
YuGiOh Invoked Magician

Yo! This is my first ever fanfic, I am not a very good writer but I will improve later down the road, English is not my first language so. I might have some misspells here and there, so if you see one please comment so I can edit them later(though I will use docs to write my chapters so any misspells should be gone). I decided to write this fanfic because almost all of the fanfics in fanfiction.net and web novels do not have a single Aleister the invoked deck to use, so I will try to use make this deck fair accordingly and try not to make this one of the most op decks(because it will be in the time of gx). I originally wanted to use a true Draco deck but realized that that deck doesn't have any correlation to the gx series even though it doesn't have any synchro and even fusion cards to use effectively. But it's still op af, so I decided against it. I do not own YuGiOh as it belongs to Konami and its creator, Kazuki Takahashi. The story revolves around Hiroshi Saito, an orphaned boy who dreams of being a pro duelist by entering the Duel Academy. One day, he enters a dream that will change his future forever. But little did he know that this dream will be the start of his wonderful journey to become the best duelist he can be. P.S: The Cover Art is not mine and I don't own the rights to the image.

Lagzalot · Cómic
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8 Chs

Prologue Part 2

Yo! this is the second chapter of my story, thanks to the 300+ people that viewed /read my fanfic. Last time my spacing was horrible, because I used Google Docs to write the fanfic to avoid grammatical errors, but little did I know that doing it that way was more complicated than not. So I downloaded Grammarly and am now using WebNovel's text editor to write my chapters, so hopefully, it improves in this chapter. Anyways thanks to the people who read my story so far and liked it, if you did not like it and consider my way of delivery horrible then that's also fine, please comment on how you think i should improve my craft and I will do my best to improve. That's all I have to say so please enjoy the chapter everyone :).

PS: gonna be a longer one to finish the prologue, I wanna start the chapter


As I lay down in bed, my consciousness drifted away and I slowly let myself be lulled into sleep. but when I opened my eyes, all I saw was darkness surrounding me and I instantly felt that I was attacked by the coldness of the place. I quickly stood up holding myself closely and rubbed my hands to the side to prevent myself from freezing.

I walked around the darkness and realised that it was slowly going away. then, I saw a tall tower that looked like it belonged to a magical being that can be seen in the stories that our matron talks about.

'What was that' I thought while hearing footsteps from behind me. I quickly ran towards the tower, upon reaching it I hid near the rubble that was near the tower hopefully no one can see me in there.

But when I looked towards the entrance to the tower, I saw a man with greenish hair, with white bangs, he wore a pair of green rounded glasses, and a decorated dark cloak, holding a greatly designed book in one hand, while a metallic staff with a blue diamond like a square at the tip. he was reading the book and saying incantations that I can't hear. as I slowly walked towards the man,

"I̶̻̮̳̮̤̱͚͈͒̃̚ ̖̼̞̱͙ͫ͘c͙͇̬̣ͦͪ͛ͧ͟a̰̦͇͔̘̯ͯͥ͞l͖͇̞͛͢l͂̌̏̄҉̞̬ ̺̗͔͚͎̹̗̠̄ͪ̐͟t͎̖͉͕̙̬̯͌͗̕ỏ̲̘͍̼̏͋̕ ̞̪̱̐̀t̶͎͖̞̭͎̭̓̋h̹̻͛͊ͮ̓́e͎̹̦ͥ͠e̐͊͏̜̙̗̟̭ ɨռʋօƈǟȶɨօռ!!" He shouts as a giant magical circle comes behind him.

I gazed in awe, as the giant magical circle began to glow brightly, and suddenly a giant monster came out, the moment I looked at the monster I immediately realised where the chilling feeling was coming from that felt earlier, it was white, red eyes and it was a dragon-like beast that each breath that it took, the temperature around became lower and lower.

No Pov

Suddenly two people came out of the shadows, one was a tall woman, she was demonic-looking, and more importantly, she also had green and yellow eyes. and next to her was a man wearing dark armour, he had an incredibly intimidating aura, with bright yellow eyes.

"Do you think this simple demon can stop me from my conquest wizard?" said the man in armour.

"No not really, but "Cocytus" serves a different purpose here hehehe..." said the wizard with a coarse voice, seemingly tired from his incantation. Then immediately the demonic-looking woman dashed towards the wizard, while the man slowly advanced towards him.

