
Yuan Zun: The Ancestral Dragon

If I knew that filling up an inconspicuous survey would transport me to another world, I swear I would have filled it sooner. This is my Journey in the world of Dragon Prince Yuan, a world where strength is everything, a world which perfectly represents the Law of Jungle. Will I be able to Prosper and Fulfill my Ambitions ? (My first time writing anything, Constructive Criticism and Advice are appreciated)

Mohit_0812 · Cómic
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51 Chs

Chapter 28 - The Ancient Battle Puppet Sect.


The entire courtyard shuddered at this moment.

Dark gold Genesis Qi curled around Zhou Yuan's body. Within Genesis Qi, one could barely make out the figure of a giant golden python hissing at the heavens as an astonishing pressure unfurled from Zhou Yuan's body.


Cracks gradually grew on the stone pavilion he was in due to the pressure from the dark gold Genesis Qi.

This pressure continued for quite some time before gradually receding. Zhou Yuan slowly lowered his head, blankly staring at his palms as he felt the power that was currently surging in his body.

Such power was incomparable to before.

With a thought, he submerged himself into his Qi Dwelling, only to see that the originally pure Genesis Qi within had now completely transformed into dark gold Genesis Qi. As the dark gold Genesis Qi flowed, one could faintly make out the silhouette of a golden python.

His Gold-red Qi Dwelling emitted rays of light that constantly tempered and refined the dark gold Genesis Qi.

"This is the Omni Python Qi?"

Zhou Yuan lowered his head as dark gold Genesis Qi swirled on his hand. He could feel that the power of his Genesis Qi was several times greater than before he had learned any Qi cultivation method.

Yaoyao carried Tuntun as she walked over from the side, her clear eyes focusing on Zhou Yuan. It was a long while later before she slowly said, "Starting now, you have truly become a practitioner of the Ancestral Dragon Scripture."

Now that the first level of the Ancestral Dragon Scripture had been learned, it was no longer possible to reverse the process.

"Are the General and his army ready?", Zhou Yuan asked, his motive for coming here was also the jade infant fruit and the Grade 4 Fire grain.

His Cultivation had already delayed some time, so they should now move swiftly.

"Yes, they were just waiting for you to wake up".

"Let's Go then"




Time skip(The battle is over, and the protagonist and his group have got their hands on the treasure, I am skipping it as the battle is not that relevant to the Plot, or you could say that I am Lazy)

The great battle in the valley finally ended with the surrender of the Black Venom King. The Great Zhou royal clan Zhou Yuan represented was the biggest winner of this affair.

Outside the valley, the other factions tactfully withdrew one after another upon seeing this. After all, Qi Manor had been defeated and even the Black Venom King had submitted.

The royal clan's power will soar to astonishing levels after this event.

In the face of such a powerful royal clan, there were no longer any factions in Blackwater that could match the former.

"Congratulations your Highness." Wei Canglan withdrew his Genesis Qi and cupped his fists together towards Zhou Yuan.

It was clear that Zhou Yuan had grown even more important in Wei Canglan's eyes, and there was even a trace of respect in his tone. After all, besides the mysterious giant beast(Tuntun) and grade 4 Genesis Rune proficient Yaoyao, Zhou Yuan himself could draw Grade 4 runes there was now an additional Black Venom King at Zhou Yuan's side.

These four were comparable to Alpha-Origin experts.

Such strength could easily subdue the entire Great Zhou Empire. The truth was, that the most important reason why Wei Canglan had been able to ignore the imperial edicts was because the royal clan only had one Alpha-Origin expert, Zhou Qing.

This number had now shot up to four.

Hence, if the royal clan wanted to, the great general's faction could easily disappear.

The balance of power between both parties was no longer equal, and Wei Canglan was naturally not foolish enough to treat Zhou Yuan in the same manner as before.

Soon after, his expression grew solemn as he said, "However, due to Qi Manor's failure and the fact that Qi Hao has been killed by Your Highness, Qi Manor will not take this lying down."

Zhou Yuan let out an icy chuckle. "The ones that will not let this matter rest should be us."

Previously, Zhou Qing had been very patient and accommodating because the royal clan's power was equal to Qi Manor's. If they clashed, it would be a huge blow to the Great Zhou Empire. However, after the events of Blackwater, the royal clan's power would undoubtedly rise sharply, making it the best opportunity for them to completely eradicate this malignant tumor of the Great Zhou Empire.

Wei Canglan's heart shivered slightly at the coldness in Zhou Yuan's tone. He knew that the royal clan would soon begin hostilities against Qi Manor.

Wei Canglan hesitated for a split second. In the past, he had refused to interfere in the struggle between the royal clan and Qi Manor. However, this hesitation quickly faded. Since he had already helped Zhou Yuan in the contest for the Fire Spirit Grain, it was likely that Qi Manor already viewed him as part of the royal clan's camp, making him a thorn in their side. Therefore, why not fully side with the royal clan and aid them in eliminating the threat known as Qi Manor?

