
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Meta Player

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Cómic
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16 Chs

CH 5: Academy Island

Alistair smirked :"I'm pure evil."

Zane hummed :"Oh, really? How evil are we talking?"

Alistair :"Whenever I see an occupied public restroom, I make sure to repeatedly try to open the door to give the person inside paralyzing anxiety."

Zane :"*Confused screaming*"


A sinister light shot out from the bottom of the Despia, Theater of the Branded, before transforming into a demonic vortex. Dramaturge of Despia on the field, and Ad Libitum of Despia in Alistair's hand, both were sucked into the vortex, before a beast even more fearsome than them emerged.

Demonic in appearance, his entire body was covered in obsidian scales, sporting crimson ones in some place. He held a scepter in his hand, just like Dramaturge of Despia, but far more fearsome in comparison. Completely red in color, the scepter was shaped in a matter of being only fangs at the top. A weapon most suitable in appearance to the being holding it. Even with horns on his head and a tail behind him, his most eye-catching features were the four wings behind him. At least if they could be called wings. They were like demonic branches with claws at the end, and with bloody eyes decorating them.

Despian Quaeritis, in all of his glory, floated down to the ground, before standing proudly beside the high and mighty First Darklord. The noiret didn't miss the light nod they gave each other. Which honestly made him question his eyes at this point.

The field looked horrifying on Alistair's part. The First Darklord, Despian Quaeritis, and Masquerade the Blazing Dragon were all staring down at the Ancient Gear Golem. Despite only Masquerade being the same size as the Ancient Gear Golem, the gigantic robot somehow looked even smaller than The First Darklord and Despian Quaeritis. And despite being on the opposite sides, interestingly, Darklord Ukoback was smirking instead.

"I seem to have underestimated him more than I thought..." Even Zane's eyes were wide in shock. The entire place shared his shock. Be it the teachers, the old students, or the newbies, they were all flabbergasted at what they were seeing. These monsters would need several turns to be summoned, yet all of them were summoned in a single turn instead.

But was Alistair finished?

"I'm sorry to say this so much, but I'm not done yet." The smirk plastered on his handsome face was the one that would shame the villain's. And honestly, Dr Crowler had never seen someone so villainous and evil. Poor man (?) was about to cry.

"You see, the monster that I used just now for summoning this big guy, Despian Quaeritis, was Ad Libitum of Despia. Which when used as a fusion material, its effect activates, letting me special summon a Despia monster from my graveyard or banished zone! So say hello to yours truly, Dramaturge of Despia once again!"

[Ad Libitum of Despia: Fairy/ Effect/ Dark/ Lv 8/ 1,500 ATK/ 2,000 Def

Effect(s): During your Main Phase: You can make all monsters currently on the field gain ATK equal to their own Level x 100, until the end of the opponent's turn. If this card in your hand or field is used as Fusion Material, and sent to the GY or banished: You can target 1 of your "Despia" monsters or Level 8 or higher Fusion Monsters, that is banished or in your GY, except "Ad Libitum of Despia"; Special Summon it. You can only use each effect of "Ad Libitum of Despia" once per turn.]

[Alistair's Final Board: 4,000 The First Darklord, 3,000 Dramaturge of Despia, 2,500 Masquerade the Blazing Dragon, 2,500 Despian Quaeritis, 2,500 Darklord Ixchel]

"Hahahahaha, it's so fun being an asshole!" With his hand on his face, the noiret pushed his obsidian hair back, before smirking mockingly :"So, dear Dr Crowler, are my cards still trash? I hope I wasn't making too many mistakes."

Dr Crowler wanted to speak. To bark back. To argue and not be ridiculed. But the words wouldn't leave him. Not when the five demons were staring deep into his very soul. "I'll take that as a no." He said, before snapping his fingers :"Then I'll activate Despian Quaeritis's effect! Once per turn, I can reduce the ATK of all monsters except Lv 8 or higher fusion monsters to a grand total of 0. Which means your legendary Ancient Gear Golem... ain't so legendary no more."

Gripping his scepter, it began to emit a demonic light, before Despian Quaeritis lifted it up and slammed the bottom into the ground, causing the light that was making the scepter grow to rush outside and towards the entire field. Effecting and weakening all monsters except himself, The First Darklord and Masquerade the Blazing Dragon. Even Alistair's non-fusion monsters were no exceptions.

The ATK of both Dramaturge of Despia and Darklord Ixchel both decreased dramatically, before hitting zero. But that was the same for the Ancient Gear Golem as well. His 3,000 ATK fell to zero immediately, causing him to visibly weaken and let out creaking sounds.

"No, my Ancient Gear Golem!" He finally managed to say something, but it didn't matter :"Oh, don't worry about him. He's just going to be sent to where he belongs in a moment. Now be prepared, this one's for Russia motherland! First Darklord, attack! Send his ancient trash to the junkyard!"

"As you wish, master." Suddenly, he heard a ghostly, surreal voice. Shocked, he looked at The First Darklord in amazement, but didn't waste time in his shock. Instead, his smile grew bigger as the fallen angel raised his blade to the sky. An ominous light shot to the sky, before he brought it down with a ice cold glare at the Ancient Gear Golem, and Alistair once again heard the surreal voice :"Perish."

As the light landed on the Ancient Gear Golem, it let out a robotic roar, before it was immediately turned to dust, and the light continued descending towards Dr Crowler, who let out a terrified scream :"AHHHH, THIS CAN'T BE!!" And once it landed on his head, completely enveloping him, he was actually thrown back with a pained shout :"AAAHHHH!!!" Much to Alistair's cringe.

