
your queen is gone

Living in ones own fantasy novel as a main lead would be a dream come true for every author, the problem is my stories aren't exactly all sunshine and rainbows... " you made me miserable like this...now fix it!" Who would've thought my cold blooded queen would actually want a happy ending from me..

yasminscreation · Fantasía
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21 Chs

13. western nobles vs mad generals

letting go of Daniel was even harder than approaching him.

I was expecting a child with an empty look in his eyes, someone who had turned his back on the world due to all the sh*t Scarlet made him go through. however, it seemed like I had awoken them all at once as he was full of emotions. I could tell he wanted to scream and shout but he kept quite out of fear of losing this comforting embrace once more.

Even though he didn't seem to believe any of my reassuring words, it's ok. I can't blame him for being like that, i would've done the same. But I won't give up on him that easily. I stroke his hair some more till his sobbing stopped.

'He needs love and care, and I'll do anything to stop his pain and misfortune that's what Scarlet wants…right?'

I asked him if he would like to visit me every now and then, and that I wouldn't get angry or disappointed if he'd rather not.

It was surprising how quickly he accepted it even with a shaky voice, yearning to spend time with his mother.

After our dramatic first encounter, I asked Silver to be more careful around Daniel and to not cause any troubles for the time being while giving him a pat on the head as usual.

Dam.Carlin was the only person in my office as Mary took silver and Daniel away.

The pile of papers on my desk still bothers me to death, letting me know that no matter how much of an emotional encounter I might have had, there are matters that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. I sigh as I give up on reading them all in on go and try my best to stay focused on one paper at the time.




I rob my eyes, trying not to fall asleep. I could hardly understand what was stated in the papers as the author and date of each one of them were not in a specific order, not to mention how clueless I was about most of the names and places. Scarlet might have given me her memories but they were only major events of her life.

Dam. Carlin who had been silently watching me all this time carefully asks if I'd like to go for a little walk.

"yes, perhaps that would be a good idea."

I smile faintly at her. her blushing fan girl face caught me off guard, making me feel warmth in my heart and smile a little more.

...it really didn't take that long for me to regret ever setting foot out of my comfy wing palace.

A bunch of nobles (mostly geezers) were ((coincidentally)) waiting for me to take a walk.

As they were trying to quickly look presentable, my gaze was directed to a familiar face.

One of Scarlets generals, who had fought side by side in numerous battles.

'Again…A warm feeling...'

Before getting to great any of them recognizing the look on their faces takes me by surprise.

looks that were full of emotions. Anger, pity, hatred, fear, ignorance. not a single one of them was happy to see me, Scarlet.

It was a normal thing for Scarlet but it's the first time that I see it with my own eyes and not through her memories.

I feel a sudden rush of emotion and Scarlets instincts tells me to strangle and crush them like the bugs they are. confused by all these emotions and thoughts that both were and weren't mine I take a deep breath and walkaway, ignoring their rushed efforts to match my steps.

' I'm not confident enough about controling my emotions yet... what if I really do what these voices say...'

I feel a burning sensation on the palm of my hands, reminding me of scarlet using her power of destruction in the battle field.

my fast pasted steps turn into running as I grab the ham of my dress with no thought in my head other than a loud voice.


Scarlet would never back off a fight like that, I didn't even let them explain themselves or tell me the reason they were waiting for me to begin with.

I hide behind a big vase as I try to catch my breath.

'this was a bad idea'

it's too late for regrets anyway. I brush off some of the dust on my dress but stop to listen when I hear multiple footsteps approaching.

"I'm telling you! Her majesty only sobers up when she wants to head for another battle. we worked so hard to make our economy stable again and just when I thought I could finally have a goodnights rest she decides to wage another war?"

"Count, it is best not to get ahead of ourselves. perhaps she has come to her senses and wants to change her ways."

"hah! yer fancy pants western nobles will never understand her majesty's heart. once ya become war crazed there's no way back! she will start a war for sure! ha-ha just when I was getting bored!"

"Tsk… how did such a barbarian get into our castle…"

The voices fade away…and I get back to my room without knowing how or caring about what happened to my escort.


I take a look outside the view from my office is very different from this. I can almost see the whole city under my feet and the bright night sky above with no clouds to be seen.

I felt even more dreadful to fall asleep cause I knew this time is probably going to be about Scarlets bloody revenge...and maybe...just maybe her hateful moments with Theodore too.

A desire to drink away those nightmares drives me to call for Mary, she helps me change into a night gown and sings me a lullaby. My whole body aches from the sudden exercise in the morning.

"you keep treating me like a child Mary..."

I said with a sleepy voice.

"And what's wrong with that your majesty?"

She strikes my hair as I fall asleep to her sweet and loving voice.
