
Yuji Haruno- The Cherry Blossom Swordsman

Reincarnated as Sakura's younger twin brother. Watch as Yuji evades danger hidden in the village and outside it. And reaches realm of Gods through nothing but pure hardwork. Watch he who know as the Cherry blossom Sword Saint defeats legends though his polished Kenjutsu and Mountainous Presence alone.

LastsonofZod · Cómic
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11 Chs

Academy Years 2

After a month or so of Academy, today was the day for the physical test. Instructor Kirimaru brought the students outside and showed them streching exercises. Once everyone was limbered up, he called for everyone's attention. "So today we're going to be having our Physicals, the first a race, 500m 4laps. I'm going divide you guys into groups for that."

"Group 1: Kiba Inuzuka, Sasuke Uchiha, Yuji Haruno, Shikamaru Nara, Naruto Uzumaki go to the track"

"Hahahaha, be ready to lose!" Kiba flashed a childish grin.

"Oh no! I'm going to try my best and win Dattebayo!" Naruto chimed in.

"Why only bad things happen to me. I didn't want to join the academy..." Shikamaru spoke sorrowfully.

"Best of luck guys." Yuji acknowledged his competitors.

"..Umu.."(Uchiha translation: I'm going to win)




The group quickly took off. Sasuke and Yuji quickly went beyond the level of a five year old. Yuji his laps first followed closely Sasuke who was amazed at the fact someone of his age could beat him at anything, 'It doesn't matter I'm going win next time.' Following them Shikamaru and Kiba ended their respective runs. And Naruto collapsed after completing his laps, ".... I'm going to you all next time Dattebayo.."

As Kirimaru-sensei recorded their results, the students in the stand started talking.

"Don't be sad Sasuke-san~ you did your best"

"Yeah I'll bring bento for Sasuke-san tommorow!"

"Yuji-san is cute too!"

"Yeah he is so silent and mature!"

"Do you he'll propose me?"

"Sakura-chan~ your brother is cute!"

"Shut Up PIG!"

Yuji shudred as he faintly heard a conversation, 'Yeah I'm obviously in an Anime world. Chakra definitely affected their mental growth'. Soon Kiba and Naruto surrounded him, "Hey hey how can you run so fast! You were even faster than me!" "It's nothing much guys I just trained a little." "Ohhhhhh! You were faster than the next hokage dattebayo ! You must have trained hard!"

As they reached the stand where the students sat, Kirimaru started asking the next groups for the race. Sakura, Ino and Hinata were in the single group. Although the shy Hyuga had an advantage in the beginning of the match, she quickly fell back as Ino and Sakura quickly took over. Ino ended up winning the match.

After the brief break after all the races ended, Kirimaru-sensei once again called for his students for the last physical test, spars.

He declared the pairs for spars, soon Yuji's turn came.

"Yuji Haruno Vs Tetsuga Uchiha"

As both of them made their way to the ring, Yuji's benchmates cheered for him. He tried to remember any such a character as Tetsuga, 'He's probably a Mob uchiha who ended up dead in the massacre.'

Tetsuga stared dead at Yuji and spoke in absolute and overflowing , "You seem fast, but you're weak against us Uchiha who can see everything.You should be happy if you even last a minute against me Uchiha Tetsuga. I'll try to go easy on you."

Yuji said nothing but first time in both his lifetimes, he agreed with Danzo and Tobirama, 'The world would probably be better off without Uchiha Young Masters.'

"Come on kids, now make the seal of confrontation."

After displaying the symbol of combat which is a universal sign of engagement between shinobi, both the participants took the standard Leaf taijutsu stance.


Tetsuga took the initiative, as he aimed his right armed blow at his opponent's upper torso. Yuji transitioned from basic western boxing stance to Kushti Body Grab and side-steped the blow. As he gave the Uchiha a crushing hugg, his right knee up-kicked Tetsuga's liver. As the Uchiha nearly lost consciousness, Yuji merciless used his open palm to strike Tetsuga's face.


As the Uchiha who was sure of his victory fell to the ground unconscious, academy grounds fell completely silent including Kirimaru, only after Yuji made the seal of reconciliation, the Instructor spoke up. "Ugh... Yuji Haruno Wins! remarkable taijutsu, just try going from the next time from the next time."


Class 1 howled in pure joy of such a mesmerizing taijutsu fight as the Medical-nin took the unconscious Uchiha to the medical ward.