
Your Hues Were Not For Me [Soulmate AU]

Love was a hard thing. It was beautiful but it was difficult. To find someone who loved you, who would offer their all to you, who would risk everything for you — that was the hardest part. With low self-esteem and a lot of self-hate, that seems to even be impossible. Soulmates, a beautiful creation. A striking discovery. How wonderful it is to know that somewhere out there, there will be someone who's bound to you. Find it or let it come to you.

yander · Ciudad
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1 Chs

1: Dripping Red

Red. She was sure it was red. She had heard it countless times that blood was colored red. She had read it once in a book of soulmates when one of them bled and it reflected on the other. She had seen it, although not particularly, in her mom when she wounded herself and out of curiosity, she asked.

"What color is that water, mom?" Loe being only 9 years old was curious as to what color the liquid, which she called water, flowing from inside her mom was. Her mom only chuckled.

"This is not water, honey. This is blood. It's all over your body and it goes out when your body gets cut open." She explained carefully to her daughter as Loe was scrunching her nose.

"What color is it?" Loe had big doe eyes that screamed fascination.

"It's red." Her mom smiled and she did too.

Although she still did not know what this red looks like, she was happy with this new knowledge.

You might think that Loe is blind but no. Color blind? Still no. It was just she was living in a world of black and white. They all were.

But how come her mother knew colors?

Well, in her world everything is black and white... except for when you meet the love of your life, as they call as soulmate. Your soulmate would literally give colors to your life, and you will to them.

Just the thought of her soulmate had Loe excited. Her parents were very supportive of her ever since and would be frequently asking Loe if she had met someone who would give her the colors. It was cute. They were cute.

Now Loe is 22 years old, working as a personal assistant for a CEO of one of the biggest companies in New York. Her boss, however, was her best friend since high school and would often treat her as that rather than being professional and treat her like her assistant and she would most likely have a lot of free time because of this. This had an advantage and a disadvantage for her since this meant she had more time to rest but to also think about her life which made her depressed.

You see, every day, Loe beats herself up mentally — questioning her worth and crying for herself. No, she was not abused. She just thought that she was someone who wouldn't be loved. Someone who couldn't feel the warmth of being with someone else that loves her.

She had boyfriends before but they ended up breaking her heart which made her return in questioning if she really deserved having a soulmate. She had not seen colors since birth and she was dying to see them but she loses hope that she would never get to have the chance.

The blood that dripped onto her feet woke her back to reality, she had been cutting her thighs again. Which would promptly make her wear dress pants than skirts, like all the other ladies in the company. She was alone in her apartment, after being told to not come to the company by her best friend because he wouldn't be there anyway, and this was an ordinary daily task for her and no one knew about it, not even her best friends.

It would have been easier too if she wasn't in love with her boss. The same man who called her three hours ago to not show up to work because he was going on a date with someone he met. It broke her heart, but what can she do?

Not too long into solace 4 hours later, her phone lit up, showing a familiar number saved under the name "BOSS" with an orange heart beside it. If anyone, most importantly her boss, sees this, she would be embarrassed to death. So she makes sure no one touches her phone.

"Hey Boss." She sounded cheerful but he definitely wasn't.

"How many times do I have to tell you to drop that when we're alone?" She could sense him pinching the bridge of his nose while she silently giggled. She loved teasing him when she knew he hated her calling that because he felt it was making him distant towards his bes friend because of his position.

"What do you want, Klane?" She smiled, glad his best friend couldn't see her, or even hear her racing heartbeat.

"Well, that's not a way to talk to your boss, ain't it?" He teased back. They were always like this, annoying the hell out of each other as if it was part of their daily routine. Oh how she wishes.

"If you just called me to agitate me, then goodbye Klane-"

"WAIT DON'T HANG UP." Her best friend yelled through the phone and she rolled her eyes. "Meet me at Raoul's"

She furrowed her brows. "I thought you had a date today?"

"I'm bringing her. Just come, okay? Jun will be there too so you won't feel like a third wheel." She felt that that was too much rubbing in an already deep wound in her heart, wasn't it? She hated that feeling, buy right now, she can't get rid of it. She's still madly in love with Klane.

Jun was another one of her best friends, and the only other one, actually. He worked for the same company, too. Running the financial stuff.

"Okay. Got it." She ended the call afterwards, not wanting to hear more about her crush with his date.

She stood up from where she was lying on the couch munching her favorite chips, stress eating again. She was lucky she didn't get bloated or fat despite whatever she ate. She would like to gain a few pounds though, she hated being called a walking stick.

She went to her room and opened the closet. Immediately striking her was the sparkly black dress, adorned with black sequins, that she bought before. She contemplated on wearing that, however she couldn't risk anyone seeing her scars and her newly made wounds, so she decided against it and went for the baggy pants, long sleeved black crop top and high heeled boots.

Hey, she might hate herself but she still got a taste in fashion. She could also be confident in public, and that's what everyone knew her for—if only they knew the truth.

She hesitated for a bit, asking herself what she would gain with this. Pain was on top of the list but she could handle that. And then it hit her, food. Free food, at that. And no one, especially Loe, would say no to free food.

This is my first novel here. I am so happy and scared at the same time if I do well. I hope I can get some support from here. Thank you everyone~

yandercreators' thoughts