
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · Acción
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110 Chs

Chapter 28: Army Vs Scorpion

Sun Feng continued, stating that if they won, they would take Tina away quietly, but if Abhimanyu's team won, they would surrender and defuse the bomb.

Ramakant asked about the rules.

The commander explained that each of the five members from both sides would fight, and the team whose members were all defeated would lose. However, the Army chief couldn't participate because he was more powerful than them.

Ramakant agreed to the terms.

At midnight, a stage was set up where on one side stood the Scorpion group members and on the other side were the Indian Army soldiers. The match was going to be live-streamed on the dark net and martial site, where various martial arts-related news were shared, and fights were often streamed.

The participants in the match included Ramakant, who was dressed in martial arts attire, Commander Rajat Mishra, Riya Mathur, and Tina. Abhimanyu was also going to participate, but he wore a mask and his Black Demon robe, concealing his identity.

Commander Sun Feng asked Abhimanyu to remove his mask so they could confirm that he wasn't the army chief.

Army chief Narayan, who was present, assured them that he was indeed Ravindra Narayan and told them not to worry, as he was also a capable martial artist.

Sun Feng asked Abhimanyu who he was.

Abhimanyu confidently declared, "Black Demon."

His name was known to everyone, even the Scorpion family, but they had never faced Black Demon before.

Sun Feng said, "So, you're Black Demon. I've heard a lot about you."

Karishma was present as an audience member, observing Black Demon closely, and she was also trying to spot Abhimanyu here and there. She asked Ammy, who was standing nearby, if she had seen Abhimanyu.

Ammy replied, "Some soldiers took Abhimanyu away from here because his life was in danger on the Scorpion's site. There's a contract on Abhimanyu's name at the Scorpion's site."

Meanwhile, the match had begun. Ramakant and the Scorpion Commanders seemed evenly matched, and Commander Rajat Mishra was also holding his own. However, Tina, Abhimanyu, and Riya were struggling against the Commanders. The match went on for about half an hour, and while Ramakant and Rajat had managed to weaken the Scorpion Commanders, the Commanders had taken a toll on Abhimanyu, Riya, and Tina. Although Ramakant was fighting evenly against the Scorpion Commanders, Riya was unable to match their strength. However, she was hanging in there, waiting for an opportunity.

Riya had been channeling her energy into each vital point of her opponent for half an hour. Whenever she found an opening, she used her special technique, the Butterfly Effect technique. This technique was unique to Riya's family, where she gradually attacked all the vital points of her opponent with her energy. Riya had been channeling her energy into each vital point for half an hour. When she found an opportunity, she delivered a powerful spiritual punch to the central vital point of the Commander, causing him to collapse on the ground, unconscious.

According to the rules, Riya stepped down from the stage, leaving only Tina and Abhimanyu remaining.

The Commander said, "Whatever happens, we will put you both to eternal sleep tonight."

The Commander used his special technique, which emitted a smoke blast containing poison.

Knowing this, Abhimanyu moved aside with Tina.

Abhimanyu said, "Now, everyone is down. Maybe we should use the Demon technique."

Tina said, "But if we lose control..."

Abhimanyu interrupted, "Let's focus on the present first. We can discuss the rest later."

Suddenly, Abhimanyu and Tina fell silent, and everyone felt darkness creeping in.

Kapil said, "It's happening again."

Ramakant and the Army chief were astonished by the Demon technique.

As darkness enveloped them, everyone felt as though they were in a dark world, with two demons glaring at them. Both commanders were terrified, as Kapil had only told them that Tina was powerful, but he hadn't mentioned anything about this technique.

Suddenly, everyone saw that Abhimanyu and Tina had separated the heads of both commanders from their bodies and were licking the blood from their hands. Then, they looked at each other and ran towards each other to kill each other. Both were determined to take each other's lives. In a matter of seconds, they struck each other's necks, and both fell unconscious on the ground. Abhimanyu's grandfather and Ravindra Narayan had made Abhimanyu and Tina unconscious.

Ravindra Narayan said to Abhimanyu's grandfather, "What have you taught him?"

Abhimanyu's grandfather, who had just arrived, replied, "Both are worthy of this power."

Abhimanyu's grandfather continued, "Capture all the members of the Scorpion group and Kapil Mehta's men. Kapil Mehta will be arrested for kidnapping my grandson and an innocent girl, for involving the military in this, and for conspiring with the Scorpion family to commit treason. Your case will be heard in court like a regular citizen, but you won't be able to say anything about this fight or the Scorpions, so you'll escape treason charges. However, you'll be sentenced for other crimes, and the rest of the Scorpions won't face any Trials; they'll all be imprisoned."

