
Paragraph 9 : Arthur And Douglas

Now that everybody was knowledgeable about the friendship of the four, they started to meet from time to time in the castle. They were still keeping a low profile, and they had little freedom to be their usual selves when they were together, but at least it made it much easier and faster to find some time - and of course a nearby place - to exchange about what they could and should do. However, this had an additional, unexpected drawback. One day, while walking on the ground floor, in an outer corridor, they went past two Slytherin boys, Arthur Fosty and his best friend Douglas Poofer. Arthur turned around, and told them in a loud voice

You still don't get how stupid you look when you are together?

The four of them also turned around, to face Fosty and Poofer, Sigismond being the last one to do so, since he had been the last one to notice something consequential was going on, too, with the result that he was a few steps behind the three girls. Ann asked :

Arthur, why did you decide to be more unbearable than before ?

Arthur Fosty chose to elaborate to the point where it would hurt most, but also where it would make his main personality trait quite apparent

Let me get lyrical. We were in the Common Room, say one month ago or so. That's when this silly quest for the dark book started. And Douglas came up with a brilliant idea. He wanted me to pick one student from each House, so four of them in total, the most pathetic ones among those who wanted the book. I had many candidates. First there are those that I eliminated. Ravenclaw's Evan Patts, who is delusional enough to believe he will be famous one day. Quite a good candidate, entertainingly stupid, but he was not looking for the book. Then, there was another case that stood out. Hufflepuff's Akinori Milpense. The girl will just react to anything with funny made-up words, take out her wand, perform magic on whatever would come from her pockets, and hand it over to you, with both hands extended. A top-level weirdo, not the least interested in the book though. Gryffindor's Terrence Woadler. Brooding so much that you can expect him to commit suicide at any time. This one, surprisingly, was going for the book. Didn't pick him for the afore-mentioned reason. Didn't want to end in Azkaban if he actually went for a big jump or a Butterbeer overdose. Ravenclaw's Amalie Eamon. Always mad in love for some guy. One day it's John, the next day it's James. Difficult to track, even for Houstack. But of course, just too busy chasing guys to be chasing a book. At least that's an intelligent trait of hers. The only one. Gryffindor could also have been represented by Robert Stoutson. Always sporting this contemptuous look, so vain, so satisfied with himself. And actively looking for the book. But I knew that he wouldn't last more than three minutes with three other people in the same room. Unless there would be a huge mirror in it just for him. The only person with whom he can socialise is himself. I had to exclude one more Ravenclaw from the list. Oliver Perrusi. The guy comes from a wealthy family, he always wants the most exclusive item possible. He can't realize he pisses off everybody when he says he is after an autograph from a Quidditch star, or after the Elder Wand. Even if he were saying he is after an Easter egg, he would find a way to speak his wish in a fashion that would annoy people. Of course he wants the book. But how to keep him in a room with three people who are poor according to his standards? They would Stupefy him through the window. That's why we ended up with you. Aves has the subtlety of something that I heard about in Muggles' studies, that must be a 'chainsow'. Candler has completely lost his marbles. Parry will always blindly follow the flock. And Magarthy the Foggie is not kind, she is way more than that, she is mawkishness made human. You know why you keep together ? Because each of you knows that the three others are as much of a misfit as you are

Fosty ended his monologue here, waiting rapturously for the outcome. Several other students had gathered around the scene, expecting some fireworks. Eleanor walked over to him, to the extent she was so close that she was within range to slap him in the face. Fosty pointed his wand in response at Eleanor's stomach. And the little Eleanor, standing on her tiptoes, kissed Arthur Fosty on the cheek. While the latter started blushing more and more, Eleanor added, without any trace of irony

Thank you for providing me with three great friends

Ann, Sigismond, Judith, and a part of the audience erupted in laughter. An enraged Arthur Fosty yelled, to cover the noise of the surrounding exhilaration,

I will take on any of you losers. Now

Ann moved to face her fellow Slytherin. Fosty didn't lose a second, cast a spell, and Ann, taken by surprise, was forced to bow to her opponent. Fosty maintained her in this bowing posture, but Sigismond, without even taking his wand out, hurried to place himself between Arthur and Ann, putting an end to the effect of the spell. Arthur suddenly told Douglas Poofer,

We got what we wanted

and they eloped together through the crowd that had encircled the group. It became quickly obvious they had done so, not out of any sense of measure, but out of fear of landing in trouble, for Professor Flitwick had come in the direction of the action. Since said action had ceased to be interesting, the crowd disbanded, leaving the four friends alone with mixed feelings. Later, in the Slytherin Common Room, some students voiced their support for Ann, which comforted her a little bit.