
Yuan Zun: The Ancestral Dragon

If I knew that filling up an inconspicuous survey would transport me to another world, I swear I would have filled it sooner. This is my Journey in the world of Dragon Prince Yuan, a world where strength is everything, a world which perfectly represents the Law of Jungle. Will I be able to Prosper and Fulfill my Ambitions ? (My first time writing anything, Constructive Criticism and Advice are appreciated)

Mohit_0812 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
53 Chs

Chapter 39 - Butterfly Effects

After winning the things he needed Zhou Yuan left the Auction house with Luluo.

At night Zhou Yuan was in Yaoyao's room to ensure everything was alright as she absorbed the Vermillion Blood Grass, Underworld Spirit Fruit, and the spirit source energy if everything went well Yaoyao should be able to reach the peak of the Corporeal realm like him after his breakthrough through Heavens gate realm.

After ensuring that she had absorbed the resources safely Zhou Yuan got up intending to leave.

"Yaoyao let's celebrate our Breakthroughs with wine tomorrow, okay?", Zhou Yuan asked with a smile. To be honest he had never tried any type of liquor or wine in both his lives.

Yaoyao was an avid drinker and he also felt that he should accompany her to drink in the future so that she wouldn't feel left out.

He knew that in her eyes only He, Tuntun, and maybe his mother and father were considered familiar or close and the rest were just like ants, and honestly it was not her fault as it was her inherent divine nature.

And lastly, he also felt that it was a good bonding session.

Zhou Yuan did not hide his affection for Yaoyao anytime, probably she was also aware of affection.

Hearing Zhou Yuan mention wine, Yaoyao's face lit up before she nodded and said in a small voice.


"Then goodnight Yao Yao, rest well I will come to your room tomorrow", after this, Zhou Yuan departed.

After reaching his room, Zhou Yuan practiced his soul with the Primal Chaos Divine Visualisation.

According to Zhou Yuan, this method was perfect for him as this constantly trained his soul and helped him conquer the fear of death, and pain which increased his willpower.

Everyone has their cultivation path, and Zhou Yuan's cultivation was reaching the pinnacle in any or every field.

He strived to reach the pinnacle in all 3 types of cultivation.



It was the next day, and above the city, the 6 envoys had made their public appearance.

All people were busy sucking them and singing their praises due to their background, and they were also responsible for opening the domain.

While everyone's attention was on the envoys Zhou Yuan and Yaoyao were spending their time doing something productive.

Both of them had consolidated their respective breakthroughs throughout the night.

In Zhou Yuan's understanding, it was not he who should suck up to the envoys, it should be vice-versa as he was sure they were present earlier due to his spiritual Perception meaning they had seen his breakthrough.

House of Geniuses - Diner

As Zhou Yuan and Yao Yao sat at the table, they were greeted by an attendee who asked for their order. Yao Yao attempted to order some wine before he stopped her and ordered 3 bottles of Tao Wine, the most expensive wine present in the Diner.

He also ordered some expensive meat for Tuntun.

Zhou Yuan believed if he was going to try something it should be of the best quality and also it would be a new experience for both of them.

It was brought to them with two glasses. They poured one each and began drinking.

Yaoyao gulped all of it down in a single sip as a red hue appeared on her face.

To be honest, Yaoyao looked extra sexy when she drank wine, which is why Zhou Yuan was currently staring at her.

As if sensing his gaze, she looked at him with a cute glare leading him to withdraw his eyes and drink the wine.

Zhou Yuan had to admit that the Wine was good and tasted even better than some of the caffeinated drinks in his past life.

"How is it", Yaoyao asked with a small smile.

"It is fantastic", Zhou Yuan answered with a grin of his own.

"To our Breakthroughs!", Zhou said lifting his hands to toast.

"To our Breakthroughs!"

Yaoyao returned the gesture.

The people sitting around them had long fallen into a daze, it seemed the smiling faces of Zhou Yuan and Yaoyao were too much for their minds to handle.

Completely ignoring other people around them, they drank in silence meanwhile enjoying the view from the table they were seated at. At least they were doing so before they were interrupted by a smoking middle-aged man. Despite not looking like much, both of them could tell that this man was indeed powerful.

"Hmm, young ones... not bad"

While it would seem like he was referring to them he was not, as the man's gaze was completely locked onto the bottle of Tao wine.

Zhou Yuan shook his and pushed an empty cup towards Mu Wuji.

"Try some."

Mu Wuji poured some wine into the cup and drank it all in one go.