Abhimanyu woke up, and it was already noon. When Tina woke up too, they found themselves in the hospital. Abhimanyu touched his face and realized that his mask had fallen off, and he was wearing hospital clothes.

Ramakant, who was sitting there, said, "No one knows anything about you two. You're in a villa."

Abhimanyu asked, "Am I still in Delhi?"

Ramakant replied, "Yes, fate has kept you in Delhi."

Abhimanyu asked about the outcome of the match.

Ramakant said, "We won, and the Scorpion family has been destroyed. The leader has surrendered according to the rules, but China has captured their town. However, the Scorpion family has disappeared without a trace, which means that the planned attack may not happen."

Abhimanyu doubted if they investigated Shubham thoroughly.

Ramakant explained, "He said he was working for a terrorist organization called the Jungle Sangathan and had paid Kapil Mehta to hide in their headquarters. Kapil Mehta confirmed this."

Abhimanyu asked about the money Shubham was giving in Mumbai and why.

Ramakant said, "He received some money to transfer, but he doesn't know more. We're still investigating."

Suddenly, Abhimanyu remembered the girl who was with him. He asked about Ammy.

Ramakant said, "She went to school."

Abhimanyu immediately asked about Riya.

Ramakant replied, "She's in room number 9, teaching Aakash and Bhawna's class."

Abhimanyu rushed to Riya and asked for the car keys.

Then, Abhimanyu went straight to the match in Riya's car.

Today, the final match of all Delhi was taking place at City Center. Many students from the school were in the audience, including Principal Sangita, Judge Yuwaan, and Karishma. Kishori Girls were out of town for a concert. Vayu, Manoj, Sanjay, and Samarth were playing for Agrasen Lions and had been winning so far. Now, the final match was between Agrasen Lions and Delhi Liberals. This time, Delhi Liberals had a new player named Cobra, who was the top player in Delhi but lacked a good team. His addition to the Delhi Liberals made the competition tougher.

Abhimanyu arrived at the stadium running. He was wearing an Agrasen Lions t-shirt. When he reached Vayu, he apologized for being late.

Vayu said, "No problem."

Ammy asked if she should enter the match.

Vayu hesitated to let her play.

Abhimanyu reassured him, saying, "She's my student. I guarantee she'll do well. Don't worry; we'll win."

Vayu agreed, "Alright, we've never won anyway. Let's trust you for once."

Everyone agreed with Abhimanyu's assurance.

The commentator remarked on how Agrasen Lions once again sent their backup team onto the field, questioning if they were not taking Delhi Liberals seriously.

Landing on the map, all four immediately switched to action mode. They swiftly eliminated anyone who crossed their path, leaving a trail of bodies behind. Three other teams had landed in the same location, but they systematically cleared them out one by one. This time, Ammy was also in full action mode, and Abhimanyu and Samarth were playing seriously as well. It seemed as though blood was boiling on their heads this time.

After clearing the area, Abhimanyu had four kills, Samarth had four, Ammy had three, and Vayu had one. They looted the area, picked up a car, and headed for other locations. On the main stream, Abhimanyu saw another team nearby and they swiftly dealt with them too.

The commentator remarked, "They're playing as if they're the original team, not backups. And Abhimanyu's girlfriend is playing like a pro. It's hard to believe she just started playing yesterday."

The other commentator added, "But will they stand a chance against Cobra? He's already got 10 kills on his own."

Karishma, sitting in the audience, was quite angry after seeing Ammy's ID as Abhimanyu's girlfriend. She had been busy with company work for some time, and Ammy's sudden appearance in Abhimanyu's life had irritated her.

Ammy, on the other hand, was quite happy at the moment because her span was complete, as promised to her brothers. She knew that it was because of Abhimanyu that all this had been possible. She was beginning to feel closer to Abhimanyu, and playing this game with him was giving her a sense of peace.

The match continued for a while, with teams encountering each other one after the other. Each team was formidable and filled with tricks, but Abhimanyu's team was swiftly eliminating enemies without needing to heal much. Eventually, only three teams remained, and the circle had shrunk considerably. Delhi liberals were far away, but Abhimanyu's team had another team nearby. Sensing an opportunity, Delhi liberals started approaching them, thinking that Abhimanyu's team was occupied. Abhimanyu decided to rush them before they could get too close, and the rest of his team followed suit. They wiped out the approaching team and then took cover near the edge of the circle, while the remaining Delhi liberals tried to spot them. Both teams knew each other's positions because everything was visible on the main screen.

