
your queen is gone

Living in ones own fantasy novel as a main lead would be a dream come true for every author, the problem is my stories aren't exactly all sunshine and rainbows... " you made me miserable like this...now fix it!" Who would've thought my cold blooded queen would actually want a happy ending from me..

yasminscreation · Fantasía
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21 Chs

5. A never ending war

Things got better after that night...

Of course my body was still in pain and nightmares had become a part of my daily routine, but at the very least I can control my urge for drinking and taking drugs now.


Scarlet seized the throne without hesitation and killed anyone opposing her.


Sir. Franco was the first knight who pledged his loyalty to the last descendent of the royal family.

A family blessed by the god of war.


Scarlet's blessing was stronger than all the previous royal bloods all together, it was a given that no one was able to defeat her easily.


That night, on Scarlet's 15th birthday, a new sun arose in a small kingdom.


Scarlet was always precise at what she did as a monarch, but being on guard all the time was very tiring...


On going assassination attempts, neighbouring countries pressure and war threads led her to make a decision she came to regret for the rest of her life...


A political marriage with a stronger country.


Although she had no fear of war, she knew better that their supply and man power was very lacking.


In the world I had created, marriage was a holy union since the couple would share their magical powers with each other. Therefore political marriage was shunned on, but scarlet was sure that she's incapable of feeling love, there was no reason for her to have it any other way.


She married the weakest prince in order to have the upper hand, Fredrick Clinton Federer, the fourth prince with magical healing powers.


Blond hair that resembled sun shine and deep blue eyes.

Scarlet liked his ocean eyes the best, but that was all.


Little did she know...

This cute 19 year old weak boy would soon soften her heart.

He was the first man who had given her both love and respect.

The naive Scarlet fell for his charms.

Blinded by love she did as he wished, gave him her land and went to war in his stead.


He had accepted her the way she was... a murderer, a lunatic and an antisocial queen... she felt as if all she did for him wasn't good enough, he deserved more than just these land and glory.


Her kingdom was a small price for his love and attention, she didn't count that land as her home anyway.


She whispered to the wind as she cleaned her enemy's warm blood off her cheek...


"Where ever you are...that's my home Fredrick..."


3 years went by, Frederick's once unconditional love, was now dependent on what she could do for him.


Scarlet killed Frederick's family in order to make him king as he wanted, but that wasn't enough...he wanted to become the emperor...


Scarlet's health was slowly worsening from being on never ending battle fields, even Fredrick's healing powers weren't enough to keep her standing anymore. So she came back to the capital, where she could rest and heal next to her loving husband.


Fredrick wasn't happy with this, this meant that it was his turn to go to war, Scarlet's powers were too precious to let go of.


No, he wanted her by his side, she was still useful to him. Not to mention how her powers had helped him out many times.


Fredrick smiled seductively :

"Have you ever seen an emperor with no successor my love..?"

Scarlet had felt his love fading away, a part of her heart still foolishly believed that he would love her again if she gave birth to a child.

Daniel was born the next year, just like he wanted...an heir was born...but Scarlet didn't feel the slightest bid of affection for this little being in her arms that caused her so much pain...


"Don't worry...

You will eventually end up loving him, just like how you fell for me..."




She was sick of it already...

She was now mature enough to know that this basterd never loved her to begin with.

She was nothing but a tool to him. It did bother her since she felt betrayed but she also knew how she had blindly followed him previously and in a way...she too, had used him as a tool to fill the bottomless void in her heart.


Daniel had his mother's hair colour and his fathers deep blue eyes.


She felt disgusted every time, their eyes met.

'One day, that child will betray me too...'


This led to her to be even more gloomy, she no longer wished to go out of her room or see her child or husband. Her graceful body withered a little more every passing day just like a flower.


One night when her insomnia had kicked in, she decided to take a tour around the castle, she hadn't felt at peace in quite awhile.


But that was also the night she heard those cruel words coming out of Frederick's mouth:


"Scarlet has been on my nerves these days...can you believe that she refused to see me yesterday? Me! Who gave her everything she has! How dare she act so impolite!

That good for nothing witch will soon die any way...

Arnold said her food might be getting poisoned little by little, but why isn't she dying already?

I can't wait to get rid of her and that son of a b*tch of hers...is that thing even my child?

How could I know when she has spent so much time with all those male knights?!

He hasn't even awoken any abilities yet! How can he be my child?

 My child with no abilities?! What a joke!

I wish i could just send an assassin to get rid of them as soon as possible, I'm tired of seeing her freaky eyes!"


'Freaky eyes you say... hah ...didn't you say you wished our son had the same eye colour as me?'


She let out a small laugh,


'Guess its time for you to see my freaky eyes one last time...'




I felt someone gently patting my head, their touch was different from Mary's, but I didn't give it much thought since no one was crazy enough to dare and touch the queen, specially in this state.


'This isn't that bad though, I'm kindda enjoying this...'