[Alistair Aliyev LP: 4,000

Dr Crowler LP: 4,000 -> 0]

With the duel finished, the duel disks automatically turned off, and the holograms of the monsters slowly disappeared. But as they did, Alistair didn't miss the nod they gave him. Smiling happily and excitedly, he nodded back, causing them all to smile as they disappeared.

Shocked beyond belief, everybody in the place was speechless. That was clearly better than any duel they had seen, despite it lasting only two turns. Which was the norm for Alistair's era. But it took only seconds before loud shouts and cheers echoed around the entire place.

Alistair basked in the celebration, before smiling at Dr Crowler who was still on the ground. Probably mostly because of the shock rather than the pain. Which didn't even exist, because these were all holograms.

"And the show's over. It was fun, Dr Crowler! At least for me. Bye bye now." And with that, he was about to walk back to where Jaden was. Until he heard a ding in his head, and a pop up screen appeared in front of him. 'Well well well, seems like I got more than just fun for this match.' Smirking to himself, he walked back.

[Defeating a Legendary Duelist: 5,000 MDDP

Lv 1 Bonus: 10% (500)

Overkill Additional Reward: +50% (2,500)

Final Reward: 8,000 MDDP]

- (??? later)

With both the written and dueling exam finished, the rest was smooth sailing. Alistair had to admit, the fact that they moved them here with helicopters was pretty sick. Impractical with their numbers, but he figured they were showing off too since they weren't short on helicopters. Guess that happens when Seto freaking Kaiba makes a school.

Now, all the new students were inside of a large screen with the Duel Academy's logo on it, wearing different uniforms. The design was the same, but the color differentiated between red, yellow and blue. Each color related to an Egyptian God Card. And from the ranking, it was obvious which one Kaiba liked the most.

Alistair was obviously in Obelisk Blue. Considering how he had scored the best and 100% in the written exam, along with beating Dr Crowler who was using his personal deck, it was no surprise. The blue jacket which he kept open looked nice on him, along with the black shirt and jeans he wore.

Standing there nonchalantly, alongside Jaden, who was sleeping while standing, he had turned off his ears to the whispering of the freshmen girls. Suddenly, the screen came to life, showing a middle-aged bald man with a beard smiling at them :"Good morning and welcome, my students!

I'm Chancellor Sheppard, the headmaster here, and you are the best and brightest young duelists in the world! Now please, get yourself settled in at your assigned dorms. I think you'll find them quite comfortable! Depending upon how you ranked, of course, hohoho!"

After the welcome speech, everybody walked out of the building. Being the first day of their stay, obviously no classes were held. Outside, Jaden was leaning against a stone tablet with a monster card's design etched on it. He was looking through his PDA, just like Alistair and Syrus :"Well, I don't know about you two, guys, but it looks like I'm in the Slifer Red dorm!"

"That's cool, same with me!" Syrus smiled, before Jaden turned to Alistair and Bastion who just walked by :"Hey, what about you two? You in Red too?" Bastion, being a little shit (lol), checked out his jacket with a smile :"Well now, let's see here. Yellow sleeves, yellow buttons, I don't think so."

"Same with me, J. Just that I'm blue (A/N: Da ba dee daba die!) instead." The superior noiret presented himself. Realization hitting him, Jaden looked down :"Ooh, I get it! So that's why Sy and I are in red!"

Bastion, speechless :"Please don't tell me that you just figured that out now..."

Alistair :"Jaden, your intelligence worries me..."

Jaden, annoyed :"So what?! Ever think I'm colorblind?!"

Bastion :"Well, no, actually I didn't. ARE you colorblind?"

"No, but I could've been!" Jaden just snickered, waving as Bastion began to walk away :"See you around the dorms!" Bastion smiled back :"I doubt that. Your dorm's over there." He pointed at the edge of the island. As he walked away, Alistair was about to as well :"Alright, guys, I'll see you around."

Jaden dabbed him up with a smile :"See you around, bro!" Syrus nodded, slightly intimidated, but still smiled :"See you later." Nodding back, He walked away, following the map in his PDA. A while later, after passing through beautiful trees and basically walking in nature, he came across his dorm.

If it could be called one, at least. The term "castle" would suit it a lot more. The walls were a beautiful white, all clean and perfectly maintained, while the rooftops were blue. The place was massive, in width, going up to three floors, with each room having a balcony of its own. The place truly was suitable for spoiled rich kids.

'Alright~, I'm going to enjoy living here!' Satisfied, he pushed open the door and walked in. And was immediately met with a beautiful scent. Obviously, even if it was a boys' dorm, the place was made for the top class of society.

He couldn't help but enjoy the smell for a bit, before walking in with a smile. The interior was as impressive as the view from the outside. Clean marble walls, decorations all over the place, it screamed "rich kids here please". It seriously was just a castle.

Checking his room number in his PDA, he started to search for it on the second floor. It wasn't hard to find. And he had to admit, he liked the top quality door. Just the door was enough to convince him that the room was going to be awesome.

And lo and behold, he was correct. Unlocking the door and walking in, he was met with a top class room. An enormous room, beautifully painted walls, a large balcony, a little hallway that led to the room with two doors on each side, a big king-size bed, a large closet, and a table with an actual laptop on it.

'Boy, I'm already loving it here.'