"Very Good"

"If you like it much then take this", saying this Zhou Yuan passed the third bottle of wine to him.

That is why he had ordered three bottles of wine.

Yaoyao on the other hand just sat there without even glancing at Mu Wuji.

Hearing this Mu Wuji quickly took the bottle and held it to his body like a treasure.

Mu Wuji also took notice of Yaoyao and was rather amused at the sight of two drinking wine in each other's company so he did something idiotic, and that was to ruin the atmosphere.

"So how long have you two been in a relationship?"

Hearing this unexpected question, caught Zhou Yuan off guard which led to him nearly dropping the wine cup.

Adjusting himself, Zhou Yuan thought for a moment before he devised a devious plan to fluster Yaoyao as he could not be the only one to be embarrassed seeing as how she was still sitting calmly and sipping wine.

But if one were to look closely they would see how she had perked up her ears as if she was interested in hearing Zhou Yuan's answer.

It was true that she had been rather unfazed by the prior question, but she was interested in hearing Zhou Yuan's response.

"We are not in a Relationship.."

hearing his response somewhat disappointed Yaoyao but before her disappointment grew Zhou Yuan fully finished his response.


This response caused Yaoyao to feel the need to hide her face by turning away.

Heat rose on her face as she slightly turned her face away.

Tuntun who was watching this from the side gave a thumbs up and his face seemed to say, 'Smooth brother, too smooth'.

Seeing this Mu Wuji chuckled before waving to Zhou Yuan and going on his way.

"We'll meet again young ones".

After Mu Wuji was gone, Zhou Yuan got closer to where Yaoyao was.

He grabbed her hands before he spoke in her ears.

"Yaoyao why did you seem so disappointed when I said we were not a thing,", he asked fully knowing that this would further embarrass her as Yaoyao had rather thin skin.

As expected she was even more embarrassed, first due to his question and second due to how much physically close they were to each other.

"I-I-..", Yaoyao stuttered.

"Could it be that you want us to be a thing?", he asked teasingly.

While Yaoyao was struggling to answer one question he threw another one with a smile.

At this point, Yaoyao looked up at Zhou Yuan's face and realized that this bastard was teasing her, her face got red with shame and anger as she had been successfully teased.


Zhou Yuan also realized that he had teased her more than she could handle so in a burst of speed he picked up Tuntun and bolted out of the Diner.

"Forgive me Yaoyao", he shouted as Yaoyao was hot on his tail, with a whip made of spirit power.

Even though it would seem like Yaoyao was angry she was not as she was chasing Zhou Yuan with a smile on her face.

Both Tuntun and Zhou Yuan were also laughing.

This created a rather harmonious scene which was an eye treat to both girls and boys.

Zuoqiu Qingyu and Luluo were also watching them from a side after they met up.

Zuoqiu Qingyu got red-eyed as she watched her supposed future husband candidate laugh and interact with another girl.

"They look so good together don't they", Luluo on the side commented seemingly unaware of Zuoqiu Qingyu's thoughts.

While she also felt somewhat jealous of this scene she also knew that both of them had probably only each other in their eyes as they were both indifferent to nearly everyone.

"Shut up Luluo don't rub salt in my wounds", Zuoqiu said while angrily biting a handkerchief, she was also aware of how good they looked together but she did not want her first love to end this early.

Although people around them whispered and stared at them Zhou Yuan and Yaoyao paid them no mind.

Suddenly Zhou Yuan deliberately slowed down before turning around surprising Yaoyao.

He grabbed her from her waist before pulling her close to him.

He gently Dropped Tuntun from his hands, before muttering something in her ears which made Yaoyao red.

He then gently kissed her forehead, before taking her hand and began to walk towards their room, he also beckoned Tuntun with his hands to follow them.

They paid no heed to other people on the scene who by now had their eyes popping out.

Nearly every boy was praising Zhou Yuan for being this smooth in his actions.

While girls were envious of Yaoyao and wished that they could be in her place.

Zuoqiu had long fainted from shock with Luluo catching her.



By the time the second day arrived, the entire Saint Remains City was already boiling with excitement.

Especially when six streaks of light flew out from the city lord's residence and headed directly for the Saint Remains Domain. The countless geniuses inside the city also rose into the air, treading on Genesis Qi as they shot forth, covering the sky and earth like locusts.

Zhou Yuan gazed upon this magnificent scene, before turning his head towards Yaoyao, Luluo, and Zuoqiu Qingyu. "We should go too."