"Cocytus" shielded himself in between the wizard and the woman. then created a giant wall made of ice, the ice's colour was dark blue and spiky, and it looked tough enough to shield even bombs. But the woman shortly looked at the wall staring down at her, and immediately punched through the ice. The punch was strong enough to break the ice, but the wall quickly regenerated.

"Hmmm" she smirked as she continuously punched through the ice as the ice constantly regenerated.

"You should hurry Aleister, I cannot stop them forever." the giant ice dragon now named Cocytus said as he looked like he was struggling.

"I know old friend, but this is the only way." The wizard said as he got himself ready and a giant magical circle beneath them, covering the whole area.

Aleister then chanted something that I couldn't hear him say, even his lips were unreadable. the man then arrives at the front of the wall, then he punches the wall, breaking it into a million pieces. he slaps Cocytus away and faces Aleister.

"It doesn't have to be this way Aleister." The man says looking down at Aleister.

"Heeh, be real King, you think I would really help you conquer the world?" Aleister said before staring back at the King.

"But to be honest, it won't work well that much. Humans and beings with a will can never be ruled with an iron grip, and even more so the whole world with one person to rule them all." Aleister says while he was slowly standing up.

"But it won't matter anyway, 'cause it's time for us to go, King." Aleister murmurs, and he raises his staff.

"Activate!!" He shouts as the magical circle explodes in blinding light.

"NOOOO!!" the king shouts as he dashes towards Aleister and stabs him with his fist.

Blood gushes out from his mouth, as he holds the King's hand tightly and looks at him in the eyes and laughs maniacally. "It's too late now King. See you on the other side!" Aleister shouts as he sees that the demonic-looking woman rushed to her partner.

"I'm sorry Yubel." He says solemnly as Yubel looks at him with disdain. the disappointment she expresses to him. "If you were truly sorry, then you would have never done this to your comrade." She says as the magical circle be filled with a pillar of blinding light. and Hiroshi's sight returns back into the darkness he saw earlier before the vision.

Hiroshi Pov

'Holy Crap! That was wild.' I thought. And I heard a voice beside me.

"Quite the sight huh?" I jumped, confused and surprised at the same time. I looked back and I saw the wizard named Aleister. "You must be wondering, how and why did you see a vision from a forgotten history," e said, as I look at him in wariness. "Who are you?" I ask without lowering my wariness. "calm down will ya, I ain't gonna hurt ya kid, though didn't expect you to see this vision this early." he said while visibly relaxed. "Why did I see all that?" I asked.

"Well, let's just say the main reason you saw that scene, was that you were a part of that event." I look at him confused, " why would I be connected to any of you guys?" visibly bewildered another voice answers behind me.

" Allow me to explain gaki." I turned around and was surprised to see that it was the dragon-like being that was summoned earlier. "My name is Cocytus, I am a member of the invoked beings that were summoned by that man Aleister the Invoker." he points with his claw to the man behind me. "Hehe yep, that's me!" He says behind me." the reason why you saw that is because you are Aleister." my eyes widened, " I see the confused look on your face, in full truth, you are his reincarnation, and also another." I was still awed, but after a bit, I calmed down. "Seeing that you are now finished being in awe, I shall tell you the full story.


After a while, he explained that the Supreme King, was an old comrade of Aleister, he was in fact his royal magician, but after a while, he noticed that the king was slowly becoming a tyrant and his conscience slowly slipping away, due to being drunk in power. after talking to the king about it, they fell out, and he was branded a traitor, as the country that he protected and loved looked at him with disdain, disappointment and betrayal. "So what now?" I ask them, "Well, what do you want to do kid?" Aleister asks. "Well, I wanna be a pro-duelist! and become one of the best ever." I said as I raise my right hand up, and look up with determination.

They both look at me when I said my dream."Hooh, you wanna become the best? alright then gaki, we're gonna train, and help you become the best!" But then I realized, "I don't have any cards on me." I look down saddened. " Hooh, what do you mean that, you have cards, it's in your deck box." I realized " But those cards are blank." I counter, "Those were blank because you have not connected with us yet. But now, you have gained my permission by talking to us, the cards will now reveal themselves to you. " Cocytus says.

"You should get up now kid, we'll be always with you. As long as you have our cards with you." I nod as I see light brightly shine around me as I sense myself waking up.

No Pov

"hmm, his life will be filled with adventure, old friend," Cocytus said.

"Indeed pal, indeed."


That's all folks see you next time. :)