
Ch 119: Reflections

 Three months had gone by since Minami had discovered she was pregnant.

Most of her promotional activities had been cancelled citing health reasons as the cause.

Her concert had finally been held a week ago and had gone off without a hitch.

Yuu was right, her pregnancy had stabilized, and her morning sickness had lessened – or maybe it was just the anxiety that had.

There were some difficulties though that she wished could've been avoided.

Her costumes had been a little too tight since she was now flaunting a very minor baby bump. It had made her somewhat self-conscious and had made them a bit uncomfortable to dance in.

Thankfully though, no one seemed to notice.

Leading up to the actual day of the concert, she'd had a lot of anxiety, her nerves were going wild wondering if it would be pulled off properly.

Yuu had changed the show and called for some choreography changes.