
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · Acción
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110 Chs

Chapter 40:The dominator

Jasmine immediately made a list and sent everyone to their respective countries' embassies. Abhimanyu sent all the details of those girls and where they had been sold to Interpol and the leaders of other countries, as well as to the military head of his own country, except for the details that their involvement was with Carlos or someone else, as he himself was going to oversee the work here.

In a short while, the leaders of all the countries organized meetings in their respective countries to verify the information. They found out that all these girls were from their own countries and had been missing for a long time, but they still did not trust the information until they received calls from their respective embassies about some of the girls. The girls were forbidden from speaking about Abhimanyu and the rest of the matter, so they did not mention Abhimanyu's name and said that they did not know who brought them here but they were sold and saved by a boy whose name they did not know. After some investigation, they found out that this was a new Mafia in Brazil who had taken Carlos's place, but the shocking thing was that he looked like just a boy, and his name was Young Fighter. No one knew his real name.

But this news also reached the other mafias in Brazil, and they all became very angry because Carlos had also sold some girls to them, so now the police started searching for them secretly.

Then they received an invitation to a meeting where they were invited.

In a hall, there was a table where the four mafias of Brazil were present along with their bodyguards. Abhimanyu was about to enter the hall without any guard. The meeting was taking place in a place where one of the Mafias ruled.

Jasmine said, "You didn't let any bodyguard come here, but don't go in alone. We'll go with you." Except for Jasmine, only Riya was present there.

Abhimanyu said, "No matter what noise comes from inside or if gunshots are heard, don't come inside. Understood."

Jasmine said, "But they are all very dangerous."

Riya placed her hand on Jasmine's shoulder and said, "Trust your boss. He's my younger brother, and I know him well. When he goes in, we have to stay away from this building."

Abhimanyu said, "Are you not scared?"

Riya said, "Don't you trust him?"

Abhimanyu then smiled, opened the gate, and entered alone, closing the gate from inside. Without any guards, he seemed very daring or perhaps foolish.

Abhimanyu then sat in the chair at the forefront with a smile, wearing the glasses that had turned into sunglasses.

Saily said, "Hey, my dominating sweetheart, you're looking so handsome."

Abhimanyu put Saily back in her box.

There were four people present, all dressed in black. One of them had Larry-style thick hair, and the others also had unique hairstyles.

One of them said, "In the end, only one will survive. Do you even know what you've done?"

Abhimanyu asked, "What have I done?"

Another one said, "You've angered the Mexican Mafia, and now they won't let you go."

The third one said, "Even though you may have managed to kill Carlos somehow, the Mexican Mafia won't spare you."

The fourth one said, "You only have one way to survive: hand over your business to us and change your identity to hide somewhere, because they won't spare you alive, and they'll also come after us because of you."

Abhimanyu said, "Why are you all so afraid of the Mexicans? Are we their servants?"

The first man said, "It's boiling because it's young blood, but when you see their fighters, you'll realize they have weapons, connections, killers, and fighters."

The second one said, "Why are we even talking to him? Let's just finish him off so the Mexican Mafia won't be angry with us, and we can also gain their trust."

Abhimanyu retorted, "If you keep serving the Mexican Mafia like this, you'll never succeed."

One man said, "We're not their servants."

Another added, "Yes, we only do business with them for profit, but your interference has caused us significant losses."

Abhimanyu asserted, "So, what can you do to stop me? Listen carefully, from today onwards, my rule will prevail over all of Brazil."

Everyone, including the bodyguards, burst into laughter upon hearing Abhimanyu's words. One man amidst the laughter said, "Did you hear what this kid just said? He has no weapons or men, yet he thinks we'll listen to him."

Another remarked, "I've never seen anything so funny."

A third one said, "It's like he thinks this is some movie."

The fourth one pondered, "Why do youngsters think everything is so easy?"

The first man chimed in again, "Come on, at least for two days, he was a boss in one area. But now, let's finish him off."

Sabhi guards Abhimanyu ke upar nishana bana kar apne guns taiyar kar liye.

Abhimanyu suddenly burst into laughter.

One man said, "Is he crazy?"

Another added, "He seems crazy, laughing in the face of death."

The third one said, "Shoot!"

