
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Fantasía
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74 Chs

Faith in the Heavens

Gwen bit down on her lip as she nodded from the heavy words that they were both stewing on. It was an interesting connection to make, but they didn't have any time to stew about it now. The wind was continuing to howl outside, and Gwen shivered when the cold air brushed across her exposed skin.

Amos was running down the hallways, taking all the shortcuts needed to get to where they had to be as fast as possible. She was bobbing on his back with his rapid steps through the long and winding hallways before leaping down the stairs, and Gwen held on tightly and put trust into her people that everything would turn out fine by the mercy of the heavens above. 

They made it down to the lower level, and they passed by the main living rooms and the throne room in a flash. Gwen passed by the paintings once more, and the lightning that flashed upon them through the windows made the portraits seem sinister the lights were off in the area where the throne room was. 

Amos got down on one knee when they got to the front doors of the mansion, and Gwen hopped off and patted his back in thanks before going to the heavy doors and unlocking them. It was insanity how no one was able to get back inside the mansion, meaning that it was both a positive and negative of how tight their inner security of the house was.

Propping the door open, she flew down the stairs and was welcomed by the rain pouring above and drenched her clothes with Amos right behind her as she got to the base of the courtyard.

The water was ice cold, pushing her sluggishness away. She saw her people gathered in the rain, trying to stick together for warmth, and Gwen was rushed by a flurry of arms and relief. 

Gwen hugged Laura tightly before squeezing everyone else near her. Avery had a troubled expression on her face, but Gwen shook her head to let her know not to be so pressed despite her disheveled appearance.

"Your Grace," Laura murmured into her ear.

"It's okay, Laura. I'm okay," Gwen whispered. 

The knights led Gwen over to the side underneath a large tree where they could get some shelter from the rain they all surrounded her while some left to go inside to do a clean sweep of the mansion. 

The tree wasn't very effective at all with large streams of water still being able to come down, but Avery and Laura were by her side, shielding her away from everything now it seemed, sticking tight to her like glue after the scare.

Cosette squeezed her way through the tight-knit circle and pushed her glasses which were completely drenched by the rain further up her slim nose. "Are you alright, Your Grace? The biggest concern at the moment is your well-being."

"I'm fine," Gwen said loudly to reassure everyone before hushing it down to speak in the huddled circle. "I wasn't able to catch the face of the intruder that came into the study though. He might not be there when Amos goes back in to investigate." 

Cosette's frown flattened into a grim line. "I see. We need to put tighter security on you, Your Grace. I couldn't even image His Grace's reaction to the fact that his wife was put in danger without even having seen her."

Gwen gave her brave smile. "We have made it this far. Have some faith in me, Cosette."

"Of course, Your Grace," Cosette replied immediately. "I truly believe that you can do anything that you set your mind to."

Evan nodded. "We will regroup in a second once Commander returns."

Gwen didn't want to voice out Amos's speculations just yet since she wanted to do so when Cassian and the rest of the second highest order of knights returned because Gwen could feel how dicey the situation was. She didn't want to start stepping on landmines that she knew were already planted. 

It would be best to root them out quietly versus making a loud plan in a declaration that would only put everyone inside the mansion and on the estate in more danger. It was a pain, but it must be done. Waiting patiently was a game that Gwen could play long the con for.

"May I look at your arm, Your Grace?" Vaughn asked lightly.

Gwen nodded and hissed out a breath slowly in pain as she rested her scratched arm on Vaughn's outstretched hand. 

"It's a light scratch, and the same on my legs and hands," Gwen expressed trying to stay positive.

"Let's go get these cleaned up immediately," Vaughn voiced sternly. 

There was a knock on the door above loudly, and people around were still talking, the words of gossip spreading like wildfire. Gwen looked up to see that it was Amos banging his fists on the door to try and get everyone's attention. "Everyone, come back inside!"

Those around looked over at Gwen, having an expectant look for her to go first, as it was quite accustomed, but Gwen gave out an exasperated sigh. "Let's all head inside at the same time, please. We're all going to get sick if we are out here any longer."

She also would hate for anyone to get hurt while they were outside because the intruders could be lingering somewhere. If Amos cleared for them to go inside, then it must be clear enough for the time being to go back inside.

All that Gwen could hope for the moment is the fact that they'll figure out the intruders as fast as possible once the safety hazard has been secured. No lives have yet been lost, but that doesn't change much for the future since no one truly knows what comes from only a split-second difference. 

Gwen could pray for was the fact that the heavens above were watching because she could feel something settle on the mansion that wasn't correct. From what she had learned, it was to always trust her gut reaction. But for now, as a reminder, they needed to play it safe before the rest of the second-highest-order knights return.