
Yume: Adventures Inside A Man's Dream

In an occurrence in which he was sent randomly into an unknown world, the Gods have taken a liking to him to give such a request. In a village called Branch, a guy named Marco was on a mission with his Senior, Vlera, to save the world from mass extinction againts Dragons. Considering that this is only in a Dream, his life depends on his actions. — Release of new Chapters: Sundays Original Birth/Publish Date: September 11, 2022

Reimarcl · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 1: In The Beginning


Is what a normal person feels after waking up on a sunny day.

As i ate my breakfast, I took a shower and wear my school uniform.

"Oi! Marco, late again are we?"

Those are my friends, they might be a devil-like creatures sometimes but they are a good friend of mine. With them everyday, I feel the happiness in myself... Until the teacher comes in, and so, class began.


Is what a person feels when he/she's excited about something.

On my lunch-break...

"I bet you can't beat me with my main character!" I said with a looking-down eyes.

"Come at me. I won't hold back."


Is what a person feels either if he/she's dissapointed about a thing... Or he/she's just very lonely.


Why?! Of all times my net would be this bad!

"Nah, you just sucks, Marco. Come fight me whenever you're enough."


Is what someone feels whenever he/she was dissapointed about a thing, it may seem like the Emotion above this but this one got some "violence" intent.

"I swear, one day, i'll beat the crap out of you!"


A complicated Emotion it was. It shouldn't be taken as a joke nor be a joke. One wrong move and a living might dissapear.

"Still got bad grades huh? Are we working so hard for you to only take this grade so low?! Look, your lowest here is 84! Our neighbors' daughter got a line of 90 on all of her grades!"

With a slap on my face, I came to my room questioning my life what's wrong about proving myself.

"Mom, aren't you noticing it?! I wasn't on her league to start with! Instead, why don't you believe in me in other things-"

"Oh, you're talking back to who 'created' you?!"

In times like this, I can't stop myself but to think several things; Why?! Why do they act like that?! Am I actually a complete failure to them?! Am I even worty of living in this world?! If only a thing could happen where i could be on another family...


Well, yeah...

I want to...


But we all know, such a suggestion wont happen. Out of choice it is, nothing but to accept it, I came to sleep with tears in my eyes.

There are many reason for someone to get the Emotion, one may feel Sadness because of Joy in their heart that what we call Tears of Joy. One may feel an Emotion which is not mentioned above. But one thing is 100% sure in my mind, Emotion is what a person expresses in their face, look im smiling right now, :> .

"NAHHH, not that last part!"

Throwing a paper to me while practicing our report speech for tomorrow, my childhood friend Vlera was helping me to practice.

"Hmm, if you could change the last part, we could get the perfect score for tomorrow. Here, why don't you replace this instead. "Emotion is what a person express in their face in a certain event. Example, all of us, you were listening carefully to me, that's why you have the Serious Face." Then from that you'll be mentioning our names as the Ending!"

Our practice ends up with a good result. Without noticing the time, it was after-school.

"Goodluck for tomorrow!"

"Yes, thanks!"


"Hey! Have you heard this Computer Cafe hiding around the Circle? Come on let's play there!"

He's Mico, one of my friends. I was saving some money so that I can buy that mega overpriced Figure that my daily allowance can't take, but he's like,

"C'mon man, i heard the popular game in that place is the game you got addicted on! I'm sure you're thriving your hands to crush them. Skip saving a day wont hurt right?"

I was saving, yes, yes, but of course,

It was nothing if I could show off my account, hehehe...

Me and Mico visited the place on my way home with my other close friend, Railou. As we go inside, we can figure out if this was a good Computer Cafe if the man-odor inside was as violent enough to take you down the moment you take a breathe in its headset.

Using the 10 Pesos in my hand, my 30 Pesos saving became 0 because of some reason I don't want to explain.

As I get to the tricycle to go home, I greet my Mother and head straight to my room to rest after a long day of school. Without noticing, I was tired enough to fall asleep wearing my uniform...

As the sun rise its shine in the morning...

I took a bath as my daily routine, 20 minutes later, and the environment seems silent, if you don't get what i'm saying, im talking about the strangeness of everyone not getting ready for school.

I get out of the bathroom to eat next, but then my Mother told me a thing that made me understand the silence everywhere.