Wei Canglan replied in a solemn voice, "Don't worry your Highness, if it is needed, the great general's residence will do all we can to exterminate the rebels."

Zhou Yuan nodded and said to Yaoyao, "Then let's look for the rest of the treasure".

Yaoyao gently stroked Tuntun's fur as her red lips parted slightly, "You're right, the Battle Puppet Sect was a rather decent sect, their ruins are likely not as simple as you imagine."

Surprise surfaced in the eyes of everyone else.

Saying this Yaoyao, Zhou Yuan, and Su Youwei started walking forward towards the bottom of the valley.

the rest looked to each other before quickly following.'

The group advanced towards the bottom of the valley.

Their footsteps eventually came to a stop just outside the abandoned herb cultivation field where Zhou Yuan had dug up the Fire Spirit Grain.

Zhou Yuan's eyes darted everywhere, but all he found were the rather desolate bare walls of the valley. There were no traces of anything out of the ordinary.

Wei Canglan's gaze also scanned the area and was likewise unable to discover anything. Thus, they could only turn their doubtful gazes toward Yaoyao.

"Are there other treasures here?" Wei Canglan was a little skeptical.

Yaoyao ignored him as she walked forward into the abandoned herb cultivation field. She squatted down and gently rubbed the ground as she closed her eyes.

Upon seeing this, no one dared to make any noise.

Several minutes later, Yaoyao opened her eyes and pointed towards the large hole that had been left behind after Zhou Yuan had dug out the Fire Spirit Grain earlier and said, "Continue digging there."

Thus, Lu Tieshan and a few Heaven Gate experts moved forward and began to circulate their Genesis Qi, sending waves of Genesis Qi into the hole to dig deeper and deeper.

Layers of soil were sent flying and the originally six feet deep hole very quickly became over thirty feet deep. If one looked in, all one would see was pitch-black darkness.


As one of the Heaven Gate experts shot out another stream of Genesis Qi into the soil, a sound was heard as if something had been struck. Light suddenly emerged from the depths of the hole, blasting away the Heaven Gate expert with a 'bang', causing him to slam into one of the valley walls.

This sudden turn of events stunned everyone.

"It's a Genesis Rune boundary!" Zhou Yuan's eyes flickered brightly as he stared at the bottom of the pitch-black hole. When the light appeared earlier, he had sensed a very faint pulse from inside.

"Let's go down and take a look."

Everyone carefully descended into the pit. They quickly discovered a barrier stretching over one corner of the pit where a bronze door stood.

Wei Canglan uttered in astonishment, "I never imagined that there would be such a thing below the herb cultivation field."

Thanks to Yaoyao and his powerful Spirit perception they were able to locate it, or no one would have realized that there were still treasures under the herb cultivation field.

"This Genesis Rune boundary seems to be very powerful." Wei Canglan's expression was grave as he stared at the barrier. Even someone as powerful as himself could feel an extremely fatal sensation from it.

Yaoyao observed the barrier as she explained, "This is a special Genesis Rune boundary, and a very specific Genesis Rune is needed to open it. Forcibly opening it would cause it to self-destruct, turning the trespasser and the treasures inside to nothingness."

"If it self-destructs, I'm afraid that nothing within a hundred-mile radius will survive."

Upon hearing her words, everyone's hearts trembled as they involuntarily took several steps backward.

"I see then can this work Yaoyao?" Saying this Zhou Yuan took out the Universe bag at his waist and a black jade tile appeared in her hand.

Other People were taken aback when they saw the black jade tile. It was the item Zhou Yuan had purchased for an unfair price of twenty thousand Genesis crystals previously in Devil Prison City.

Su Youwei looked toward Yaoyao in disbelief. "Is the Genesis Rune on the black jade tile the key to open this Genesis Rune boundary?"

If so, His Highness's twenty thousand Genesis crystals were very well spent indeed.

"It should be." Yaoyao touched the somewhat faded Genesis Rune on the jade tile. "I shall give it a try."

She turned her head slightly and looked towards the others as she said, "All of you withdraw from the ruins first such as to prevent the worst-case scenario. I'm unsure of what changes have occurred to the Genesis Rune boundary after so many years have passed, so I cannot ascertain if anything unexpected will happen."

After hearing this, even Wei Canglan felt that he should comply. After all, the dangerous sensation from the Genesis Rune boundary was just a little too overwhelming.

Zhou Yuan opened his mouth and said with a smile, "You guys wait outside the ruins. I will stay here."

Lu Tieshan hastily spoke up upon hearing this, "Your Highness."

Zhou Yuan waved his hand before looking at Yaoyao, "I believe in Yaoyao's Ability, after all, she has taught me Genesis Runes", he finished with a smile.

Yaoyao's ears turned red before she muttered, "Hmph, aren't you a sweet talker", even though it looked as if she was complaining, Zhou Yuan knew that she was just embarrassed.

