
The Mastermind System

[Mastermind System Initialize]

[Beginning System Integration]

[System Integration at 1%]

[System Integration at 9%]

[System Integration at 20%]

[System Integration at 55%]

[System Integration at 87%]

[System Integration at 99%]

[System Integration Complete]

[Greetings, new Host to The Mastermind System]

[Host will be rewarded in changing the story's plot and could trade captured individuals or items for Mastermind System Points (MSP). To trade in system store]

"Okay, that's new. Say System how much can I get for Weevil Underwood."

[Weevil Underwood value at 3,000 MSP]


"Now let's see what I can get?"

Yuri searched throughout the System store and found a few items in purchase.

+Occlumency: magical defense of the mind against external penetration- 1,500 MSP

+Hextech 101 Introduction into the science of magic- 100 MSP

+Hextech Begin toolkit: 1,000 MSP

Reading through the book, Yuri put it and the toolkit inside his large suitcase. He then went to look for that main characters, to see if he can beat them in a duel or just beat them up. To earn his next reward. Searching outside, he finally came on the group.

"Come on, Tristan! We Sneaked inside the tournament." said Tea.

"Don't our parents even care that we're missing?" replied Tristan

"Sorry you almost drowned, guys." 

"If it's any consolation, the sun will be up in a few hours!"

"Man, I can't believe I didn't save your cards! Compared to this, my sister's imminent blindness seems like a minor inconvenience!" said Joey

"Your sister? How come you never mentioned that sub-plot before?" replied Yugi?

"My parents got divorced a long time ago, because I tried teaching her how to drive."

"We'll both do our best, Joey! You for your sister, and me for my Grandpa."

"I'm not even sure why I bothered coming!" whined Tea

'Great I'm in a little Kuriboh mix version'

"Hey there guys don't mind me, I was just listening to you two confess that you snuck inside the ship, and you illegally entered."

Yuri pointed at Tea, Tristan and Joey.

"My, my, my. Whatever shall I do?"

Both Joey and Tristan nodded each other and started cracking their knuckles.

"Listen here pal, you'll never get everything you just listen to. If you know what's good for you."

"Yeah, and my voice gives me super strength!"

Yuri just smiling at them and gave them of the hand gesture. Come and get it. Both teams charged at him taking big swings.

Tristan arrived first trying to land his attack, but he was met with Yuri grabbing his arm and throwing him in a judo flip into them floor, knocking him out. Joey tried to Take advantage that Yuri was busy standing back up and swung for the fields.

Sadly, he was met with a kick to his legs, that threw him off balance and knocking him to the floor. Which Yuri capitalized bending his arm behind his back, leaving Joey in an arm lock on the floor.

"Looks like I win."

Yuri was expecting to be rewarded for beating Joey and Tristan. But it ended up that he needed to beat them in a duel or to literally take them out. Yugi then stepped in for his friends.

"Hey, you! let's settle this in a duel! It's not like their main character or anything."

"Okay, I'm game."

Yuri said this, getting off of here Joey. But then the dumb teen got up and tried to defend his honor.

"No Yugi, I'll beat him. Nya!"

"But Joey, you don't really know how to play the game."

"It's OK Yug. The blue cards are monster cards, right?"

Everyone slapped their head, while Yuri grew a large grin in excited, by the sheer stupidity of Joey.

"OK, this is going to be fun. I'm 100% in!"

Grabbing a couple of boxes, they set up a board and seats.

Joey (2000LP) VS Yuri (2000LP) 

Yuri drew first beginning the duel.

"I'll set two cards face down and then I'll play the monster face down the field. Then I'll end my turn."

"Ha, ya must of bad a bad draw, placing your monster in face down defense. Hm"

"Let me show you how a real man takes a turn. First, I'll summon Garoozis in attack, though."

Garoozis (Beast-Warrior/FIRE/Level 5/ATK 1800/DEF 1500)

"And then I'll att-"

"I activate my trap card. Trap hole. And by duelist kingdom rules, you'll lose life points equal to half of the monster's attack.

When your opponent Normal or Flip Summons 1 monster with 1000 or more ATK: Target that monster; destroy that target.

Join became dumbfounded.


Joey (2000LP) - 900= 1100LP

"Grr. I'll end my turn then."

"Oh no! Joey has no monsters to defend himself" cried out tea.

"My turn. Draw!"

"I'll play the spell card ookazi Dealing 800 damage to you."

Joey (1100LP) - 800= 400

Then I'll finish the duel by flipping my face down Stealth Bird face up activating its effect, dealing 1000 damage to you, and winning the duel.

(Winged Beast/DARK/Level 3/ATK 700/DEF 1700)

Effect: Once per turn: You can change this card to face-down Defense Position. When this card is Flip Summoned: Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.

Joey (400LP) - 1000= 0

Winner Yuri

Yuri left everyone in shock that he won so quickly. 



[Welcome Host to Yu-Gi-Oh Dualist kingdom arc] 

[Host must complete one of the mission quests]

[Become King of games] [Ultra rare reward]

[Take out or beat Pegasus] [Super rare reward] 

[Take out or beat Yugi] [Super rare reward]

[Take out or beat Kaiba] [Super rare reward]

[Be the first to take out or beat a main Protagonist of Duelist Kingdom] [Super rare reward] [Complete]

[Be the first to take out or beat a main Antagonist of Duelist Kingdom] [Complete]

[Take out or beat main support Cast (0/4) Joey Wheeler, Téa Gardner, Tristan Taylor and Bakura Ryou] [Super rare reward]

[Take out or beat five Antagonist] [Rare reward]

[Collect all millennium items] [Ultra rare reward]

[Take out or beat 10 unnamed characters] [Rare reward]

[Let the story take its course] [Normal reward]

MSP: 400