"Oh, Marco, why don't you sleep again? It's holiday today you know? There are no classes."

I came back to my room in a blank face, but once i closed the door, i jumped in joy now that our presentation with Vlera was postponed to a day, and oh man, considering that i just took a bath, I'm still sleepy, alright see you later...


In the afternoon, where my day was about to start...

Kids playing, vehicles everywhere, and of course my computer.

I was playing on my computer in a peaceful way as possible, but then mother nature called me. Our bathroom was outside of my house so when I'm about to enter, I'm always seeing the woods, it was only woods until i heard a roaring sound that is so loud — my eardrums hurt a bit, I'm curious but it's not my business so i entered the bathroom like never ever happened.


Alright, time to Touch Some Grass...

Peaceful environment, everyone minding their own business, the smell of the food from the neighbor's house, and a flying dragon, what else should i say in this flow of life of mine.

"Marco, there you are."

"Hey, Jordi."

Another friend of mine, they were already 5 in the group but since they found me, its time to add another one in the group.

"There's a thing happening in the Playground, join us!"


You may heard, its 'Playground' but trust me, the one who 'plays' there were 15 year old gangsters who seek fight with the other Zone. If Vlera were to find out my weird way of living, don't worry, I don't join them if they were to invite me to fight.

"Chill, it wont involve us. There's a couple that was on fight, i heard that the woman caught the man cheating and now they are taking it seriously."

Hehehe, if I say a weird way of living, I mean it, we like to get involved into other's drama, well it's their fault to talk that type of topic in the public.

On our way to the Playground, it was filled with talkings and anything, I chose to be silent like i always do when in public. 4 more minutes since we arrived and I noticed something, Armors, Blades, and Swords, seriously, is this still the place where i belong?!

The houses, the roads, the vehicles, everything have changed to a way I don't know. The houses changed and the way it was built was different, the road became old, and the vehicles was so old as well. And the environment... The environment changed as if i turned back in the old days of 1850s.

Minutes later, and we found the Playground, only to discover that my friends' outfits have changed as well. They are wearing old clothes with armor above it, and a blade in their hips. We sat in the place like we always do, and the couple was already fighting.

If i said fighting, it was actually the case.

"You cheater!"

"Trust me, Aiko, it was just a misunderstanding!"

Their moves, their blades, everything was different, the way the couple fought was like they received a heavy training. The scene you could see is what you could see in an underground fighting arena, but unlike that, it was called a Playground that was supposed to be for kids.

10 minutes since we came, and the fighting was over, the place have become a lobby for anyone who's finding a partner and that scenario disgust me so I'm going back home earlier than my friends...


Until i heard a numerous of people screaming.

I came back to check my friends and I saw a huge dragon in the Playground and everyone was fighting it.

It roars, and it's the only time I discovered, that the roar I heard 2 hours ago wasn't a coincidence, but the start of the chaos.

5 minutes later, and numerous houses was set on fire, I may want to help my friends who's barely fighting the dragon, but with my image, the only thing i can do was to cheer them.

"Target found, proceeding to interfere."

In a fast movement, the dragon was cut in half, massive amounts of blood was scattered everywhere, and someone was standing above the dead dragon, an assassin, with killing intent, and the death itself in Her eye.

After killing the dragon, it swollen as if it was about to explode.

"Everyone, help the others right away. This one is a Dragon that could self-destruct."

In a strange turn of events, the assassin girl grabs me and took me further from the Playground.

"Your name, address and age, now."

"Ah, um. Marco, Zone 1 of Branch and 15."

"I see, let me take you there and let's escape that area with that Dragon."

She sounds familiar, as I looked in her face, I noticed that it was Vlera.

"V-VLERA?! What are you doing here?"

"Huh? How do you know my name?"

"Don't you know me? I'm Marco, your childhood friend!"

"Appologies, I didn't know who you are."


In that short conversation, Vlera dropped me to the roadside where my house was close.

"Is this your house?"

But this is different. Everything was different, the road, the houses, everything!

"What a weirdo. Hey kid, i got to go now, I still have things to do."

"Huh- Vlera, wait!"

She left me alone, alone in the fields where the houses were more than 15 this morning but became 5 in the afternoon. Mountains have arised, farms were formed, and as I look into everything after i rubbed my eyes, I realized...

I wasn't on Earth anymore.

— End of Chapter 1