

name: Luke Atlas


gender: male

appearance: like Jack Atlas but with black hair and no spikes on his coat



dark resonator x 3

soul resonator x 3

red resonator x3

crimson resonator x 3

synkron resonator x 3

earthbound prisoner stone sweeper x3

ash blossom and joyous spring x3

vision resonator x3 

bone archfiend x3

red warg x3


pot of greed x3

crimson Gaia x3

resonant destruction x1

resonator call x3

monster reborn x3

raigeki x1

polymerization x2


rainbow life x2

infinite impermanence x3'

red zone

fiendish golem x2

extra deck

Hot Red Dragon archfiend x1

Red Supernova Dragon x1

Scarred Dragon archfiend x1

scarlight red dragon x1

hot red dragon Archfiend Abyss x1

Tyrant Red Dragon archfiend x1

hot red dragon archfiend Bane x1

hot red dragon archfiend King Calamity x1

starving venom fusion dragon x1

clearwing synchro dragon x1

Red Rising Dragon x2

dragon knight Draco-equitse x1


armageddon knight x2

 the fiend Megacyber x1

doppel warrior x2

flare resonator x3

clock resonator x2

creation resonator x3

(I know some of these cards are overpowering, but I am willing to debate if some cards should be on this deck. I am not the greatest deck builder, and I try my best)

descendent: jack atlas