
Young Master Just Wants Peace

"Hahaha...young man, consider yourself lucky as you have been chosen across the vast cosmos to fulfill the divine purpose" A long, white bearded man addressed a young soul across an endless hall while a booming laugh reverberated. However, the scene the old man had anticipated never happened in front of him, instead the soul replied after yawning for about five seconds "Old man, find someone else; I'm not interested."................zzzzzz!!! (proceeds to doze off) -------------------------------------------------------- Op MC -check!! No harem (at least not for now) -------------------------------------------------------- read along to know why despite always trying to maintain peace in his life people call him "Harbinger of Chaos" ------ note; it's a gacha system troupe and I would request readers to read a first few chapters and then make a judgement. cover page doesn't belong to me. Cherry San

cherry_dragon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

Settling in the new world


In a chamber adorned with ancient relics and mystical artifacts, a man of scholarly demeanor sat amidst the flickering glow of candlelight.

His dress seemed like those from historical, movies, evoking images of knights and wizards like those from some fantasy novels.

Before him, a goblet of polished silver kept upon a table of carved oak.

If you looked closely inside the goblet, you'd see something incredible, a tiny model of a planet floating in what looked like a shiny liquid.

This celestial sphere hovered gracefully, portraying delicate features of landmasses, oceans, and atmospheric formations, encased within a transparent orb that seemed to challenge the constraints of natural law.

Suddenly, the man's gaze shifted towards the goblet, his eyes narrowing with keen intellect as a flicker of recognition crossed his features. "Anomaly," he murmured, the word carrying with it a weight of significance that reverberated through the room.

He walked over to the only window in the room and glanced outside. What he saw was a golden light flickering in the sky, resembling a shooting star. But instead of fading away, it grew larger and larger until it disappeared beyond the horizon, far beyond the reach of his eyes. 

"Never have I ever witnessed such radiance in someone's soul" he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper in the midst of the awe that enveloped him.

"Feels as though waves will soon ripple across the world," he mused aloud, settling into his chair with a sense of anticipation. With a gentle exhale, he opened the pages of a book titled "The Middle World" 


In a chamber adorned with opulent decor befitting royalty, a sickly and frail-looking boy stirred from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open to the strange yet new air that surrounded him. With a feeble yet determined resolve, he summoned the strength to rise from his bed.

A few minutes later....

Arman sat on the bed decorated with royal blue sheets embroidered golden patterns, Arman rested his head in his hand as if suffering from severe headache.

Yet, it wasn't a headache that troubled him; rather, a flood of memories had rushed into his mind the moment he awoke, overwhelming him with their weight and intensity.

"So I am the son of a duke" huh! Interesting

"seems like my speculation was right, that women fooled me at the end. After all, sending me into this body, surely my life won't be as peaceful as I wanted."

He said as he looked at his left wrist where one could see a healed up cut, and a bloody dagger in his right hand

Arman just came to know from the memories he received that the previous owner of this body had been killed by an assassin last night, and it was done in such a way that to everyone it would appear that this boy committed suicide.

The name of the previous boy was Arthur Nolan. He was the only single child of the duke. Usually, nobles would have many kids in this world and polygamy was a common practice,

but from the memories, he had heard people talking about how duke Nolan only married once, and his mother was a commoner woman who had caught the eyes of duke.

She had passed away while giving birth to Arthur, who was born very frail and weak. And he was also born without any talents. In this world, the so-called geniuses were always born with a talent or two those indicated their bright futures 

All he remembered from his childhood was growing up with the maids and meeting his father only once a month. His father the duke was always occupied by his work and had remained very distant and aloof towards him.

He had yet to go through his class awakening and become an adult, since he was only fourteen years old, still two years away from the fated day.

But when news about him being talentless and his frail physique reached the masses, the anticipation and excitement about his awakening dimmed down in the masses it was widely believed that the class you get at the time of awakening depended on the talents you get at the time of birth.

Like his previous world, in the middle world people also had their own status panel to show their attributes.

Arman (now Arthur) had already opened his status panel in front of him;

[Name- Arthur Nolan]







[physical attributes-2]

[magical attributes-5]


"although I want to live a peaceful life, I don't seem to have an option. An unknown person was planning my death and as soon as the news of me being alive reaches that person's ear's 

he will surely find more trouble, and I don't even have the strength to defend myself properly right now. I can't even inform my father or anyone, since there might be a mole in the castle.

After all, infiltrating to the duke's castle is not easy."

Yes, duke Nolan lived in a castle since the area under his jurisdiction was a rocky mountainous region and the castle was situated on a hill under which the capital city of the dukedom flourished. 

Castles/palaces were only built by the imperial family, Other nobles generally lived in estates smaller compared to the latter as a form of submission and respect to the royalty of that particular dynasty.

As he got more comfortable in his body, he woke up and cleaned all the mess of the room, then he called in his personal maid Alice to the room.

Although he was suspicious of her being a spy of the unknown enemy because she was the closest person to the previous Arthur, so naturally she was on the top of the suspected list in his mind.

Still, he told her to do her daily chores like cleaning his room and preparing his bath. All this time he was carefully observing her for any suspicious move. It was funny because Arthur subconsciously acted, not realizing that if she wanted, she had the capability of killing him several times over.

She maybe his personal maid but her recruitment process was similar to that of knights, so she had a decent amount of strength and Arthur knew that already.

After doing her daily duties, Alice left the room and Arthur started getting dressed.

"Feels like a dream but still I am not excited one bit...**sigh**"

he didn't know the reason, but the shock that he expected to hit him after transmigrating never really came, instead he felt unbothered even when his life was so uncertain

"is it because of that thing...." 

After donning the neatly pressed uniform of the Nolan family, resplendent in shades of blue and white, Arman stood before the mirror, his reflection a stark reminder of the life he now inhabited. With each adjustment of his attire, he couldn't shake the weight of Arthur's memories.

Seating himself on a couch, nearby, he said "ok, now will u come out, or you are just here to watch the show"

as soon as he said that, a line of text appeared in front of him

[ding!!congratulation on awakening the supreme gacha system]

[i am tailor made for the host who is tired of the simple power leveling fantasy]

[so what are you waiting? Let's rolll....]


"sheesh… That was a flashy entry, still a gacha system was not what I was expecting."

Having read countless novels in his last life, Arman wasn't hearing about gacha system for the first time, as he knew the general information and what to expect. Still he felt the need to ask

"So what can you do?"


after a few minutes.....

-_- "seems like the system doesn't have its own consciousness and the previous intro was just a pre-feeded intro."

He tried to click the popup screen in front of him as a different popup window opened in front of him, it seemed like it was a starter guide.

[1. A single roll is granted every day and after the day is over the system resets]

[2. All rewards are stored in system subspace and can be retrieved at any point of time]

[3. In special places and occasions, there is a chance for a special exclusive roll chance to be granted as the daily quota of rolls]

[4. 10 beginner hyper lucky rolls are granted at the start to give the host a head start]

[5. Most of the rewards can only be used by the host and the entities contracted with the host]

[6.only appropriate queries related to the gacha and rewards will be answered]

[all the best for your journey host!!]

As arman read the details given by the system, a smile crept up his mind.

"This can be a key to an unbothered life, although the future is unpredictable, for starters I should utilize everything I have to safeguard my self from the unknown danger around me."

As he said that, he clicked on the beginners roll section with anticipation in his eyes


lazy young master needs motivation

cherry_dragoncreators' thoughts