I cannot help her again while she's in trouble... I'm not ready to start my day on Earth while I'm not sure about Vlera's health, please, let me fight with her...

*Toot* *Toot* *Toot*

"Wounds cleaned, proceed to operate."

Now what are those voices?

"The girl was fine but the boy suffered a deep wound."

Girl? Boy? Wound?

"Over here, Doctor."

A Doctor? Hell nah, what happened to me? I can't open my eyes, my memory is fading once again, ahh...




























"Where... Am I?"

"Marco thank God you're okay!"


"I'm so sorry I didn't protected you enough ..."

"That's alright, Vlera, important thing is that I'm okay, we're okay."

"Despite you completely Sleeping, no, this cannot be true, Teacher Kallen."

"This is the truth, Vlera, it shouldn't be denied."

After regaining my consciousness, not only do I heard Vlera's voice, but also Kallen's voice as well. Wait, didn't we just said goodbye to Kallen just this morning?

"Marco, do you have any memories of your day today on Earth?"

"No, I don't remember anything. After I slept there on Earth, I was delivered here and woke up in my bed at your house, nothing more."

"Ah, I see, then it is concluded then."

"Concluded what?"

"Marco, it sucks to say but... Because of the Curse, your World Transferring Ability dissapeared and what's worse... You're now trapped here on planet Chime."

Wait... Trapped...? Here on planet Chime?!

— End of Chapter 8