
Chapter 15: Yecheng (IV)


Even though Yin Ruotang's back had just been dug a hole for the arrow, he could never watch Lin Nuan fall to the ground like that, so he hurriedly ran down the bed to pick Lin Nuan up. The moment his arms touched Lin Nuan's body, Yin Ruotang's back felt as if it was torn apart.



Yin Ruotang put Lin Nuan on his own bed, at this time which still cares about the differences between men and women, men and women share the same bed, naturally it is important to save people.



Ying Yun and Ying He anxious as ants on the hot pot, has long run out of ideas, want to go out of the temple to ask the groom to come over to see, but now this hour, even if it is New Year's Eve, have long been resting.



Fortunately Yin Ruotang calm, see Lin Nuan face red, seems to be high fever, guessed that eighty percent is the old disease has not yet recovered, and today the cause of the shock of the cold, so they let Ying Yun and Ying He cool down Lin Nuan cool down the temperature of a cold handkerchief.



Lin Nuan burned so much that it was as if she had a long dream this night, in which a woman said to her, "I'm leaving, for real this time!"



"Who are you? Where are you going?" Lin Nuan asked.



"I'm Huwonhee, and I'm going where I'm supposed to go."



"Don't you go, it's me who should go, I'm the one who took over your body."



"No! It is I who should go! It's just that there's so much I don't want to let go of, so you have to live on for me ..."



Lin Nuan woke up with a start, at this time tears, Yin Ruotang at the bedside to guard her, but when she opened her eyes again, she looked at him no longer have that kind of emotion, Lin Nuan know this time Hu Yuanxi is really gone.



From now on, there is no more Hu Yuanxi in the world, however, there is also no more Lin Nuan in this world, staying in this Yebei is just Hu Yuanxi supporting Lin Nuan's soul.



Lin Nuan knew that there was no possibility of her going back, and even if she could still go back, how would she face Ji Yan, so she decided to live as Hu Yuanxi, and Lin Nuan disappeared completely in this world since then.



"Sister Cee, you're awake? I think the high fever has subsided." Yin Ruotang said and then wanted to probe Lin Nuan's forehead.



Yuan Xi dodged Yin Ruotang's touch and sat up from the bed, saying, "I have gotten much better, Mr. Yin does not need to be concerned."



Mr. Yin? The crowd couldn't help but stare at Lin Nuan's change of address to Yin Ruotang.



Yuan Xi added: "I think Mr. Yin didn't get any rest last night, so he must get some rest today. Ying Yun you stay and take care of Mr. Yin, if there is anything you need to tell me!" After saying this, she bent down, signaling Ying He to help herself, and slowly walked out with Ying He's hand.



Ying Yun and Ying He exchanged glances, but no one knew the reason why the young lady suddenly changed her name to Duke Yin.



Ying He went back to Yuan Xi to organize the clothes, found Yuan Xi on the sheep fat white jade jade pendant lost, she knows the importance of this thing, so very anxious. Although she is not compared to Ying He since childhood in Yuan Xi side wait, Yuan but Xi and maturity ceremony, she has also been in the House of Hu, so she also knows that this jade pendant is Yin Gongzi sent with the young lady and maturity gift, the importance of which is self-evident.



On the contrary, Yuan Xi, seeing Ying He's anxious and pitiful appearance, comforted, "Lost is lost, it's not a valuable object, there's no need to be anxious."



"I think we also lost it to the market when we escaped, why don't Ying Yun and I go look for it again."



"It is not necessary. There are so many people on South Street that if it were thrown there, it would have been picked up long ago."



Ying He cleaned up on the side, while Yuan Xi sat dumbfounded on the bed, she knew that last night's dream was not actually a dream, it was Hu Yuan Xi who really said goodbye to herself, because when she saw Yin Ruotang again, her heart was like stopping the water, and there was no more half fluttering.



Then how could she live for Yuan Xi? She doesn't want to live herself, so how can she live for others?



She actually had not yet recovered from her high fever, only that the high fever had turned into a low fever. Master Pure Dust has gone out to preach, so she won't be in the temple in recent days. Ying Yun and Ying He see Yuan Xi's body is not very comfortable, so they want to go out of the temple to find a bone-setter to take a look, but Yuan Xi refuses to do so, and the two maidservants can't do anything about it.



