
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Fantasía
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74 Chs

Bloodied Trail

The thing was, Gwen was actually a spectacular rider. She was the most skilled at horse riding among her siblings and loved to ride around the hills and valleys of her estate in the evening.

She lost her feathered hat in the making, making her boundless golden hair flying behind her. She picked up the pace to get to the knights ahead, pulling the carriage. They glanced at her in shock.

"Laura and Avery are still in the carriage! We can evade the assassins if we ride only by horseback!" Gwen yelled.

"Yes, Your Grace!"

The knights to the right veered back, and Gwen rode harder, following the movement and grace of the horse. She hasn't ridden like this in forever, she could already feel the repercussion of the action from the burning and tightening of her thighs and knees. The knights cut themselves from the carriage tying them down once Laura and Avery were taken out with them holding tightly to some salvaged items.

The carriage crumpled down on the grassy terrain, getting trampled apart by the rampage. Her parents' extensive amount of gifts for the duke were going down the drain, but Avery was able to carry some items while Laura was carrying two of her suitcases. Gwen smiled at their bravery and strength. She didn't have anything of much sentimental value, so those that were lost wouldn't be any pressing matter.

The hostile group behind them was still chasing, and Gwen turned back to see that her knights had taken care of most of the group further in the back with bodies scattered on the ground. Blood marred their faces, and Gwen tightened her hands on the reins, dearly hoping that she didn't lose anyone.

Those chasing were only cavalry-based ones with no weapon in sight, and Riley beside her lifted his bow and arrow, shooting the arrow straight into the man's chest.

Gwen averted her eyes to the front, as they came upon the rest of the hill before going down. The rush of adrenaline filled her blood, as her surroundings blended into a beautiful sight from the sunset.

Slowing to a stop at the top of the next bend, she turned back to see that only her knights were behind her. She lifted her hand, and those around her stopped. Her horse went around in a circle, as she ran a hand down the side, patting the stallion. Her eyes surveyed the knights, and some were injured. There was a mess of blood left from their trail, but they made it out alive.

Clandestine wasn't far from where they were, and Gwen breathed out a breathless sigh. She needed to know if everyone was there. "Cassian, please do roll call."

Cassian's eyes flicked forward to look at his team. "We haven't lost anyone, Your Grace."

Gwen smiled, pleased. "I'm so glad. Let's head to Clandestine now, shall we?"

The knights nodded in answer as they took off ahead of her with Cassian leading the group. Silas matched her pace to keep watch over her with Avery holding on to him tightly. Laura was with Bronx who was up ahead, leaving dust behind their path.

Gwen snapped her reins to pick up the speed. She took off after them into the blinding sun and after some time when the sun had long set, the bright city lights came into view.

The capital city of Clandestine was the hub of trade with busy streets every hour of the day that lead even to the darkest hours of the night. Gwen and her men made it to the entrance and strode inside the city walls.

There were many people occupied with trading, carrying their large wooden trailers behind them to try and sell their products.

Cassian trotted next to her, as they made their way through the bustling streets. "Your Grace. We will need to purchase a new carriage for you."

Gwen waved her hand. "There is no need. We will make it to the Latimer estate tomorrow afternoon if we ride horseback."

"Your attendants will grow weary of holding onto your luggage."

Gwen bit her lip. Avery and Laura must be exhausted by now. "Ah, I understand. Go ahead then."

"Please rest at the lodging where Silas is leading you. I and some others will meet you back over there after we make the purchase."

Gwen nodded. She was grateful for a bed since she had been sleeping in the carriage for three nights on the flooring of the carriage that Avery had placed many layers of blankets to derive from the hard floor. Laura and Avery ended up sleeping on opposite seating cushions that were much too small.

Silas stopped in front of a luxurious café with a golden sign and hopped off his horse. He knocked on the door which said closed with a wooden sign, and a young woman with dark red hair that was tied in a haphazard bun on her head lolled to the side. She was wearing an apron on top of a white nightgown with some flour smeared on her hands.

A smile broke into her face when her eyes lit up in recognition. "Silas! I haven't seen you in a while!"

"Hello, Constance. Do you mind if we stay for the night?"

"Who is the 'we'?"

Silas gestured back. "We."

Constance laughed. "A whole party to join the fun. Yes, please come in. I have already closed for the night, but there are some extra rooms in the inn next door that are connected to my area only."

"That is why we made the stop here. Thank you," Silas said.

"Of course," Constance replied, as she ushered everyone inside. "I was in the works of baking my newest creation, but that can be put on hold."

Gwen smiled as she took off her gloves. "What were you making?"

Constance's brown eyes landed on Gwen, and she gasped. "Wow, aren't you gorgeous?"