Zuoqiu Qingyu had herself to the group with the help of Luluo and she tried her best to cling to Zhou Yuan but was thwarted by Yaoyao every time as she would sometimes just grab his hand and get even closer to him and start a conversation with him to keep him distracted.

It seemed that after that day Yaoyao had got even closer with him.

After Watching this for a few days, Zhou Yuan concluded that Yaoyao had a rather special talent for keeping people or flies(in her case) away from him, anyways it was not like he had not enjoyed it as he had gotten the opportunity to be very physically close to Yaoyao.

Both of them liked to be near each other so it was fine.

Yaoyao and the rest naturally had no objections. Hence, the group also moved, heading towards the Saint Remains Domain.

The Saint Remains Domain was about thirty miles from Saint Remains City. At full speed, it did not take much time for the group to reach their destination.

Zhou Yuan peered into the distance, where a giant, practically endless basin had appeared at the end of his sight. Mist shrouded the sky above the basin, giving off faint but strange undulations that made one's heart shiver.

Under the mist was an incomparably large river. Light glimmered on the surface of the river's calm and rippleless waters giving one a feeling of depthlessness.

This should be the holy river that encircled the outer region of the Saint Remains Domain.

Countless figures descended, extending to the end of one's sight. No one knew just how many people had come.

Outside the Saint Remains Domain were six titanic stone platforms on which figures were landing one after another.

Zhou Yuan's group also landed on one of the platforms.

Above the platforms, six powerful Genesis Qi torrents whizzed about like storms. Within the storms, one could just barely discern six seated figures.

Zuoqiu Qingyu inquired in a low voice, "Are those the envoys from the six sacred sects?"

Luluo nodded and replied, "Yes, it is said that all six are experts who have reached the Divine Dwelling stage."

"Six Divine Dwelling stage practitioners." Zuoqiu Qingyu could not help but sigh in admiration. These experts were top class even in the Cangmang Continent.

While they were talking Zhou Yuan came to Yaoyao's side and left his Spirit imprint on her and asked her to do the same, so that they could detect and find each other after they get separated.

While he was conversing with her, Zhou Yuan suddenly felt someone looking at him, so he lifted his head and looked towards a certain spot in the distance where a golden figure was standing with his hands behind his back. A strong aura pulsed from his body, making it such that none of the surrounding geniuses dared to approach.

As soon he met Zhou Yuan's Eyes he slightly turned his head away calmly, but on the inside, he was panicking.

As soon as he looked into Zhou Yuan's Eyes he saw visions of himself getting ripped apart by a Giant Red Dragon.

This was not a coincidence as Zhou Yuan had induced it, it happened whenever someone with hostile intentions looked into his eyes be they humans or beasts.

He had developed this technique while Traveling with Yaoyao with Genesis Beasts being his Experiments.

For Wu Huang, this was a nightmare as the Dragon's resentment poison had reacted rather strongly to the presence of Sacred Dragon Blessing in Wu Huang's body.

Wu Huang grew more and more afraid of Zhou Yuan these days as he discovered that his spirit was in a corporeal realm.

He had even tried to get Zhou Yuan assassinated by Zhao Pan, but he was rejected as Zhao Pan had set his mind on inviting Zhou Yuan to the sacred palace.

He wanted to Kill him right now before he grew even stronger but knew that he could not kill or even injure Zhou Yuan as he was more powerful than him due to his High soul cultivation not to mention the inhuman amount of Genesis Qi he had.

Seeing Wu Huang's action Zhou Yuan was filled with disdain as his view of Wu Huang as a coward cemented even more.

In the Original work, this Guy was a coward as when he saw that Zhou Yuan was about to catch up to him he sneak attacked him.

All he had was false bravado, and he also consoled himself by saying that Heavens gave Zhou Yuan Sacred Dragon blessing mistakingly, while he was the true owner.

All this guy knew was cringe shit talk, and false bravado of fearing the strong and bullying the weak.

But Zhou Yuan had decided that while he could not completely kill him due to the soul artifact he would inflict upon him untold levels of pain and also completely take back the 1/3 of the sacred Blessing.

He was not the type to leave an enemy alive as that would in the future cause him a headache, even if it was a small one.

In his view, a good enemy was a dead enemy.

While he was doing his monologue, people around him also pointed and whispered, with him being the subject of their whispers.

He was ready for this adventure.





2583 Words

The Upcoming chapter... 'Cultivation of Dragon's Resentment Poison'

Guys a new novel of Douluo Dalu 2 will come after 15 July.

It's name being The Dragon King.

Mohit_0812creators' thoughts