The sudden change in Yuan Xi's attitude towards Yin Ruotang also made Yin Ruotang very heartbroken, but he knew that it was Yuan Xi's helpless move, since it hurts sooner or later, it is better to have a long pain than a short one.



Yin Ruotang had seen all of Duke Hu's cultivation of Yuan Xi since she was a child, and he knew that Duke Hu was far-sighted and had no intention of marrying Yuan Xi off to an ordinary family.



So after Yuan Xi returns to her squat, Yin Ruotang leaves. Yin Ruotang wanted to say goodbye to Yuan Xi, but Yuan Xi was asleep, so the two of them ended up saying goodbye without saying goodbye.



Sometimes leaving without saying goodbye is the best way to part, since sooner or later we will part, then one more look will make us a little more attached, so why bother?



Yin Ruotang left Ronghua Temple and went to the market to buy a new dress, changed out of the old dress full of blood stains before returning home. This is the first day of the year, Yin Gong's official position is promoted, the first time to the capital, since it is necessary to visit one or two, so early to go out, has not yet returned home.



Yin Ruotang tiptoed back, but did not want to bump into Yin mother. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, but Yin Ruotang did not return all night, Yin mother knows that her son went to find the Hu family lady, this lonely man and woman together for a night, Yin mother inevitably anxious. This Yuan Xi is the body of the selected showgirl, Yin Ruotang if a moment of confusion, then Yin Gong will still stay in the capital will become a problem.



Mother Yin then coldly and sternly reprimanded, "Yesterday's big day that night, yet you stayed out all night and made your father angry, really more and more unruly."



"Mother calm your anger, it is because last night was New Year's Eve, sister Xi stayed alone in the capital, my son could not bear it, so he accompanied her."



"That's confusing, you don't tolerate it? What makes you intolerant? By the love you've shared since childhood?"



Yin Ruotang was silent.



"Mother knows that you've been interested in Yuan Xi since you were a child, and Mother also likes Yuan Xi. But Duke Hu's mind is known to the entire Huai Lin City, he feels that our family's rank is not worthy of his daughter, and he wants to climb higher!"



Yin Ruotang frowned slightly, still keeping his head down.



Mrs. Yin also said: "To say that the Hu family is really lucky, the late emperor, the new emperor three years ago to ascend the throne, in order to broadly fill the harem, the party selection of showgirls, just this Yuan Xi just past the age of maturity, within the scope of this. These decades have not had the selection of things, actually let her catch up!"



"Mother!" Yin Ruotang called out, he didn't want his mother to say any more, although what his mother said was the truth, every word seemed to dig into his heart.



"Good! Mother won't say any more! But Tang'er, you have to know that you and Yuan Xi are ultimately destined for each other, and it's time to cut the ties of love." Mother Yin patted Ruotang's shoulder and didn't try to dissuade him much as she turned around and went back to the hall after saying that.



Ruotang was so upset that when he returned to his room, he condemned all those who were serving him to go out, he needed quiet, he really needed quiet.



Just came to the capital not long ago, good friends are in Huai Lin, the heart of the grievances of no one to pour out, so I can only borrow wine to dispel their sorrows. So Yin Ruotang condemned people to take a few altars of wine to, outside the house coincided with the snow, Yin Ruotang will let the boy will be placed on the stone table in the courtyard wine altar, he stood on the porch while watching the snow while drinking wine.



Duke Yin returned in the evening and wanted to reprimand his son, but when he saw Yin Ruotang's distraught and saddened appearance, he gave up and turned back to the hall.



After Yin Ruotang left, the east squatter room was even cleaner because there were no other people except Yuan Xi and her three masters and servants.



These days the snow has been raining not stopped, Yuan Xi is extremely tired, for what are not interested in, the whole day to stay in the squatters, even if the food is also by the Ying He to fetch. A few days after the snow stopped, Yuan Xi's low-grade fever finally retreated, people also have the spirit.



This day, the net dust teacher still did not return, Yuan Xi and stayed in the squatters all day rather bored, coinciding with the snow stopped, then put on the cloak out of the distraction.



Who knows only a courtyard, will see a man handheld wine pot staggering to this side, the temple backyard, this is not the place where visitors come and go, not to mention the male visitors, Yuan Xi fixed his eyes to see this person is not someone else, it is Yin Ruotang.