
Lonely creek

Mom calls my name, "kai". Of course I'm down by the creek. I get up and stared down at the water one more time. Before my mom called me back and I started running. I remember every summer going down to the creek and being there till sunrise. Only real reason I was there, was because i had no friends. This creek was like no other, this creek was so quiet. And for that I called it the lonely creek, it was my only real friend. I remember talking to it as if it were real and it would clean my bruises and scratches from on the way here.

I met my mom right in front of the school where she picked me up and cared for me at home. My mom is the nicest person I know, maybe if she was my age ,I could be her friend I thought. My mom is a school teacher and I was always thankful she was. One reason was that I felt she was could be there for me at school so I wouldn't truly be alone. Another reason is because this is how she found me in the first place. A rumor made her feel she had to test if it was real. The rumor of the woods boy.