
New beginning

The time slowly crawled as if it doesn't have any intention to move at all, oh the frustration it brings. Hand holding onto the sign on the inside of the coffee shop, waiting for the right time to switch it from 'Closed' to 'Open'.

Beady baby blue eyes stuck on the clock, foot tapping in being impatient and hand itching to just switch the sign already. 'Just a few more minutes'. Hands on the clock slowly moved as if it's trying to tease denver.

"Move a bit faster would you!" Denver shouted to the clock in frustration, just wanting the clock to stop teasing him.

And so the clock, as if understanding the coffee shop owner's frustration, finally reached the long awaiting time.

"Finally" He switched the sign and waited behind the counter. Not even a minute passed and three customer came in.

Two are women and the last a man. Two looking like celebrities and the other looking as if a cat dragged him in.

"I'd like a espresso with a bit of lemon" The voice sounded like a whisper in the wind that if not paying attention, you would miss.

"Right away ma'am" He moved so fast that you would've sworn he's flash in disguise. The woman took her coffee, paying the right amount of money but left a tip behind for being quick in serving.

The next person in line is the man that looked like had a fight with some cats. Scratches all over his body, clothes torn and hair disheveled.

"Sir, I'm not trying to be nosy but did you have a fight with cats?"

"As a matter of fact, I did. Just this morning." Denver awkwardly smiled, asking for the man's order and quickly made it. The aroma of the freshly made coffee gave a slap to the man's face, taking notice of his appearance and walked away in embarrassment.

"I'd like any type of coffee, no sugar or anything needed". Her bright smile lit up the whole shop, white teeth almost causing the introverted man to go blind.

'Is she trying to blind me with her teeth?'

"Here's your coffee ma'am" The aforementioned woman dug around in her purse, taking out a bit too much money and handed it over whilst taking her coffee.

"This is too much-"

"Keep it." She left before he could even argue.

'I guess this is a new beginning for me'