"I will also stay behind." Su Youwei lifted a fair little hand. No fear could be seen on her small and pretty face.

Zhou Yuan did not object and looked towards the rest to urge them to leave. Wei Canglan and the rest ceased resisting and withdrew from the pit one by one.

After everyone left, Yaoyao grasped her jade-green Genesis Rune Brush as her expression turned serious. She stared at the glowing Genesis Rune boundary before her for a few seconds, before the tip of her brush suddenly descended.

The brush tip flowed like water as stroke after stroke emerged in a unique rhythm.

Zhou Yuan and Su Youwei stood behind her.

The atmosphere in the deep pit was suffocatingly silent. The only noise that could be heard was the very soft movement of Yaoyao's Genesis Rune Brush.

This silence lasted for a long time before the Genesis Rune was finally completed. The extremely complicated rune slowly descended and eventually came into contact with the Genesis Rune boundary.

Zhou Yuan, Yaoyao, and Su Youwei did not dare to blink as they stared at the Genesis Rune boundary.

Buzz buzz!

Under their gazes, the Genesis Rune boundary soon began to ripple violently, waves of berserk undulations pulsing. This caused Zhou Yuan's expression to change slightly, under the impression that the boundary was about to explode.

Fortunately, this only continued for a dozen breaths before gradually calming down.

Next, the trio watched in joy and surprise as the Genesis Rune boundary slowly began to part, revealing a way through.

Su Youwei joyfully blurted out, "It worked!"

Yaoyao gently stroked her fair cheek as a faint smile rose on her lips.

"Awesome!" Zhou Yuan gave a thumbs-up to Yaoyao.

"Go open the door." Yaoyao hoisted her sharp little chin.

Zhou Yuan walked forward, placed his hand on the ice-cold bronze door, and gave a little push. A creaking sound could be heard as the bronze door that had been tightly shut for many many years slowly cracked open.

As the bronze door was pushed open, dusky yellow light peered through.

The trio cautiously walked in.

Behind the door was what appeared to be a spacious underground palace. Though it had been sealed for a long time, there was still fresh air flowing through. The first sight that greeted them was the countless silhouettes silently seated within.

"The cores of these battle puppets are in a dormant state. Moreover, they have not been given any commands. In other words, they are masterless puppets." A single look was all that was needed for Yaoyao to understand the state of the battle puppets here.

Yaoyao said, "However, you won't be able to gain control of them in the short term. Several experts proficient in Genesis Runes will be required to personally activate them one by one. Thus, a tremendous amount of time is needed to gain control of this army."

While the trio were conversing, they passed through the underground palace and arrived at the front of the battle puppet army where a stone platform stood. On the stone platform were three jade cases.

Zhou Yuan walked forward and carefully lifted open one of the cases.


A flash of light immediately escaped from the case, revealing itself to be a crystal. The crystal emitted rays of light that gathered into a screen of light before them.

On the light screen was a ten thousand-mile-long mountain range where an endless procession of buildings stood.

Countless battle puppets could be seen amongst the structures, while numerous figures busily shuttled around. It was a scene from the time when the Battle Puppet Sect still existed. Such grandness and magnificence proved just how powerful the sect had been.


The scene suddenly changed. It was as if all color had faded from the world as space was torn open high up in the sky and a dazzling figure slowly flew out.

The body of this figure was suffused with sacred and holy light. His eyes were completely void of any emotion, while a vertical blood-red scar was embedded between his brows.

The moment this figure appeared, a terrifying pressure seemed to descend from the sky, causing the many mountain peaks to crumble while drawing countless fear-filled gazes.

The figure indifferently looked down from high up in the sky as an emotionless voice resounded across the land.

"The prides of our Sacred race have died here. I declare this place a sinful land that shall receive holy punishment. All life within an eighty thousand mile radius shall be destroyed."

The voice was full of destruction. As it faded, endless heavenly lightning fell from the sky causing the entire place to swiftly disintegrate.

It was a bombardment nearly akin to punishment from the heavens. The only fate for the Battle Puppet Sect was to be turned to ashes.

Heavenly lightning descended, leaving only death within an eighty-thousand-mile radius.

Su Youwei watched in horror as her heart violently shuddered. The scenes depicted were very likely what had happened many years ago in Blackwater. Was this how the numerous ancient factions of that era had been annihilated?

Why was the human figure that glowed with sacred light so terrifying? A single sentence was all it took to destroy every living creature within an eighty-thousand-mile radius.

Could it be? Just because a few talented geniuses of this so-called Sacred race had died here, all life had been sentenced to death as punishment?

While Su Youwei was in shock, she didn't see the murderous intent passing through the eyes of Zhou Yuan and Yaoyao.

Both of them looked at each other and nodded as if agreeing on something.

Yaoyao suddenly reached out her hand as a nine-color lotus flower jade pendant appeared within it.

Light seemed to flash across the usually dormant nine-color jade pendant at this moment.





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