All the guards opened fire at Abhimanyu. Suddenly, Abhimanyu's eyes turned black, and in an instant, he was back at the table, with bullets piercing through him. However, there was more to it. Abhimanyu's one hand was under the head of the first man who ordered the shooting, and the other hand was scooping the blood from his body. The man's body was still writhing in pain. Abhimanyu had unnaturally long and sharp nails, resembling those of a demon.

After licking the blood from his hand, Abhimanyu began drinking the blood that was gushing out from the man's neck. Witnessing this, everyone was terrified and fell from their chairs in fear, trying to distance themselves from Abhimanyu. One man, trembling with fear, said, "He looks like a demon," but as soon as he spoke, his head too was detached from his body, and Abhimanyu began drinking his blood as well.

Abhimanyu continued to laugh demonically, surrounded by a dark aura, as he severed the heads of all present. One man rushed to the door in fear, but even his head was separated from his body, and Abhimanyu's demonic voice echoed, "No one can leave from here." His voice was horrifying and inhuman. He continued, "This body is excellent, and this boy is quite young. It's incredible. I've seen such a body after thousands of years. Otherwise, till now, none of the bodies could handle even 1% of my power. But I have to strengthen him more; otherwise, I won't be able to use my powers. Now, my dear boy, it's time for you to taste the power."

As one man tried to shoot at Abhimanyu, his head was also swiftly detached. Abhimanyu then said, "I don't like disturbances," and began drinking his blood too. "You humans are very weak, but your blood is so sweet and it's making me powerful," he declared as he continued to feast on the blood of the fallen.

After wiping his mouth, Abhimanyu said, "This boy has no idea who resides within him." Then, he heard something and said, "Ah, there are two human girls standing a little away. Their blood must be delicious."

As Abhimanyu moved towards them, his steps halted, and he fell unconscious. When he woke up after about six hours, he found himself soaked in blood on the floor, surrounded by corpses.

Abhimanyu muttered, "I didn't know the demon technique was this dangerous."

After wearing his box, Abhimanyu asked Saily, "Did you hear what happened here?" because whenever he used the demon technique, he didn't remember anything. This technique only helped him focus on blood lust and killing moves.

Saily replied, "I don't know, but a very eerie sound was heard." Then she played an audio recording for Abhimanyu.

After listening to the entire audio, Abhimanyu reflected, "Why was I speaking like that? According to Grandpa, we're supposed to only feel blood lust, and we should be able to control it with our spiritual power. But this seems different. Perhaps practicing this technique without tapping into my spiritual power could have unforeseen consequences. I'll need to gain control over this aspect as well."

Saily said, "Normally, I like you being dominant, but if this voice is really yours, then I'm very worried about you."

Saily said, "Normally, I like you being dominant, but if this voice is really yours, then I'm very worried about you."

Jasmine said to Riya, "It's been 7 hours since the boss went inside. Why aren't they coming out? We should go and check to see if they're in trouble."

Riya stopped her, saying, "Going there is not safe."

Jasmine replied, "You're not my boss, so don't try to stop me. I'm going to see. With that, she headed towards the gate. As soon as she reached the gate, Abhimanyu opened it and started coming out. His body was covered in dried blood, and he was completely red, indicating that all his clothes would need to be thrown away.

When Riya peeked into the room, she felt nauseous at the sight of the scene, realizing that she had committed many crimes herself.

Jasmine, too, couldn't stop trembling as she looked inside.

Abhimanyu said, "Clean all this up and announce across Brazil that there's a new ruler here known as the Dominator. Gather all the local leaders for a meeting and show them the heads of these four Mafia leaders and Carlos, making them realize who the king of this Brazil is. Remind them of my rules and the type of business they should conduct."

Abhimanyu could have ended the Mafia businesses altogether, but after eliminating one, others would vie for power, leading to more bloodshed. Therefore, Abhimanyu maintained his presence in the underworld, ensuring honest dealings among them.

The underworld in Brazil, Bihar, Mumbai, and to some extent, Delhi, was under his control. He had assigned Ratik Pathan to manage the operations in Mumbai and had given him strict instructions to conduct business according to the rules. However, Ratik hadn't shown his strength, so perhaps he could be deceitful. Seeing Andrews and Justin disappear like that, he must have an idea of his power.

Abhimanyu continued, "Jasmine, release all the girls they had. Arrange for them to return to their respective countries."

Jasmine nodded in acknowledgment.

