
Your boy is here!

Maxine Golubev, a successful actress in the pinnacle of her career, encountered a crying boy while she's driving home. The boy is good-looking and clean, however, he states that it doesn't have a parents nor a house to live in. Out of sympathy, the actress took the boy home and fed it. In the night, Maxine is in her room deciding whether she should take the boy or should she find its parents, but both options are not favorable for her for she have a tight schedule with her projects in the industry. Finally, she decides to just take care of the mysterious child for the time being while managing her time. One day, Maxine decided to buy clothes with the child in Tverskaya Street, when she saw a woman that looks exactly like the boy. She assumed that it might be one of the boy's relatives, but shook it off because of the possibility that it might just have been a coincidence. Little did Maxine know, her decision would eventually put her on a dangerous position.

Lychee_Pennie_WP · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 10: Preparation.

We entered a long dim lit hall, with doors and pictures on the wall. "The hell? Is this some royal palace or something..." I thought to myself. The pictures has golden frames, but the wall was purple, rather than red.

We went past few pictures of what seems like their generation, when Galina walked up to a picture bigger than the others. This contains a portrait of a beautiful woman, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, wearing a red gown and a black cloak complimenting her pale skin.

"This is my grandmother." Galina reached her hand to feel the smoothness of the glass protecting the portrait. I went beside her to join her admiration for her grandmother, also to let her feel the presence of my ears ready to listen for more.

"She's the one who took care of me, when everyone neglected me because I'm an illegitimate child." she continued.

An illegitimate child? I didn't expect that. But it makes sense, looking back at the expression of the people earlier when they saw her; it was questionable—disgust and disappoinment.

"She died last year because of illness. I miss her." Galina said, still looking at her grandmother's picture. "I'm sorry to hear that... She must be happy in heaven now." I replied. Although I really don't know what to say in this situation other than feeling awkward.

She chuckled, "I doubt grandma would even be accepted there."

I was surprised. "Did she just dissed her grandmother?" I'm puzzled. It seems she noticed how I was offended on behalf of her grandmother, that she started explaining. "Oh I didn't meant it like that. It's just that, I heard she killed people while protecting us. She's also a drug lord back in the day, maybe that's why she was sick."

Damn, I was speechless. I just nodded with the shock still in my face. But then again, Chekov is a family from the underground, it's no surprise that even the prettiest lady could have her hand muddied. I just don't understand how the police wasn't able to catch them these years.

Galina stared at me, with a strange smile on her face, and started getting close. Instinctively, I was backing off while she forwards, trying to prevent any closer. "What?" I was getting nervous when she is acting weird, I feel like she'll do something to me. I still can't forget the moment she has pointed a gun at my head.

I bumped on the wall after taking enough back steps to close the distance between me and the wall, when Galina suddenly pinned me against it. I was flustered, and my heart started to beat fast. Her long hair was hanging like waterfalls, and her long eyelashes and eyes are reflecting the dim light, making her look more majestic.

"W-wait what are you-" before I could even finish my sentence, she shut me up by closing her lips with mine. She was forcing her tongue in my mouth. But I couldn't get carried away by pleasure right now, so I pushed her quite aggressively.

"Stop." I demanded, while gripping on her collar.

"Why? Not in the mood?" she smirked. Fuck, that smirk of hers really hits a nerve of mine. She leaned towards to kiss me again, however, I covered her mouth with my hand, looking all serious.

"Look, I had tolerated your being delusional and demanding. I can't afford to tolerate you being pushy now, too." I uttered.

Her eyes was widened to the slight, and retreated her arms after. She gently puts down my hand covering her mouth, "Right. Sorry." she looks so down, I couldn't help but to feel guilty.

"You must be tired. The door just next to you is your room. Have some rest." she said and gave me a smile.

"I'll send the butler to give you comfortable clothes. Then tomorrow, Merida will prepare your dress to wear on our reunion. I'm sorry to include you." she continued and left.

I was left on the wall, feeling guilty and all. "But then again, why should I feel guilty? She nearly killed me! And she dragged me into this, too." I soliloquized. I managed to manipulate myself into thinking I shouldn't feel guilt, and eventually went to the room Galina told me.

"Damn, is this their guest room? This is already a master's bedroom." I said. The room is wide and big, with shiny gold and silver designs. The bed is also as big, and soft when I sat on its edge. I laid down, with my arms spread. "Relaxing.." I was about to drift to sleep when someone knocks on the door.

"Your clothes, madame." said by the person on the other side of the door. I immediately got up to open it for him. "Here, madame, as Miss Galina requested. Have a good night." the butler handed me two pieces of clothes made of silk. "Yes, thank you. What is your name?" I asked.

I do have this habit of asking people their name after having conversation with them, if they didn't introduce themselves, that is.

The butler was about to go when he was paused. "It's Scudder, madame." he shortly replied. I smiled at him, "Well then, good night Scudder."

He gave me a nod after walking out.

I closed the door to try out the pajamas he gave.

"Huh, they're the right size." I said satisfied. I expected it to be big or unfit, since obviously they don't know my size.

"Oh fuck, of course Galina knows." I soliloquized. I threw myself on the bed and took a deep breath, relaxing my body before drifting to sleep right away.

My body instinctively woke up when it felt a presence in the room. I jolted up to see a girl preparing a dress on a mannequin near the glass window. I could see she's a maid.

"Oh, you're awake, ma'am." she said. "Good morning. Breakfast is at your side table. Would you like me to bring you tea?" she spoke with an accent. I noticed that their employees here at the house seems to be English (British). Although only the two of them I already met.

"No, thank you. I prefer coffee." I answered. "Right away, ma'am. What coffee would you like?"

I took the plate of toasted bread from the serving tray and placed it on my lap. "I'll have black coffee. Thank you."

She nodded and flew out of the room.

I noticed the purple dress with golden chains on the mannequin, being striked by the sun's shine. It's an off shoulder tulip like dress. It's kinda cute and cool at the same time.

I finished the served bread when the girl finally came in, with another serving tray that contains a coffee cup and a coffee holder with two small bowls that includes sugar and milk in it. "Here it is ma'am. I apologize if it is quite long, I waited for the water to boil."

She took the other serving tray on my table with her other hand and puts down the other with her another hand. "Oh, it's alright. Thank you so much... You must be Merida." I spoke. She was surprised by what I said, but is also kinda fluttered.

"Dear ma'am, it's an honor to be known by you. Yes, ma'am, I'm Merida." she answered, smiling.

"Your dress has been prepared in advance, please try if you fancy it. Madam Galina told me that you shall meet her before lunch time, wearing your dress. That is all ma'am, enjoy your coffee!" she added and went out the room.

Even from another's word, she screams demanding.