Suddenly, Delhi liberals deployed smoke bombs, obscuring the area. Abhimanyu retaliated with grenades, knocking one enemy and finishing them off. He fired randomly into the smoke screen to catch anyone off guard, and then noticed an enemy flanking from a distance. He swiftly eliminated them with a sniper headshot. After clearing the immediate threats, Ammy took down the remaining Delhi liberals who had entered the area. With that, they won the Delhi tournament, and this time, Ammy was crowned MVP.

The commentator announced, "Today, Agrasen Lions have become Delhi champions for the first time in three years, which means they'll advance to the national level, happening in Mumbai on Sunday. As Delhi champions, they'll also receive a cash prize of 5 lakhs. After the event announcements, Yuwaan congratulated them, and Karishma arrived, excitedly embracing Ammy and expressing her joy at the thrilling game.

Abhimanyu suggested joining a gaming club to Karishma, who agreed but mentioned she might only be able to attend occasionally. Ammy suggested celebrating their victory with lunch, and Samarth recommended King's Palace for its excellent food, offering to host the party.

Everyone agreed, and they headed to King's Palace. As they walked towards the parking lot afterward, they saw Rohit and his gang sitting on the bonnet of their car.

Rohit accused Abhimanyu and Karishma of falsely testifying against his father to weaken him. Karishma defended herself, stating that Rohit's father had indeed kidnapped them. However, Rohit claimed it was a lie, stating that his father was injured and hospitalized, and he hadn't kidnapped anyone. Abhimanyu suggested verifying the truth from Rohit's father.

Rohit threatened to expose the truth about Abhimanyu and Karishma's intentions, implying they were colluding with a powerful individual to frame his father. He then left with his gang.

Abhimanyu headed towards his car, with Karishma and Ammy rushing to sit in the front seat. Abhimanyu suggested one of them sit in Samarth's car if they both wanted the front seat, but Karishma insisted on sitting with Abhimanyu as she was his best friend. Abhimanyu decided that neither of them would sit in the front and asked them to move to the back. Karishma wanted to kick Abhimanyu's ass but she controlled herself and seated in the back and Ammy also move to the back.

Saily expressed her desire to sit in the front, but Abhimanyu insisted on driving and positioned himself in the driver's seat. He started driving, following Vayu and Samarth's car.

Ammy confessed to Karishma that although Karishma may consider herself Abhimanyu's best friend, she is his girlfriend, implying that her claim on Abhimanyu takes precedence. Karishma was surprised and asked Abhimanyu if it was true. Abhimanyu awkwardly explained that Ammy's feelings were one-sided.

Karishma looked at Abhimanyu and asked if Ammy was indeed his girlfriend. Abhimanyu replied, feeling flustered, that it was one-sided from Ammy's side. Karishma joked that for once, she thought Ammy might actually be his girlfriend.

Ammy confidently stated that even if her feelings were one-sided, she had kissed Abhimanyu three times already. Karishma glared at Abhimanyu, who nervously explained that Ammy had kissed him when he was unconscious, and he looked at Ammy with a hint of annoyance.

Karishma responded sarcastically, mentioning how many times she had slept beside Abhimanyu without keeping count. Ammy was surprised and asked if they weren't in a relationship despite sleeping together multiple times.

Abhimanyu justified their past closeness by saying they were kids back then. Karishma reminded him of last week when they had slept together three times. Ammy reassured them that she didn't mind.

Karishma was bewildered, questioning why Ammy was okay with her boyfriend sleeping with someone else. Ammy explained that Abhimanyu was like an angel who had saved her from hell, and even if he didn't accept her, she would still stay by his side.

Abhimanyu advised Ammy to free herself from the control of the Scorpion and not become a slave to anyone else. Ammy grabbed Karishma's hand and pleaded not to be separated from Abhimanyu, promising not to interfere in their relationship.

Karishma was perplexed by Ammy's words. Ammy assured Karishma that she knew Karishma liked Abhimanyu, but if Karishma didn't keep her away from Abhimanyu, she would help Karishma be with him.

Ammy whispered in her ear, "Besides, you know how much danger Abhimanyu faces. If I stay with him, I'll protect him more than my own life."