Riya asked, "So where to now? Mexico? Because we still need to find the whereabouts of 20 girls."

Abhimanyu replied, "The Mexicans might try to contact me soon because news of the demise of all their lapdogs will reach them soon."

He had hacked into their personal laptops and copied all the information, which he had sent to Jasmine.

An hour later, a meeting was arranged near an underground arena in Rio where all the second-rate businesspeople of Brazil had gathered. Among them were many wealthy individuals who appeared to be white-collar workers but were actually involved in shady dealings. The news of a new ruler who called himself "The Dominator" had spread across Brazil. He had eliminated all the Mafia leaders and seized control of the entire country.

Then, an announcement was made, not by anyone else, but by Alexa. She said, "The moment you've all been waiting for has arrived. Let's welcome our ruler." A vehicle on one side of the arena displayed the ruler's throne.

Everyone fell silent as Jasmine entered. After eliminating all the mafia, there were four more martial artists left besides Jasmine, who was as powerful as the Mafia leaders, if not more. But unfortunately, they were all slaves with collars. They were sold off at an auction organized by The Grim Reaper organization. Even the weakest among them fetched a price exceeding 500 crores. Although these five girls were powerful, the Mafia feared forming physical relationships with them, fearing they might kill them or be killed themselves, leading to the loss of billions in Brazil's real estate.

Following Jasmine, the other four girls entered the arena. Abhimanyu's other friends were in the commentator's box, watching the event.

All the girls entered the arena, standing with their heads bowed on both sides. They were all dressed in skin-tight black outfits, consisting of a black top that covered from the abdomen upwards, black jeans, and various weapons tucked into their attire, such as daggers and knives. Instead of pockets, their jeans had places to carry pistols, and they wore belts around their waists to hold ammo. They also had a Mayan around their waists, where they kept a katana. Jasmine wore a black cape that reached below her knees, signifying her leadership role. Abhimanyu entered wearing his usual silicon skin mask and a black outfit consisting of a shirt, coat, pants, shoes, gloves, and a cape, matching Saily's black lenses.

Saily exclaimed, "Hey, my beloved, superstar!"

Abhimanyu appeared extremely dominant, but given his age, none of the underworld figures present could believe that he was "The Dominator," the new ruler of Brazil.

One thug exclaimed, "Is this really our new ruler? He's just a kid!"

Just then, a man pushed a table with wheels, bringing it forward. On the table lay the heads of all the Mafia leaders, and the man bringing it forward was none other than Samuel. Initially, Samuel had only wanted to help Abhimanyu atone for his sins, but seeing Abhimanyu's power, he now wanted to stand by his side.

Witnessing the heads on the table, the thugs who still couldn't believe Abhimanyu was their leader were petrified, hesitant to speak. Moreover, all the vice-leaders, who were Jasmine's allies, were following Abhimanyu's orders. The leaders had instructed them to stay in their respective areas to manage things in their absence. Little did they know that this would be their last day.

Abhimanyu then took his seat on the throne, with Jasmine standing beside him and the other girls behind her. Jasmine unfurled a scroll and announced Abhimanyu's rules. Apart from normal business activities, engaging in any illegal activities that harmed others was strictly prohibited. Abhimanyu had also put a stop to activities like drug trafficking, human trafficking, and organ trading, which left Jasmine astonished.

Before anyone could react, a man who spoke against Abhimanyu's rules was shot dead.

Turning his attention towards the Mexicans, Abhimanyu declared, "If the Mexicans come to fight, they'll fight me, not you. So, from now on, you'll abide by my rules. But don't worry, you won't incur any losses under my rules. You can continue your business as usual. I've heard that all of you leaders used to take 90% of the profits. I'll only take 40%. The remaining 60% is yours. But if anyone tries to betray me, all the girls will draw their katana swords, and all the guards will take out their weapons. You'll now report to Larry Godso for all buisnesses."

The thugs found it hard to believe. One of them asked, "Is it true that you'll only take 60%? Then you'll be more profitable for us than the previous leaders."

Jasmine cautioned, "Think carefully before asking such questions."

The man apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to doubt The Dominator. I was just surprised by his generosity."

Abhimanyu was about to respond, but Jasmine intervened and handled the situation.

In his mind, Abhimanyu thought, "He seems more capable of ruling than I am."

Then, a man inquired, "Are these rules also applicable to The Dominator?"

