
Yuji Haruno- The Cherry Blossom Swordsman

Reincarnated as Sakura's younger twin brother. Watch as Yuji evades danger hidden in the village and outside it. And reaches realm of Gods through nothing but pure hardwork. Watch he who know as the Cherry blossom Sword Saint defeats legends though his polished Kenjutsu and Mountainous Presence alone.

LastsonofZod · Cómic
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11 Chs

Academy Entrance

The next morning Mebuki, Sakura and Yuji made their way towards the Ninja Academy as it was annual entrance exam. As the parent-child trio reached the Academy, Yuji noticed numerous future shinobis, like the future Rookie nine. Numerous aspiring Ninjas stood alongside their parents as the selection procedure continued. Yuji observed his surroundings as definetly quite surprised at the size of the Academy building.The Academy was quite large and is comprised of several buildings which were erected over time. The building can be identified by the tree in front of it which has a swing on it and more so, by the giant sign with the kanji for "fire" on it. On the swing a single lonely child sat all alone in contrast to everyone around him. The area around the Academy was quite lively too, as along with being a school, it is also the area where the Hokage's office is located, which is where missions are dispatched and the day-to-day running of the village takes place.

Soon both his and Sakura's turn came. Joining the academy wasn't actually a hard thing. To join it a child of five only needed to fulfill three conditions:-

Love the village and hope to help preserve peace and prosperity.

Have a mind that will not yield, able to endure hard training and work.

Be healthy in mind and body.

If the above conditions are met, admission to the Academy will be granted.

The Examiner of the entrance exam was a Hyuga, he activated his byakugan and probably reviewed our chakra reserves and compared them to our Medical documents, after a brief silence, he said, "Sakura Haruno, Yuji Haruno to Class 1, your first class will start in an hour."

As the duo came out of the examination room, Sakura did her happy fist to the sky and Yuji smiled slightly at his Nee-san's actions. Soon they reached their mother, who kneeled and hugged them both, the children got squished they giggled happily after brief advice exchange from their mother, both Yuji and Sakura made their way to Class 1. As they entered the classroom, students who were already present looked at the duo, pretty convinced that they related due to the pink hair factor.

Yuji and Sakura seperated as she went towards the benches dominated by female students, Yuji too started to look for a good spot, he soon noticed kid with Inuzuka face tattoos sitting alone near the window. "Hi do you mind if sit here?" the cherry blossom haired boy inquired, "Yeah you can sit...hey hey hey so what's your name? My name is Inuzuka Kiba! and I'm five years old" kiba spoke excitedly at prospect of a new friend as he showed his open palm to convey his age better. Yuji too beamed a smile and started speaking "Me ? I'm Haruno Yuji and I'm five years old too! So you're a Inuzuka, where's your ninken? is he here?" Kiba got a little sad at the mention of ninken, "Yeah I'm Inuzuka so i should have a ninken. But my mom doesn't give me one! I just don't understand why? she tells I can't take care of it! She will only give me after I become responsible? I'm responsible you know! I even know how to use Chakra!"


As Kiba and Yuji made their small talk, the classroom got full of students. Classrooms in the Academy are large and have high ceilings, based on a theory that larger classrooms lead to expansive education, expanding even to the blackboard itself. In front of the blackboard is a podium, situated far from the students' desks and put in a position where the teacher can view everyone at once. Yuji also noticed people he knew from the canon like Ino, Shino, Hinata, Choji,Shikamaru and Naruto. Shikamaru, Choji and Naruto sat behind him as Shino joined Kiba and him.

Soon a Chunin vest wearing individual made his way to the classroom podium as the class settled down.

"Nice to meet you Students of Classroom 1, I'm Yamasiki Kirimaru, a Chunin of this village, for my introduction let's say my dream is to protect the people I love and like Miso Ramen.."

"Ohhhhh I love Miso Ramen too!!!" a blonde kid screamed on top of his lungs but was quickly ignored as Kirimaru continued speaking, "...And we will start our very first class by introducing ourselves to the class."