Karishma agreed, saying, "Okay, deal. But I have one condition." She whispered in Ammy's ear, "Don't let any other girl get close to Abhimanyu."

Ammy agreed to the condition, and then teasingly said to Abhimanyu, "Look, even your future wife has agreed. Now say yes."

Abhimanyu quickly responded, "If you don't stop talking nonsense, I'll drop you off right here."

Ammy chuckled, "You look so cute when you're angry."

After a while, they were all standing outside the King Palace restaurant. It was a famous and upscale restaurant where only wealthy people dined. Table bookings cost 2000 rupees, and the food was never less than 5000 rupees.

As they arrived, a waiter approached and greeted them. Samarth showed him a booking message, and the waiter escorted them to their table. However, as soon as they sat down, they heard a voice from the adjacent table exclaim, "Oh my God, Abhimanyu!"

Abhimanyu turned to see Rakesh and Gwen sitting there. Gwen had returned with Rakesh, who had been trying to win her back. Today marked their reconciliation, and Rakesh had brought her to the restaurant to celebrate.

Abhimanyu recognized them but didn't know their names. He greeted them, "You both!"

Gwen reached out her hand and said, "I'm Gwen." Ammy also shook her hand, saying, "Hello, Gwen. I'm here too."

Gwen apologized, "Oh sorry, I didn't see you."

Ammy reassured her, "It's okay, happens."

Abhimanyu asked Ammy, "Do you know them?"

Ammy replied, "They're my classmates."

Abhimanyu nodded and turned away. Gwen asked Ammy, "Why are you with Abhimanyu and what's going on?"

Ammy confidently replied, "Because he's my boyfriend."

Gwen was surprised, "But you told me just a few days ago that you were single."

Ammy explained, "Yes, because I was single then, but now I'm in a relationship." She turned to face Gwen, who was taken aback.

Rakesh was getting increasingly angry. He had initially tried to win Ammy's affections, but when he failed, he pursued Gwen, who had fallen for him because of his influential status in class.

Gwen was feeling quite jealous. She said, "Rakesh, can you defeat him?"

Rakesh replied, "Are you suggesting I take on someone Rohit couldn't handle?"

Gwen clarified, "I'm not talking about fighting, like in a competition."

Rakesh retorted, "Competition? I can only compete with money."

Gwen remarked, "I've heard that Abhimanyu studies on a scholarship, so he definitely doesn't have as much money. Let's humiliate him by using this against him."

Rakesh asked, "How?"

Gwen motioned for him to come closer. She then raised her voice slightly and said, "Hey, Rakesh, are you talking about the party at the Raijada family's tomorrow? Do you have an invitation to that party?"

Rakesh responded confidently, "And why not? My relationship with Yuwaan Bhai is so good that he invited me himself."

Gwen then turned to Ammy and asked, "Would you like to join us at the party with your boyfriend? It'll be fun, and you may never get another chance to attend such a big party."

Gwen knew that Ammy also studied on scholarship.

Ammy declined, saying, "No thanks, I don't like parties."

Gwen insisted, "These parties are for networking. Maybe you'll get an internship at a big company. Everyone attends these parties for business purposes, not just for enjoyment. And think about it, it's the Raijada family's party. Only VIPs will be there. And if others find out that you attended a party hosted by the Raijadas, your reputation will skyrocket."

Abhimanyu couldn't help but chuckle at this. Trying to control his laughter, he said, "Sorry, my bad."

Gwen asked him why he was laughing, saying she wasn't joking.

Abhimanyu apologized again, and Karishma signaled him to calm down.

At that moment, their food arrived, along with an expensive bottle of wine placed on their table.

Samarth, looking at the wine bottle, said, "We didn't order this."

The waiter explained, "I don't know, sir. I was asked to bring it to your table."

Samarth inquired, "Who asked you to do that?"

The waiter replied, "The manager instructed me to."

Samarth returned the wine bottle, stating that they didn't order it and that they didn't drink wine.

Gwen teased them, saying, "You can't even drink wine? Give us that bottle then."

The waiter warned, "Ma'am, this bottle costs at least 40,000 rupees. Are you sure you want to take it?"

Upon hearing the price, Rakesh was shocked, but now his honor was at stake, so he said, "Do you think we don't have money? I can buy this entire restaurant with the money I have."

The waiter left the wine bottle on their table and informed the manager about the situation.