As one man was about to shoot, Abhimanyu raised his hand to stop him and affirmed, "Yes, these rules apply to The Dominator as well."

The man questioned, "Then why have you kept them in slave collars until now?"

Abhimanyu instructed Jasmine to come closer. As she approached, Abhimanyu entered a password to unlock the collar. Spiritual energy could trigger it, leading to instant death. Therefore, only the owner and the wearer knew the password.

Surprised, Jasmine asked, "How do you know the password?"

Abhimanyu replied casually, "Did you forget that I'm a hacker too?"

He then unlocked the collars of the other girls and informed them, "You're all free to choose your lives. I won't stop you here."

Jasmine, with a lot on her mind, was determined to be free. If it were Carlos, she wouldn't have considered removing his collar even once. The other girls eagerly awaited Jasmine's decision. Upon hearing Abhimanyu's announcement, they were quite astonished.

Jasmine declared, "I've sworn to remain loyal to you forever. I can't leave you."

Moved by her loyalty, the others knelt down in agreement.

Abhimanyu asked if anyone had an issue with him being their ruler, but no one objected.

Realizing he needed to demonstrate his power, Abhimanyu challenged anyone to a death match. He assured them that if he died, the arena would be theirs, and no action would be taken against them. With that, he jumped into the arena.

The Dominator seemed highly dominating, but considering his age, no one in the underworld could believe that he was The Dominator, the ruler of all of Brazil.

A tall man with a broad chest, resembling a wrestler, jumped onto the stage and declared, "Alright, I want to challenge you." Abhimanyu accepted the challenge, and as the man charged toward him, Abhimanyu swiftly grabbed his head, his body still in a punching stance. After landing a punch, the man's body collapsed, writhing in pain until he fell silent. Abhimanyu, with a smile, asked if anyone else wanted to challenge him. Everyone immediately kneeled, acknowledging Abhimanyu as their ruler, and accepted all his rules.

Two days later, Abhimanyu had gained the allegiance of the remaining notable mafias in Brazil who were not part of the five gangs. They joined him willingly after hearing rumors about The Dominator.

Abhimanyu left Larry, Alexa, and Jasmine in charge, while he planned a trip to Mexico with Riya and others. However, Riya expressed concerns about his intentions in Mexico, warning him about the powerful Mexican mafias and their direct connection to The Grim Reaper organization.

Abhimanyu assured her, saying, "I know their connections, and I won't do everything in Mexico like I did in Brazil. I just want to gather information about our country's girls and rescue them."

By now, all the girls had returned to their respective countries, and most of them had reached their homes safely. However, some families refused to accept them, believing the girls were no longer worthy of being in their homes. Only a few families allowed their daughters to return. Jasmine provided each girl with a card, instructing them to call her if they encountered any trouble on the way.

When Abhimanyu learned about this, he asked if everyone wanted to go to India. Jasmine confirmed their willingness.

"Okay, those who want to go to India should be sent to Delhi immediately. I'll give further instructions later," Abhimanyu ordered.

After booking flights to Delhi for everyone who wanted to go, Abhimanyu called his mother and requested her to hire 100 new employees and arrange accommodation for them. His mother's company was renowned across India, with its headquarters in Bihar.

Abhimanyu transferred 10 crore Brazilian reals for their accommodation.

Upon seeing this, Kiran scolded him, "Did I ask you for money? I can manage their stay and all other tasks. They will remain in higher positions too, but do they even know how to work?"

Abhimanyu replied, "They might not be good at design work, but they excel in communication and business talks. So, mostly, they will be placed in the public department. You can interview them according to your criteria."

Curious, Kiran asked, "Who are these girls, and how do you know them?"

"These are the girls rescued from abroad, the same ones who were not accepted by their families. Now they have no means of going anywhere because they are in the news everywhere. No one will give them jobs either. Will you hire them?"

Kiran assured, "I'll hire them for sure, but tell me, how do you know them?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You must have seen the news. They were distressed, and I was with Grandpa at that time. He was worried, so I called you."

Laughing, Kiran said, "Now you're even lying to your mother. I met Grandpa a while ago; he's at home."

"Why are you bothering me? I won't talk to you," Abhimanyu responded in a playful tone.

Amused, Kiran said, "Alright, tell me whenever you're in the mood. It's fine. With that, she hung up the phone."